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         Sachs Nelly:     more books (100)
  1. O the Chimneys: Selected Poems, Including the Verse Play, Eli by Nelly Sachs, 1967-02
  2. The seeker, and other poems by Nelly Sachs, 1970
  3. O the Chimneys by Nelly Sachs, 1969-01-01
  4. Selected poems [of] Abba Kovner and Nelly Sachs; (Penguin modern European poets)
  5. Nelly Sachs: Einfuhrung in das Werk der Dichterin judischen Schicksals (Editio : Quellen und Interpretationen zu Literatur, Kunst und Musik ; 1) (German Edition) by Walter Arthur Berendsohn, 1974
  6. Bokstaverna jag fardas i: En antologi om Nelly Sachs (Swedish Edition)
  7. Nelly Sachs: Neue Interpretationen : mit Briefen und Erlauterungen der Autorin zu ihren Gedichten im Anhang (Stauffenburg Colloquium) (German Edition)
  8. Dichtungs- und Sprachreflexion im Werk von Nelly Sachs (Europaische Hochschulschriften : Reihe 1, Deutsche Literatur und Germanistik) (German Edition) by Christa Vaerst, 1977
  9. 'In der Tiefe des Hohlwegs'. Die Shoah in der Lyrik von Nelly Sachs. by Ruth Kranz-Löber, 2001-12-01
  10. Jewish Writers, German Literature: The Uneasy Examples of Nelly Sachs and Walter Benjamin
  11. Nelly Sachs (Kopfe des 20. Jahrhunderts) (German Edition) by Henning Falkenstein, 1984
  12. Briefe der Nelly Sachs (German Edition) by Nelly Sachs, 1984
  13. Sprache des Dramas - Drama der Sprache. Zur Poetik der Nelly Sachs. by Dorothee Ostmeier, 1997
  14. Post-shoa Religious Metaphors: The Image Of God In The Poetry Of Nelly Sachs by Ursula Rudnick, 1995-06

1. Sachs, Nelly (1891-1970) O THE CHIMNEYS: Selected Poems, Including Eli, A Verse
Sachs, Nelly (18911970) O THE CHIMNEYS Selected Poems, Including Eli, A Verse Play New York Farrar, Straus Giroux, (1967.) at

2. Nelly Sachs, Wikipedia: - ZoomInfo Business Information
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3. Sachs, Nelly Books
Sachs, Nelly Books. Discount prices on, Geistliche Geschwisterschaft Nelly Sachs Und Simone Weil Ein Theologischer Diskurs, Das LeidSteine-Trauerspiel Zum Wortfeld Stein
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Sachs, Nelly Books. Discount prices on, Aber Wo Gottliches WohntDie Farbe Nichts MystikRezeption Und Mystisches Erleben Im Werk Der Nelly Sachs, Bokstaverna Jag Fardas I
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5. Nelly Sachs
Nelly Sachs. Nelly Sachs was born in Berlin, Germany on December 10, 1891. She is most recognized as a dramatist and poet in addition to a spokeswoman for the Jews.
Nelly Sachs Nelly Sachs was born in Berlin, Germany on December 10, 1891. She is most recognized as a dramatist and poet in addition to a spokeswoman for the Jews. In 1940, with the spread of Nazi power, and persecution of the Jews in Europe, Sachs escaped with her mother to Sweden. However, the experiences and emotions of Nazi persecution and the Holocaust left a deep impression on her memory. It was these memories of the Jewish people’s devastation that influenced much of Sachs’ writing.
At the age of 15, after reading Gösta Berling by Swedish author Selma Lagerlöf, who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1909, Sachs and Lagerlöf became correspondents. Lagerlöf instructed the adolescent Sachs on the techniques of imagination and creativity. In 1940, Lagerlöf helped Sachs flee to Sweden, but died before Nelly arrived. In 1947, Sachs published her first volume of poetry, In den Wohnungen des Todes (In the Houses of Death). Through these poems and future volumes, including Und niemand weiss weiter (And No One Knows Where to Go) finished in 1957, she laments over the horrors of the Holocaust as well as the exile of the Jewish people. Nelly Sachs powerfully illustrates her poetry by using metaphors and symbolic prose.
Nelly Sachs was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966 alongside the Israeli writer Shmuel Yosef Agnon. At that moment, Sachs realized that while Agnon embodied the future of the Jewish people in Israel, she stated “I represent the tragedy of the Jewish people.”

6. Sachs, Nelly - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Sachs, Nelly
Germanborn Jewish poet. She shared the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1966 with the Israeli writer, Shmuel Yosef Agnon. Her poetry and plays are filled with Kabbalistic and, Nelly

Autobiography of Nelly Sachs Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech. Women and the Holocaust Nelly Sachs - Biography.
  • Autobiography of Nelly Sachs - Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech.
  • Women and the Holocaust: Nelly Sachs - Biography.
  • 8. Women And The Holocaust Nelly Sachs
    Special Tributes
    NELLY SACHS First Jewish Woman to Win a Nobel Prize.
    Survivor of the Holocaust.
    Born December 10, 1891 in Berlin, Germany;
    died May 12, 1970.
    German poet, Nelly Sachs shared the Nobel prize for literature with S.Y. Agnon in 1966. One of the major Jewish poets and a refugee who fled from Nazi Germany to Sweden in 1940. She was the first Jewish woman to win a Nobel prize. Her best known poetry deals with the Holocaust.
    Nelly, (she was called Leone at birth) Sachs was the only child of a
    wealthy Berlin industrialist. The family lived in the Tiergartenviertel,
    one of Berlin's better neighbourhoods. Because of her family's wealth,
    Nelly was educated by private tutors. She studied music and dancing.
    Her early love of literature came from home. By the age of seventeen, Nelly began writing poems in traditional,
    rhymed forms. She also wrote plays for puppets that had a fairy-tale flavour. Although some of her early work appeared in newspapers. She wrote mainly for her own enjoyment. In 1921, Nelly Sachs published her first full-length work, a volume entitled Legenden und Erzaehlungen ( Legends and Stories).

    9. Sachs, Nelly Definition Of Sachs, Nelly In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
    Sachs, Nelly, 1891–1970, German poet and translator who lived after 1940 in Sweden. Sachs describes her own experiences and the sufferings of the European Jews in the, Nelly

    10. Nelly Sachs - Autobiography
    Nobel Prize in Literature 1966, includes a link to her acceptance speech.
    Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Literature Nelly Sachs - Autobiography Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
    The Nobel Prize in Literature 1966
    Shmuel Agnon, Nelly Sachs
    The Nobel Prize in Literature 1966
    Shmuel Agnon ... Other Resources
    Leonie Nelly Sachs, born in Berlin on December 10, 1891. As refugee, arrived in Sweden with my mother on May 16, 1940. Since then living in Stockholm and active as writer and translator. Biographical Note
    Nelly Sachs's career as a poet of note started only after her emigration, when she was nearly fifty years old. Her first volume of poetry, In den Wohnungen des Todes (In the Houses of Death), 1947, creates a cosmic frame for the suffering of her time, particularly that of the Jews. Although her poems are written in a keenly modern style, with an abundance of lucid metaphors, they also intone the prophetic language of the Old Testament. The collections Sternverdunkelung (Eclipse of Stars), 1949

    11. Sachs Nelly Free Encyclopedia Articles At Online
    Research Sachs Nelly and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the online library.

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    13. Nelly Sachs —
    More on Nelly Sachs from Infoplease Sachs meaning and definitions Sachs Definition and Pronunciation; S. Y. Agnon - Agnon, S. Y. Agnon, S. Y. (Shmuel Yosef Agnon), 1888

    14. Nelly Sachs | LibraryThing
    Nelly Sachs (1891–1970) Author of O the Chimneys Selected Poems, Including the Verse Play, Eli. Also known as Nellie Sachs, Nelly Leonie Sachs

    15. Nelly Sachs Und Adornos Verdikt über Lyrik Nach Auschwitz
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    Nelly Sachs und Adornos Verdikt über Lyrik nach Auschwitz
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    16. Sachs, Nelly
    Nelly Sachs, (December 10, 1891 – May 12, 1970) was a German poet and dramatist, whose Nazi experience transformed her into a poignant spokesperson for the grief and
    Sachs, Nelly
    From New World Encyclopedia
    Jump to: navigation search Previous (Nellie Bly) Next (Nelson Mandela) Nelly Sachs Nelly Sachs, (December 10, 1891 – May 12, 1970) was a German poet and dramatist, whose Nazi experience transformed her into a poignant spokesperson for the grief and yearnings of her fellow Jews . Her best-known play is Eli: Ein Mysterienspiel vom Leiden Israels, which translates to Eli: A Mystery Play of the Sufferings of Isreal, which was written in 1951, and included in the O Chimneys collection of her works. Other works include the poems " Zeichen im Sand Verzauberung " (1970), and the collections of poetry, In den Wohnungen des Todes Flucht und Verwandlung Fahrt ins Staublose (1961), and Suche nach Lebenden (1971). In 1965, she was awarded the German Publishers Peace Prize and in 1966, she received the Nobel Peace Prize for Literature. Sachs' fusion of grief with subtly romantic elements is in keeping with the imagery of the kabbalah , or Jewish mystical tradition, where the Shekhinah represents God's presence on earth and mourns for the separation of God from His people in their suffering. Thus Sachs'

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    Sachs, Nelly Mozzilla Mozila Firefox allows you to browse the internet much faster and more efficiently than ever. Sachs, Nelly Since Mozzila updates Firefox pretty often it's,_Nelly/

    18. Nelly Sachs - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Nelly Sachs; Nelly Sachs, 1966 Born Leonie Sachs 10 December 1891 (189112-10) Sch neberg, Berlin Died 12 May 1970 (aged 78) Stockholm Occupation Poet, Playwright
    Nelly Sachs
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Nelly Sachs
    Nelly Sachs, 1966 Born Leonie Sachs
    10 December 1891
    Berlin Died
    Occupation Poet Playwright Nationality German Notable award(s) Nobel Prize in Literature
    Signature Nelly Sachs, 1910 Nelly Sachs (10 December 1891 – 12 May 1970) was a German poet and playwright whose experiences resulting from the rise of the Nazis in World War II Europe transformed her into a poignant spokesperson for the grief and yearnings of her fellow Jews . Her best-known play is Eli: Ein Mysterienspiel vom Leiden Israels (1950); other works include the poems Zeichen im Sand Verzauberung (1970), and the collections of poetry In den Wohnungen des Todes Flucht und Verwandlung Fahrt ins Staublose (1961), and Suche nach Lebenden
    edit Life and career
    Born as Leonie Sachs in Schöneberg Berlin in 1891, she was educated at home due to her frail health. She showed early signs of talent as a dancer , but her protective parents did not encourage her to pursue a profession. She grew up as a very sheltered, introverted young woman and never married. She pursued an extensive correspondence, and was a friend of Selma Lagerlöf and Hilde Domin . As the Nazis took power, she became increasingly terrified, at one point losing the power of speech, as she would remember in verse: "When the great terror came/I fell dumb." Sachs fled with her aged mother to

    19. SACHS, NELLY: All His Books And Works In His Libreria House Of The Book
    It buys all the books of SACHS, NELLY home of the Book, your space of sale of books.Buy books in your online bookshop of confidence.

    20. Sachs, Nelly
    SACHS, NELLY (Leonie; 1891–1970), German poet and Nobel Prize winner. The daughter of a Berlin industrialist, Nelly Sachs grew up in an artistic home where she early imbibed
    SACHS, NELLY Leonie Legenden und Erzaehlungen II In den Wohnungen des Todes Sternverdunkelung (1949) contains poems expressing unquenchable faith in the indestructibility of the people of Israel and the importance of its mission. Three subsequent collections were Und niemand weiss weiter Flucht und Verwandlung (1958), and Die Suchende (1966). On the occasion of her 70 th birthday, her collected poetry was issued as Fahrt ins Staublose (1961). Her Spaete Gedichte The 14 collected plays of Zeichen im Sand (1962) include Eli, ein Mysterienspiel vom Leiden Israels (1951). Written in 1943, this deals with the cosmic aftermath of the Holocaust. In 17 loosely connected scenes, the tragedy of an eight-year old Polish shepherd boy, who raises his flute heavenward in anguish and is murdered by a German soldier, is interwoven with the old Jewish legend of the (36 Hidden Saints). Eli was later presented as a radio play and as an opera. O the Chimneys , an English version of selected poems and of Eli by Michael Hamburger and other translators, was published in 1967. The 1966 Nobel Prize for literature, which Nelly Sachs shared with
    Nelly Sachs zu Ehren: zum 75. Geburstag

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