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21. Lederman, Leon Max (1922-) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biograph American physicist and former director of the Fermilab accelerator. He shared the Nobel Prize in physics in 1988. http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Lederman.html | |
22. Honorary Degree Recipients Lederman, Leon M. Link, Edwin A. Lotz, Walter F. Lyons, James E. Mark, Dr. Hans ; Marston, Robert ; Martinez, Bob ; Mautz, Birg. Gen., Robert B. Maxwell, Clark Jr. http://www.fit.edu/alumni/special_interests/honorary_degrees/?profile=201 |
23. Leon Max Lederman Nobel Winners picture, Nobel Winners Bio Leon Max Lederman (1922) American physicist who, along with Melvin Schwartz and Jack Steinberger, received the Nobel Prize for http://www.nobel-winners.com/Physics/leon_max_lederman.html | |
24. Ten Nobels For The Future Lederman, Leon M. Physics, 1988 Lehn, JeanMarie Chemistry, 1987 Leontief, Wassily Economics, 1973 Levi Montalcini, Rita Medicine, 1986 http://www.hypothesis.it/nobel/eng/bio/lederman.htm | |
25. Articles By Author: Lederman, Leon M.; Benbow, Camilla P.; Wheeler, Gerald - Fre Free Online Library Articles by Lederman, Leon M.; Benbow, Camilla P.; Wheeler, Gerald http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Lederman, Leon M.; Benbow, Camilla P.; Wheeler, Ge | |
26. Science And Technology - News - Science - The New York Times - Search For 'LEDER Your search for LEDERMAN, LEON M in Science and Technology returned 2 articles. ARTICLES ABOUT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY http://topics.nytimes.com/topics/news/science/topics/science_and_technology/inde |
27. Leon M Lederman LEDERMAN LEON M. Finkbeiner,A. The Jasons. 2006 (52, 74, 109) Haas,L. The Washington Almanac. 1992 (5101) NACLA. Who Rules Columbia? 1970 (25) New York Times 2004-02-19 (A21) http://www.namebase.org/xlat/Leon-M-Lederman.html | |
28. The Influence Of Sputnik On U.S. Science Education And Research Title The Influence of Sputnik on U.S. Science Education and Research Authors Lederman, Leon M. Affiliation AA(Illinois Institute of Technology and Illinois Mathematics and Science http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2006AAS...20918602L | |
29. Symmetry And The Beautiful Universe | Books | Lederman, Leon M. | 9781591022428 eCampus.com Book Rent Buy Sell Symmetry And The Beautiful Universe by Lederman, Leon M. - 9781591022428, Price $8.35. Textbooks - Easy. Fast. Cheap! http://www.ecampus.com/bk_detail.asp?isbn=1591022428 |
30. Chegg.com: The God Particle By | 0618711686 | 9780618711680 Rent and Save a ton on If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? by Teresi, Dick Lederman, Leon M. Lederman, Leon.ISBN 0618711686 EAN 9780618711680 http://www.chegg.com/details/if-the-universe-is-the-answer-what-is-the-question/ | |
31. TSN: Education, Politics, Einstein And Charm Education, Politics, Einstein and Charm a conversation with Nobel Laureate Leon Lederman. http://thesciencenetwork.org/programs/the-science-studio/robert |
32. Leon Lederman - The Franklin Institute Awards - Laureate Database The Franklin Institute Awards Press Kit; 2011 Awards Ceremony Dinner; About The Franklin Institute Awards; Committee on Science and the Arts Profile http://www.fi.edu/winners/1976/lederman_leon.faw?winner_id=3329 |
33. RjBase 0.40 Baza danych wftj Szukaj LEDERMAN LEON M /Haslo; Hit(s) 1 http://www.jezuici.krakow.pl/cgi-bin/rjbo?b=wftj&q=LEDERMAN, LEON M.&f=1 |
34. Neutrino Physics Title Neutrino Physics Authors Lederman, Leon M. Publication High Energy Physics, Volume 2. Edited by E. H. S. Burhop. Published by Academic Press, New York, 1967, p.304 http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1967hep.....2..304L | |
35. LEDERMAN: Leon M. Lederman Books Kalustyan, Berdj C. Lederman, Leon M. 359/642, 353/102, 353/101 http://www.kolmogorov.com/Lederman.html |
36. Dieci Nobel Per Il Futuro Biographies of Lederman Leon M. and more Lederman Leon M. biography. http://www.hypothesis.it/nobel/ita/bio/lederman.htm | |
37. Leon Lederman - $11,500 In Political Contributions For 2008 lederman, leon m batavia, il 60510 illinois institute of technology/pr $250 10/16/2008 p democratic senatorial campaign committee democrat lederman, leon m. http://www.campaignmoney.com/political/contributions/leon-lederman.asp?cycle=08 |
38. Max Noether - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lederman, Leon M. and Christopher T. Hill. Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe. Amherst Prometheus Books, 2004. ISBN 159102-242-8; External links http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Noether | |
39. Columbia University Nobel Laureates Lederman, Leon M. Physics 1988 PhD 1951 1951–89 Schwartz, Melvin Physics 1988 1953 PhD 1958 1958–66; 1991– Solow, Robert Economics 1987 1949–50 http://c250.columbia.edu/c250_celebrates/nobel_laureates/by_year.html | |
40. Edge: LEON M. LEDERMAN Leon M. Lederman. LEON M. LEDERMAN, the director emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, has received the Wolf Prize in Physics (1982), and http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/bios/lederman.html | |
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