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21. Bayle On The Rights Of Conscience Essay by John R. Kilcullen. http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/Ockham/wbayle.html | |
22. Pierre Bayle En El Diccionario Soviético De Filosofía / 1965 Art culo dedicado a Pierre Bayle en el Diccionario sovi tico de filosof a de 1965. http://www.filosofia.org/enc/ros/bayle.htm | |
23. Pierre Bayle - Wikipedia, A Enciclopedia Libre Biograf a del pensador con enlaces a t rminos relevantes. Incluye enlaces externos. http://gl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Bayle | |
24. Bayle, Pierre Bayle, Pierre Encyclopedia article; The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2004. Read Bayle, Pierre at Questia library. http://www.questia.com/read/101231788 | |
25. Pierre Bayle - Dictionnaire Art culo de an lisis teol gico y el vac o experimental, por Albert Ribas. http://www.editorialsunya.com/baylec.html | |
26. *Bayle, Pierre « United Architects – Essays home table of content united architects – essays table of content all sites Bayle, Pierre. French, 1647–1706 Pierre Bayle expressed his views on Protestantism and religious http://danassays.wordpress.com/encyclopedia-of-the-essay/bayle-pierre/ | |
27. Encyclopdie De L'Agora | Bayle Pierre Dossier sur le philosophe et essayiste fran ais (1647-1706) dans l encyclop die de l Agora. http://agora.qc.ca/mot.nsf/Dossiers/Pierre_Bayle |
28. Bayle, Pierre | Bayle, Pierre Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Bayle, Pierre Research Bayle, Pierre articles at HighBeam.com. Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia. http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G2-3407701207.html |
29. Dictionnaire De Bayle Texte int gral sur le serveur de l Inalf. http://dictionnaires.atilf.fr/dictionnaires/BAYLE/ | |
30. Bayle, Pierre Summary | BookRags.com Bayle, Pierre. Bayle, Pierre summary with encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/eb/bayle-pierre-eb/ |
31. La Maison Pierre Bayle Pr sentation succincte de ce mus e de Carla. Expositions et biblioth que. http://www.carla-bayle.com/article.php3?id_article=12 |
32. Bayle, Pierre Biography - S9.com Pierre Bayle was a French philosopher, skeptic, and writer. 1647 Born 18th of November in Carla-le-Comte, near Pamiers. 1696 - Entered in Jesuit College at Toulouse and http://www.s9.com/Biography/Bayle-Pierre |
33. Profils De Libertés - Pierre Bayle Biographie de l initiateur du doute critique et pr curseur du si cle des Lumi res. http://prolib.net/pierre_bailleux/histoire/204.023.bayle.lenoir.htm | |
34. Bayle, Pierre BAYLE, b l, PIERRE French Protestant; b. at Carla (11 m. w. of Pamiers), department of Ari ge, Nov. 18, 1647; d. at Rotterdam Dec. 28, 1706. http://www.ccel.org/s/schaff/encyc/encyc02/htm/iv.iv.xxxii.htm | |
35. Dictionnaire De Bayle | The ARTFL Project Electronic version of the first volume of this monumental work, with a description of the text and its particularities, links to Bayle resources and editions, and info on the ARTFL Project. http://artfl-project.uchicago.edu/node/60 | |
36. Bayle, Pierre Bayle, Pierre (b. Nov. 18, 1647, Carlale-Comte, Fr.d. Dec. 28, 1706, Rotterdam, Neth.), philosopher whose Dictionnaire historique et critique (1697; Historical and Critical http://www.uv.es/EBRIT/micro/micro_57_41.html | |
37. Bayle, Pierre (1647–1706) Free Study Guides, Book Notes, Book Reviews More Pay it forward Tell others about Novelguide.com http://www.novelguide.com/a/discover/eemw_01/eemw_01_00097.html |
38. Bayle, Pierre French critic and philosopher. In Dictionnaire historique et critique/Historical and Critical Dictionary (1696), he wrote learned and highly sceptical articles attacking almost all http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Pierre Bayle |
39. Pierre Bayle — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia Bayle, Pierre. Bayle, Pierre (pyer bāl) , 1647 – 1706, French philosopher. Born a Huguenot, he converted to Roman Catholicism and then returned to Protestantism. http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0806549.html | |
40. Bayle, Pierre - Encyclopedia Britannica - On History Full Name Pierre Bayle. Nationality French Activity French philosopher. Born 1811-1647 Died 28-12-1706 http://www.history.co.uk/encyclopedia/bayle-pierre.html |
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