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1. American Friends Service Committee | Quaker Values In Action The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian http://afsc.org/ | |
2. Appendix C General Appendix C General Minutes of Called Meeting for Consideration of Formulating a Minute Concerning SAYMA's Relationship with the American Friends Service Committee ( 18 ) Appendix 1 http://www.sayma.org/online_documents/YM2001_Appendix_C.pdf |
3. American Friends Service Committee | Quaker Values In Action A Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and humanitarian service. http://www.afsc.org | |
4. American Friends Service Committee - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Religious Society of Friends affiliated organization which works for peace and social justice in the United States and around the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Friends_Service_Committee | |
5. YouTube - AFSC Speak For Peace Tour: Raed Jarrar Part 3 Of 3 The American Friends Service Committee's Speak for Peace Tour stopped in East Lansing, Michigan on February 27, 2008. Raed Jarrar, an Iraqi political analyst and AFSC http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMBlUFcTw68 |
6. Issue 396 - July/August 2009 | Peacework Magazine Published by the American Friends Service Committee, Peacework offers Global Thought and Local Action for Nonviolent Social Change . http://www.peaceworkmagazine.org/ |
7. Western Massachusetts Program — American Friends Service Committee After 14 years of being in Florence (140 Pine Street), the AFSC office has moved to downtown Northampton. our new address is 2 Conz Street Suite 2B http://www.afscwm.org/ |
8. HEALING JUSTICE PROGRAM NEW ENGLAND REGIONAL OFFICE American Friends Service Com Healing Justice Program of the American Friends Service Committee in New England is dedicated . to the practice of Healing and Transformative Justice http://raisethewire.org/raise_the_wire/Welcome.html | |
9. American Friends Service Committee - History Of Organization Jones, Mary Hoxie, Swords into Ploughshares An Account of the American Friends Service Committee, 19171937. New York, Macmillan, 1937. http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1947/friends-committee-histor | |
10. Coloradans For Immigrant Rights Other organizations critical to this event’s success were Coloradans for Immigrants Rights (A project of the American Friends Service Committee) and the Colorado AntiViolence http://coloradansforimmigrantrights.blogspot.com/ | |
11. Ediciones Revista Futuros Revista trimestral digital latinoamericana y del Caribe, publicada por AFSC, American Friends Service Committee (Comit de Servicio de Amigos). http://www.revistafuturos.info | |
12. About Street Spirit Street Spirit is a publication of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) that reports extensively on homelessness, poverty, economic inequality, welfare issues, human rights http://www.thestreetspirit.org/about.htm | |
13. Nightmares & Dreams-AFSC What Would It Be Like if the United States Were Iraq? (From the American Friends Service Committee's display Nightmares Dreams ) What would the US look like if it were in Iraq's http://teeksaphoto.org/Writing/DreamsNightmaresAFSC.html | |
14. American Friends Service Committee North Korea Information of this Quaker organization s humanitarian activities in North Korea. http://www.afsc.org/asia/ht/display/ContentDetails/i/17604/pid/676 |
15. Wage Peace: Iraq | American Friends Service Committee About AFSC Our history, current profile, and the Quaker values that inform our work. Our work Explore the specific issues, campaigns, and programs AFSC focuses on. http://afsc.org/campaign/wage-peace-iraq | |
16. Jorge Laffitte, Regional Director Of Latin America, The, American Friends Servic Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Jorge Laffitte, Regional Director of Latin America, the, American http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Laffitte_Jorge_1471410238.aspx | |
17. The American Friends Service Committee FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DECEMBER 6, 2004 144 PM CONTACT The American Friends Service Committee Janis D. Shields, Phone 215241-7060 After hours 302-545-6596 http://www.commondreams.org/news2004/1206-11.htm | |
18. Bulletin Board The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) The Religious Society of Friends. The Friends Committee on Legislation of California. Friends Meeting Finder http://www.berkeleyfriendschurch.org/BB.html | |
19. American Friends Service Committee Quaker, Christian organization working for social justice, peace, and humanitarian service in San Francisco. http://www.afsc.org/sanfrancisco/ |
20. NEOAFSCHomePage Email the webmaster Leah Davis WHAT'S NEW Please click above to view the latest resources, events, and media coverage! http://www.afsc.net/ | |
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