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         Pregl Fritz:     more books (24)
  1. QUANTITATIVE ORGANIC MICROANALYSIS by Fritz; Fyleman, Ernest (translated by) Pregl, 1924
  2. Die quantitative organische mikroanalyse (German Edition) by Fritz Pregl, 1917-01-01
  3. Hochschullehrer (Innsbruck): Victor Franz Hess, Adolf Windaus, Hans Fischer, Fritz Pregl, Karl Rahner, Andreas Maislinger (German Edition)
  4. Awards Established in 1931: Associated Press Athlete of the Year, Bendix Trophy, Acs Award in Pure Chemistry, Fritz Pregl Prize
  5. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis of Fritz Pregl by Dr. Hubert; E. Beryl Daw, Trans.; Fritz Pregl Roth, 1937-01-01
  6. Person (Ljubljana): Slavoj Zizek, Fritz Pregl, Anastasius Grün, Carlos María de los Dolores de Borbón, Johann Weichard von Valvasor (German Edition)
  7. Quantitative organic microanalysis of Fritz Pregl, by Fritz Pregl, 1937
  8. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis of Fritz Pregl by Dr. Hubert; E. Beryl Daw, Trans.; Fritz Pregl Roth, 1937
  9. Slovenian Physicians: Slovenian Psychiatrists, Janez Janez, Bogomir Magajna, Fritz Pregl, Josip Vosnjak, Ursula Res Muravec
  10. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis of Fritz Pregl by Dr. Hubert; E. Beryl Daw, Trans.; Fritz Pregl Roth, 1937
  11. Austrian Scientist Introduction: Herman Francis Mark, Richard Kuhn, Edwin Ernest Salpeter, Fritz Pregl, Felix Philipp Kanitz, Georg Kreisel
  12. Rektor (Universität Graz): Ludwig Boltzmann, Fritz Pregl, Liste der Rektoren der Universität Graz, Friedrich Hausmann, Hans Benndorf (German Edition)
  13. Quantitative Organic Microanalysis. Based on he methods of Fritz Pregl. Fourth English Edition completely revised and edited by Julius Grant. by Fritz. Grant, Julius Pregl, 1945
  14. Physiologe: Adolf Fick, Bernard Katz, Fritz Pregl, Frederick Gowland Hopkins, Robert Remak, Caspar Friedrich Wolff, Hermann von Helmholtz (German Edition)

1. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Pregl, Fritz | Chemdex
Biography Nobel Prize Winner Pregl, Fritz. (Graz University, Graz, Austria). Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1923 for his invention of the method of microanalysis of
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Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Pregl, Fritz
Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Pregl, Fritz. (Graz University, Graz, Austria). Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1923 for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances Website address: Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Pregl, Fritz Tags:
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© 1993-2010 Mark Winter is located at the Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, England

2. Fritz Pregl - Biography, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Chemistry Fritz Pregl - Biography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923
Fritz Pregl
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923
Fritz Pregl ... Documentary
Fritz Pregl was born in Laibach on September 3, 1869, and attended the local "Gymnasium" (grammar school), from where he proceeded to the University of Graz to study medicine. He received his M.D. in 1894, but even prior to graduation he became assistant lecturer for physiology and histology under Alexander Rollett, taking over the chair when Rollett died in 1903. During this time Pregl also acquired a thorough knowledge of all branches of chemistry under the guidance of Professor Skraup.
W. Ostwald

3. Fritz Pregl: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
AustriaHungary, also known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and described as the Dual Monarchy or the k.u.k. Monarchy, was a monarchic union
Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Fritz Pregl
Fritz Pregl
Discussion Ask a question about ' Fritz Pregl Start a new discussion about ' Fritz Pregl Answer questions from other users Full Discussion Forum Encyclopedia Friderik “Fritz” Pregl (3 September 1869 – 13 December 1930) was an Austria Austria-Hungary Austria-Hungary, also known as the Austro-Hungarian Empire or the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and described as the Dual Monarchy or the k.u.k. Monarchy, was a monarchic union between the crowns of the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary in Central Europe...
n chemist Chemist A chemist is a scientist trained in the science of chemistry. Chemists study the composition of matter and its properties such as density, acidity, size and shape. Chemists carefully describe the properties they study in terms of quantities, with detail on the level of molecules and their component...
and physician Physician A physician—also known as doctor of medicine, medical doctor, or simply doctor—practices the ancient profession of medicine, which is concerned with maintaining or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease or injury...
from a mixed Slovene- German German language
-speaking background. He won the

4. Pregl, Fritz - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Pregl, Fritz
Austrian chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1923 for devising, during his research on bile acids, new techniques for microanalysis (the analysis of very small, Fritz

5. Preglomerular - Definition Of Preglomerular In The Medical Dictionary - By The F
Pregl, Fritz Pregl, Fritz Preglacial Preglacial preglomerular preglomerular arteriole preglomerular arteriole preglomerular arteriole Preglomerular Tertiary Gustatory Nucleus

6. Fritz Pregl —
More on Fritz Pregl from Infoplease Pregl meaning and definitions Pregl Definition and Pronunciation; Information Please 1923 - 1923 Previous Year Next Year World U.S

Fritz Pregl was an Austrian physician, chemist and Nobel laureate.

8. Pregl, Fritz Definition Of Pregl, Fritz In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Pregl, Fritz (frĭts prā`gəl), 1869–1930, Austrian physiologist and chemist, M.D. Univ. of Graz, 1894. He taught at the universities of Innsbruck (1910–13) and Graz (from 1913, Fritz

9. Pregl, Fritz
Pregl, Fritz Pregl, Fritz Preglacial Preglacial preglomerular preglomerular arteriole preglomerular arteriole preglomerular arteriole Preglomerular Tertiary Gustatory Nucleus
Pregl, Fritz
N Laibach, en Autriche (aujourd'hui Ljubljana, en Yougoslavie), le 3 septembre 1869, Fritz Pregl a d'abord commenc par des tudes mdicales l'Universit de Graz, et obtenu son doctorat en 1893. Toutefois, attir par la carrire universitaire, il devient assistant du professeur Rollet, puis maitre de confrences dans son universit d'origine.
C'est en 1913, Vienne, au cours d'un congrs de physiologistes et de mdecins, que Pregl expose pour la premire fois ses mthodes de microanalyse du carbone, de l'hydrogne et de l'azote, par combustion mnage de trs petites quantits de substances organiques. Dans son laboratoire de Graz, il applique ses mthodes d'analyse l'tude des enzymes, des acides biliaires et des produits d'hydrolyse de l'albumine. En 1914 l'Acadmie de Vienne lui dcerne le prix Lieben; puis, docteur honoris causa de l'Universit de Gottingen en 1920, il reoit le prix Nobel en 1923.
La microanalyse a pour objet la recherche et le dosage des lments que renferment les molcules, et vise caractriser les fonctions de ces demires. Pour y parvenir, les substances organiques sont brles, pyrolyses, ou attaques par des ractifs adquats. Il en rsulte que leur identification est ramene celle des molcules minrales qui les ont fixes au cours des traitements prcdents; d'o l'importance de la cration de la microchimie et de la microanalyse minrale, dues aux travaux prcurseurs qu'effecturent, vers 1899, Friedrich Emisch et ses lves. Le matriel utilis pour ces traitements est des plus simples: tubes ouverts, tubes tirs, tubes scells de quelques millimtres de diamtre.

10. Pregl, Fritz - Compounds, Methods, And Organic
(1869–1930) Austrian chemist developed microanalysis of organic compounds. Pregl is unusual among Nobel Prize winners in that the award, made to him in 1923, was not for a

11. Henrik Dam: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
Henrik Dam (Full name Carl Peter Henrik Dam) (February 21, 1895 – April 17, 1976) was a Danish
Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Henrik Dam
Henrik Dam
Discussion Ask a question about ' Henrik Dam Start a new discussion about ' Henrik Dam Answer questions from other users Full Discussion Forum Encyclopedia Henrik Dam (Full name Carl Peter Henrik Dam ) (February 21, 1895 – April 17, 1976) was a Danish Denmark Denmark is a Scandinavian country in Northern Europe and the senior member of the Kingdom of Denmark. It is the southernmost of the Nordic countries, southwest of Sweden and south of Norway, and bordered to the south by Germany. Denmark borders both the Baltic and the North Sea...
Biochemistry Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes in living organisms. It deals with the structures and functions of cellular components such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and other biomolecules...
and physiologist Physiology Physiology is the science of the functioning of living systems. It is a subcategory of biology. In physiology, the scientific method is applied to determine how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells and biomolecules carry out the chemical or physical function that they have in a living system...
He was awarded the Nobel Prize Nobel Prize The Nobel Prizes are annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition of cultural and scientific advances. They were established in 1895 by the Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite. The prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine,...

12. Pregl, Fritz
Pregl, Fritz (18691930) 20th Century. Born Laibach (now Slovenia), 1869 Died Graz (Austria), 1930 . Pregl studied medicine at the University of Graz, receiving his M.D. in 1894.
Pregl, Fritz (1869-1930)
20th Century Born: Laibach (now Slovenia), 1869
Died: Graz (Austria), 1930 Pregl studied medicine at the University of Graz, receiving his M.D. in 1894. He developed different microanalytical techniques for the determination of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, halogens, sulphur and functional groups in organic compounds. Pregl was highly skilled in the design and construction of apparatus for microanalytical research and in 1923 he was awarded the Nobel prize for his microchemical feats.
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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1923
"for his invention of the method of micro-analysis of organic substances"
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13. FisicaNet - Biografía De Pregl, Fritz
Pregl, Fritz (18691930; Austria) Graz; Prelog, Vladimir (1906-1998; Yugoslavia/Switzerland) Prague; with Votocek

14. Pregl, Fritz
Pregl, Fritz (18691930) Fritz Pregl was born in Laibach on September 3, 1869, and attended the local Gymnasium (grammar school), from where he
Pregl, Fritz Fritz Pregl was born in Laibach on September 3, 1869, and attended the local "Gymnasium" (grammar school), from where he proceeded to the University of Graz to study medicine. He received his M.D. in 1894, but even prior to graduation he became assistant lecturer for physiology and histology under Alexander Rollett, taking over the chair when Rollett died in 1903.
During this time Pregl also acquired a thorough knowledge of all branches of chemistry under the guidance of Professor Skraup. In 1904 he went to Germany, where he studied for short periods under Gustav v. Hfner in Tbingen, W. Ostwald in Leipzig and Emil Fischer in Berlin. On his return to Graz in 1905 Pregl worked at the Medico-Chemical Institute under K. B. Hofmann and was appointed forensic chemist for the Graz circuit in 1907. At that time he started investigating the components of albuminous bodies and the analysis of bile acids.
His work, however, was handicapped by the lack of sufficient starting materials and this fact impelled him to look for methods requiring smaller amounts when making quantitative analyses of elements in compounds. The years1910-1913, whilst professor at Innsbruck University, were almost entirely devoted to developing the method of quantitative organic micro-analysis. Pregl continued with this work when he was recalled to Graz University in 1913; he was appointed Dean of the Medical Faculty for the year 1916-1917 and Vice-Chancellor of Graz University for 1920-1921. Initially Pregl's scientific work had been mainly in the fields of physiology and physiological chemistry; later he turned to the study of the constitution of chemical compounds, in particular the investigation of bile acids.

15. Fritz Pregl - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Fritz Pregl? What Is F
Fritz Pregl Fritz or Friderik Pregl (September 3, 1869 December 13, 1930), was a Slovenian-Austrian chemist, winner of Nobel prize in chemistry for 1923.

16. Pregl, Fritz | Definition Of Pregl, Fritz | Online Dictionary
Find out what Pregl, Fritz means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Pregl, Fritz. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at

17. Pregl, Fritz
Austrian chemist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1923 for devising, during his research on bile acids, new techniques for microanalysis (the analysis of very small Pregl

18. Fritz Pregl —
More on Fritz Pregl from Fact Monster Information Please 1923 1923 Previous Year Next Year World U.S. Economics Sports Entertainment Science Year by

19. AccessScience | Biography | Pregl, Fritz
About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and

20. Pregl, Fritz
Pregl, Fritz (b. Sept. 3, 1869, Laibach, Austriad. Dec. 13, 1930, Graz), chemist awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing techniques in the microanalysis of
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help
Pregl, Fritz
(b. Sept. 3, 1869, Laibach, Austriad. Dec. 13, 1930, Graz), chemist awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for developing techniques in the microanalysis of organic compounds. Pregl received his M.D. from the University of Graz (1893), with which he was associated for most of his professional life and where he became director of the Medico-Chemical Institute in 1913. About 1904 he began researches on bile acids and other substances. The difficulty of obtaining these materials in quantities sufficient for use of conventional analytical techniques impelled him to devise analytical methods requiring only minute amounts. By 1912 he was able to make reliable measurements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur with only 7-13 milligrams of starting material. His breakthrough eventually enabled scientists to begin work with tenths of milligrams of material. Pregl also developed a sensitive microbalance and micromethods for measuring atomic groups and devised a simple method for determining the functional capacities of kidneys. Related Propaedia Topics: The major groups of organic compounds: their nomenclature, chemical and physical properties, synthesis, occurrence, reactions, and analysis

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