Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help Pirandello, Luigi Criticism. Arte e scienza L'umorismo Short stories The first book editions of collections of novelle include: Amori senza amore Beffe della morte e della vita Quand'ero matto Bianche e nere Erma Bifronte La vita nuda Terzetti Le due maschere La trappola Erba del nostro orto Un cavallo nella luna Berecche e la guerra (1919); and Il carnevale dei morti (1919). English translations have appeared in the following selections: Horse in the Moon (1932), contains Un cavallo nella luna and 11 other stories; Better Think Twice About It! Pensaci, Giacomino! and Twelve Other Stories The Naked Truth La vita nuda , and Eleven Other Stories (1934, new ed. 1947); A Character in Distress (1938; U.S. title, His Medals, 1939), "La tragedia d'un personaggio" and 18 other stories; Short Stories Short Stories, selected, translated, and introduced by Frederick May (1965), includes "Capannetta," "The Little Hut," Pirandello's earliest known prose work, and "La giara," "The Jar," probably his best known story. Novels. | |