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1. Biographies Of George D. Snell Biographies of Snell George D. and more Snell George D. biography. http://www.biography-center.com/biographies/3087-Snell_George_D_.html | |
2. George Davis Snell - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Society 1983 Elected to British Society of Immunology, Honorary See also. C.C. Little; Peter Alfred Gorer; External links. Autobiography of George D. Snell; George D. Snell http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_D._Snell | |
3. Dabir Snell Biography, Videos - FamousWhy Geoff Snell - Jack Snell - Mike Snell - Monty Snell - Cecilia Snell - Debra Snell - David Rees Snell - Paul Snell - Jennifer Snell - Patsy Snell - Oona Brangham-snell - George D Snell http://people.famouswhy.com/dabir_snell/ | |
4. Snell, George D. Snell, George D. (19031996) My parents were both New Englanders, though my father was born in Minnesota where his father had moved from Massachusetts to http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/MainBiographies/S/Snell1/Snell.h | |
5. Snellen's Chart Legal Definition Of Snellen's Chart. Snellen's Chart Synonyms By Snell, George D. Snell, George Davis Snell, George Davis Snell, Hannah Snell, Willebrord SnellSterling efficiency scale Snell-Sterling visual efficiency scale http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Snellen's chart |
6. George D. Snell Winner Of The 1980 Nobel Prize In Medicine George D. Snell, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive. http://almaz.com/nobel/medicine/1980c.html | |
7. Guide To APS Genetics Collections The American Philosophical Society began specifically collecting manuscripts and Snell, George D. http://www.amphilsoc.org/guides/glass/ | |
8. A Biographical Memoir By 3 GEORGE DAVIS SNELL December 19, 1903June 6, 1996 BY N. AVRION MITCHISON G ENETICIST GEORGE SNELL is known principally for his part in the discovery of H2, the major histocompatibility http://www.nap.edu/html/biomems/gsnell.pdf |
9. Titles Starting With H From Jeremy Norman's Historyofscience.com - ABAA Antiquar Snell, George D. Prague, 1968.. We offer vol. 14 complete in modern cloth. The paper (Garrison http://www.abaa.org/browse_books/title/H/4557.html | |
10. The H-2 Locus Of The Mouse: Observations And Speculations Concerning Its Compara Prague, 1968.. We offer vol. 14 complete in modern cloth . The paper (GarrisonMorton 2578 . http://www.abaa.org/books/245837790.html | |
11. Snell, George Davis Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Snell died in Bar Harbor, Maine on June 6, 1996. See also. C.C. Little; Peter Alfred Gorer; External links. Autobiography of George D. Snell; George D. Snell's Nobel Lecture http://www.reference.com/browse/Snell, George Davis |
12. The Year 1980 Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, b. 1920 (Caracas, Venezuela); DAUSSET, JEAN, France, Universite de Paris, Laboratoire ImmunoHematologi, Paris, b. 1916; and SNELL, GEORGE D., U http://michele840.tripod.com/id39.htm | |
13. Evidence That The "R" And "Z" Blood Group Specificities Of M... : Transplantatio Evidence That the R and Z Blood Group Specificities of Mice Are Allelic and Distinct From H2 Snell, George D.; Hoecker, Gustavo; Stimpfling, Jack H. http://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/Abstract/1967/05000/Evidence_That_the_ |
14. Jackson Laboratory Oral History Collection :: American Philosophical Society Snell, George D., (George Davis), 19031996; Sprott, Richard; Staats, Joan; Stanwood, Robert; Stevens, Leroy; Waymouth, Charity; Winn, Henry; Subject(s) CancerResearch http://www.amphilsoc.org/mole/view?docId=ead/Mss.Ms.Coll.53-ead.xml;query=;brand |
15. Hemagglutination And Cytotoxic Studies Of H-2: I. H-2.1 And... : Transplantation Hemagglutination and Cytotoxic Studies of H2 I. H-2.1 and Related Specificities in the Ek Crossover Regions SNELL, GEORGE D.; D MANT, PETER; CHERRY, MARIANNA http://journals.lww.com/transplantjournal/Abstract/1971/03000/Hemagglutination_a |
16. National Academy Of Sciences: Biographical Memoirs S Snell, George D. (19031996) Soderberg, C. Richard (1895-1979) Solomon, Richard L. (1918-1995) Sonneborn, Tracy M. (1905-1981) Spedding, F. H. (1902-1984) http://www.nasonline.org/site/PageServer?pagename=MEMOIRS_S&printer_friendly |
17. Alphabetical Listing S, USS West Virginia Veterans Snell, George D. Snider, R. I. Snitkin, W. W. Snodgrass, K. Snook, Harley Lew Snow, Garland L. Snuggs, A. P. Snyder, C. M. Snyder, Frederick W. http://www.usswestvirginia.org/veterans/veteransalpha.php?firstletter=S |
18. Only 80s - 1980 School, Boston, MA, b. 1920 (Caracas, Venezuela); DAUSSET, JEAN, France, Universite de Paris, Laboratoire ImmunoHematologi, Paris, b. 1916; and SNELL, GEORGE D., U.S.A http://www.prebble.com/1980.htm | |
19. Studies In Histocompatibility Title Studies in Histocompatibility Authors Snell, George D. Publication Science, Volume 213, Issue 4504, pp. 172178 Publication Date 07/1981 Origin http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1981Sci...213..172S | |
20. Holder For Candy Suckers - Patent 1847415 Holder for candy suckers Snell, George D. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/1847415.html |
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