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1. The Nobel Peace Prize 1957 Information from the Nobel e-museum on 1957 Peace Prize recipient, Lester Pearson. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1957/ | |
2. Lester Bowles Pearson — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia Pearson, Lester Bowles. Pearson, Lester Bowles, 1897 – 1972, Canadian diplomat and political leader, b. Ontario prov. He served in the Canadian army in World War I http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0837998.html |
3. Great Flag Debate: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article The Great Canadian Flag Debate took place in 1964 when a new design for the national flag of Canada http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Great_Flag_Debate | |
4. Biography Of Lester Pearson Online biography of the Canadian statesman and diplomat. http://www.angelfire.com/ne/lliegirls/pearson.html | |
5. Lester B. Pearson - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lester Bowles Mike Pearson, PC, OM, CC, OBE (23 April 1897 – 27 December 1972) was a Canadian professor, historian, civil servant, statesman, diplomat, and politician, who won http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lester_B._Pearson | |
6. Lester | Baby Names, Name Meaning, Popularity | BabyCenter Lester B. Pearson Lester Bowles Mike Pearson, PC, OM, CC, OBE (23 April 1897 – 27 December 1972) was a Canadian professor, historian, civil servant, statesman, diplomat, and http://www.babycenter.com/baby-names-lester-2806.htm |
7. Lester Bowles Pearson (1897-1972) Notes on the life and career of Lester Bowles Pearson. http://particle.physics.ucdavis.edu/bios/Pearson.html | |
8. Pearson, Lester Bowles Definition Of Pearson, Lester Bowles In The Free Online E Pearson, Lester Bowles, 1897–1972, Canadian diplomat and political leader, b. Ontario prov. He served in the Canadian army in World War I. Pearson taught history at the Univ. of http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Pearson, Lester Bowles |
9. How Many Prime Ministers Has Canada Had? | Answerbag PEARSON, Lester Bowles (1963 1968) DIEFENBAKER, John George (1957 - 1963) SAINT-LAURENT, Louis Stephen (1948 - 1957) KING, William Lyon Mackenzie (1935 - 1948) http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2886 |
10. The Right Honourable Lester Bowles Pearson Biographical notes on Pearson, Canada s Prime Minister from 1963 to 1968. http://www3.sympatico.ca/goweezer/canada/pearson.htm | |
11. Pearson, Lester Bowles - Definition Of Pearson, Lester Bowles By The Free Online Pear son (p r s n), Lester Bowles 18971972. Canadian politician who served as prime minister (1963-1968). He won the 1957 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the negotiation of a http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Pearson, Lester Bowles |
12. Profession - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Profession? What Is Pro John Kent John Napier Turner John Robarts John Sparrow David Thompson John Thompson John Turner Kim Campbell Know KnowLedge Laurier Lester B. Pearson Lester Bowles http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Profession/ |
13. Lester Pearson Definition Of Lester Pearson In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Pearson, Lester Bowles, 1897–1972, Canadian diplomat and political leader, b. Ontario prov. He served in the Canadian army in World War I. Pearson taught history at the Univ. of http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Lester Pearson |
14. Encyclopedia - Britannica Online Encyclopedia Pearson, Lester Bowles Pectinibranchia; Pectinidae Pedrarias; Pedrell, Felipe PeGewat; pegged exchange rate Peking University; Peking Zoo http://www.britannica.com/bps/browse/alpha/p | |
15. Pearson, Lester Bowles Pearson, Lester Bowles (1897–1972) Canadian politician, leader of the Liberal Party from 1958, prime minister 1963–68. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1957 for http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Lester Pearson |
16. Norway Info - Articles - The Nobel Peace Price PEARSON, LESTER BOWLES, Canada, 1897 1972. Former First Secretary, Department of External Affairs, former Prime Minister of Canada. President of the UN http://www.cyberclip.com/Katrine/NorwayInfo/Articles/NobelPeace.html | |
17. Lester B. Pearson - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Lester B. Pearso Lester B. Pearson. Discussion about Lester B. Pearson. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Lester B. Pearson. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Lester_B._Pearson/ |
18. Alliance & Leicester Loans & Bank A/C's. Alliance & Lester ... and Pearson, Lester Bowles (18971972), 14th prime minister of Canada (1963-1968). and Pearson drafted the proposal for a Western alliance that eventually became the http://web.ukonline.co.uk/allianceleicester/alliance-lester.html | |
19. Answers.com - What Did Lester B. Pearson Do To Win The Nobel Peace Prize A Dictionary of Political Biography; Jan 1, 1998; DENNIS KAVANAGH; 518 Words Pearson, Lester Bowles (b. Toronto, 23 flirtation with law Pearson became a history King http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_did_Lester_B._Pearson_do_to_win_the_Nobel_Peace_P |
20. Lester Bowles Pearson Winner Of The 1957 Nobel Prize In Peace Information about Pearson, a Nobel Peace Laureate, from the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/peace/1957a.html | |
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