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         Spemann Hans:     more books (19)
  1. The Heritage of Experimental Embryology : Hans Spemann and the Organizer (Monographs on the History and Philosophy of Biology) by Viktor Hamburger, 1988-02-11
  2. Biography - Spemann, Hans (1869-1941): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2003-01-01
  3. Hans Spemann, el olvidado "padre" de la clonación: realizó sus primeros experimentos hace más de un siglo, y las técnicas que discurrió probaron ser tan ... An article from: Contenido by Juan José Morales, 2006-03-01
  4. Entwicklungsbiologe: Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard, August Weismann, Hans Mohr, Wolfgang Driever, Hans Spemann, Anne Mclaren, Peter Gruss (German Edition)
  5. Hans Spemann (1869 - 1941). Experimentelle Forschung im Spannungsfeld von Empirie und Theorie: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entwicklung der Entwicklungsphysiologie ... der Wissenschaften) (German Edition) by Peter E. Fäßler, 1997-09-12
  6. FORSCHUNG UND LEBEN. by Hans (edit Friedrich Wilhelm Spemann). Spemann, 1953
  7. Embryonic development and induction by Hans Spemann, 1966
  8. Experimentelle Beiträge zu einer Theorie der Entwicklung: Deutsche Ausgabe der Silliman Lectures, gehalten an der Yale University im Spätjahr 1933 (German Edition) by Hans Spemann, 1968-11-14
  9. Organizers in animal development: (Lecture delivered November 3, 1927) by Hans Spemann, 1927
  10. FORSCHUNG UND LEBEN. (SIGNED). by Hans (edit Friedrich Wilhelm Spemann). Spemann, 1943-01-01
  11. Embryonic Development and Induction by Hans Spemann, 1938
  12. Rudo Spemann 1905-1947: Monographie Und Werkverzeichnis-Seiner Schriftkunst by Hans Adolf Halbey, 1981-01-01
  13. Developments in Embryology: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Lois N. Magner, 2000
  14. Mechanism, vitalism and organicism in late nineteenth and twentieth-century biology: the importance of historical context [An article from: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biol & Biomed Sci] by G.E. Allen, 2005-06-01

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2. Scientist Profile : Hans Spemann
Provides information about Hans Spemann, 1935 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, and his work in embryology.
Hans Spemann
Hans Spemann
Walter Sutton

Oswald Avery

Francis Crick

James Watson
Richard Seed
Hans Spemann, a German embryologist, is one of the original pioneers of modern embryology , and one of only two embryologists to ever be awarded the Nobel Prize. His studies focused upon the differentiation of embryo cells during an organism's development. Spemann, born in Stuggart, Germany in 1869, attended the University of Heidelberg and the University of Munch before earning his Ph.D. in botany, zoology, and physics at the Zoological Institute of the University of Wurzberg in 1895. Spemann's fascination with embryology did not begin until after his college years, when during the winter of 1986 he read August Weismann's book The Germ Plasm: A Theory of Heredity as he sat isolated in a sanitarium, recovering from tuberculosis. In Spemann, ingeniously using a stand of hair as a noose, successfully split apart the

3. Spemann, Hans - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Spemann, Hans
German embryologist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1935 for his work on the organizer effect in embryonic development., Hans

4. Hans Spemann (Hans Spemann Kimdir? - Hans Spemann Hakk�nda) (Hayat�, Biyografisi
Hans Spemann Hans Spemann (d. 27 Haziran 1869 , Stuttgard, W rttemberg . 12 Eyl l 1941 , Freiburg im Breisgau, Almanya ), Alman embriyoloji bilgini. G n m zde ind kleme

5. Hans Spemann —
More on Hans Spemann from Infoplease Spemann meaning and definitions Spemann Definition and Pronunciation; Information Please 1935 - 1935 Previous Year Next Year World U.S

6. SPEM - What Does SPEM Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Free Online D
Spelunkers spelunking spelunking SPEM Spemann Spemann Spemann, Hans Spemann, Hans SPEMCSCF SPEME SPEMS Spen Spen Valley Sports College Spence Spence

7. Spemann, Hans Definition Of Spemann, Hans In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Spemann, Hans (h ns shpā`m n), 1869–1941, German embryologist. He was professor of zoology (1919–35) at the Univ. of Freiburg. By transplanting embryonic tissue to a new, Hans

8. Hans Spemann (Hans Spemann Kimdir? - Hans Spemann Hakk�nda) Hayat� Biyo�rafisi -
Geldik. Ana Sayfa; Gezi; Video; Alb mler; Google; Hans Spemann (Hans Spemann Kimdir? Hans Spemann Hakkında) Hayatı Biyoğrafisi. D nyadan Biyoğrafiler Katagorisinde ve Bilim ( Kimdir )

9. Spemann, Hans | Definition Of Spemann, Hans | Online Dictionary
Find out what Spemann, Hans means A Dictionary of Scientists has the definition of Spemann, Hans. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at

10. Conceiving A Clone : 1938
Previous Event Next Event. Scientist Profile Hans Spemann. Web Link Biography of Hans Spemann. Hans Spemann published the landmark results of his 1928 primitive nuclear transfer
1938: Spemann conceives cloning.
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Biography of Hans Spemann
Hans Spemann published the landmark results of his 1928 primitive nuclear transfer experiment involving salamander embryos in his 1938 book "Embryonic Development and Induction." In this book, Spemann claimed the next logical step for research to be the "fantastical experiment," as he called it, of cloning organisms by extracting the nucleus of a differentiated cell and inserting it into an enucleated fertilized egg. Also in the book, Spemann proposed the exciting idea of cloning from adult cell nuclei. However, Spemann was unable to technically devise a way to attempt any such experiments during his lifetime. No one succeeded in doing so until Robert Briggs and Thomas J. King cloned tadpoles in 1952 . Without knowing it, Briggs' and King's method of cloning using the nuclear transfer method was highly similar to Spemann's 1938 "fantastical experiment" proposal. Home The Details Reactions Interactions ... Bibliography

11. Spemann, Hans
German embryologist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1935 for his work on the organizer effect in embryonic development. Spemann

12. List Of Nobel Laureates - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Spemann, Hans Hans Spemann None von Ossietzky, Carl Carl von Ossietzky — 1936 Hess, Victor F. Victor F. Hess; Anderson, Carl D. Carl D. Anderson Debye, Peter Peter Debye
List of Nobel laureates
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Nobel laureate Jump to: navigation search U.S. President George W. Bush with the six 2003 American Nobel laureates in the Oval Office . From left to right, Dr. Roderick MacKinnon , New York City (chemistry); Dr. Anthony Leggett , Urbana, Illinois (physics); Dr. Robert Engle , New York City (economics); Dr. Alexei Abrikosov , Argonne, Illinois (physics); Dr. Peter Agre , Baltimore, Maryland (chemistry); and Dr. Paul Lauterbur , Urbana, Illinois (physiology/medicine). The Nobel Prizes Swedish Nobelpriset Norwegian Nobelprisen ) are awarded annually by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences , the Swedish Academy , the Karolinska Institute , and the Norwegian Nobel Committee to individuals and organizations who make outstanding contributions in the fields of chemistry physics literature peace , and physiology or medicine They were established by the 1895 will of Alfred Nobel , which dictates that the awards should be administered by the Nobel Foundation . Another prize, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences , was established in 1968 by the Sveriges Riksbank , the central bank of Sweden , for contributors to the field of economics.

13. Hans Spemann —
More on Hans Spemann from Fact Monster Information Please 1935 1935 Previous Year Next Year World U.S. Economics Sports Entertainment Science Year by

14. Hans Spemann - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Spemann, Hans Alternative names Short description Date of birth June 27, 1869 Place of birth Stuttgart, Germany Date of death September 9, 1941 Place of death
Hans Spemann
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search Hans Spemann
Born June 27, 1869
Germany Died
Nationality German Fields Embryology Embryonic induction and the Organiser Notable awards Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Hans Spemann (June 27, 1869 – September 9, 1941) was a German embryologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1935 for his discovery of the effect now known as embryonic induction , an influence, exercised by various parts of the embryo , that directs the development of groups of cells into particular tissues and organs.
edit Biography
Hans Spemann was born in Stuttgart , the eldest son of publisher Wilhelm Spemann and his wife Lisinka, née Hoffman. After he left school in 1888 he spent a year in his father's business, then, in 1889–1890, he did military service in the Kassel Hussars followed by a short time as a bookseller in Hamburg. In 1891 he entered the University of Heidelberg where he studied medicine, taking his preliminary examination in 1893. There he met the biologist and psychologist Gustav Wolff who had begun experiments on the embryological developments of newts and shown that, if the lens of a developing newt's eye is removed, it regenerates.

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No results found for spemann, hans Please try spelling the word differently, searching another resource, or typing a new word. Search another word or see spemann, hans on, hans

16. Hansard - Definition Of Hansard At
Hans Spemann; Hans Werner Henze; HansDietrich Genscher; Hans-Georg Gadamer; Hans-Jochen Vogel; hansa; HANSA (abbreviation) Hansard; Hansb; Hansberry; hanse; hanse (idioms)

17. Hans Spemann (German Embryologist) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
Facts about Spemann, Hans embryology, as discussed in Britannica Compton's Encyclopedia embryology History When did Hans Spemann die? When was Hans Spemann born?
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Hans Spemann
Table of Contents: Hans Spemann Article Article Supplemental Information Supplemental Information - Spotlights Spotlights External Web sites External Web sites Citations ARTICLE from the Hans Spemann Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1935 for his discovery of the effect now known as embryonic induction, the influence exercised by various parts of the embryo that directs the development of groups of cells into particular tissues and organs. Embryonic Development and Induction
MLA Style: Hans Spemann

18. Famous Geneticists & Scientists In Genetic Research
Learn about world famous geneticists. These prolific scientists of genetic research have discovered the causes of mutations and disorders as well as help develop cures for many

19. Hans Spemann - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Hans Spemann? What Is
Hans Spemann Hans Spemann (18691941) was a German embryologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1935 for his discovery of the effect now known as

20. Paki.Ws Pakistani Music Articles Infos Hans Spemann

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