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Pedersen Charles J: more detail | ||||
21. MIT Office Of The Provost, Institutional Research Mulliken, Robert S. 1966 Chemistry Pedersen, Charles J. 1987 Chemistry (shared) Shockley, William 1956 Physics (shared) Woodward, Robert Burns 1965 Chemistry http://web.mit.edu/ir/pop/awards/nobel.html | |
22. 20th Century Year By Year 1987 University of California, Los Angeles, CA, b. 1919; LEHN, JEANMARIE, France, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, and Collage de France, Paris, b. 1939; and PEDERSEN, CHARLES J http://www.historycentral.com/20th/1987.html |
23. List Of Nobel Laureates - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Pedersen, Charles J. Charles J. Pedersen Tonegawa, Susumu Susumu Tonegawa Brodsky, Joseph Joseph Brodsky Arias, scar scar Arias Solow, Robert Robert Solow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_laureate | |
24. Scientific Commons Charles J. Pedersen Home environment of the best adjusted and poorest adjusted sixth grade boys of a Des Moines, Iowa, public elementary school /by Charles J. Pedersen. (1962) Pedersen, Charles J. http://en.scientificcommons.org/charles_j_pedersen |
25. MIT Office Of The Provost, Institutional Research Pedersen, Charles J. 1987 (shared) MIT Alum Deceased Schrock, Richard R. 2005 (shared) Faculty - Current Sharpless, K. Barry 2001 (shared) Faculty - Former http://web.mit.edu/ir/pop/awards/nobel_by_discipline.html | |
26. Charles J. Pedersen - Significado De Charles J. Pedersen Diccionario The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where http://es.thefreedictionary.com/Charles J. Pedersen |
27. Science Fair Projects - Charles J. Pedersen The Ultimate Science Fair Projects Encyclopedia Charles J. Pedersen http://www.all-science-fair-projects.com/science_fair_projects_encyclopedia/Char | |
28. Propaedia Arrhenius, Svante (August) Cram, Donald J(ames) Harkins, William Draper; Lehn, JeanMarie; Marcus, Rudolph A. Olah, George A. Pedersen, Charles J(ohn) http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/pro/pro_100302_A03D020000.html | |
29. DSpace@MIT : Some Properties Of The Unsaturated Products Of The Vapor-phase Crac Pedersen, Charles J., 19041989 Advisor James F. Norris. Department Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Chemistry Publisher Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/10744 | |
30. ÏÅÄÅÐÑÅÍ ×ÀÐËÜÇ (Pedersen Charles J.).ÁÈÎÃÐÀÔÈß Pedersen, Charles J. Perkin, Sir William Henry; Perkin, Sir William Henry @ RSC UK; Perkin, Sir William Henry @ ChemHeritage US; Perrin, Jean Baptiste http://www.alhimikov.net/laureat/Pedersen.html | |
31. Online Encyclopedia And Dictionary - Charles J. Pedersen Charles J. Pedersen (October 3, 1904 – October 26, 1989) was an American organic chemist best known for describing methods of synthesizing crown ethers. http://fact-archive.com/encyclopedia/Charles_J._Pedersen | |
32. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Chemistry Pedersen, Charles J. 1987 Perutz, Max Ferdinand 1962 Polanyi, John C. 1986 Pople, John A. 1998 Porter, Lord George 1967 Pregl, Fritz 1923 Prelog, Vladimir http://almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/alpha.html | |
33. The Biography Channel - Bios Search Results Pedersen, Charles J. Chemist, born in Fusan, Korea. He moved to the USA in 1927 Pedrell, Felipe Musicologist and composer, born in Tortosa, E Spain. http://www.biography.com/search/browse.do?alpha=P&page=11 |
34. Palo Alto High School 1987 :: Back In 1987 PEDERSEN, CHARLES J., U.S.A. for their development and use of molecules with structurespecific interactions of high selectivity Literature BRODSKY, JOSEPH, U.S.A. http://www.paly87.com/1987stuff.html | |
35. Macrocyclic Polyether Compounds - US Patent 3987061 Abstract Pedersen, Charles J. Assignee. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company; Application No. 442909 filed on 02/15/1974 . US Classes 549/228, The hetero ring contains O-C(=X)-O- as part of its http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/3987061.html |
36. Biography-center - Letter P Peavy James Everett, Jr. • Pechstein Claudia • Peck Gregory • Peck Margaret • Peck William Mynatt • Peddy George Edwin Bailey • Peden Edward Andrew • Pedersen Charles J. http://www.biography-center.com/p-2.html |
37. Norwich University - Class Of 1987 - The Year That Was University of California, Los Angeles, CA, b. 1919; LEHN, JEANMARIE, France, University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, and Collage de France, Paris, b. 1939; and PEDERSEN, CHARLES J http://www.alumni.norwich.edu/?pgid=693&gid=1 |
38. Biographies: Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry Pedersen, Charles J. Perutz, Max Ferdinand; Polanyi, John C. Pople, John A. Porter, George; Pregl, Fritz; Prelog, Vladimir; Prigogine, Ilya; Ramsay, William Sir http://www.infochembio.ethz.ch/links/en/history_chem_nobel_bio.html | |
39. Scientists-P Pedersen, Charles J Peierls, Rudolf Ernst.. Penney, William (George).. Pennington, Mary Engle.. Pennycuick, Colin James http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/GeogHist/histories/chroniquesEng/bio20/Scien | |
40. Biographies Of Chemists and scientists. See also crossreferences to related topics on the Pedersen, Charles J. Nobel prize Chemistry 1987 E (SE) http://www.chemlin.de/chemistry/chemists.htm | |
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