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1. Biography Nobel Prize Winner: Urey, Harold Clayton | Chemdex Biography Nobel Prize Winner Urey, Harold Clayton. (Columbia University, New York, USA). Awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1934 for his discovery of heavy hydrogen http://www.chemdex.org/chemistry_link/biography_nobel_prize_winner_urey_harold_c | |
2. Urey, Harold Clayton - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About Urey Urey, Harold Clayton (1893–1981) US chemist. In 1932 he isolated heavy water and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1934 for his discovery of deuterium (heavy http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Urey, Harold Clayton |
3. Chemists-U Urey, Harold Clayton http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Biographies/Categories/Scientists/Chemists/i | |
4. Harold Clayton Urey — Infoplease.com More on Harold Clayton Urey from Infoplease Urey meaning and definitions Urey Definition and Pronunciation; See more Encyclopedia articles on Chemistry Biographies http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0850185.html |
5. Urey Harold Clayton - WIEM, Darmowa Encyklopedia Urey, Harold Urey, Harold Clayton Urey United States chemist who discovered deuterium (18931981) http://wiem.onet.pl/wiem/00bff4.html | |
6. Harold Urey - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia (Redirected from Urey, Harold Clayton) Harold Clayton Urey (April 29, 1893 – January 5, 1981) was an American physical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urey,_Harold_Clayton | |
7. Urey - Definition Of Urey At YourDictionary.com urethrovesicopexy; uretic; uretic (medical) URETS Urey; Urey Harold Clayton; URF; Urfa; URFDANYC; URG; urge; urge (synonyms) URGE (abbreviation) urge incontinence http://www.yourdictionary.com/urey |
8. Urey, Harold Clayton - Definition Of Urey, Harold Clayton By The Free Online Dic Thesaurus Legend Synonyms Related Words Antonyms. Noun 1. Harold Clayton Urey United States chemist who discovered deuterium (1893-1981) Harold Urey, Urey http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Urey, Harold Clayton |
9. Definition Of Urey | Synonym.com 1. Urey, Harold Urey, Harold Clayton Urey Synonym.com 20012007, Hillclimb Media, all rights reserved. The database is http://www.synonym.com/definition/urey/ |
10. Urey, Harold Clayton Definition Of Urey, Harold Clayton In The Free Online Encyc Urey, Harold Clayton (y r`ē), 1893–1981, American chemist, b. Walkerton, Ind., grad. Univ. of Montana (B.S., 1917), Ph.D. Univ. of California, 1923. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Urey, Harold Clayton |
11. Urethrovaginal Fistula - Definition Of Urethrovaginal Fistula In The Medical Dic Urex Urey Urey Urey Urey Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Urey, Harold C Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton ureyite UREZ Urf http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/urethrovaginal fistula |
12. Urey Harold Clayton - Definition Of Urey Harold Clayton By The Free Online Dicti Urey (y r), Harold Clayton 18931981. American chemist who is best known for his discovery of deuterium (or heavy hydrogen) in 1932, for which he was awarded the 1934 Nobel http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Urey Harold Clayton |
13. Harold Clayton Urey Summary | BookRags.com Harold Clayton Urey. Harold Clayton Urey summary with 3 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/harold-clayton-urey-scit-0612345/ |
14. Urey, Harold Clayton Encyclopedia Topics | Reference.com Copy paste this link to your blog or website to reference this page http://www.reference.com/browse/Urey, Harold Clayton |
15. Urey, Harold Clayton - Personenlexikon Urex Urey Urey Urey Urey Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Urey, Harold C Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton ureyite UREZ Urf http://www.personenlexikon.net/d/urey-harold-clayton/urey-harold-clayton.htm | |
16. Urey, Harold Clayton | Define Urey, Harold Clayton At Dictionary.com Science Dictionary Urey (y r'Ä“) Pronunciation Key American chemist who is best known for his discovery of deuterium (or heavy hydrogen) in 1932, for which he was awarded the http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Urey, Harold Clayton |
17. URF - What Does URF Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Free Online Dic Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton ureyite UREZ URF URF1 URF6 Urfa Urfa Urfa Urfa URFC Urf Urf , Honore d' Urf , Honor d' Urfe, Honored http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/URF |
18. Harold C. Urey - Biography Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1934/urey-bio.html | |
19. Urey, Harold Clayton - Compounds, Separation, Isotope, Physics, Formed, And Heav yoo ree (1893–1981) US physical chemist pioneered isotope separation methods and their application. Although originally a graduate from Montana in zoology, Urey soon http://encyclopedia.jrank.org/articles/pages/3662/Urey-Harold-Clayton.html |
20. Urey, Harold Clayton Urey, Harold Clayton (1893–1981) US chemist. In 1932 he isolated heavy water and was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1934 for his discovery of deuterium (heavy http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Harold Urey |
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