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         Foucault Michel:     more books (100)
  1. Ethics: Subjectivity and Truth (Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 1) by Michel Foucault, 2006-04-28
  2. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics by Hubert L. Dreyfus, Paul Rabinow, 1983-12-15
  3. The Hermeneutics of the Subject: Lectures at the Collège de France 1981--1982 by Michel Foucault, 2005-12-27
  4. The History of Sexuality, Vol. 3: The Care of the Self by Michel Foucault, 1988-11-28
  5. Manet and the Object of Painting by Michel Foucault, 2010-03-01
  6. Feminist Interpretations of Michel Foucault (A E Reading the Canon) by Susan Hekman, 1996-11-01
  7. Foucault, Health and Medicine (Volume 0)
  8. Foucault: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Gary Gutting, 2005-06-16
  9. Madness: The Invention of an Idea by Michel Foucault, 2011-01-01
  10. Aesthetics, Method, and Epistemology (Essential Works of Foucault, 1954-1984, Vol. 2) by Michel Foucault, Paul Rabinow, et all 1999-09-01
  11. Security, Territory, Population: Lectures at the Collège de France 1977--1978 (Lectures at the College de France) by Michel Foucault, 2009-02-03
  12. The Passion of Michel Foucault by James Miller, 2000-04-07
  13. Space, Knowledge and Power: Foucault and Geography
  14. Politics, Philosophy, Culture: Interviews and Other Writings, 1977-1984 by Michel Foucault, 1990-02-22

21. The Foucault Pages At CSUN
A good place to start if you want to apply the thinking of Michel Foucault to any study of mass media.
Welcome to the World of Michel Foucault
Greetings. This site is dedicated to exploring the work of French philosopher and social critic Michel Foucault. The site is produced and maintained by Ben Attias with the assistance of
At the moment, the site contains the following information: I am always happy to engage in conversations about specific aspects of Foucault's work, but please do not mail me expecting me to explain a book or essay to you so you don't have to read it yourself, or to come up with a thesis for your college paper. The illustration is 1997 Zoran Jevtic and used with permission.
This page maintained by Bernardo Attias Last Update May, 2002.

22. Foucault, Michel - English 194 Wiki Site
He is a French literary theorist and philosopher. His contributions to Western intellectual endeavors span the academic humanities and social sciences marking key issues with,_Michel
Foucault, Michel
From English 194 Wiki Site
Jump to: navigation search Michel Foucault (October 15, 1926 – June 25, 1984) He is a French literary theorist and philosopher. His contributions to Western intellectual endeavors span the academic humanities and social sciences marking key issues with poignance and clarity. Foucault's theories on the relationship between power and knowledge, especially concerning the writing and reading of literature, are the primary focus of this website. For a fuller biography, and one that does greater justice to the expanse of his influence, see Wikipedia's Michel Foucault Article Related Research Reports Alex Barkett 19:17, 17 May 2006 (PDT) Retrieved from ",_Michel Category Objects Views Personal tools Site Navigation Topic pages Research Clearinghouse Search Toolbox

23. Antenati: Michel Foucault
Breve nota biografica sull autore francese.

24. Michel Foucault —
Encyclopedia Foucault, Michel. Foucault, Michel, 1926 – 84, French philosopher and historian. He was professor at the Coll ge de France (1970–84).

25. Foucault, Michelm~VFEt[R[n
Quotes by Foucault, Michel. Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsew Chance does not speak essentially through words nor can it be seen in
Foucault, Michel
~VFEt[R[ Michel Foucault
last update:20100616 HPoRōwƊt܂
Michel Foucault Archive (, pق)
Foucault Info (pj (p)
Foucault Studies (p)


͒, ͕Ғ@̂̂͐wɂiȉj Foucault, Michel, 1954, Foucault, Michel, 1961, , Paris: Plon iŁjFoucault, Michel, 1972, Foucault, Michel, 1962, Maladie mentale et psychologie , Paris: Presses universitaires de France. i1970, _J bq w_ƐSwx݂[. j Foucault, Michel, 1963, Raymond Roussel , Paris: Gallimard. i1975, Lw[E[Zx@woŋ. j Foucault, Michel, 1963, , Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. i1969, _J bq wՏw̒ax݂[. jiŁjFoucault, Michel, 1971, , Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.

26. Mondo3 - Filosofia
Cenni biografici e breve scheda sul pensiero del filosofo di Poitiers.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'id','obj1','codebase',',0,40,0','border','0','width','445','height','105','src','../filosofia','pluginspage','','name','obj1','quality','High','wmode','transparent','movie','../filosofia' ); //end AC code AC_FL_RunContent( 'id','obj2','codebase',',0,40,0','border','0','width','410','height','80','src','../intestazioni/filonline','pluginspage','','name','obj2','quality','High','wmode','transparent','movie','../intestazioni/filonline' ); //end AC code Domenico Turco
Michel Foucault Cenni biografici Lintellettuale francese Michel Foucault, nato a Poitiers nel 1926 e morto a Parigi nel 1984, va considerato come uno dei principali filosofi e storici della cultura del Novecento, soprattutto per merito di una visione del mondo eclettica e di uno stile speculativo interdisciplinare. Importantissima fu anche la sua attivit di docenza accademica presso il Collge de France, a partire dal 1970, e quella di celebrato e polemico conferenziere su temi di grande attualit. Nutrito delle suggestioni provenienti dallantropologia strutturale di Claude Lvi-Strauss e dalla psico-linguistica di Jacques Lacan, per quanto riguarda le scienze umane, e dallinflusso congiunto delle filosofie di Nietzsche e Heidegger, Foucault svilupp i temi tipici della temperie strutturalistica, occupandosi di rintracciare quelle che sono le strutture della civilt occidentale, alle origini della Modernit. Questo ambizioso programma pu essere riassunto nellespressione

27. Foucault, Michel Summary |
Foucault, Michel. Foucault, Michel summary with 4 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

28. RaceSci: History Of Race In Science: Bibliographies: Foucault
Foucault, Michel. Folie et Deraison Histoire de la Folie a l'age classique. Paris Plon, 1961. Keywords Foucault, Stoler Foucault, Michel. Preface a la transgression.
Foucault Current Scholarship Gender Family Armstrong, Timothy J. Michel Foucault Philosopher . New York: Routledge, 1992.
[Keywords: Foucault, philosophy, Stoler Balibar, Etienne. "Foucault et Marx: L'enjeu du nominalisme." In Michel Foucault: Philosophe . Paris: Seuil, 1989.
[Keywords: Foucault, general, philosophy, Stoler Baudrillard, Jean. Forget Foucault . New York: Semiotext, 1977.
[Keywords: Foucault, philosophy, Stoler Brenner, Neil. "Foucault's New Functionalism." Theory and Society
[Keywords: Foucault, Stoler Caputo, John and Mark Yount. Foucault and the Critique of Institutions . University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993.
[Keywords: Foucault, social theory, Stoler Deleuze, Gilles. Foucault . Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
[Keywords: Foucault, Stoler Diawara, Manthia. "Reading Africa through Foucault: Mudimbe's Reaffirmation of the Subject." October
[Keywords: Africa, Foucault, psych, Stoler Dreyfus, Herbert and Paul Rabinow. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics . Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1983.

Sintesi del pensiero e introduzione all autore.
MICHEL FOUCAULT A cura di Diego Fusaro
Oggi possibile pensare solamente entro il vuoto dell'uomo scomparso.


Michel Foucault, nato nel 1926 a Poitiers, studi filosofia e psicologia all'Ecole Normale Suprieure di Parigi e, in seguito, lavor presso istituti culturali francesi a Uppsala, Varsavia e Amburgo e nel 1970 ricevette la nomina di professore di storia dei sistemi di pensiero al Collge de France. Mor a Parigi nel 1984. Gli interessi di Foucault, in principio, si concentrano sull'epistemologia: il suo problema sta nell'individuare le condizioni storiche in base alle quali la malattia e la follia si sono costituite come oggetti di scienza, dando luogo alla psicopatologia e alla medicina clinica, strettamente connesse alla costruzione di luoghi chiusi (la clinica e il manicomio) in cui si instaura un rapporto di dominio tra medico e paziente. E questi sono proprio i temi che Foucault affronta nelle sue prime opere di successo, Storia della follia nell'et classica (1961) e Nascita della clinica (1963). Da queste ricerche emerge in Foucault la consapevolezza che la storia non in prima istanza il risultato delle azioni coscienti degli uomini e che il vero campo della ricerca storica dato non da quel che gli uomini hanno fatto o detto, ma dalle strutture epistemologiche che di volta in volta determinano quale il soggetto e l'oggetto della storia. Le varie epoche, infatti, sono caratterizzate da un'

30. Books By Foucault, Michel
Like Language, CounterMemory, Practice Selected Essays and Interviews, by Foucault, Society Must Be Defended, by Foucault, Ethics Subjectivity and Truth, by Foucault, Foucault

31. Michel Foucault - Philosopher - Biography
A biography, a bibliography, some resources as well as links of the French philosopher.
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      Michel Foucault - Biography
      Michel Foucault Madness and Unreason: History of Madness in the Classical Age , 1961). In this text, Foucault abolished the possibility of separating madness and reason into universally objective categories. He does this by studying how the division has been historically established, how the distinctions we make between madness and sanity are a result of the invention of madness in the Age of Reason. He does a reading of Descartes' First Meditation , and accuses him of being able to doubt everything except his own sanity, thus excluding madness from hyperbolic doubt. In the 1960s Foucault was head of the philosophy departments at the University of Clemont-Ferrand, and at the Vincennes Experimental University Centre. It was at this time that he met the philosophy student Daniel Defert, whose political activism would be a major influence on Foucault. When Defert went to fulfill his volunteer service requirement in Tunisia, Foucault followed, teaching in Tunisia from 1966-68. They returned to Paris during the time of the student revolts, an event that would have a profound effect on Foucault's work. He took the position of head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Paris-VII at Vincennes where he brought together some of the most influential thinkers in France at the time. It was in 1968 that he formed, with others, the Prison Information Group, an organization that gave voice to the concerns of prisoners.

32. Foucault, Michel From The Social Science Encyclopedia, Second Edition | BookRags
Foucault, Michel from The Social Science Encyclopedia, Second Edition. Foucault, Michel summary with 3 pages of research material.

33. Reversing The Panopticon
This article written by two architects show how Foucault s works can be of use in parallel fields. 21 August 2001 Invited Talk, 16 August 2001
10th USENIX Security Symposium
, Washington, DC.
Thanks to USENIX and Greg Rose, Invited Talks Coordinator
Reversing the Panopticon Deborah Natsios,
John Young,
Deborah Natsios:
Visiting a town as stocked with symbolic monuments as Washington DC is a reminder of very real and provocative linkages between persuasive political systems and the civil space and edifices they generate. Architects are taught to "read" landscape code, and this is a town of emblematic war memorials and presidential temples loaded up with tantalizing national narratives based on fact, myth and propaganda all of which are inextricably intertwined with theories of power and ideas about 'security', including national security, which are the concern of advanced computing systems specialists and this USENIX symposium. As readers of Cryptome and Cartome may be aware, John Young and I are not systems architects, but practitioners of architecture of the steel, glass, bricks and mortar kind and so, as 'legacy' architects we tend to project the implications of new technologies and their constitutive politics beyond machine and source code, games and simulations onto the so-called real spaces they enable: the social space of the street, the city, the national boundary, global space.

34. Foucault, Michel
Glossary of Religion and Philosophy Short Biography of Michel Foucault
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    35. Foucault
    Lectures and outlines for a Foucault course (by John Protevi, LSU French Studies)
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    36. Foucault, Michel Quotes On Quotations Book
    Michel Foucault (October 15, 1926 June 26, 1984) was a French philosopher who held a chair at the Collge de France, which he gave the title The History of Systems of Thought.

    37. Michel Foucault, Retrospective View
    Foucault s retrospective view about his work

    38. Foucault, Michel - Astro-Databank, Michel Foucault Horoscope, Born 15 October 19
    Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Michel Foucault born on 15 October 1926 Poitiers, France,_Michel
    Foucault, Michel
    From Astro-Databank
    Jump to: navigation search Michel Foucault natal chart (Placidus) natal chart English style (Equal houses) Name Foucault, Michel Gender : M Birthname Foucault, Paul Michel born on 15 October 1926 at 07:30 (= 07:30 AM ) Place Poitiers, France, Timezone GMT h0w (is standard time) Data source BC/BR in hand Rodden Rating AA Astrology data Asc. add Michel Foucault to 'my astro'
    French philosopher and educator, a teacher at Clermant-Ferrand and in Paris and appointed to a chair in the History of Systems of Thought at the College of France, 1970. He explored the social attitudes toward madness in "Madness and Civilization," 1971. His books of include "The Archaeology of Knowledge," 1972. Foucault examined prevailing assumptions of what counts as knowledge and what is acceptable discourse. Died 6/25/1984 of AIDS; Paris. Link to Wikipedia biography
    • Death by Disease 25 June 1984 (AIDS, age 57) Work : New Career 1970 (Administrative chair, College of France) Work : Published/ Exhibited/ Released 1971 (Book released)
    Source Notes
    B.C. in hand from Steinbrecher

    39. Michel Foucault, Bibliography
    A select and an extensive bibliography.
    click on titles to read excerpts from books at Amazon EDITIONS ORIGINALES EN FRANCAIS
    History of Madness
    (Routledge, 2009) Death and the Labyrinth (Athlone Press, 2001) Raymond Roussel, (Gallimard, 1963). The Birth of the Clinic (Vintage, 1994) Naissance de la clinique (PUF, 1963). Order of Things (Routledge, 2001) Les Mots et les Choses (Paris : Gallimard, 1966). The Archaeology of Knowledge
    (Pantheon, 1972)
    This Is Not a Pipe
    (Quantum Books, 2008) "Ceci n'est pas une pipe", 1973 (Vintage, 1995) Surveiller et Punir (Paris : Gallimard, 1975). The History of Sexuality
    Vol. 1: An Introduction
    (Vintage, 1990)
    Vol. 2: The Use of Pleasure
    (Vintage, 1990)
    Vol. 3: The Care of the Self
    (Vintage, 1988)
    2 - L'Usage des plaisirs, (Gall., 1984)
    3 - Le Souci de soi, (Gall., 1984) Fearless Speech (Semiotext(e), 2001) Discourse and Truth (1984) COLLABORATIVE WORKS EN COLLABORATION I, Pierre Riviere, having slaughtered my mother, my sister, and my brother: A Case of Parricide in the 19th Century (Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1982)) Herculine Barbin (Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a French Hermaphrodite) (Pantheon, 1980).

    40. Foucault, Michel | Foucault, Michel Information | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial
    Foucault, Michel Research Foucault, Michel articles at Find information, facts and related newspaper, magazine and journal articles in our online encyclopedia.

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