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         Skou Jens C:     more detail
  1. Na, K-ATPase: Structure and Kinteics
  2. The Na+, K+ -Pump. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Na+, K+ -ATPase, held in Denmark, June 14-19, 1987. [Progress in clinical and biological research, volumes 268A & 268B]. by Jens C. et al., eds. Skou, 1988
  3. Na+, K+-pump by Jens C, etc. Skou, 1988-09

21. Scientific Information Literacy: Drexel University Libraries
Skou, Jens C.. Inst. Physiol., Univ. Aarhus, Aarhus, Den. Editor(s) Tosteson, D. C. Mol. Basis Membrane Funct., Symp.

22. Skou - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

23. Biography-center - Letter S
• Skillman Henry • Skinner B.F • Skinner James William • Skladanowsky Max • Skoblikova Lidiya • Skolem Thoralf • Skou Jens C. • Skr ta Karel

24. Nobel Prize For Chemistry
SKOU, JENS C., Denmark 1997 for the first discovery of an iontransporting enzyme, Na+, K+-ATPase CURL, ROBERT F. JR., U.S.A KROTO, Sir HAROLD W, Great Britain
Nobel Prize for Chemistry Name Year The Work William S. Knowles , USA
Ryoji Noyori,
K. Barry Sharpless
, USA for their work on chirally catalysed hydrogenation reactions" Alan J. Heeger, Alan G. MacDiarmid and Hideki Shirakawa for the discovery and development of conductive polymers Ahmed H. Zewail For his studies of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscop Walter Kohn, U.S.A
John A. Pople, Great Britain "to Walter Kohn for his development of the density-functional theory and to John Pople for his development of computational methods in quantum chemistry." BOYER, PAUL D., U.S.A
WALKER, JOHN E., Great Britain "for their elucidation of the enzymatic mechanism underlying the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)" SKOU, JENS C., Denmark "for the first discovery of an ion-transporting enzyme, Na+, K+-ATPase" CURL, ROBERT F. JR., U.S.A
KROTO, Sir HAROLD W, Great Britain
SMALLEY, RICHARD E., U.S.A "for their discovery of fullerenes"

25. Skout - Definition Of Skout By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Encyclo
Skotovataia Skottland Skottland Skou, Jens C Skout Skovde Sk vde Sk vde Municipality Skovoroda, Grigorii Skovoroda, Grigorii Savvich Skovorodino SKOW

26. Index Of Nobel Laureates In Chemistry
Skou, Jens C. 1997 Smith, Michael 1993 Smalley, Richard E. 1996 Soddy, Frederick 1921 Stanley, Wendell Meredith 1946 Staudinger, Hermann 1953 Stein, William H.
Name Year Awarded Agre, Peter Alder, Kurt Altman, Sidney Anfinsen, Christian B. ... Medicine We always welcome your feedback and comments

27. Charles Prout - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything!
Muratic acid Hutchinson encyclopedia… hydroxonium ion ion ion half equation manganese oxide poison Polanyi, John Charles Prout, William Skou, Jens C stomach acid Wollaston prout

28. Allegro-Chronik Ab 1980
Jens C. Skou. Dictionary terms for Jens C. Skou, definition for Jens C. Skou, Thesaurus and Translations of Jens C. Skou to English, French, Portuguese, German, Polish, Danish

allegro-C ab 1980

Nobelpreis Chemie Jahr Nobelpreis Chemie
Berg, Paul; Gilbert, Walter; Sanger, Frederick Fukui, Kenichi [Japan]; Hoffmann, Roald [USA] Klug, Aaron Taube, Henry Merrifield, Robert B. Hauptman, Herbert A.; Karle, Jerome Herschbach, Dudley R.; Lee, Yuan Tseh; Polanyi, John C. Cram, Donald J.; Lehn, Jean-Marie; Pederson, Charles Deisenhofer, Johann; Huber, Robert; Michel, Hartmut Altman, Sidney; Cech, Thomas Corey, Elias J. Ernst, Richard Marcus, Rudolph A. Mullis, Kary B.; Smith, Michael Olah, George A. Crutzen, Paul J.; Molina, Mario J.; Rowland, F. Sherwood; Smalle, Richard E.; Curl, Robert F.; Kroto, Harold W. [UK] Boyer, Paul D.; Skou, Jens C. [Dänemark]; Walker, John E. [UK] Kohn, Walter; Pople, John A. [UK] Zewail, Ahmed H. Heeger, Alan J.; MacDiarmid, Alan G.; Shirakawa, Hideki [Japan] Knowles, William S.; Noyori, Ryoji [Japan] Fenn, John B.; Tanaka, Koichi [Japan] Agre, Peter; MacKinnon, Roderick Ciechanover, Aaron; Hershko, Avram; Rose, Irwin Chauvin, Yves; Grubbs, Robert; Schrock, Richard Kornberg, Roger D. Ertl, Gerhard

29. Biographies: Winners Of The Nobel Prize In Chemistry
Skou, Jens C. Smalley, Richard Errett; Smith, Michael; Soddy, Frederick; Stanley, Wendell Meredith; Staudinger, Hermann; Stein, William H. Sumner, James Batcheller
Deutsch Links Libraries Publishers Database producers Database hosts ... Organisations Search this website: Website Index Subject Index Impressum
Chemistry, Biology and related disciplines in the WWW
Biographies: Winners of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Home Links History of Science History of Chemistry ... Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf

30. Biographies Of Chemists
and scientists. See also crossreferences to related topics on the left Skou, Jens C. Nobel prize Chemistry 1997 E (SE)
ChemLin Home Chemistry index Related Topics Alchemy Books (related) History of science Add related site ... ChemLin inside � 2006 Digitalverlag GmbH Biographies of Chemists ... and scientists. See also: cross-references to related topics on the left side.

31. CiNii Article -  The Dynamics Of The Cell Membrane Coupling Of The Reaction Of
The Dynamics of the Cell Membrane Coupling of the Reaction of the Na, KATPase with SKOU Jens C. Institute of Biophysics, University of Aarhus
CiNii National Institute of Informatics Scholary and Academic Information Navigator All Include Full-text Include Full-text and/or link Title Author Affiliation Journal ISSN Volume Number Page Publisher References Year from to All Include Full-text Include Full-text and/or link
The Dynamics of the Cell Membrane Coupling of the Reaction of the Na, K-ATPase with ATP to the Reaction with the Cations(OPENING LECTURE)
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Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine [Journal Detail]
Tokai journal of experimental and clinical medicine 7(Supplement), 1-6, 1982-06-14 [Index] Tokai University
  • NII Article ID (NAID): NII NACSIS-CAT ID (NCID): Text Lang:
    ISSN: Databases:

32. Chemistry
1916 The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize 1997 Boyer, Paul D. Walker, John E. - Skou, Jens C.
Themes History Prize Winners Nobel Prize
Hoff, Jacobus Henricus van't Fischer, Hermann Emil Arrhenius, Svante August Ramsay, Sir William ... Willst�tter, Richard Martin The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Haber, Fritz The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Nernst, Walther Hermann Soddy, Frederick Aston, Francis William Pregl, Fritz The prize money was allocated to the Special Fund of this prize section Zsigmondy, Richard Adolf Svedberg, The (Theodor) Wieland, Heinrich Otto Windaus, Adolf Otto Reinhold ... Langmuir, Irving The prize money was 1/3 allocated to the Main Fund and 2/3 to the Special Fund of this prize section Urey, Harold Clayton

33. Skövde Municipality Definition Of Skövde Municipality In The Free Online Encyc
Skou, Jens C Skout Skovde Sk vde Sk vde Municipality Skovoroda, Grigorii Skovoroda, Grigorii Savvich Skovorodino SKOW Skowhegan Skowhegan Downtown Business Associationövde Municipality

34. Skototropism Definition Of Skototropism In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Skorzeny, Otto SKOS skosh skoshes SKOT SKOT skot(o)Skotarczak i Dabrowski Kancelaria Prawnicza sc SKOTC Skototropism Skotovataia Skottland Skottland Skou, Jens C

35. KC Russell - Select A Laureate
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De Hevesy, George Diels, Otto Paul Hermann Du Vigneaud, Vincent Ertl, Gerhard Fischer, Ernst Otto Giauque, William Francis Grignard, Victor Hauptman, Herbert A. Herschbach, Dudley R. Heyrovsky, Jaroslav Hoff, Jacobus Henricus Van't Hoffmann, Roald Lee, Yuan T. Lehn, Jean-Marie Lipscomb, William N.. MacDiarmid, Alan G. MacKinnon, Roderick McMillan, Edwin Mattison Michel, Hartmut Moissan, Henri Mulliken, Robert S. Mullis, Kary B. Natta, Giulio Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford Northrop, John Howard Noyori, Ryoji Olah, George A. Ostwald, Wilhelm Perutz, Max Ferdinand Pople, John A. Porter, Lord George Pregl, Fritz Prelog, Vladimir Prigogine, Ilya Ramsay, Sir William Rowland, F. Sherwood Ruzicka, Leopold

36. Guide To Nobel Prize
Skou, Jens C. Denmark discovery of sodiumpotassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase Walker, John E. U.K. explanation of the enzymatic conversion of adenosine

37. Nobelpr2
Skou Jens C Kohn Walter Pople John A Zewail Ahmed H Heeger Alan J MacDiarmid Alan G Shirakawa Hideki Knowles William S Noyori Ryoji Sharpless K Barry
Alfred Nobel Nobelpristagare i kemi
van't Hoff Jacobus Henricus
Fischer Hermann Emil
Arrhenius Svante August
Ramsay Sir William
von Baeyer J F W Adolf
Moissan Henri
Buchner Eduard
Rutherford Ernest
Ostwald Wilhelm
Wallach Otto Curie Marie,n�e Sklodowska Grignad Victor Sabatier Paul Werner Alfred Richards Theodore William Willst�tter Richard Martin Haber Fritz Nernst Walther Hermann Soddy Frederick Aston Francis William Pregl Fritz Zsigmondy Richard Adolf Svedberg Theodor Wieland Heinrich Otto Windaus Adolf Otto Reinhold Harden Arthur von Euler-Chelpin Hans Fischer Hans Bosch Carl Bergius Friedrich Langmuir Irving Urey Harold Clayton Joliot Fr�d�ric Joliot-Curie Ir�ne Debye Petrus J Wilhelmus Hawotrh Walter Norman Karrer Kuhn Richard Butenandt Adolf F Johann Ruzica Leopold de Hevesy George Hahn Otto Virtanen Artturi Ilmari Sumner James Batcheller Northrop John Howard Stanley Wendell Meredith Robinson Sir Robert Tiselius Arne W Kaurin Giauque William Francis Diels Otto Paul Hermann Alder Kurt McMillan Edwin Mattison Seaborg Glenn Theodore Martin Archer John Porter Synge Richard L Millington Staudinger Hermann Pauling Linus Carl de Vigneaud Vincent Hinshelwood Sir Cyril N

38. AGBMS: Nobel Prize - Chemistry
Skou, Jens C. Smalley, Richard E. Smith, Michael; Soddy, Frederick; Stanley, Wendell Meredith; Staudinger, Hermann; Stein, William H. Sumner, James Batcheller
Alexander Graham Bell Montessori School AGBMS Reference Nobel Prize - Chemistry
  • Agre, Peter
  • Alder, Kurt
  • Altman, Sidney
  • Anfinsen, Christian B. ...
  • du Vigneaud, Vincent
  • 39. AccessScience | Biographies
    Skou, Jens C(hristian) (1918– ) - Awarded to young mathematicians, the Fields Medal is the world's most prestigious

    40. Nobel Prize Winners
    Kroto, Sir Harold W. (UK) Smalley, Richard E. (US) 1997 Boyer, Paul D. (US) Walker, John E. (UK) Skou, Jens C. (Den) 1998 Kohn, Walter (Aust) Pople, John (UK)
    Nobel Prize Winners
    YEAR WINNER Van't Hoff, Jacobus H. (Neth) Fischer, Emil H. (Ger) Arrhenius, Svante A. (Sw) Ramsay, Sir William (UK) ... Willst�tter, Richard (Ger) Not awarded Not awarded Haber, Fritz (Ger) Nernst, Walther H. (Ger) Soddy, Frederick (UK) Aston, Francis W. (UK) ... Pregl, Fritz (Aust) Not Awarded Zsigmondy, Richard (Ger) Svedberg, Theodor (Sw) Wieland, Heinrich O. (Ger) Windaus, Adolf (Ger) ... Langmuir, Irving (US) Not Awarded Urey, Harold C. (US) Joliot-Curie, Irene(Fr)
    Joliot-Curie, Fr�d�ric (Fr)
    Debye, Peter Joseph W. (Neth) ...
    Ruzicka, Leopold (Switz)
    Not awarded Not awarded Not awarded Hevesy, Georg de (Hung) Hahn, Otto (Ger) Virtanen, Artturi I. (Fin) Sumner, James B. (US) ...

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