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Townes Charles H: more books (21) | ||||
21. Albert Einstein: The Development Of The Laser EINSTEIN, ALBERT; TOWNES, CHARLES H.; SCHAWLOW, A.L.; MAIMAN, T.H.; et al. First editions of the major discoveries in the development of the laser; including two major http://www.manhattanrarebooks-science.com/laser.htm | |
22. Optical And Infrared SETI Title Optical and infrared SETI Authors Townes, Charles H. Affiliation AA(California, Univ., Berkeley) Publication Conference Paper, Astronomical and Biochemical Origins http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1997abos.conf..585T | |
23. DeMaria, Anthony John, 1931- Oral History Interview With Anthony John DeMaria, 1 Research and education, 1956 to ca. 1970. Establishment of the electromagnetics Townes, Charles H. http://aip.org/history/catalog/icos/4569.html | |
24. Charles Hard Townes: Information From Answers.com (born July 28, 1915, Greenville, S.C., U.S.) U.S. physicist. He studied at Furman University, Duke University, and the California Institute of Technology and worked for Bell http://www.answers.com/topic/townes-charles-h-ard |
25. Masers And Maser Communications System - Patent 2929922 Schawlow, Arthur L. Townes, Charles H. 372/56, 250/214.100, 330/59 http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2929922.html |
26. Scientific Commons Charles H. Townes Townes,Charles H., Genzel,Reinhard http://en.scientificcommons.org/charles_h_townes |
27. Low Altitude Atmospheric Turbulence Characteristics At Mt. Wilson Observatory Title Low altitude atmospheric turbulence characteristics at Mt. Wilson Observatory Authors Short, Nicholas; Fitelson, Walter; Hale, David D. S.; Townes, Charles H. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003SPIE.4838..803S | |
28. Air-speed Indicating System - Patent 2457287 Airspeed indicating system Townes, Charles H. http://www.freepatentsonline.com/2457287.html |
29. Charles H. Townes Biography | BookRags.com World of Physics on Charles H. Townes. Charles H. Townes was awarded a share of the 1964 Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery in 1951 of the maser , a device that can amplify http://www.bookrags.com/biography/charles-h-townes-wop/ |
30. Encyclopedia Of Earth Townes, Charles H. Physics 1964 1948–61 Schwinger, Julian S. Physics 1965 1936 PhD 1939 Wald, George Physiology or Medicine 1967 MA 1928 Luria, Salvador E. http://www.eoearth.org/wiki/Townes,_Charles_H/ | |
31. The Laser, Scientist are still trying to find new ways to harness the power of the laser. Bibliography Townes, Charles H. How The Laser Happened Adventures of a Scientist. http://www.studyworld.com/basementpapers/papers/stack14_18.html |
32. Townhomes Definition Of Townhomes In The Free Online Encyclopedia. Townes, Charles H Townes, Charles H. Townes, Charles Hard Townes, Charles Hard Townes, Charles Hard TownesBrocks syndrome Townfolk Townfolk Towngas Towngas http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Townhomes |
33. Nobel Laureates - List Townes, Charles H. Berkeley 1964 Physics Tsien, Roger Y. San Diego 2008 Chemistry Urey, Harold C.* San Diego 1934 Chemistry Varmus, Harold E. San Francisco http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/nobel/list.html | |
34. Charles H. Townes Charles H. Townes. Biographical Data Born July 28, 1915, in Greenville, Townes graduated from Furman University in 1935, earning a Bachelor of Science in physics and a Bachelor of http://www.clemson.edu/newsroom/articles/2008/october/townes_bio.php5 |
35. Townhouse - Definition Of Townhouse By The Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus And Townes, Charles H Townes, Charles H. Townes, Charles Hard Townes, Charles Hard Townes, Charles Hard TownesBrocks syndrome Townfolk Townfolk Towngas Towngas http://www.thefreedictionary.com/townhouse |
36. Academy Of Achievement: Night Order this book from Amazon.com. Night . Elie Wiesel New York, New York Hill Wang, 1960 Elie Wiesel's harrowing firstperson account of the Holocaust, the murder of his family http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/bibliography/Night_0 | |
37. Hard Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com the invention of the maser and later the laser, he shared a 1964 Nobel Prize with Aleksandr M. Prokhorov (b. 1916) and Nikolay G. Basov (b. 1922). Learn more about Townes, Charles H http://www.reference.com/browse/Hard |
38. Townes Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com the invention of the maser and later the laser, he shared a 1964 Nobel Prize with Aleksandr M. Prokhorov (b. 1916) and Nikolay G. Basov (b. 1922). Learn more about Townes, Charles H http://www.reference.com/browse/townes |
39. MIT Office Of The Provost, Institutional Research Townes, Charles H. 1964 Physics (shared) Weinberg, Steven 1979 Physics (shared) Staff Former 14 Barton, Derek - Visiting Faculty 1969 Chemistry (shared) http://web.mit.edu/ir/pop/awards/nobel.html | |
40. Academy Of Achievement: Roosevelt: The Lion And The Fox Order this book from Amazon.com. Roosevelt The Lion and the Fox . James MacGregor Burns New York, New York Harvest Books, 1956 . Recommended by Doris Kearns Goodwin, Ph.D. http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/bibliography/RooseveltT_0 | |
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