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Osheroff Douglas D: more detail |
1. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Osheroff, Douglas D. | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Osheroff, Douglas D.. (Stanford University, Stanford, USA). Awarded the Nobel prize for physics in 1996 with David M. Lee and Robert C. Richardson for http://www.chemdex.org/chemistry_link/biography_nobel_prize_winner_osheroff_doug | |
2. Physics > Physicists > Osheroff, Douglas D. www.stanford.edu/dept/physics/people/faculty/osheroff_douglas.html reviews http://www.einet.net/directory/33500/Osheroff_Douglas_D.htm |
3. Biographies Of Douglas D. Osheroff Biographies of Osheroff Douglas D. and more Osheroff Douglas D. biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2426-Osheroff_Douglas_D_.html | |
4. Osheroff, Douglas D - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About The noble gas (rare gas) helium exists as two isotopes, helium4 and helium-3, of which helium-4 is the most abundant in nature. When cooled to two degrees above absolute zero http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Osheroff, Douglas D |
5. Abstracts: Physics Award Acclaims Superfluid Helium. The Best Is Yet To Come. Mi Achievements and awards, Superfluidity, Nobel prizes, Helium at low temperatures, Low temperature helium, Osheroff, Douglas D., Lee, David M. (American physicist), Richardson http://www.faqs.org/abstracts/Zoology-and-wildlife-conservation/Physics-award-ac | |
6. Douglas D. Osheroff - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Douglas Dean Osheroff (born August 1, 1945) is an American physicist who shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics with David Lee and Robert C. Richardson for their discovery of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_D._Osheroff | |
7. Nobel Prize In Physics Since 1901 Brockhouse, Bertram N.; Shull, Clifford G. 1995 Perl, Martin L.; Reines, Frederick; 1996 Lee, David M.; Osheroff, Douglas D.; Richardson, Robert C. http://www.planet101.com/nobel_physics_hist.htm | |
8. Douglas D. Osheroff - Autobiography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1996/osheroff-autobio.html | |
9. Wikipedia:Douglas D. Osheroff - Global Warming Art Biography. Osheroff's father was the son of Jewish immigrants who left Russia and his mother was the daughter of Slovak immigrants. 2 Osheroff, born in Aberdeen, Washington, earned his http://www.globalwarmingart.com/wiki/Wikipedia:Douglas_D._Osheroff |
10. AccessScience | Biography | Osheroff, Douglas D(ean) About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0096799 |
11. AccessScience | Biographies Osheroff, Douglas D(ean) (1945– ) - Awarded to young mathematicians, the Fields Medal is the world's most http://www.accessscience.com/biographies.aspx?type=byAtoZ&letter=o |
12. ProQuest Document View - Probing The Nature Of Superfluid Helium-3 Very Near Its Osheroff, Douglas D. School STANFORD UNIVERSITY Source DAIB 67/03, p. 1492, Sep 2006 Source Type DISSERTATION Subjects Condensation Publication Number http://gradworks.umi.com/32/09/3209010.html | |
13. David Lee, Douglas Osheroff, Superfluidity, And Helium 3 Russell Hulse codiscovered the first binary pulsar and has a long-standing interest in promoting science education. http://www.osti.gov/accomplishments/lee_osheroff.html | |
14. Fundamental Physics In Space Osheroff, Douglas D. Stanford U Paik, Ho Jung U of Maryland Penanen, Konstantin JPL Peters, Achim Humboldt U, Berlin Philips, William NIST, Boulder, CO http://funphysics.jpl.nasa.gov/quantum-to-cosmos/attendees.html | |
15. Douglas Osheroff - Stanford Physics Faculty Douglas D. Osheroff. Professor of Physics and Applied Physics. J.G. Jackson and C.J. Wood Professorship in Physics . Room 150 Varian Physics Bldg http://www.stanford.edu/dept/physics/people/faculty/osheroff_douglas.html | |
16. Allegro-Chronik Ab 1980 Douglas D. Osheroff.html informacje pochodzace z wikipedii, chcesz wiedziec wiecej na temat - Douglas D. Osheroff.html - zainteresuj sie nasza strona. http://www.allegro-c.de/chronik/a28p.htm | |
17. Douglas D. Osheroff (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Douglas D. Osheroff (American physicist), Aug. 1, 1945Aberdeen, Wash., U.S.American physicist who, along with David Lee and Robert Richardson, was the corecipient of the 1996 Nobel http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/433874/Douglas-D-Osheroff | |
18. Kids.Net.Au - Encyclopedia > Method Of Least Squares Orsted, Hans Christian ? Orthogonal matrix ? Orthonormal basis Osheroff, Douglas D.? ? P Psymmetry ? Pak http://encyclopedia.kids.net.au/page/me/Method_of_least_squares | |
19. Douglas D. Osheroff Winner Of The 1996 Nobel Prize In Physics Douglas D. Osheroff, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1996b.html |
20. The Vega Science Trust - D. Osheroff & R. Richardson - Science Video Interview Douglas D. Osheroff and Robert C. Richardson, USA shared the Nobel Prize for Physics with David M. Lee, USA in 1996 http://www.vega.org.uk/video/programme/34 |
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