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         Whipple George Hoyt:     more books (17)
  1. George Hoyt Whipple, 1878-1976: A biographical memoir by Leon L Miller, 1995
  2. George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nobel Prize Pathologist by George W. Corner, 1963-01-01
  3. Goerge Hoyt Whipple and His Friends by George W. Corner, 1963

21. Whipple, George Hoyt
Whipple, George Hoyt (1878–1976) US physiologist who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1934 for work on the treatment of pernicious anaemia by Hoyt Whipple

22. AccessScience | Biography | Whipple, George Hoyt
About AccessScience. AccessScience is a subscriptionbased website that features continually updated scientific and

23. Whipple, George Hoyt 1878-1976 - American Decades | HighBeam Research - FREE Tri
Whipple, George Hoyt 18781976 find American Decades articles. div id= be-doc-text h1WHIPPLE, GEORGE HOYT 1878-1976/h1pConqueror of pernicious anemia/ph2Early Career/h2

24. George Hoyt Whipple Winner Of The 1934 Nobel Prize In Medicine
George Hoyt Whipple, a Nobel Prize Laureate in Physiology and Medicine, at the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.
1934 Nobel Laureate in Medicine
    for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia.

    Residence: U.S.A.
    Affiliation: Rochester University, Rochester, NY
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25. The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine 1934, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
Home FAQ Press Contact Us ... Nobel Prize in Medicine The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934 Sort and list Nobel Prizes and Nobel Laureates Create a List All Nobel Prizes Nobel Prize Awarded Organizations Women Nobel Laureates Nobel Laureates and Universities Prize category: Physics Chemistry Medicine Literature Peace Economics
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
George H. Whipple, George R. Minot, William P. Murphy
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934
Nobel Prize Award Ceremony ... Banquet Speech
George Hoyt Whipple
George Richards Minot
William Parry Murphy
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934 was awarded jointly to George Hoyt Whipple, George Richards Minot and William Parry Murphy "for their discoveries concerning liver therapy in cases of anaemia" TO CITE THIS PAGE:
MLA style: "The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934". 1 Nov 2010

26. Whipple, George Hoyt 1878-1976 - 1920's Medicine And Health
Whipple, George Hoyt 18781976 - 1920's Medicine and Health at eNotes

27. George Hoyt Whipple Definition Of George Hoyt Whipple In The Free Online Encyclo
Whipple, George Hoyt . Born Aug. 28, 1878; died Feb. 1, 1976. American physician and pathologist. Whipple graduated from Yale University in 1900 and received the M.D. degree from Hoyt Whipple

28. Whipple, George Hoyt (Am. Path.)
Britannica CD
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help Whipple, George Hoyt (Am. path.)

29. Whipple, George
Whipple, George Hoyt (18781976) George Hoyt Whipple was born on August 28, 1878, in Ashland, New
Whipple, George Hoyt George Hoyt Whipple was born on August 28, 1878, in Ashland, New Hampshire, U.S.A., the son of Dr. Ashley Cooper Whipple and his wife Frances Hoyt. His paternal grandfather and his father, both physicians, were born and bred in New Hampshire.
Whipple was educated at Andover Academy and then went to Yale University, where he took his in 1900. Subsequently he went to Johns Hopkins University, where he took his M.D. degree in 1905.
In 1905 he was appointed Assistant in Pathology at the Johns Hopkins Medical School and, although he spent a year as pathologist to the Ancon Hospital, Panama, he remained at Johns Hopkins University until 1914, being successively Assistant, Instructor, Associate and Associate Professor in Pathology.
In 1914 he was appointed Professor of Research Medicine at the University of California Medical School, and Director of the Hooper Foundation for Medical Research at that University, being Dean of the Medical School during the years 1920 and 1921. In 1921 he was appointed Professor of Pathology and Dean of the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Rochester.
Whipple's main researches were concerned with anaemia and the physiology and pathology of the liver. For a year he worked under General William Gorgas and Dr. S. T. Darling on anaemia caused by parasitic infections and especially on the lesions found in the intestinal tract in people suffering from these infections. He also studied the histology of the tissues in patients suffering from blackwater fever.

30. Índice Alfabético - W
Fred Whipple George Hoyt Whipple James Abbott Mcneill Whistler Forest Whitaker Felix Harold White Gilbert White Leslie A. White Minor White Patrick White
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W Apellidos, Nombre Weyl, Herman
Weyler y Nicolau, Valeriano
Weyprecht, Karl
Whale, James
Wharton, Mrs.
Wharton, Thomas
Wheatley, Francis
Wheatstone, Charles
Wheeler, Robert Eric Mortimer
Wheeler, William Morton Whewell, William Whillans, Don Whipple, Fred Whipple, George Hoyt Whistler, James Abbott Mcneill Whitaker, Forest White, Felix Harold White, Gilbert White, Leslie A. White, Minor White, Patrick White, Pearl White, Robert White, William Henry White, Stanford Whitehead, Alfred North Whitehead, Robert Whitelaw de Penrith, William Whithorne, Emerson Whitman, Walt Whitney, William Dwight Whittaker, Edmund Taylor Whittaker, William Gillies Whittier, John Greenleaf

31. ONLIPIX - Great Names Pictures : WHI
WHIPPLE (George Hoyt) 1 - 2 - 1 (seating, right, with M.C. WINTERNITZ, W.H. WELCH
WHI A B C D ... Z
  • WHIBLEY (Charles)(1859-1930)
  • WHIPPLE (Amiel Weeks)(1816-1863)
  • WHIPPLE (Fred Lawrence)(1906-2004)
  • WHIPPLE (George Hoyt)
  • WHIPPLE (William)(1730-1785)
  • WHIPPLE (William Denison)(1826-1902)
  • WHISNER (William T.)

      - 2 (5th row)
  • WHISTLER (Daniel)
  • WHISTLER (James Abbott McNeill)(1834-1903)
  • WHISTLER (Rex Reginald John)(1905-1944)
  • WHISTLER (Mrs, mother of James Abbott WHISTLER
  • WHISTON (William)(1667-1752)
  • WHITAKER (Walter Chiles)(1823-1887)
  • WHITBREAD (Samuel, MP
  • WHITBREAD (Samuel Charles)(1796-1879)
  • WHITE (Alice)
  • WHITE (Antonia)(1899-1980)
  • WHITE (Carl, aka 'Pidge')
      - in 1938 :
  • WHITE (Carolina)(1883-1961)
  • WHITE (Chrissie)
  • WHITE (Edward)
  • WHITE (Edward Douglass)
  • WHITE (Ellen Gould)(1827-1915)
  • WHITE (Francis, bishop of Ely
  • WHITE (George)(1872-1953)
  • WHITE (George Henry)(1852-1918)
  • WHITE (Henry)(1836-1890)
  • WHITE (Henry Hopley)(1790-1876)
  • WHITE (Henry Kirke)(1785-1806)
  • WHITE (Jesse C.)(1934-)

32. Whipple, George Hoyt - Personenlexikon
Medici e Ricercatori Whipple, George Hoyt
Startseite Personenlexikon Thematische Gliederung Gruppen Kategorien ... Z
Whipple, George Hoyt
amerikanischer Pathologe, geboren 28.8.1878 Ashland (N.H), verstorben 1.2.1976 Rochester (N.Y.); ab 1909 Professor in Baltimore, 1914 in Berkeley und ab 1921 in Rochester; Arbeiten �ber Gallenfarbstoffe; entdeckte um 1923 die Wirksamkeit der Leberdi�t gegen Pernizi�se An�mie; erhielt 1934 zusammen mit G.R. Minot und W.P. Murphy den Nobelpreis f�r Physiologie oder Medizin. Nach ihm ist die Whipplesche Krankheit, ein Fettgewebsschwund (Lipodystrophia intestinalis), bezeichnet. Diese Seite als Bookmark speichern : addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'woorgle1492'; Whipple, Fred Lawrence Whitehead, Alfred North Weitere Begriffe : Takamine, Jokichi Groth, Wilhelm Eustachi (Eustachio, Eustachius) Personenlexikon Neuen Artikel hinzuf�gen Rechtliche Hinweise Impressum W. f�hrte entwickelte Vater Professor Bonn, entwickelte vaskul�re, um .
bei Chirurg, bei Beckens deutscher ab Vater bei Bauchoperationen entwickelte verstorben die Leipzig; Bauchoperationen um (Trendelenburg-Lagerung) Trendelenburg, (Trendelenburg-Lagerung) deutscher Vater (Embolektomie) 15.12.1924 1908 die ab .

33. GEORGE HOYT WHIPPLE - Encyclopédie Universalis
American physician (1892–1987) See Whipple, George Hoyt
Encyclopædia Universalis, le portail de la connaissance Accueil Boutique Contact Assistance J'ai oublié mon mot de passe Zone de recherche Saisir un mot clef
Physiologiste américain, né en 1878 à Ashland (New Hampshire), mort en 1976 à Rochester (New York). Médecin diplômé de l'université Johns Hopkins (1905), Whipple est professeur de physiologie à l'université médicale de Californie, San Francisco (1914), puis à Rochester (1921-1953). Ses travaux scientifiques portent principalement sur la physiopathologie du foie et plus particulièrement sur les mécanismes de régénération cellulaire. L'étude du métabolisme de pigments produits lors de nécroses hépatiques l'amène à s'intéresser à la production d'un autre pigment, l'hémoglobine, dans les cellules sanguines.  En soumettant des chiens anémiés à des régimes alimentaires prédéfinis, Whipple découvre que, chez les chiens, l'ingestion d'extraits de foie cru est très efficace dans le traitement des anémies.  G. R. Minot et W. P. Murphy démontreront la validité de ce remède chez l'homme, en particulier dans le cas de l'anémie pernicieuse. Pour ses travaux précurseurs sur les anémies, Whipple reçoit le prix Nobel de physiologie ou médecine en 1934, conjointement à G. R. Minot et W. P. Murphy.

34. Whipple - Definition And Meaning From Wordnik
Whipple Whipple, George Hoyt 18781976. American pathologist. He shared a 1934 Nobel Prize for discovering that a diet of liver relieves anemia.
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American Heritage Dictionary (1 definition)
  • Whipple George Hoyt 1878-1976. American pathologist. He shared a 1934 Nobel Prize for discovering that a diet of liver relieves anemia.
  • Century Dictionary
    GNU Webster's 1913
    Elsewhere on the web
    Whipple elsewhere on the web:
    • NEDRA RUIZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Marjorie slapped, you know, down here on the ground, Marjorie was slapping at the head of Bane as it came over to bite and ravage the flesh of Miss Whipple CNN Transcript Feb 25, 2002 Her attorney has said again and again that the attack was an accident, that Marjorie Knoller actually tried to protect the victim, and outside the courtroom she seemed to blame the police for not giving Whipple first aid quickly enough.

    35. Whipple - Definition Of Whipple At
    Whipple, George Hoyt (ho̵it) 18781976; U.S. pathologist American pathologist. He shared a 1934 Nobel Prize for discovering that

    36. George Hoyt Whipple, George Hoyt Whipple Medical Definition | Medical Dictionary
    george hoyt whipple medical definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation and examples. Get it now! hoyt whipple

    37. Pernicious Anemia —
    George Hoyt Whipple Whipple, George Hoyt Whipple, George Hoyt, 1878–1976, American pathologist, b. Ashland, N.H., Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary

    38. Oral Histories, Miner Library
    Wallis, W. Allen Watson, James Sibley Whipple, George Hoyt Whipple, Katherine Williams, T. Franklin. Y. Young, Frank E. Young, Larry E. Yu, Paul N.
    • Affiliated Libraries Alumni Giving Home ... miner
      oral histories
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      • 1-Jul-81, Audio 1-Jul-82, Video
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      • 18-May-98, Video
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      • 25-Jan-72, Audio
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      • 1-Mar-97, Video
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      • 1-Jun-93, Video
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      • 28-May-81, Audio 28-May-81, Video
      Bonani, Philip P.
      • 28-Mar-00, Video
      Bradford, William
      • 21-Jun-73, Audio 13-May-77, Audio 13-May-77, Video 31-Mar-81, Audio Aug-83, Audio
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      • 18-Oct-84, Audio 18-Oct-84, Video
      [Back to top] Cardillo, Thomas
      • 12-Feb-02, Video
      Colgan, Margaret
      • 1-Jun-97, Video
      Corner, George W.
      • 27-Sep-73, Audio 14-Oct-78, Audio 14-Oct-78, Video
      Crough, Doris Hubbard
      • 31-May-79, Audio
      Deweese, James
      • 26-Mar-99, Video

    39. George Hoyt Whipple Biography
    George Hoyt Whipple biography. Who is George Hoyt Whipple? George Hoyt Whipple bio.

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