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         Church Alonzo:     more books (100)
  1. A discourse delivered before the Georgia Historical Society: On the occasion of its 6th anniversary, on Wednesday, 12th February, 1845 by Alonzo Church, 1845
  2. Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Part I by Alonzo Church, 1944
  3. Mathematical logic: Lectures by Alonzo Church, 1936
  4. Wanderings of a Painting: The Alonzo Church Portrait by E.Merton Coulter, 1946-01-01
  5. 'PRINT: "School Street Universalist Church, Rev. Alonzo A Miner, Pastor'..text & engravings from Gleason's Pictorial 8/6/1853 by Luther) Gleason's Pictorial Drawing Room Companion Farnham, 1853-01-01
  6. Episcopal government: A sermon preached at the consecration of the Rev. Alonzo Potter as Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania by John Henry Hopkins, 1845
  7. The Euclidean parallel postulate by Alonzo Church, 1956
  8. A Bibliography of Symbolic Logic by Alonzo Church, 1985-03
  9. A dash through the Everglades by Alonzo Church, 1939
  10. Wanderings of a painting;: The Alonzo Church portrait by E. Merton Coulter, 1946
  11. The Collected Works of Alonzo Church by Alonzo Church, Tyler Burge, et all 2005-04-30
  12. The church of the future,: By Alonzo W. Fortune by Alonzo Willard Fortune, 1930
  13. Practical error, and the test of true holiness: A sermon delivered at the ordination of Rev. Josiah Moore as pastor of the First Church and Society in Athol, December 8, 1830 by Alonzo Hill, 1831
  14. THE CALCULI OF LAMBDA-CONVERSION. Annals of Mathematics Studies by Alonzo. Church, 1941

41. Introduction To Mathematical Logic (PMS-13) By | 0691029067 | 9780691
Rent and Save a ton on Introduction to Mathematical Logic (PMS13) by Church, Alonzo.ISBN 0691029067 EAN 9780691029061
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  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
Home Mathematics Logic
Introduction to Mathematical Logic (PMS-13)
Church, Alonzo
EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: Princeton University Press (10/28/1996) PAGES: This product is not available.
SUMMARY One of the pioneers of mathematical logic in the twentieth century was Alonzo Church. He introduced such concepts as the lambda calculus, now an essential tool of computer science, and was the founder of the Journal of Symbolic Logic. In Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Church presents a masterful overview of the subjectone which should be read by every researcher and student of logic. The previous edition of this book was in the Princeton Mathematical Series. SUMMARY One of the pioneers of mathematical logic in the twentieth century was Alonzo Church. He introduced such concepts as the lambda calculus, now an essential tool of computer science, and was the founder of the Journal of Symbolic Logic. In Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Church presents a masterful overview of the subjectone which should be rea...

42. Church Summary
Alonzo Church (19031995) JOC/EFR November 2004. The URL of this page is http//
Alonzo Church
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to see a larger version Full MacTutor biography [Version for printing] List of References (13 books/articles) Mathematicians born in the same country Show birthplace location Additional Material in MacTutor
  • Gian-Carlo Rota on Alonzo Church Honours awarded to Alonzo Church
    (Click below for those honoured in this way) Speaker at International Congress Other Web sites
  • Gian-Carlo Rota
  • Princeton (Interview with Church)
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (The Church-Turing thesis)
  • Mathematical Genealogy Project Previous (Chronologically) Next Main Index Previous (Alphabetically) Next Biographies index JOC/EFR © November 2004 The URL of this page is:
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    44. Facts About Alonzo Church: Church, Alonzo, As Discussed In Church, Alonzo: -- Br
    Facts about Alonzo Church Church, Alonzo, U.S. mathematician (b. June 14, 1903, Washington, D.C.d. Aug. 11, 1995, Hudson, Ohio), was a pioneer in the field of mathematical logic
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    45. The Collected Works Of Alonzo Church Alonzo Editions - Direct Textbook
    A List of The Collected Works Of Alonzo Church Alonzo Editions, with links to the book's information.

    46. Smart Computing Entry - .QD4
    Smart Computing Encyclopedia

    47. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s (PMC05)
    The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s Transcript Number 5 (PMC5) The Trustees of Princeton University, 1985. ALONZO CHURCH. Alonzo Church is interviewed by
    The Princeton Mathematics Community in the 1930s
    Transcript Number 5 (PMC5)
    © The Trustees of Princeton University, 1985
    Alonzo Church is interviewed by William Aspray on 17 May 1984 at the University of California at Los Angeles. Aspray: Could we begin by your describing how you came to Princeton and what caused your interest in Princeton? Church: I was an undergraduate at Princeton, and I was pressed by the math department to go on to graduate school. Actually they gave me fellowships that paid my way, otherwise I would not have been able to continue. Aspray: Who was it on the faculty that was encouraging you to go on to graduate school? Church: Primarily Oswald Veblen, also to some extent Dean [Henry Burchard] Fine and Luther Eisenhart. Aspray: What years were you a grad student? Church: I graduated in 1924, as an undergraduate that is, and then immediately went to graduate school and got my degree in 1927. Aspray: After finishing graduate school did you immediately become an instructor in the department or did you go off some place? Church: I had two years on a National Research Fellowship. I spent a year at Harvard and a year in Europe, half the year at Goettingen, because [David] Hilbert was there at the time, and half the year in Amsterdam, because I was interested in [L.E.J.] Brouwer's work, as were some of those advising me.

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