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         Pirandello Luigi:     more books (103)
  1. Characters and Authors in Luigi Pirandello by Ann Hallamore Caesar, 1998-03-05
  2. Luigi Pirandello, 1867-1936, His Plays in Sicilian: The Balance, Cappiddazzu Pays for Everydthing, the License, the Cyclops, Glaucus, With Kid Gloves (Studies ... Italian Literature (Lewiston, N.Y.), V. 5.) by Joseph F. Privitera, Luigi Pirandello, 1998-06
  3. Introduction au theatre de Luigi Pirandello (Ecrivains) (French Edition) by Norbert Jonard, 1997
  4. As You Desire Me (Oberon Classics) by Luigi Pirandello, 2006-09-01
  5. Obras Escogidas de Luigi Pirandello by Luigi Pirandello, 1958-01-01
  6. Collected Plays Volume 3 (Pirandello, Luigi//Collected Plays) by Luigi Pirandello, 1992-09-01
  7. Pirandello: A Biography by Gaspare Giudice, 1975-01-30
  8. The Old and the Young by Luigi Pirandello, 2010-01-01
  9. Il Fu Mattia Pascal by Luigi Pirandello, 1988
  10. Luigi Pirandello's The rules of The game by Luigi Pirandello,
  11. Luigi Pirandello 1867-1936 by Walter Starkie, 2008-06-13
  12. Themen und Techniken des Dramatikers Luigi Pirandello im franzosischen Theater der funfziger und sechziger Jahre: Ein Vergleich mit ausgewahlten Stucken ... language and literature) (German Edition) by Rainer Zaiser, 1988
  13. Lo specchio magico: Immagini del femminile in Luigi Pirandello (Serie "Nuovi saggi") (Italian Edition) by Luciana Martinelli, 1992
  14. The One-Act Plays of Luigi Pirandello by Luigi (Arthur Livingston, Edited) Pirandello, 1928-01-01

41. Pirandello, Luigi
Pirandello, Luigi (b. June 28, 1867, Agrigento, Sicily, Italyd. Dec. 10, 1936, Rome), Italian playwright, novelist, and shortstory writer, winner of the 1934 Nobel Prize for
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Pirandello, Luigi
(b. June 28, 1867, Agrigento, Sicily, Italyd. Dec. 10, 1936, Rome), Italian playwright, novelist, and short-story writer, winner of the 1934 Nobel Prize for Literature. With his invention of the "theatre within the theatre" (in Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore Six Characters in Search of an Author ]), he became an important innovator in modern drama. Pirandello was the son of a sulfur merchant who wanted him to enter commerce. Pirandello, however, was not interested in business; he wanted to study. He first went to Palermo, the island's capital, and, in 1887, to the University of Rome. After a quarrel with the professor of classics, he went in the following year to the University of Bonn, Germany, where in 1891 he gained his doctorate in philology for a thesis on the dialect of Agrigento. In 1894 his father arranged his marriage to Antonietta Portulano, the daughter of a business associate, a wealthy sulfur merchant. This marriage gave him financial independence, allowing him to live in Rome and to write. He had already published an early volume of verse, Mal giocondo Pasqua di Gea (dedicated to Jenny Schulz-Lander, the love he had left behind in Bonn) and the translation of Goethe's

42. La Tecla Eńe - IDeas, Cultura Y Otras Historias - Número 19 - Enero 2006
An lisis en la obra teatral del autor, por Marcelo M. Ben tez.

Doloridos pero atentos

Por Conrado Yasenza
La historia a contrapelo
Entrevista a Norberto Galasso
Daniel Moyano

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Batea: Teatro. Enrique IV Apellido y Nombre: País: Email:
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43. Esencia, Caracteres Y Materia Del Humorismo
Estudio del humor en la obra del dramaturgo italiano, publicado por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Art culo publicado en La Naci n, a o 1933, por Luigi Pirandello.
por Luigi Pirandello

45. Luigi Pirandello - Opere E Vita - Teatro, Romanzi, Novelle, Poesie, Scritti, Tem
Portale dedicato al grande autore, con biografia, opere teatrali, romanzi, novelle, saggi vari. Inoltre, ampie sezioni su Gustave Flaubert, Grazia Deledda, Giovanni Verga e William Shakespeare.

46. Pirandello E Il Fu Mattia Pascal
Sintesi, lettura strutturale e personaggi dell opera pi conosciuta dell autore.
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Luigi Pirandello e
Il fu Mattia Pascal
sintesi e lettura strutturale di Alice Pranzetti VITA DI PIRANDELLO

Alice Pranzetti

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Vita di Pirandello "Una notte di giugno caddi come una lucciola sotto un gran pino solitario in una campagna d'olivi saraceni affacciata agli orli d'un altipiano di argille azzurre sul mare africano... Per uno spavento che s'era preso a causa di questa grande morěa, mia madre mi metteva al mondo prima del tempo previsto, in quella solitaria campagna lontana dove si era rifugiata. Un mio zio andava con un lanternino in mano per quella campagna in cerca d'una contadina che aiutasse mia madre a mettermi al mondo... Raccattata dalla campagna la mia nascita fu segnata nei registri della piccola cittŕ situata sul colle... confesso che di tutte queste cose non mi sono fatta ancora né certo saprň farmi mai un'idea"
(L. Pirandello

47. Pirandello, Luigi
Luigi Pirandello (June 28, 1867 – December 10, 1936) was an Italian dramatist, novelist, and short story writer awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934.
Pirandello, Luigi
From New World Encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation search Previous (Luigi Dallapiccola) Next (Luis Buñuel) Luigi Pirandello Born June 28, 1867
Caos (Xaos), Girgenti (Agrigento, Sicily Died December 10, 1936
via Bosio, Rome Italy Luigi Pirandello (June 28, 1867 – December 10, 1936) was an Italian dramatist novelist , and short story writer awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934. Pirandello was one of the leading figures of modernity. He is best known for a series of novels and the modernist play, Six Characters in Search of an Author. This play demonstrates the impact of relativism in modern thought. Pirandello also explored the nature of the subconscious mind.
Pirandello was born into an upper-class family in a village with the curious name of Caos (Chaos), a poor suburb of Girgenti (Agrigento, a town in southern Sicily ). His father, Stefano, belonged to a wealthy family involved in the sulfur industry and his mother, Caterina Ricci Gramitto, was also of a well-to-do background, descending from a family of the bourgeoisie professional class of Agrigento. Both families, the Pirandellos and the Ricci Gramittos, were ferociously anti-Bourbonic and actively participated in the struggle for unification and democracy ("Il Risorgimento"). Stefano participated in the famous adventure of the Thousand

48. Luigi Pirandello

49. Pirandello, Luigi
Pirandello, Luigi (1867–1936) Italian dramatist, novelist, and shortstory writer. His plays, which often deal with the themes of illusion and reality, and the tragicomic Pirandello

50. Luigi Pirandello: Ums Leben Schreiben - Kultur - Tagesspiegel
Die erste Gesamtausgabe des italienischen Autors wird in Berlin vorgestellt. Thomas Fitzel in Der Tagesspiegel Online.,2253799
Montag, 1. November 2010 Der Tagesspiegel Kultur erweiterte Suche Tue Nov 28 00:00:01 CET 2000 Von Thomas Fitzel Kommentare:
Luigi Pirandello: Ums Leben schreiben
Sieben Hemden habe er durchgeschwitzt, berichtete Luigi Pirandello 1930 von den Proben am Berliner Lessing-Theater zu "Heute Abend wird aus dem Stegreif gespielt". Ganz wie daheim fühlte er sich dagegen bei der Planung - mit der viel beschworenen deutschen Perfektion war es nicht weit her. Für Asta Nielsen schrieb er eigens eine neue Szene. Ursprünglich sollte sogar wieder Max Reinhardt die Regie führen, wie schon fünf Jahre zuvor bei "Sechs Personen suchen einen Autor" mit Max Pallenberg als Hauptdarsteller. 1925 war es mit 107 Premieren seiner Stücke auf deutschsprachigen Bühnen zu einem wahren Pirandello-Boom gekommen. Womit er in Deutschland erfolgreicher war als in Italien, seiner Heimat. Nachdem diverse Pirandello-Moden in Deutschland kamen und gingen, liegt nun erstmals im Propyläen-Verlag eine gut editierte und neu übersetzte 16-bändige Werkausgabe seiner Theaterstücke, Novellen und Romane sowie seines Essays über den Humor vor. Mehrere Anläufe in zwei Verlagen brauchte es dazu. Der Herausgeber Michael Rössner schloss das langjährige Projekt mit einem biografischen Materialband ab, wobei ein Roman Pirandellos noch verspätet folgen wird. Erstaunlicherweise wurde selbst in Italien seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr der Versuch zu einer komplexen Neuinterpretation dieser äußerst widersprüchlichen Person unternommen, so als ob Pirandellos Aussage, "das Leben schreibt man, oder man lebt es, ich habe es geschrieben", die Nachfolgenden davon abhalten würde, sein romanhaftes Leben zu beschreiben. Allein die Ehe mit seiner wahnsinnig werdenden Ehefrau Antonietta wäre ein Thema, das großen Mut zur Interpretation und Einfühlung bräuchte. Genauso gälte es, sein Verhältnis zum Faschismus zu klären. Entgegen Rössners Angaben distanziert sich Pirandello bei seiner Ankunft in Berlin keineswegs eindeutig von Mussolini. Am 29. Januar 1929 bittet er in der DAZ um die Richtigstellung, dass er entgegen einem verfälschenden Interview weiterhin "überzeugter Faschist" sei.

51. Pirandello Luigi - A Britannica Widget -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Quickly and easily explore key people, places, and topics via gadgets based on the Encyclopaedia Britannica, one of the world's most trusted sources of information.
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52. Pirandello, Luigi | Pirandello, Luigi Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Tri
Pirandello, Luigi Research Pirandello, Luigi articles at Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia.

53. Pirandello, Luigi - Definition From Longman English Dictionary Online
Definition of Pirandello, Luigi from the Longman Online Dictionary of Contemporary English. The Longman English Dictionary provides support and resources for those who want to

54. Pirandello, Luigi 1867-1936 - Critical Essay By Alfred Kazin Summary | BookRags.
Pirandello, Luigi 18671936 - Critical Essay by Alfred Kazin. Pirandello, Luigi 1867-1936 - Critical Essay by Alfred Kazin summary with 3 pages of encyclopedia entries

55. Luigi Pirandello Criticism
Luigi Pirandello Criticism and Essays Pirandello, Luigi 18671936. Italian playwright, short story writer, novelist, essayist, and poet.

56. Pirandello, Luigi Pirandello: Information From
Pirandello , Luigi Pirandello Italian novelist and playwright (18671936)

57. Shoot! By | 0226669823 | 9780226669823
Rent and Save a ton on Shoot! by Pirandello, Luigi Gunning, Tom Pirandello, Luigi Moncrieff, C. K. Scott ScottMoncrieff, C. K. Sitney, P. Adams.ISBN 0226669823 EAN 9780226669823
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EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: University of Chicago Press (12/01/2005) PAGES:
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SUMMARY Originally published in Italian in 1915, "Shoot! "is one of the first novels to take as its subject the heady world of early motion pictures. Based on the absurdist journals of fictional Italian camera operator Serafino Gubbio, "Shoot!" documents the infancy of film in Europecomplete with proto-divas, laughable production schedules, and cost-cutting measures with priceless effects-and offers a glimpse of the modern world through the camera's lens.
"Shoot!, "presented here in its 1927 English translation, is a classic example of Nobel Prize-winning Sicilian playwright Luigi Pirandello's (1867-1936) literary talent and genius for blurring the line between art and reality. From the film studio Kosmograph, Pirandello's Gubbio steadily winds the crank of his camera by day and scribbles with his pen by night, revealing the world both mundane and melodramatic that unfolds in front of his camera. Through Gubbio's narrativesaturated with fantasy and follyPirandello grapples with the philosophical implications of modernity. Like much of Pirandello's work, "Shoot!" parodies human weaknesses, drawing attention to the themes of isolation and madness as emerging tendencies in the modern world.

58. Pirandello, Luigi - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History
Full Name Luigi Pirandello. Nationality Italian Activity Italian author. Born 2806-1867 Died 10-12-1936

59. Pirandello, Luigi | Definition Of Pirandello, Luigi | Online Dicti
Find out what Pirandello, Luigi means The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Quotations has the definition of Pirandello, Luigi. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal

60. Pirandello, Luigi | The Center For The Humanities Library
2008 Washington University in St. Louis Center for the Humanities Campus Box 1071, Old McMillan Hall, Rm S101, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 935-5576 Fax
The Center for the Humanities Library
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