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21. U.N. Security Council Resolutions - 1996 Security Council resolution 1121 (1997) on the United Nations peacekeeping forces, U.N. Doc. S/RES/1121 (1997). http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/resolutions/SC97/1121SC97.html | |
22. A Ghanaian Member Of The United Nations Peace Keeping Forces... - Getty Images | A Ghanaian member of the United Nations Peace keeping forces find Getty Images articles. div id= bedoc-text MAHMOUD ZAYYATBR Getty ImagesBR 02-28-2008BR A Ghanaian http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-149806081.html |
23. UN Staff Accused Of Raping Children In Sudan - Telegraph Members of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in southern Sudan are facing allegations of raping and abusing children as young as 12, The Daily Telegraph has learned. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1538476/UN-staff-accused-of-raping-chi |
24. U.N. Grapples With Peacekeeping Abuse - U.S. & World - FOXNews.com Mar 20, 2005 U.N. Grapples With Peacekeeping Abuse, The United Nations soon will release a report on how to prevent further incidents of sexual abuse and other violations by its http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,150798,00.html |
25. How Old Do You Have To Be To Join The United Nations Peace-keeping How old Do you have to be to join the united nations peacekeeping forces? ChaCha has the answer The United Nations website does not list info on joining http://www.chacha.com/question/how-old-do-you-have-to-be-to-join-the-united-nati |
26. Peacekeeping: Definition From Answers.com In 1988 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the United Nations peacekeeping forces. The press release stated that the forces represent the manifest will of the community of nations http://www.answers.com/topic/peacekeeping |
27. The Nation Furious with shadowy spending by outof-state corporate interests to defeat him, Oregon Congressman Peter De Fazio raises the prospect of impeachment. http://www.thenation.com/blogs/notion/482879/did_obama_deserve_the_nobel_peace_p |
28. The Call Up (1995) - IMDb Three New Zealand soldiers celebrate their 72 hours dog leave before going to serve with the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Bosnia. The soldiers' imminent departure to a http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416630/ | |
29. A/53/979 Of 2 June 1999 Fiftythird session Agenda item 122 (a) Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East United Nations Disengagement Observer Force http://unispal.un.org/UNISPAL.NSF/0/491E68F89EA580260525679800693FDF | |
30. UN Special N° 654 Septembre · September 2006 • Personnel - Spécial Liban The United Nations peacekeeping forces Keeping a peace where there is no peace Seble Demeke http://www.unspecial.org/UNS654/t47.html | |
31. Romeo Dallaire, 'The Failure Of Humanity In Rwanda' : NPR Jan 21, 2005 Dallaire was commander of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Rwanda during one of the worst massacres in modern history. Some 800,000 Rwandans were killed in 100 http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4461715 |
32. Nobelprize.org Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1988/un-lecture.html | |
33. The Nobel Peace Prize 1988 - Presentation Speech The English brigadier, Michael Harbottle, who took part in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in Cyprus at the end of the 1960's, has written a book on his experiences http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1988/presentation-speech.html | |
34. THE BROTHERHOOD -Part 5: The World Army A world army is to be achieved through the manipulation of conflicts leading to extra military powers for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. Meanwhile, NATO is expanding http://educate-yourself.org/nwo/brotherhoodpart5.shtml | |
35. United Nations Forces Win Nobel Peace Prize; Award Signifies Restoration Of Orga The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces have been awarded the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize for their contribution to reducing international tensions and in recognition of the central http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-1281784.html |
36. Canadian Association Of Veterans In UN Peacekeeping (CAVUNP) To donate to schools and public libraries, literature on Canada's participation in the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces; To encourage, promote, engage in or support National http://www.cavunp.org/ | |
37. MP3 -Vietnam War Part II, The MP3 After WWII, Korea was divided in half at the 38th parallel. To the north were the Communists; to the south were the United Nations peacekeeping forces. In June 1950, North http://www.cachesoftware.com/Audio_Books/History/Military/vietnam-war-part-ii.ht | |
38. 1988 United Nations Peace-keeping Forces The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces are employed by the World Organizaton to maintain or re-establish peace in an area of armed conflict. http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~nstaman/alternatives/Nobels/TheNobelPeacePrize1988.doc | |