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         Quidde Ludwig:     more books (27)
  1. Rdp-Mitglied: Hans Henny Jahnn, Ludwig Quidde, Hellmut von Gerlach, Paul von Schoenaich, Erich Lüth, Lilo Linke, Julius Reiber, Richard Hammer, (German Edition)
  2. Mitglied Der Bayerischen Abgeordnetenkammer: Ludwig Quidde, Anton Memminger, Gideon Von Camuzi, Sigmund Joseph Zimmern, Eugen Jäger (German Edition)
  3. Caligula: eine Studie über römischen Cäsarenwahnsinn : im Kampf gegen Cäserismus und Byzantinismus (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-07-22
  4. Deutschlands R�ckfall in die Barbarei by Ludwig Quidde, 2008
  5. Der Schwäbisch-Rheinische Städtebund Im Jahre 1384 Bis Zum Abschluss Der Heidelberger Stallung (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-02-23
  6. Historische Vierteljahrschrift ..., Volume 5 (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-02-16
  7. Der SchwaÌ?bisch-Rheinische StaÌ?dtebund im Jahre 1384 bis zum Abschluss der Heidelberger Stallung. by Ludwig. Quidde, 2010-04-27
  8. Der Schwabisch-Rheinische Stadtebund Im Jahre 1384: Bis Zum Abschluss Der Heidelberger Stallung (1884) (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-09-10
  9. Die Entstehung Des Kurfürstencollegiums: Eine Verfassungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-02-12
  10. Der Schwabisch-Rheinische Stadtebund Im Jahre 1384: Bis Zum Abschluss Der Heidelberger Stallung (1884) (German Edition) by Ludwig Quidde, 2010-09-10
  11. Die Volkserhebung Der Jahre 1848 Und 1849 In Deutschland (1900) (German Edition) by Otto Hartmann, 2010-09-10
  12. Ludwig Quidde and the struggle for democratic pacificism in Germany, 1914-1930. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, New York University. by Brigitte M. Goldstein, 1987-01-01
  13. The Kaiser's double; by Ludwig Quidde, 1915

21. IES :: Examples Of Archival Funds
Quidde Ludwig Chairman of German Society of Peace Adhernes and Member of Central Society for Peoples Rights Quidde Ludwig.
Projects The Special Archive Funds Examples of archival funds
Personal Archives
No. Fund name in English Original fund name Dates Country Bonnevial Marie - vice-president of "The National Council of French Women". Bonnevial Marie France Documental materials dedicated to statemen, eminent social, political and military figures of Poland (Collection) 1920 th. - 1930 th. Poland Quidde Ludwig - Chairman of German "Society of Peace Adhernes" and Member of "Central Society for Peoples Rights" Quidde Ludwig. Austria Mueller von Hausen - Chairman of Anti-semitic Organization "Society of struggle against Influence of Jews" and "Committee on Masons Research" Müller von Hausen. Germany Jahoda Gustaw Leopold - Austrian Emigrant, Member of Association for Liberation of Austria Jahoda Gustaw Léopold Austria Strasser Otto - Fundator of Fascist Organization "Schwarzfront" ("Black Front") in Germany Strasser Otto Germany Kemmeter August - Head of Pacificist Organization in Austria Kemmeter August Austria Leichter Otto - Austrian social-democrat.

22. Ludwig Quidde —
More on Ludwig Quidde from Fact Monster Ferdinand douard Buisson Buisson, Ferdinand douard Buisson, Ferdinand douard , 1841–1932, French

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24. Quidde (Quidde), Ludwig, Photo, Biography
Quidde (Quidde), Ludwig Deutsch pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize, 1927 photo biography,-ludwig
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Quidde (Quidde), Ludwig
( Deutsch pacifist, Nobel Peace Prize, 1927)
Comments for
Quidde (Quidde), Ludwig
Biography Quidde (Quidde), Ludwig

March 23, 1858, Mr.. - March 4, 1941
Germanic pacifist Ludwig Quidde
To. was among the pacifists, who before the First World War tried to curb the arms race. In 1914, with the beginning of the war, to. left Germany. Information about this controversial period of his life: he lived either in Switzerland, whether in The Hague, but all sources agree on the fact that K. in contact with the pacifists in other countries and attended anti-war conference in The Hague, 1915. He continued to publish pamphlets outlining ways to eliminate wars at the expense of rebuilding international relations. In particular, K. urged people to renounce annexations and conclude an agreement on freedom of navigation and commerce. After the war, to. returned to Germany and tried to restore this peace movement. He headed Deutsch cartel of the world, consisting of 21 organizations, and in 1919. was elected to the National Assembly. K. rebelled against the Versailles Treaty, because he laid full responsibility for the global war on Germany. On the other hand, K. strongly supported the League of Nations, associating with it their peace hopes. Angered by the rearmament of Germany, to. in 1924. wrote a series of articles in which he was charged with restoring the Air Force and military training of youth, that was at odds with the requirements of the Treaty of Versailles. According to K., such actions could cause a fatal reaction to the German economy France. K. was arrested and spent some time in prison "for collaborating with the enemy '.

25. Facts About Quidde, Ludwig, As Discussed In Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Qu
Facts about Quidde, Ludwig, (1858–1941). Historian and politician Ludwig Quidde was one of the most prominent German pacifists of the 20th century. From 1914 to 1929 he
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    Facts about Quidde, Ludwig, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia Quidde, Ludwig
    (1858–1941). Historian and politician Ludwig Quidde was one of the most prominent German pacifists of the 20th century. From 1914 to 1929 he served as chairman of the German Peace Society and criticized his country's military policies both during and after World War I. He was the cowinner (with French educator Ferdinand Buisson) of the Nobel prize for peace in 1927. (See... Get Random Facts Britannica Content: Other Britannica sites:
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26. Quidde, Ludwig - Lexikon - Biografie Willy Brandt
19141929 leader of the German Peace Society 1907-1918 delegate of the German People’s Party in the Bavarian Parliament 1919/20 delegate of the DDP in the National Assembly
Quidde, Ludwig
German historian and pacifist
1914-1929 leader of the German Peace Society
1907-1918 delegate of the German People’s Party in the Bavarian Parliament
1919/20 delegate of the DDP in the National Assembly
1933 emigration to Switzerland Sonstiges
Nobel Peace Prize laureate 1927

27. Ludwig Quidde Winner Of The 1927 Nobel Prize In Peace
Exponat Photo Quidde, Ludwig (submitted by Jackson) Life of Ludwig Quidde (submitted by Henry) Information About Ludwig Quidde (submitted by Donna)
1927 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
    Professor Berlin University
    Member German Parliament
    Participant various peace conferences.

    Residence: Germany
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28. The Nobel Peace Prize 1927, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Peace Prize The Nobel Peace Prize 1927 Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Ferdinand Buisson, Ludwig Quidde
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Ferdinand Buisson ... Nobel Lecture
Ferdinand Buisson
Ludwig Quidde
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927 was awarded jointly to Ferdinand Buisson and Ludwig Quidde TO CITE THIS PAGE:
MLA style: "The Nobel Peace Prize 1927". 1 Nov 2010 Home FAQ ... Contact Us

29. Ludwig Quidde: Definition From
Quidde, Ludwig ( lūt ' vĭkh kvĭd ' ə ), 18581941, German pacifist and historian. He was elected (1907) to the Bavarian diet, was a member (1919-22) of the national

30. QUÄ°DDE (Ludwig) : Bilgi
QUİDDE (Ludwig) QUİDDE (Ludwig), alman siyaset adamı (Bremen 1858 – Cenevre 1941). Deutschen Reichstagsakten dergisinin (1899) kurucusu ve y neticisiydi.

31. Quidde, Ludwig - Lexikon - Biografie Willy Brandt
1927 Buisson, Ferdinand douard Quidde, Ludwig 1929 Kellogg, Frank B. 1930 S derblom, Nathan 1931 Addams, Jane Butler, Nicholas Murray
Quidde, Ludwig
Ludwig Quidde
in Bremen
in Genf Beruf
Deutscher Historiker, Pazifist und Politiker (DVP, DDP)
1887 Mitglied der Historischen Kommission der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
1889-1895 Herausgeber der linksliberalen „Deutschen Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft“
1890-1892 Leiter des Preußischen Historischen Instituts in Rom
1893 Eintritt in die Deutsche Volkspartei (DVP)
1894-1929 Mitarbeiter, ab 1914 Leiter der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft
1907-1918 Abgeordneter der DVP im Bayerischen Landtag
1918 Eintritt in die Deutsche Demokratische Partei (DDP) 1919/20 Mitglied der Weimarer Nationalversammlung 1924 Verhaftung wegen Landesverrats 1930 Austritt aus der DDP 1933 Emigration in die Schweiz; Tätigkeit bei der „Neuen Züricher Zeitung“ Sonstiges Verfasser von „Völkerbund und Demokratie“ (1920), „Der deutsche Pazifismus während des Weltkrieges 1914-1918“ (1924) Friedennobelpreisträger 1927 Siehe auch DDP DVP Friedensnobelpreis

32. Full Text Translator, Language Translation | Free Translations From Dictionary.c
Free full text language translations at Free online translator and multilingual dictionary for over 50 foreign languages., ludwig

33. Quidde, Ludwig
Ludwig Quidde quotes, quotations, poems, phrases, words br famous authors, famous people, famous celebrities l Ludwig Quidde. Ludwig Quidde QUOTES / QUOTATIONS
français italiano No 1
Quidde, Ludwig
23.3.1858 Bremen, 5.3.1941 Genf. Historiker, Journalist, Ausschussmitglied des Internat. Friedensbüros. Nach 1890 lebte Q. in München, wo er 1894 mit seiner satir., gegen Ks. Wilhelm II. gerichteten Schrift "Caligula" grosses Aufsehen erregte; 1896 wurde er aus nichtigem Anlass schliesslich zu drei Monaten Gefängnis wegen Majestätsbeleidigung verurteilt. Q. gehörte 1907-18 dem bayr. Landtag und 1919-20 der Weimarer Nationalversammlung an und engagierte sich in der Dt. Friedensgesellschaft. Im Nov. 1917 und im April 1918 besuchte er die Schweiz. 1927 erhielt Q. den Friedensnobelpreis. 1933 flüchtete er nach Genf, wo er trotz finanzieller Probleme seine Tätigkeit als Historiker und Journalist (u.a. Korrespondent der NZZ) fortsetzte. 1935 gründete er das Comité de secours aux pacifistes exilés.
Ludwig Q.: ein Beitr. zur Gesch. des demokrat. Gedankens in Deutschland, 1963
NDB 21, 45-47
Ludwig Q. (1858-1941), 2007

Autorin/Autor: Verdiana Grossi / CS Nutzungsrechte und Zitierrichtlinien (PDF) URL:

34. Quidde, Ludwig
Quidde, Ludwig, (Dr.) 287p.10; N.Y. Evening Post on, 295p.10. Quigg, Lemuel Ely N.Y. Sun on, 299p.4. Quincey, Thomas de 167p.5, 267p.2; on Ricardo, 157p.4.
Nobel PEACE Prize Winners
Quidde, Ludwig
During 1889-96 he was editor of the and in 1890 became professor and secretary of the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome. In 1892 he returned to Munich and joined the German Peace Society. In 1894 he published a pamphlet, Caligula, which had the appearance of a historical study but was actually a caustic satire on William II; the enormously popular publication brought Quidde three months' imprisonment for lese majesty. From 1907 to 1919 Quidde was a liberal member of the Bavarian Landtag (Assembly) and member of the Interparliamentary Union. From 1914 to 1929 he served as chairman of the German Peace Society. During World War I he opposed German sentiments for the annexation of foreign territories as a condition for a peace settlement. In 1919 he joined the Democratic Party and during 1919-20 served as a member of the National Assembly, where he fought for a proportional electoral system and denounced the German war-guilt clause of the Treaty of Versailles. He was chairman of the German Peace Cartel, 1921-29, representing the right wing of pacifism. Quidde supported the Weimar Republic, advocated Germany's admittance to the League of Nations, and opposed the revival and growth of German militarism. Quidde was arrested in 1924 in Munich after writing in Welt am Montag against illegal military training by the German armed forces. In 1927 he received the Nobel Peace Prize. After the Nazis came to power in 1933 Quidde immigrated to Geneva, where he remained in exile for the rest of his life. He published several books on historical and political topics, including some on pacifist subjects.

35. Ludwig Quidde - Biography
Quidde, Ludwig, European Militarism before the War , in World Tomorrow, 9 (October, 1926) 161162. Quidde, Ludwig, The Future of Germany , in Living Age
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Peace Prize Ludwig Quidde - Biography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Ferdinand Buisson, Ludwig Quidde
The Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Ferdinand Buisson ... Nobel Lecture
Ludwig Quidde [German Review of Historical Sciences], a journal which he edited until 1896; from 1890 to 1892, he was on the staff of the Prussian Historical Institute in Rome. Quidde, however, did not follow a career as a professional historian, perhaps because he had a substantial private fortune, but he always maintained a lively interest in history, especially constitutional history, even after his attention had turned from the academic to the political.
The publication of the pamphlet Caligula: A Study of Imperial Insanity
Quidde entered politics in Munich. In 1895 he helped to reorganize the German People's Party which was, in political philosophy, anti-prussian and antimilitary; in 1902 he won a seat on the City Council of Munich; from 1907 to 1919 he served in the Bavarian Assembly; in 1919 he was elected to the Weimar National Assembly.

36. Ludwig Quidde - Factbites
QUIDDE, LUDWIG Quidde, Ludwig, 18581941, German pacifist and historian. He was elected (1907) to the Bavarian diet, was a member (1919-22) of the national assembly at Weimar, and

37. Quiesce | Define Quiesce At
quidde, ludwig quiesce definition networking To render quiescent, i.e. temporarily inactive or

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Quidde, Ludwig; Find definitions, audio pronunciations, example sentences, spelling, synonyms

39. Schlagwort „Quidde, Ludwig“
Nobel Prize Category Year Awarded; Quasimodo, Salvatore Literature 1959 Quidde, Ludwig Peace 1927
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40. Ludwig Quidde - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Ludwig Quidde? What
Ludwig Quidde. Discussion about Ludwig Quidde. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Ludwig Quidde.

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