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1. Biographies Of Abdus Salam Biographies of Salam Abdus and more Salam Abdus biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/2889-Salam_Abdus.html | |
2. Salam Abdus | ResearchGATE Researcher Salam Abdus, Bangladesh, Biological sciences and Health sciences http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Salam_Abdus/ | |
3. Abdus Salam, Bangladesh Youth And Cultural Shomiti: - ZoomInfo Business Informat Salam, Abdus Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities of DFW Salam, Abdus Filmworks Trust Salam, Abdus http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Salam_Abdus_636175050.aspx | |
4. Abdus Salam: - ZoomInfo Business Information Salam, Abdus Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Salam, Abdus BangladeshiAmerican Pharmacists' Association Salam, Abdus http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Salam_Abdus_681460538.aspx | |
5. HowStuffWorks "Salam, Abdus" Abdus Salam (ahb DOOS sah LAHM) was a Pakistani physicist. He won a share of the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics for his contributions in developing a theory that unifies the weak http://science.howstuffworks.com/dictionary/famous-scientists/physicists/abdus-s | |
6. Abdus Salam - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Copley Medal (Royal Society, London) (1990) Institutes named after Abdus Salam. Abdus Salam National Center for Mathematics (ASNCM), Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdus_Salam | |
7. Abdus Salam - Biography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1979/salam-bio.html | |
8. Salam, Abdus - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Salam, Abdus Pakistani physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1979 for his theory linking the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces. He was the first person from his http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Salam, Abdus |
9. Abdus Salam: Biography From Answers.com Institutes named after Abdus Salam. Abdus Salam National Center for Mathematics (ASNCM), Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan. Abdus Salam Chair in Physics(ASCP), http://www.answers.com/topic/abdus-salam | |
10. Salam, Abdus | Define Salam, Abdus At Dictionary.com Science Dictionary Salam (s l m') Pronunciation Key Pakistani theoretical physicist who helped the develop the theory of the electroweak force, explaining the relationship http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Salam, Abdus |
11. NCP-Centre Of Excellence, National Centre For Physics,Islamabad,Pakistan Break scientific isolation of Pakistani Physicists and bring them to the norms of international productivity in science. . . http://www.ncp.edu.pk/dg_message.htm | |
12. Salam Abdus - Definition Of Salam Abdus By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus Salam (s l m), Abdus 1926-1996. Pakistani theoretical physicist who helped the develop the theory of the electroweak force, explaining the relationship between two of the four http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Salam Abdus |
13. Abdus Salam Abdus Sattar Guides, Tutorials Abdus Salam Abdus Sattar Guides, Tutorials Canadian Gateway, Business Guides, Entertainment, Travel. Listing and reviews of Canadian Web sites. http://www.masterliness.com/a/Abdus.Salam.htm | |
14. Salam, Abdus - Definition Of Salam, Abdus By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaur Sa`lam (s `l m ) n. 1. A salutation or compliment of ceremony in the east by word or act; an obeisance, performed by bowing very low and placing the right palm on the forehead. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Salam, Abdus |
15. Prof. Abdus Salam ICTP, Prof, Abdus, Salam Professor Abdus Salam. The name of Abdus Salam is linked forever to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. http://www.ictp.it/pages/mission/salam.html | |
16. Salam, Abdus Definition Of Salam, Abdus In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Salam, Abdus, 1926–96, Pakistani physicist. After attending Government College at Lahore, he received a Ph.D. from Cambridge (1952). He taught in Lahore for three years before http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Salam, Abdus |
17. Www.upei.ca Salam, Abdus (January 29, 1926 ; India) Abdus Salam is a Pakistani nuclear physicist who has the distinction of being the first and only Pakistani to have been awarded a http://www.upei.ca/~xliu/multi-culture/salam.htm | |
18. Abdus Salam — Infoplease.com More on Abdus Salam from Infoplease Steven Weinberg Weinberg, Steven Weinberg, Steven, 1933–, American nuclear physicist, b. New York City, Ph.D. http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0843186.html |
19. Imperial College London | Salam +50 Conference 2007 Note Some of the graphical elements of this site are only visible to browsers that support accepted web standards. The content of this site is, however, accessible to any http://www.imperial.ac.uk/physics/conferences/salam50/ |
20. Salam Abdus Free Encyclopedia Articles At Questia.com Online Research Salam Abdus and other related topics by using the free encyclopedia at the Questia.com online library. http://www.questia.com/library/encyclopedia/salam-abdus.jsp |
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