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21. Robert B. Laughlin Laughlin, Robert B. (2005). A Different Universe Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down. Basic Books. ISBN 9780-465-03828-2. Laughlin, Robert B. (2008). http://pandapedia.com/wiki/Robert_B._Laughlin |
22. Nobel Laureates - List Laughlin, Robert B. Livermore Lab 1998 Physics Lawrence, Ernest O.* Berkeley/Berkeley Lab 1939 Physics Lee, Yuan T. Berkeley/Berkeley Lab 1986 Chemistry http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/nobel/list.html | |
23. MIT Office Of The Provost, Institutional Research Laughlin, Robert B. 1998 Physics (shared) Mundell, Robert A. 1999 Economic Sciences Phillips, William D. 1997 Physics (shared) Richter, Burton 1976 Physics (shared) http://web.mit.edu/ir/pop/awards/nobel.html | |
24. Robert B. Laughlin | Ask.com Encyclopedia Laughlin, Robert B. (2008). The Crime of Reason And the Closing of the Scientific Mind. Basic Books. ISBN 9780465005079. (Trad. esp. Cr menes de la raz n. http://www.ask.com/wiki/Robert_B._Laughlin?qsrc=3044 |
25. Laughlin - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Laughlin laughing gas laughing jackass Laughlin Laughlin, James Laughlin, Robert B Laughlin, William S Laughton, Charles Launceston launch Launder, Frank http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Laughlin |
26. Nobel Prize In Physics 1998 Robert B. Laughlin Robert B. Laughlin web site; Press release from Stanford University; Horst L. Stormer Horst L. Stormer web site; Daniel C. Tsui http://www.slac.stanford.edu/library/nobel/nobel1998.html | |
27. Emergentism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Laughlin, Robert B. A Different Universe. 2005. External links. Emergentism in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2007. Emergentism in the Dictionary of Philosophy of Mind, 2007. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergentism | |
28. Laughlin - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/laughlin |
29. Health And Hospital Corporation Of Marion County Board Of Trustees Meeting Minut Members present James D. Miner, M.D., Lula M. Journey, Betsy L. Brougher, Marjorie H. O’Laughlin, Robert B. Pfeifer. Members absent Jean S. Blackwell, Henry C. Bock, M.D. http://www.hhcorp.org/brd03/brd0303.htm | |
30. Health And Hospital Corporation Of Marion County Board Of Trustees Meeting Minut Members present James D. Miner, M.D.; Henry C. Bock, M.D.; Jean S. Blackwell; Lula M. Journey; Marjorie O’Laughlin; Robert B. Pfeifer. Members absent Betsy L. Brougher. http://www.hhcorp.org/brd03/brd0803.htm | |
31. ROBERT B. LAUGHLIN - Encyclopédie Universalis The prize was awarded jointly to LAUGHLIN, ROBERT B., U.S.A., Stanford University, Stanford, CA, U.S.A., b. 1950; ST…RMER, HORST L., Germany, Columbia University, New York, NY http://www.universalis.fr/encyclopedie/robert-b-laughlin/ |
32. Robert B. Laughlin Laughlin, Robert B. (2008). The Crime of Reason And the Closing of the Scientific Mind. Basic Books. ISBN 9780465005079. (Trad. esp. Cr menes de la raz n. http://pediaview.com/openpedia/Robert_B._Laughlin | |
33. Hanna Graveyard, Hopewell Twp., Cumberland Co. Pa. BSPC Hanna, Eliza d. 317-1885, b. 9-15-1808, Big Spring Presb. Holmes, Susan d. 2-14-1850, b. 12-17-1779 Kerr, Paul d. 11-28-1846, b. 1767, age 79y Laughlin, Robert B http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~pacumber/zzcc/hanna.htm | |
34. Robert B. Laughlin: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, as well as all applicable concepts, such as energy and force http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Robert_B._Laughlin | |
35. Laughingly - Definition Of Laughingly By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus A Laughlin Town Advisory Board Laughlin, James Laughlin, James Laughlin, James Laurence Laughlin, Robert B Laughlin, William S Laughlin, William S. laughline http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Laughingly |
36. WikiPortallus: Robert B. Laughlin.html Laughlin, Robert B. (2008). The Crime of Reason And the Closing of the Scientific Mind. Basic Books. ISBN 9780465005079. (Trad. esp. Cr menes de la raz n. http://www.geography.en.dmoza.net/en/Robert_B._Laughlin.html | |
37. Laughingstock - Definition Of Laughingstock By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesa Laughlin, James Laughlin, James Laughlin, James Laurence Laughlin, Robert B Laughlin, William S Laughlin, William S. laughline laughs laughs laughs http://www.thefreedictionary.com/laughingstock |
38. New Library Acquisitions: Library Of Congress Class J: Political Science Laughlin, Robert B. The crime of reason and the closing of the scientific mind. New York Basic Books, 2008. JC599.S73 H55 2008 Hiiboro, Kussala Eduardo. http://www.library.ohiou.edu/info/newacq/2008-11/j.html | |
39. Laughlin Memorial Free Library - What Does LMFL Stand For? Acronyms And Abbrevia Laughlin, Robert B Laughlin, William S Laughlin, William S. laughline laughs laughs laughs laughs at laughs at laughs head off laughs head off laughs in face http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Laughlin Memorial Free Library |
40. Robert B. Laughlin By The SwissPedia, The Free Encyclopedia By Just Click Search Laughlin, Robert B. (2008). The Crime of Reason And the Closing of the Scientific Mind. Basic Books. ISBN 9780465005079. (Trad. esp. Cr menes de la raz n. http://www.swisscorner.com/wiki.php?title=Robert_B._Laughlin |
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