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1. LiqCryst Author Monograph: Pople, John A. Index Name Pople, John A. Similar Names Pople, J.A. Coauthors Ahn, Kyung-Hwa; Armes, Steven P.; Booth, Colin; B t n, Vural; Davis, Fred J.; Davis, Frederick J. http://liqcryst.chemie.uni-hamburg.de/dataindex/monograph.php?au=PO/POPLE_JOHN_A |
2. Biographies Of John A. Pople Biographies of Pople John A. and more Pople John A. biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/5789-Pople_John_A_.html | |
3. John Pople - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Sir John Anthony Pople, KBE, FRS, (October 31, 1925 – March 15, 2004) was a theoretical chemist. Born in Burnhamon-Sea, Somerset, England, he attended Bristol Grammar School. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Pople | |
4. McDermott - Biographies - John A. Hankins Our People / John A. Hankins John A. Hankins is the partnerin-charge of the San Diego office of McDermott Will http://www.mwe.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/bios.detail/object_id/15c9db65-2c9f-4e5d | |
5. Pople, John A. | Definition Of Pople, John A. | HighBeam.com: Online Dictionary Find out what Pople, John A. means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Pople, John A.. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at HighBeam.com http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1O84-PopleJohnA.html |
6. John A, Atlanta, GA | WhitePages Connect with John A Who are you looking for? First Name * Last Name; City, State or ZIP http://www.whitepages.com/people/john-a-3 |
7. Pople, John A | Chemical Heritage Foundation Beam Source, ca. 1985 http://www.chemheritage.org/discover/chemistry-in-history/topics/people-and-orga |
8. Foley & Lardner LLP - Our People - John A. Tucker John A. Tucker Partner John A. Tucker, a partner with Foley Lardner LLP, is the chair of the Jacksonville office's Litigation Department. He practices in Business Litigation http://www.foley.com/people/bio.aspx?employeeid=16468 |
9. John Pople - Autobiography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1998/pople-autobio.html | |
10. John Amoore - Pipl Profile Pipl profile of John Amoore. Quick facts, personal profiles, publications, contact details and much more. http://pipl.com/directory/people/John/Amoore | |
11. Camden People - John A. Ashton JOHN A. ASHTON was born in Pennsylvania in 1896. When the Census was taken, in January of 1920, John A. Ashton and his brother Francis were lodging at http://www.dvrbs.com/People/CamdenPeople-JohnAAshton.htm |
12. McDermott - Biographies - John A. Litwinski Our People / John A. Litwinski John A. Litwinski is a partner in the law firm of McDermott Will Emery and is http://www.mwe.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/bios.detail/object_id/fc15a454-e9e1-4c51 |
13. Pople, John A. - Publications 1950-1989 - Component Of : Early Ideas In The Hist Pople in the early 1950s Photo courtesy G.G. Hall John http://www.quantum-chemistry-history.com/Pople1.htm | |
14. Skills For Access : Case Studies : People : John - A Former Student, Who Has Ush Skills for Access The Comprehensive Guide to Creating Accessible Multimedia for elearning http://www.skillsforaccess.org.uk/casestudies.php?id=89 |
15. John A. Pople Winner Of The 1998 Nobel Prize In Chemistry John A. Pople, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://www.almaz.com/nobel/chemistry/1998b.html | |
16. John Abrahms - Pipl Profile Pipl profile of John Abrahms. Quick facts, personal profiles, publications, contact details and much more. http://pipl.com/directory/people/John/Abrahms | |
17. Muscogee County School District - People - John A. Phillips Jr. Named Superinten Muscogee County School District People - John A. Phillips Jr. named Superintendent - Brief Article from School Administrator provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JSD/is_3_60/ai_98255597/ | |
18. John's Routes | Dailymile Share your training with friends and stay motivated. Find training partners, local events, routes, and groups. Social training for runners, triathletes, and cyclists. http://www.dailymile.com/people/johnamitchell/routes | |
19. Dickstein Shapiro LLP | People | John A. Gibbons Partner 1825 Eye Street NW Washington, DC 200065403 T (202) 420-3644 http://www.dicksteinshapiro.com/gibbonsj/ |
20. Lathrop & Gage LLP | People | John A. Turner, III T (202) 4696931 F (202) 469-6949 Download V-Card 1300 Eye Street, NW Suite 1050E Washington, DC 20005 http://www.lathropgage.com/people/detail.aspx?attorney=1840 |
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