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21. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig German physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1918 for his formulation of the quantum theory in 1900 http://www.talktalk.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0002496.html |
22. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig | The Energy Library Max Planck was a German physicist who played a vital role in the development of quantum theory. Planck’s study of the distribution of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum http://theenergylibrary.com/node/10470 | |
23. Planck, Max (1858-1947) -- From Eric Weisstein's World Of Scientific Biography German physicist who formulated an equation describing the blackbody spectrum in 1900. Wien and Rayleigh had also developed equations, but Wien's only worked at high frequencies http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/biography/Planck.html | |
24. Max Planck - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Max Planck (April 23, 1858 – October 4, 1947) was a German physicist. He is considered to be the founder of the quantum theory, and thus one of the most important physicists of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Planck | |
25. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig | Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Information | High Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Research Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig articles at HighBeam.com. Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O47-PlanckMaxKarlErnstLudwig.html |
26. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig | Definition Of Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig | Hi Find out what Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig means A Dictionary of Chemistry has the definition of Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig. Research related newspaper, magazine, and http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O81-PlanckMaxKarlErnstLudwig.html |
27. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Winner Of The 1918 Nobel Prize In Physics A short info about Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (submitted by Davis) Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (submitted by Jackson) Max Planck Biography from Encyclopedia Britannica (submitted http://almaz.com/nobel/physics/1918a.html | |
28. Planck, Max (Karl Ernst Ludwig) - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Max Planck. Nationality German Activity German physicist. Born 2304-1858 Died 04-10-1947 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/planck-max-karl-ernst-ludwig-.html |
29. Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig - Science Definition Definition of Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig from The American Heritage Science Dictionary. http://science.yourdictionary.com/planck-max-karl-ernst-ludwig |
30. Planck, Max Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: Information From Answers.com Planck , Max Planck , Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck German physicist whose explanation of blackbody radiation in the context of quantized energy http://www.answers.com/topic/planck-max-planck-max-karl-ernst-ludwig-planck |
31. Dictionary - MSN Encarta Enter a search term above to find Dictionary definitions or click the Thesaurus tab to find synonyms and antonyms. http://www.encarta.msn.com/encnet/refpages/RefArticle.aspx?refid=761566401 |
32. AccessScience | Biography | Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?id=M0090875 |
33. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947) German physicist whose quantum theory (see Planck and the origins of quantum theory), with the theory of relativity, ushered physics into the modern theory. http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/P/Planck_Max.html |
34. McGraw-Hill's AccessScience The content above is only an excerpt. Please log in for full access. http://www.accessscience.com/content.aspx?searchStr=Quantum mechanics&id=M00 |
35. Definitions Of Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig - OneLook Dictionary Search We found 5 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Planck Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where Planck http://www.onelook.com/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/bware/dofind.cgi?word=Planck Max Karl Ern |
36. Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig |
37. Janus: Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig (1858-1947) Physicist Personal Names contains See earlier; Pirkis, Albert Edmeades (d 1885) diplomat Piry, Th ophile (18511918) colonial administrator Pius X (1835-1914) Pope http://janus.lib.cam.ac.uk/db/node.xsp?id=CV/Pers/Planck, Max Karl Ernst Ludwig |
38. Planck Summary Max Planck (18581947) Planck initiated the study of quantum mechanics when he announced in 1900 his theoretical research into the radiation and absorption of heat/light by a black http://www-groups.dcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/Mathematicians/Planck.html | |
39. Charles Glover Barkla - Biography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1917/barkla-bio.html | |
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