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         Deleuze Gilles:     more books (101)
  1. Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature (Theory andHistory of Literature) by Gilles Deleuze, 1986-10-31
  2. Gilles Deleuze: Cinema and Philosophy (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society) by Paola Marrati, 2008-04-07
  3. Fold: Leibniz and the Baroque by Gilles Deleuze, 1992-12-18
  4. Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Intersecting Lives (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) by Francois Dosse, 2010-06-28
  5. The Logic of Sense by Gilles Deleuze, 1990-04-15
  6. Cinema 2: The Time-Image by Gilles Deleuze, 1989-11
  7. Negotiations 1972-1990 by Gilles Deleuze, 1997-04-15
  8. Deleuze and the Political (Thinking the Political) by Paul Patton, 2000-08-11
  9. Thousand Plateaus (Athlone Contemporary European Thinkers) by Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, 2000-12-01
  10. Two Regimes of Madness, Revised Edition: Texts and Interviews 1975-1995 (Semiotext(e) / Foreign Agents) by Gilles Deleuze, 2007-10-31
  11. Gilles Deleuze's Logic of Sense: A Critical Introduction and Guide (Edinburgh Philosophical Guides) by James Williams, 2009-03-15
  12. Deleuze and Spinoza: Aura of Expressionism by Gillian Howie, 2002-09-06
  13. Desert Islands and Other Texts (1953-1974) (Semiotext(e) / Foreign Agents) by Gilles Deleuze, 2003-12-01
  14. Gilles Deleuze: Vitalism and Multiplicity (Modern European Thinkers) by John Marks, 1998-10-01

21. .:. Sin. Pensamiento En Teoría .:.
Ensayo de Gilles Deleuze. En Sin pensamiento.
DOSSIER GILLES DELEUZE DESEO Y PLACER 25 MAYO 1987 NOTAS: 3. V.S. por La voluntad de saber. 7. Deleuze a dedicado un libro a Sacher-Masoch: La venus de las pieles (Ed. de Minuit, 1967). DOSSIER DOSSIER DOSSIER DOSSIER ... DOSSIER

22. Deleuze, Gilles Definition Of Deleuze, Gilles In The Free Online Encyclopedia.
Deleuze, Gilles (born Jan. 18, 1925, Paris, France—died Nov. 4, 1995, Paris) French antirationalist philosopher and literary critic. He began his study of philosophy at the, Gilles

23. Narrativity @ A Standstill: Deleuze, Gilles And Guattari, Felix. "What Is A Mino
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix. What is a Minor Literature? Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix. What is a Minor Literature? Critical Essays on Franz Kafka.
Narrativity @ a Standstill
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix. "What is a Minor Literature?"
Deleuze, Gilles and Guattari, Felix. "What is a Minor Literature?" Critical Essays on Franz Kafka . Ruth V. Gross, Ed. Boston: G.K. Hall and Co., 1990. p35.

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@ a Standstill

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Benjamin, Walter.
Illuminations Benjamin, Walter. Reflections ... Ziarek, Ewa. "The Beauty of Failure", 11 Search N@aS Powered by Movable Type 4.25

24. Gilles Deleuze
Biograf a del pensador en Antroposmoderno.

25. Deleuze, Gilles - Astro-Databank, Gilles Deleuze Horoscope, Born 18 January 1925
Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Gilles Deleuze born on 18 January 1925 Paris, France,_Gilles
Deleuze, Gilles
From Astro-Databank
Jump to: navigation search Gilles Deleuze natal chart (Placidus) natal chart English style (Equal houses) Gilles Deleuze Name Deleuze, Gilles Gender : M Birthname Deleuze, Gilles Rene Louis born on 18 January 1925 at 02:45 (= 02:45 AM ) Place Paris, France, Timezone GMT h0w (is standard time) Data source Quoted BC/BR Rodden Rating AA Astrology data Asc. add Gilles Deleuze to 'my astro'
French philosopher and member of the university. A writer, he was the notable author of "Logique de Sens," 1969, a new analysis of language and meaning, and of "L'Anti-Oepide," (with Felix Guattari), 1972, an essay proposing a new definition of desire. The latter created a scandal in the orthodox Freudian psychoanalytical circles. Deleuze married 8/03/1956. For many years he suffered from poor health with breathing difficulties. On 11/04/1995, he committed suicide by throwing himself out of the window, Paris. Link to Wikipedia biography
  • Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1969 (Released "Logique de Sens") Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1972 (Published "L'Anti-Oepide") Relationship : Marriage 3 August 1956 Death by Suicide 4 November 1995 at 12:00 noon in Paris, France (Threw himself from window, age 70)

26. Deleuze
Ensayo sobre el coautor de El antiedipo .
Deleuze esquizoanalista Por Suely Rolnik Lulu
Entendámonos sobre la palabra "deseo": atracción que nos lleva en dirección a ciertos universos y repulsión que nos aleja de otros, sin que sepamos exactamente porqué; formas de expresión que creamos para dar cuerpo a los estados sensibles que esas conexiones y desconexiones van produciendo en la subjetividad. Pues bien, los regímenes totalitarios no inciden solamente en lo visible y concreto, sino también en esa realidad invisible del deseo: sus movimientos tienden a bloquearse; proliferan políticas microfascistas.
Cuando este tipo de política del deseo prolifera, se forma un terreno fértil para que aparezcan líderes que los encarnen y les sirvan de soporte: son los regímenes totalitarios de toda clase que proliferan. Aunque los microfascismos no se producen sólo en estos regímenes, en ellos estas políticas son la base principal de la subjetividad. Todo aquello que pueda diferir del "sentido común" pasa a ser considerado errado, irresponsable, o peor aún, una traición. Como el "sentido común" se confunde con la propia idea de Nación, diferir de él es traicionar a la Patria. Más aterrorizador todavía es cuando el sentido común y la Nación confundidos el uno con el otro, son identificados con los ideales de una dictadura militar: aparecen entonces las diferentes versiones del "ámelo o déjelo".

27. 9780826476944 (0826476945) - A Thousand Plateaus : Deleuze, Gilles
A thousand plateaus capitalism and schizophrenia. Deleuze, Gilles. ISBN 9780826476944 London Continuum, 2004 688 s. Find best new price; Pay securely

28. Esther Daz - Gilles Deleuze: Poscapitalismo Y Deseo
Ensayo de Esther D az.
ESTHER DAZ Doctora en filosofa Principal Libros Trayectoria acadmica Captulos de libros ... Medios masivos
Esther Daz
Edipo es una idea del paranoico adulto, antes de ser un sentimiento infantil neurtico. Layo se persigue frente a su beb. Teme ser desplazado por l. Se desprende entonces del nio, lo abandona. Luego, cuando las fantasas paternas se concretan, el culpable es el hijo. No se repara en que esas fantasas fueron generadas por la rivalidad del padre, primero, y por la complacencia posesiva de la madre, luego. Esta es una de las conclusiones a la que llegan Deleuze y Guattari a partir de sus reflexiones sobre el deseo y el capitalismo tardo [ii] En la relacin entre padres e hijos, parecera que la determinacin del sentido de esa relacin proviniera de los padres. Sin embargo, para el psicoanlisis, lo determinante es el hijo. Aunque esto lleva en s la paradoja de que siempre se es hijo con respecto a un padre y a una madre; los cuales, si estn enfermos, es de su propia infancia. Es decir, de su condicin de hijos. El hijo quiere eliminar al padre y ocupar su puesto en la cama matrimonial. A partir de ese axioma inicial, el psicoanlisis ha quedado prisionero de un familiarismo impenitente, en la que el deseo se genera en una instancia parental denominada por Freud complejo de Edipo.

29. Deleuze Gilles From FOLDOC
Deleuze Gilles history of philosophy, biography french philosopher (19251995) who used critical interpretations of Spinoza (Spinoza et le probl me de l'expression / Expressionism Gilles

30. Deleuze, GillesmWEhD[Yn
Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari. Rhizome, in A Thousand Plateaus. annotation by Dan Clinton (Theories of Media, Winter 2003)
Deleuze, Gilles
last update:20100715 ̂gooRōwƊt܂
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1956"@La conception de la difference chez Bergson", Les Etudes Bergsonnienes Vol.IV, P. U. F.20000608@ [V EC wقɂ‚āx C“yЁC214p.@ISBNF4-7917-5817-X@1995@ mamazonn mbk1n
Nietzsche et philosophie @P.U.F.@
@wj[`FƓNwx@19820720@a_, ЁCVŁC358p. @3605@ Deleuze, Gilles 1968 Difference et repetition , P. U. F.19921125@ C wقƔx C͏o[VЁC525+21p.@ISBNF4-309-23029-6@6090@ mamazonn mbk1n 1975@Ecrivan non: un nouveau cartographe@ Critique 343(Dec.1975) @@ Deleuze, Gilles ; Guattari, Felix 1980 "Mille plateaux", Editions de Minuit199409@F M C C͏o[VЁC656+12p.@ISBNF4-309-24151-4@7035@

31. THE UNIVOCITY OF DELEUZEby Beth Metcalfbmetcalf.
Several articles by Beth Metcalf discuss Spinozan Univocity and its differences from representational ontology.
by Beth Metcalf

2. What is Univocit
3. Univocity IS Multiplicity
(2005) Univocity overcomes all opposition of many/one with Multiplicity (real distinction, ontologically singular).
4. The Immanence of Univoci
t y
. Force Relations

(2003) Ideas are the sub-representative internal relation of difference without a concept. Ideas must not be confused with concepts.
6. Transcendental Empiricism

7. Expressive Univocit
(2003) Univocity is not a correspondence of an object of perception with a conceptual form of Representation. It is the expression of an internal understanding that precedes all representation. 8. Ethics and Common Notions 9. Logic of Sense (2005) Univocity is the expressive logic of sense. It is not to be confused with the Representational logic of signification. 10. Bergson and Univocity 11. The Empty Form of Time-Eternal Return (2003) With Univocity, the empty form is not merely empty of empirical content. It is also empty and without concept. It is pure order. It is the Eternal Return, the third synthesis of Univocity. 13. Deleuze Versus Hegel

32. Deleuze, Gilles | - The University Of Alabama
We changed servers and podcasting software on October 7, 2010 and have had to reorganize all of our content. Eventually, we'll have everything moved over to the new server, but you

33. The Fold - Deleuze, Gilles
Libro de Deleuze, Gilles Continuum Inter. Publis. 9780826490766 224p. 15,80 €. Gilles Deleuze (19251995) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII. He is a key
Ciencias Humanas Filosofía
The Fold
  • Deleuze, Gilles Continuum Inter. Publis. Idioma: Inglés ISBN: 082649076X ISBN-13: 9780826490766 Entrega de 5 a 7 días contra reembolso por agencia urgente* Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris VIII. He is a key figure in poststructuralism, and one of the most influential philosophers of the twentieth century. In 'The Fold', Deleuze proposes a new and radical way of understanding philosophy and art. Leibniz drew on the art of the baroque period in his invention of the concept of the fold; Deleuze develops the concept further to present a new way of practising philosophy based upon the fold as the relationship of difference with itself.
    Ahorra Con Agapea Compra "The Fold" junto a "La caída de los gigantes":
    Por sólo Gastos de envío gratis
    si compra "The Fold" junto a Álava Reyes, María Jesús Por sólo Gastos de envío gratis
    Otros clientes que compraron The Fold , también compraron:
    • Deleuze, Gilles; Guattari, Felix 427 páginas
    Pure Immanence: Essays On A Life
    • Deleuze, Gilles

34. Gillian Howie - Deleuze And Spinoza: An Aura Of Expressionism - Reviewed By Todd
Todd May revuiews this book by Gillian Howie. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

35. Deleuze, Gilles (1925–1995) Summary |
Deleuze, Gilles (1925–1995). Deleuze, Gilles (1925–1995) summary with 9 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

36. Deleuze And Guattari, Web Resources
Links page by Charles J. Stivale.
CHARLES J. STIVALE - Deleuze and Guattari WEB RESOURCES click center to enlarge
Site Last Updated February 8, 2008 Search and Bibliographies Deleuze's ABC's Deleuze's Translations Pli Deleuze Emails/Adresses + Activities/Initiatives ... Return

37. Deleuze, Gilles Biography -
1925 – He was born on the 18th day of January this year in Paris. 1944 – He went to study at the Sorbonne. His teachers there included several noted specialists in the

38. WWW Resources For Gilles Deleuze And Felix Guattari
Annotated links assembled by Chris Allert.
[This page derives from one created by Chris Allert , who in turn incorporated materials from A. Liu's Voice of the Shuttle Philosophy Page
  • Charles J. Stivale (Wayne State U.), Pragmatic/Machinic
  • A Spoon Collective
  • Deleuze and Guattari Internet Resources (Jon Beasley-Murray)
  • D+G Bibliography (Lorri Nandrea)
  • Deleuze and Guattari Rhiz-O-Mat
  • Deleuze and Guattari: Two Meditations ctheory essay by Arthur Kroker)
  • Detective Deleuze and the Case of Slippery Signs (juxtaposes Deleuze's work with David Lynch's Twin Peaks ) (Stephen O'Connell)
  • "Deleuze, Sense and the Event of AIDS" PMC essay by C. Colwell)
  • Response to Jonathan Beller's Essay, "Cinema: Capital of the Twentieth Century" PMC essay by Jeff Bell)
  • Dynamic and Thermodynamic Tropes of the Subject in Freud and in Deleuze and Guattari PMC essay by Martin E. Rosenberg)
  • Smooth/Striated Cyberspace (assemblage of comments and links relating the web to Deleuze and Guattari's notion of "smooth space")
  • TIME, QUESTION, FOLD basilisk essay by Andrew Benjamin)
  • Review of Qu'est-ce que la philosophie? by Charles J. Stivale
  • Books by Gilles Deleuze published by Columbia University Press
  • 39. Category:1995 Deaths - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    People who died c. 1995. See also 1995 births
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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search 1990s deaths People who died c. See also: 1995 births Contents: Top A B C ... Z Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 1995 deaths
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    40. Gilles Deleuze - Philosopher - Biography
    Biography and bibliography about the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze.
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        Gilles Deleuze - Biography
        Gilles Deleuze Empiricism and Subjectivity , on David Hume. In 1956 he married Denise Paul "Fanny" Grandjouan, a translator who specialized in D.H. Lawrence. In 1957 he began teaching history of philosophy at the Sorbonne, and from 1960-64 he was a researcher with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. Deleuze held a number of assistant teaching positions in universities over the next ten years, and in 1962 he published Nietzsche and Philosophy . It was during this time that he began a long-standing friendship with Michel Foucault. They met one another at the home of Jules Vuillemin, when Foucault was petitioning to have Deleuze nominated for a position at the University of Clermont-Ferrand. Deleuze taught from 1964-69 at the University of Lyon, then took a position as professor of philosophy at Vincennes at the behest of Foucault. In 1968 Deleuze published his doctoral thesis comprised of a major thesis, Difference and Repetition ), and a minor thesis

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