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61. United Nations Association Of USA - Houston Chapter UNA-Houston offers Houstonians the opportunity to connect with issues confronted by the U.N., from global health and human rights to equitable development and international justice. http://www.unahouston.org |
62. United Nations (UN) (international Organization) -- Britannica Online Encycloped United Nations (UN) (international organization), international organization established on October 24, 1945. The United Nations was the second multipurpose international http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/616264/United-Nations | |
63. Government Information | Northwestern University Library | Www.library.northwest The site describes resources and search strategies for researching the United Nations and the publications, events and activities of the United Nations. http://www.library.northwestern.edu/govpub/resource/internat/unguide.html | |
64. Ramonamun.org Aims to raise public awareness about human rights. http://www.ramonamun.org | |
65. Model United Nations Of Lübeck 2011 • MUNOL Germany s oldest MUN simulation conferences. http://www.munol.org | |
66. WCU Model United Nations Information about collegiate and high school conferences as well as the WCUMUN team. http://paws.wcu.edu/modelun/ | |
67. United Nations Spartacus, USA History, British History, Second World War, First World War, Germany, http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAun.htm | |
68. Midwest Model United Nations Furnishing a structure for students to work with pressing international issues outside of the classroom, and to broaden their awareness of the world of politics. News, information on upcoming events, and scholarships. http://www.mmun.org/ |
69. United Nations Legal Definition Of United Nations. United Nations Synonyms By Th As of 2003, The United Nations (UN) is an organization of 191 states that strives to attain international peace and security, promotes fundamental Human Rights and equal rights for http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/United Nations |
70. Model United Nations: Prepare - UN Cyberschoolbus Resources for MUN advisors and students includes links, forms, and research materials. http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/modelun/index.asp | |
71. Regional High School Model United Nations (RHSMUN) Regional High School MUN. Geared towards the Southwestern US and Mexico. http://www.imuna.org/rhsmun.asp |
72. UNITED FUCKING NATIONS Show your support to United Nations by making the picture above your DEFAULT PHOTO on MySpace Facebook. home faq poll APnet eyeball records http://unitedfuckingnations.com/ | |
73. Washington University Model United Nations Symposium October 15th -17th 2010 A high school Model UN conference at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri http://www.wumuns.net | |
74. Index.gif International relations association of New Haven, Connecticut, that sponsors high school and collegiate conferences and an intercollegiate team. http://www.yale.edu/yira/ |
75. United States Mission To The United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, United States Mission to the United Nations http://www.usunnewyork.usmission.gov/ | |
76. Welcome To Berkeley Model United Nations | Bmun.net Information on the annual BMUN conference http://www.bmun.net | |
77. United Nations A profile of the United Nations, the world's only universal membership intergovernmental organization, from About Guide to U.S. Foreign Policy Keith Porter. http://usforeignpolicy.about.com/od/unitednations/p/unitednations.htm | |
78. Mira Costa Model United Nations- LAIMUN XVI Manhattan Beach, CA. http://mchsmun.netfirms.com/ | |
79. UNFCU :: Homepage New York City. Serving employees of the United Nations. http://www.unfcu.org/ |
80. TJ Model UN | News Alexandria, Virginia. Resource includes information about the club and the conferences, a calendar, a research center, and pictures http://www.tjhsst.edu/mun | |
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