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1. Dictionary - MSN Encarta Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions or click the Thesaurus tab to find synonyms and antonyms. http://www.encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761554201/Lorentz_Hendrik_Antoon.html |
2. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon. (Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands). Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1902 with Pieter Zeeman in recognition http://www.chemdex.org/chemistry_link/biography_nobel_prize_winner_lorentz_hendr | |
3. Hendrik Lorentz - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1895), Versuch einer Theorie der electrischen und optischen Erscheinungen in bewegten K rpern, Leiden E.J. Brill Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1899), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hendrik_Lorentz | |
4. Lorentz Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com These formed the basis of Albert Einstein 's special theory of relativity. Learn more about Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon with a free trial on Britannica.com. http://www.reference.com/browse/lorentz |
5. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Dutch physicist awarded (with his pupil Pieter Zeeman) the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1902 for his work on the Zeeman effect, in which a magnetic field splits spectral lines. http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
6. Einstein Archives Online - Contents Of Folder 16-11 Items 98 DBinfo Call Nr Dated on or after Author Receiver Title or First line JPG CPAE 16565.00 04/21/1924 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon http://www.alberteinstein.info/db/ViewFolder.do?folder=16-11 |
7. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (1853–1928), a Dutch physicist and pioneer in formulating the relations between electricity, magnetism, and light. He explained the Zeeman effect—a http://eoearth.org/article/Lorentz,_Hendrik_Antoon |
8. The Theory Of Electrons, And Its Applications To The Phenomena Of Light And Radi Author Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, 18531928 Subject Electricity; Heat; Light Publisher Leipzig, Teubner Possible copyright status NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT Language English Call number AEX-2045 http://www.archive.org/details/theoryofelectron00loreuoft | |
9. Hendrik Antoon Lorentz — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (hen'dr u k n'tōn lō'rents) , 1853 – 1928, Dutch physicist, a pioneer in formulating the relations between http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0830307.html | |
10. Biografias - Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Hendrik Antoon Lorentz was a Dutch physicist who shared the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics with Pieter Zeeman for the discovery and theoretical explanation of the Zeeman effect http://www.edukativos.com/biografias/biografia4698.html |
11. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Definition Of Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon In The Free Online Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (hĕn`drək n`tōn lō`rĕnts), 1853–1928, Dutch physicist, a pioneer in formulating the relations between electricity, magnetism, and light. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
12. Hendrik Lorentz - Wikipedia@pedia Hendrik LorentzHendrik Antoon Lorentz Hendrik Antoon LorentzBornJuly 18, 1853(185307-18)Arnhem, NetherlandsDiedFebruary 4, 1928 (aged 74)Haarlem http://wikipedia.atpedia.com/en/articles/h/e/n/Hendrik_Lorentz_20c5.html | |
13. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon - Definition Of Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon By The Free Onli Lo rentz (l r nts, l r, l r nts), Hendrik 1853-1928. Dutch physicist. He shared a 1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
14. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 Year Winners 1901 Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad 1902 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1902 Zeeman, Pieter 1903 Becquerel, Antoine Henri; Curie, Marie; Curie, Pierre http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
15. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon | The Energy Library Hendrik Antoon Lorentz was a Dutch physicist and pioneer in formulating the relations between electricity, magnetism, and light. He explained the Zeeman effect—a change in http://theenergylibrary.com/node/10408 | |
16. Lorentz Transformation - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (1909), The theory of electrons and its applications to the phenomena of light and radiant heat; a course of lectures delivered in Columbia university, New http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_transformation | |
17. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon | Define Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon At Dictionary.com Science Dictionary Lorentz (l r'ənts) Pronunciation Key Dutch physicist who was one of the first to develop theories of the electron, for which he shared the 1902 Nobel http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
18. Hendrik Lorentz H.A.M. Snelders, Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon (18531928), in Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. Biography of H.A. Lorentz (1853 – 1928) at the National library of the Netherlands. http://www.mlahanas.de/Physics/Bios/HendrikLorentz.html | |
19. Lorentz Hendrik Antoon Lorentz Hendrik Antoon Cooper Discoverer Stt Review Drawing on 11 years as dean of the Faculty of Arts antoine henri becquerel and Sciences at Harvard University, Henry Rosovsky http://di96.myutmaps.com/lorentzhendrikantoon.html | |
20. Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon |
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