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Macdiarmid Alan G: more books (15) |
21. The Biography Channel - Bios Search Results MacDiarmid, Alan G. Chemist, born in New Zealand. MacDiarmid, Hugh Poet, born in Langholm, Dumfries and Galloway, SW Scotland, UK. MacDonald, Ramsay http://www.biography.com/search/browse.do?alpha=M |
22. Science Timeline MacDiarmid, Alan G., 1977 maces, 6250 bce Mach, Ernst, 1737, early 1870s, 1873, 1883, 1894, 1908 MacLeod, Colin, 1944 http://www.sciencetimeline.net/siteindex_m.htm | |
23. Www.drproctor.com Inventor(s) MACDIARMID ALAN G; MAMMONE ROBERT J . Application Number EP19840107618 19840630 Priority Number(s) US19830511338 19830706 http://www.drproctor.com/os/ep0131829.htm | |
24. Xinyu Zhang Home Zhang, Xinyu; Ebron, Von H.; Ferraris, John P.; MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Manohar, Sanjeev K. Nanostructured conducting polymer supercapacitors. http://www.eng.auburn.edu/users/xzz0004/publications.html | |
25. Amorphous Semiconductor Method MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Kiss, Zoltan J.; Preparation of amorphous semiconductor material that is suitable for use in a http://www.devileye.net/catalog/rotary_seam_guide/amorphous_semiconductor.html | |
26. Plastics Academy Hall Of Fame :: Http://www.plasticsacademy.org - Powered By Pla MacDiarmid, Alan G. Maddock, Bruce H. Mark, Herman F. Marra, Frank S. Marshall, Abraham. Martinelli, Guy A. Marvel, Carl Shipp. McGrath, James E. Mehnert, Gottfried http://www.plasticsacademy.org/swp/topics.php?topicId=152 |
27. Www.organicmetals.com Inventor(s) MACDIARMID ALAN G; MAMMONE ROBERT J Application Number EP19840107618 19840630 Priority Number(s) US19830511338 19830706 ( US Priority date and number) http://www.organicmetals.com/pat1829.htm | |
28. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : MACD MACDIARMID (Alan G.)(19272007) - 1 MACDONA (John Cumming)(1836-1907) http://www.onlipix.com/personages/macd.htm | |
29. High Molecular Weight Polyaniline Films MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Scherr, Elliot; Tang, Xun; Substantially amorphous, high molecular weight polyaniline which is processable http://www.devileye.net/catalog/stabilized_polyolefin_compositions/high_molecula | |
30. Electron Localization And Charge Transport In Poly(o-toluidine): A Model Polyani Title Electron localization and charge transport in poly(otoluidine) A model polyaniline derivative Authors Wang, Zhao H.; Ray, Anjan; MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Epstein, Arthur J. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1991PhRvB..43.4373W | |
31. Conducting Polymers: Halogen Doped Polyacetylene Title Conducting polymers Halogen doped polyacetylene Authors Chiang, C. K.; Park, Y. W.; Heeger, A. J.; Shirakawa, H.; Louis, E. J.; MacDiarmid, Alan G. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1978JChPh..69.5098C | |
32. MacDiarmid, Alan G. - Personenlexikon A method of forming a pattern of a functional material on a substrate is disclosed. In accordance with the method, a first pattern of a first material is applied to the substrate http://www.personenlexikon.net/d/macdiarmid-alan-g/macdiarmid-alan-g.htm | |
33. Alan G. MacDiarmid | Chemical Heritage Foundation Alan G. MacDiarmid begins the interview by discussing his childhood in New Zealand and goes on to describe how two books, both chemistryrelated, sparked his interest in chemistry. http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/collections/oral-histories/details/macdiarm | |
34. Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Poly(3,4ethylenedioxythiophene) or PEDOT (or sometimes PEDT) is a conducting polymer based on 3,4-ethylenedioxylthiophene or EDOT monomer. Advantages of this polymer are optical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PEDOT | |
35. ALAN G MacDIARMID ALAN G MacDIARMID Alan G. MacDiarmid Blanchard Professor of Chemistry Office 343 Chemistry 231 South 34th Street Philadelphia, PA 191046323 Tel 215-898-8307 Fax 215-898-8378 http://www.einet.net/review/86047-851422/ALAN_G_MacDIARMID.htm | |
36. Crab.rutgers.edu Baughman, R. H.//Greene, R. L.//MacDiarmid, Alan G.//Schmidt, M.//Soos, Z. G.//Street, G. B.//Vogel, F. L. New Systems Comprised of NonMetallic Elements http://crab.rutgers.edu/~arbuckle/oldsite/polyacetylene.html | |
37. MACD - What Does MACD Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Free Online D MacDiarmid MacDiarmid MacDiarmid, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Alan Graham MacDiarmid, Hugh MacDiarmid, Hugh MacDiarmid, Hugh MACDIF http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/MACD |
38. Organic Semiconductor - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia An organic semiconductor is an organic material with semiconductor properties. Semiconductivity may be exhibited by single molecules, short chain and organic polymers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_semiconductor | |
39. MacDiarmid, Alan G. - Sapere.it MacDiarmid Alan G. MacKinnon Roderick. Marcus Rudolph A. Martin Archer John Porter. McMillan Edwin Mattison. Merrifield Robert Bruce. design by H5 http://www.sapere.it/enciclopedia/MacDiarmid, Alan G..html | |
40. Maccy D's - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Maccy D's MacDermot, Galt MACDesigner MacDFT MacDiarmada, Se n MacDiarmid MacDiarmid MacDiarmid MacDiarmid, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Alan G. MacDiarmid, Alan Graham http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Maccy d's |
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