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21. Slavery Guide: Bibliography Phillips, William D. Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, 1985. http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/modules/slavery/bibliography.html | |
22. Chegg.com: The Worlds Of Christopher Columbus By | 052144652X | 9780521446525 Rent and Save a ton on The Worlds of Christopher Columbus by Phillips, Carla Rahn Phillips, William D. Phillips, William D., Jr..ISBN 052144652X EAN 9780521446525 http://www.chegg.com/details/the-worlds-of-christopher-columbus/052144652x/ | |
23. WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS 167 WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS October 10, 1925December 15, 1993 BY ROBERT G. SHULMAN W ILLIAM DALE PHILLIPS , chemist, nuclear magnetic reso-nance spectroscopist, and science policy advisor http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/wphillips.pdf |
24. Articles By Author: Phillips, William D., Jr. - Free Online Library Free Online Library Articles by Phillips, William D., Jr. 18,215,370 articles and books http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Phillips, William D., Jr.-a176 | |
25. CCSO Phonebook Cso.nist.gov (Phillips, William D. Dr. (Gaithersburg)) Phillips, William D. Dr. (Gaithersburg) william.phillips@nist.gov name Phillips, William D. Dr. (Gaithersburg) phone (301) 975-6554 agency NIST address 100 Bureau Drive http://www.nist.gov/cgi-bin/wwwph/cso.nist.gov?Query=william phillips |
26. : History : University Of Minnesota Featured Faculty. IAS Oil Spill Fall Course Garners National Attention Oil and Water The Gulf Oil Spill of 2010 , a Fall semester course sponsored by the Institute for Advanced http://www.hist.umn.edu/people/profile.php | |
27. Washington PA Personal Injury Lawyers | Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Attorneys Phillips Faldowski Experienced attorneys providing personal injury, medical malpractice and work comp representation in Washington, Pennsylvania. http://www.pflo.com/ | |
28. Locate William D Phillips, MA peterson, derick phillips, bill a phillips, william a phillips, william d phillips, d arrel phillips, d arrell 44 holliston, ma http://www.usa-people-search.com/Find-William-D-Phillips-MA.aspx | |
29. Phillips, William D. Phillips, William D. (1948) I was born on 5 November 1948 in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, just across the river from the town of Kingston, where my http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/P/Phillips/Phill | |
30. William D. Phillips (American Physicist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia William D. Phillips (American physicist), Nov. 5, 1948WilkesBarre, Pa., U.S.American physicist whose experiments using laser light to cool and trap atoms earned him the Nobel http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/456589/William-D-Phillips | |
31. A Concise History Of Spain (1 Concise) (Phillips, William D., Jr. / Phillips, Ca * Prices displayed are in Australian Dollars and, where applicable, GST inclusive http://www.bigwentertainment.com.au/product/phillips-william-d-jr-phillips-carla |
32. Find Robert Phillips, Cleveland TN phillips, william d phillips, billy d phillips, robin 2. phillips, robert l cleveland, tn mc donald, tn phillips, jack lee http://www.usa-people-search.com/Find-Robert-Phillips-Cleveland-TN.aspx | |
33. NEWSMEAT ▷ 's Federal Campaign Contribution Search Results NEWSMEAT campaign contribution search engine Contributor Candidate or PAC Amount Date FEC Filing posted 10/11/10 Phillips, William D http://www.newsmeat.com/fec/bystate_detail.php?zip=20036&last=Phillips&f |
34. Revolving Door: William D Phillips Employment Summary | OpenSecrets Phillips, William D (individual profile) Lobbyist. Ryan, Phillips et al (firm profile) Former Chief of Staff, Stevens, Ted http://www.opensecrets.org/revolving/rev_summary.php?id=13062 |
35. AP Central - The Origins Of American Slavery Phillips, William D. Jr. Slavery from Roman Times to the Early Transatlantic Trade. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, 1985. A useful account that focuses on slavery in http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/courses/teachers_corner/49355.html | |
36. Find Before 1492 : Christopher Columbus's Formative Years 1992 Phillips, William Find Before 1492 Christopher Columbus's Formative Years ISBN 10 0872290654 ISBN 13 9780872290655 by Phillips, William D., Jr.;Phillips, Carla R.;Weber, David J.Phillips http://www.directtextbook.com/prices/9780872290655 |
37. Nobel Lecture: Laser Cooling And Trapping Of Neutral Atoms Title Nobel Lecture Laser cooling and trapping of neutral atoms Authors Phillips, William D. Affiliation AA(National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1998RvMP...70..721P | |
38. Ornamental Balustrade - Patent 2427723 Hawkins, Floyd L. Phillips, William D. 256/72, D25/38, 52/690 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2427723.html |
39. Burglar Bar - Patent 2422547 United States Patent 2422547 Hawkins, Floyd L. Phillips, William D. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2422547.html |
40. Staff Picks - The Nobel Prize - Government Documents The documents collection includes many technical publications by Nobel winners. A sample Phillips, William D. (Nobel prize for Physics in 1997) http://www.cincinnatilibrary.org/spotlight/sp200112/govdocs.asp | |
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