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         Jaspers Karl:     more books (99)
  1. Karl Jasper - Philosophy, Volume 3 by Karl Jaspers, 1971
  2. The future of mankind by Karl Jaspers, 1968
  3. Karl Jaspers: Philosophy As Faith by Leonard H. Ehrlich, 1975-04
  4. Correspondence 1926-1969 by Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, 1993-11-18
  5. Great Philosophers Volume 4: Descartes, Pascal, Lessing, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Marx, Weber, Einstein (Jaspers, Karl//Great Philosophers) by Karl Jaspers, 1995-03-01
  6. The Idea of the University by karl jaspers, 1959
  7. Spinoza (Great Philosophers) by Karl Jaspers, 1974-10-23
  8. Three Essays; Leonardo; Descartes; Max Weber by Karl Jaspers, 1964
  9. Nietzsche: An Introduction to the Understanding of His Philosophical Activity by Karl Jaspers, 1997-09-29
  10. THE PHILOSOPHY OF KARL JASPERS by Paul Arthur Schilpp, 1957
  11. Karl Jaspers: An Introduction to His Philosophy by Charles F. Wallraff, 1970-06
  12. QUESTION OF GERMAN GUILT by Karl Jaspers, 1947-01-01
  13. The Perennial Scope of Philosophy by Karl Jaspers, 1949-01-01
  14. Karl Jaspers and the Role of "Conversion" in the Nuclear Age by Gregory J. Walters, 1988-02-11

21. Article - Jaspers, Karl
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22. Jaspers, Karl
Glossary of Religion and Philosophy Short Biography of Karl Jaspers
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  • Karl Jaspers Back to Last Page Glossary Index Related Terms existentialism
    Karl Jaspers Dates:
    Born: February 23, 1883 in Oldenburg, Germany
    Died: February 26, 1969 in Basel, Switzerland Specialization
    Historyof Philosophy Major Works
    General Psychology (1913)
    Philosophy (1932)
    Reason and Existenz (1935) From Truth (1947) The Origin and Goal of History (1949) PhilosophicalFaith and Revelation (1962) Biography: Karl Jaspers was a German philosopher whose place in the history of philosophy is based primarily on his work in existentialism. He originally studied law and medicine, even receiving an M.D. from University of Heidelberg and teaching psychiatry at Heidelberg for a while. He probably could have had a distinguished career in psychiatry had he not later turned to philosophy. According to Jaspers, philosophy was not a matter of any particular conclusions on any particular set of issues, but rather a specific type of thinking about the way the world is and how the world works. An important concept in his works is that of

    23. Jaspers, Karl - MavicaNET
    Karl Jaspers English URL http// shown in filters Personalia. Karl Jaspers - his story, his thought, and his impact on contemporary

    24. Biographie: Karl Jaspers, 1883-1969
    Eine Biographie des Philosophen auf den Seiten des Deutsches Historischen Museums in Berlin.
    Karl Jaspers
    23. Februar: Karl Jaspers wird als Sohn des Bankdirektors Carl Jaspers und dessen Frau Henriette (geb. Tantzen) in Oldenburg (Oldenburg) geboren.
    Wegen seiner Krankheit beginnt er in Berlin ein Medizinstudium.
    Medizinische Promotion über "Heimweh und Verbrechen".
    Beginn der Freundschaft mit dem Soziologen Max Weber
    Heirat mit der Nervenpflegerin Gertrud Mayer.
    Nach intensiver Beschäftigung mit der Philosophie Edmund Husserls (1858-1938) und Wilhelm Diltheys (1833-1911) veröffentlicht Jaspers seine Habilitationsschrift "Allgemeine Psychopathologie", die einen methodischen Überblick bietet.

    In seinem zweiten großen Werk "Psychologie der Weltanschauungen" beschreibt er die Aufgabenfelder der Philosophie angesichts der Wissenschaften.
    Beginn Freundschaft mit Martin Heidegger
    Hannah Arendt u.a.
    Weite Verbreitung findet seine Schrift "Die geistige Situation unserer Zeit", in der er darlegt, daß Wissenschaftlichkeit nicht der Ursprung von Wahrheit sei.
    In seinem dreibändigen Hauptwerk "Philosophie" erläutert er die Grundsätze seiner Existenzphilosophie. Durch die Grenzerfahrung von Wissenschaft und Leben würde der Wille zum Philosophieren wachgehalten.

    25. Jaspers, Karl Meaning | Philosophy Dictionary
    Jaspers, Karl according to the free Philosophy Dictionary. (18831969) German psychiatrist turned existential philosopher; 3 areas of existence,_Karl

    26. Karl Jaspers Filósofo De La Razón, Claudio Gutiérrez, Costa Rica
    Art culo de Claudio Guti rrez sobre el fil sofo alem n.
    Claudio Gutiérrez
    Con la muerte de Karl Jaspers el mundo ha perdido una de las grandes figuras intelectuales del Siglo XX. Su obra inmensa ha influido en todos los órdenes de la cultura, su herencia moral e inspiradora no menos que su trabajo erudito: aprecio profundo por las vías racionales; veneración por la libertad y el diálogo; pasión por la investigación y el avance del conocimiento; religiosidad profunda, aunque radicalmente depurada; humildad ejemplarizante en la aceptación de una "culpa metafísica" por los sucesos de la Alemania de Hitler ("Pudimos buscar la muerte cuando los crímenes se hicieron públicos... Preferimos permanecer vivos sobre el débil aunque lógico argumento de que nuestra muerte no habría ayudado a nadie").
    Pero sobre todo, su obra es un monumento a la racionalidad humana, o mejor a la aspiración del hombre por lograr la racionalidad. Su lucha intelectual es la lucha de la razón "contra sus enemigos en nuestro tiempo" (según el revelador título de uno de sus libros). Su reacción contra el marxismo, el nazismo, el psicoanálisis y pansexualismo, y otras doctrinas pseudocientíficas de la época es la forma principal de su cruzada en pro de la razón. Es su filosofía un NO a todo dogmatismo que pretenda poseer toda la verdad, pues la verdad solo se atisba en el diálogo, la comunicación y el filosofar desde posiciones históricamente limitadas.
    Podemos llamar a Jaspers filósofo del ecumenismo. Su gran empresa es la búsqueda de una

    27. The Origin And Goal Of History. - JASPERS, KARL.
    The Origin And Goal Of History.; JASPERS, KARL.. Offered by Ad Infinitum Books
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    JASPERS, KARL. The Origin And Goal Of History.
    Yale University Press, New Haven: 1965. Hardcover with dustjacket. Good condition. According to the author, We and the present in which we live are situated in the midst of history. This present of ours becomes null and void if it loses itself within the narrow horizon of the day and degenerates into a mere presence. The aim of this book is to assist in heightening our awareness of the present. Includes an Index. Translated from the German by Michael Bullock. ¶ 294 pages.
    Offered for US$ 300.00 by: Ad Infinitum Books - Book number: 41533X1
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    28. Karl Jaspers - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
    Biograf a del psiquiatra y pensador con enlace a t rminos relevantes.
    Karl Jaspers
    De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Saltar a navegación búsqueda Karl Theodor Jaspers Oldenburg 23 de febrero de Basilea 26 de febrero de ), psiquiatra alemán y filósofo , tuvo una fuerte influencia en la teología , en la psiquiatría y en la filosofía modernas.
    editar Biografía
    Jaspers nació en Oldenburgo Alemania en 1883, de padre jurista y madre perteneciente a una comunidad agrícola local. Mostró un temprano interés en la filosofía, pero la experiencia de su padre en el sistema legal indudablemente influyó su decisión de estudiar leyes en la Universidad . No fue necesario que transcurriera mucho tiempo antes de que Jaspers se diera cuenta de que no disfrutaba del estudio de leyes, y es así como en decidió estudiar medicina Jaspers se graduó de la escuela de medicina en , y comenzó a trabajar en el hospital psiquiátrico de Heidelberg donde Emil Kraepelin había trabajado años antes. Jaspers se mostró insatisfecho con la forma en que la comunidad médica de la época abordaba el tema del estudio de las enfermedades mentales , y se propuso la meta de mejorar este aspecto. En

    29. El Existencialismo Desde La Perspectiva De Karl Jaspers -
    Estudio de Gisela Lambruschini en

    30. Karl Jaspers Y La Psiquiatr A
    Art culo de Hern n Silva en la Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatr a.

    31. Jaspers, Karl - Astro-Databank, Karl Jaspers Horoscope, Born 23 February 1883 In
    Astrology data, biography and horoscope chart of Karl Jaspers born on 23 February 1883 Oldenburg, Germany,_Karl
    Jaspers, Karl
    From Astro-Databank
    Jump to: navigation search Karl Jaspers natal chart (Placidus) natal chart English style (Equal houses) Karl Jaspers Name Jaspers, Karl Gender : M Birthname Jaspers, Karl Theodor born on 23 February 1883 at 14:30 (= 2:30 PM ) Place Oldenburg, Germany, Timezone LMT m8e13 (is local mean time) Data source Quoted BC/BR Rodden Rating AA Astrology data Asc. add Karl Jaspers to 'my astro'
    German philosophy professor, medical doctor, psychiatrist and neurologist. He was a noted author of many publications on the conception of life and philosophy of existentialism, one of the most noted being "Man in the Modern Age." Jaspers died 2/26/1969, Basle, Switzerland. Link to Wikipedia biography
    • Death, Cause unspecified 26 February 1969 (Age 86 plus three days)
    Source Notes
    Lescaut quotes B.C. from Kosmobiologie, N.056. Hans Taeger quotes same from Ebertin's Pluto.
    • Vocation : Writers : Textbook/ Non-fiction (On conception and existentialism) Personal : Death : Long life more than 80 yrs (Age 86) Vocation : Medical : Physician (Nuerology) Vocation : Healing Fields : Psychiatrist Vocation : Education : Teacher (Philosophy professor) Vocation : Writers : Religion/ Philosophy (Concept of life) Personal : Religion/Spirituality : Philosopher/ Humanist (Existentialist philosopher) Traits : Mind : Exceptional mind (Outstanding scholar and writer)
    Retrieved from "

    32. Revista Chilena De Neuro-psiquiatría - El Legado De Karl Jaspers
    Art culo de Zuvi Ivanovic sobre la influencia de Jaspers en la Revista chilena de neuro-psiquiatr a.

    33. Jaspers Karl Metaphysics
    Jaspers Karl Metaphysics Alabama Jasper Toyota Experience an essential element in modern luxury with this jasper jaspers karl metaphysics and gemstone 14K drop necklace.
    Jaspers Karl Metaphysics
    Jasper and Gemstone 14K 18" Necklace Experience an essential element in modern luxury with this jasper jaspers karl metaphysics and gemstone 14K drop necklace. This bold necklace features a 14K scrollwork cap that suspends a flat, rectangular jasper (approx. 39x29mm) at the center of the design. Its butterscotch color is warm jaspers karl metaphysics and inviting.  Twisted oval yellow fluorite (approx. 18x14mm), dyed yellow cultured freshwater pearls (approx. 7.5x8 and 8x8mm) and faceted citrine rondelle beads (approx. 3.5x4 and 5.5x6mm) create the length of the necklace. Other details about this 14K gemstone jaspers karl metaphysics and jasper pendant necklace include: Measures approx. 18"L x 1/2"W Toggle clasp Stamped 14K Made in USA Boxed

    Mist Jasper Inlay and Agate Pendant and Beaded Sterling Silver 18" Necklace Bold style jaspers karl metaphysics and striking color converge in this sensational sterling silver mist jasper inlay jaspers karl metaphysics and agate pendant jaspers karl metaphysics and beaded necklace. Boasting creamy color bands jaspers karl metaphysics and a black backdrop, American mist jasper inlay (approx. 30x16, 24x18 jaspers karl metaphysics and 24x15mm) covers the top of this freeform design. Scrolling sterling silver frames the silhouette. The matching necklace features round black agate beads (approx. 8 to 12mm), round (approx. 10mm) jaspers karl metaphysics and barrel-shaped (approx. 8x8mm) mist jasper beads.Mist Jasper jaspers karl metaphysics and Agate Bead Necklace jaspers karl metaphysics and Pendant Features: Lobster claw clasp Pendant measures approx. 2-11/16"L x 1-1/2"W Necklace measures approx. 18"L with a 2-3/4" extender x 1/2"W Stamped .925 Boxed

    34. Karl Jaspers - Wikipédia
    Biographie interactive du philosophe dans l encyclop die libre.
    Karl Jaspers
    Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Aller à : Navigation rechercher Karl Jaspers , né à Oldenburg le février et mort à Bâle le février , est un psychiatre et philosophe allemand représentatif de l' existentialisme chrétien . Ses travaux ont eu une grande influence sur la théologie , la psychologie , la psychiatrie et la philosophie
    • Biographie Les travaux et l'apport de Karl Jaspers
      modifier Biographie
      Né d'un père juriste et d'une mère travaillant dans une coopérative agricole, Jaspers montre un intérêt précoce pour la philosophie, bien que le parcours paternel au sein du système judiciaire l'ait sans doute poussé à étudier le droit lors de son entrée à l' université . Il fut cependant rapidement évident pour lui que le droit n'était pas la bonne voie, ce qui le poussa à entamer des études médicales en Jaspers obtint son doctorat en médecine en et commença à travailler dans un hôpital psychiatrique de Heidelberg , où Emil Kraepelin avait lui-même exercé quelques années auparavant. Jaspers ne se satisfit pas de la façon dont la communauté médicale de l'époque approchait la maladie mentale et tâcha d'améliorer cette approche. En

    35. Jaspers Karl Love Philosophy
    Jaspers Karl Love Philosophy Alabama Jasper Toyota Fragrance for WomenEnticing jaspers karl love philosophy and fun, I Love Love by the design house of Moschino is for the
    Jaspers Karl Love Philosophy
    I Love Love I LOVE LOVE by Moschino Edt Spray Fragrance for WomenEnticing jaspers karl love philosophy and fun, I Love Love by the design house of Moschino is for the women that love life. Spontaneous blend of bright citrus, followed by sexy yet feminine florals, smoothing off to cinnamon leaves, woods jaspers karl love philosophy and musk. Sensational, sparkling jaspers karl love philosophy and dazzling.

    I Love Love I LOVE LOVE by Moschino Edt Spray Fragrance for WomenEnticing jaspers karl love philosophy and fun, I Love Love by the design house of Moschino is for the women that love life. Spontaneous blend of bright citrus, followed by sexy yet feminine florals, smoothing off to cinnamon leaves, woods jaspers karl love philosophy and musk. Sensational, sparkling jaspers karl love philosophy and dazzling.

    Love's Philosophy
    Love 's Philosophy is a poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, written in 1820. It is quoted, but not quite accurately, by character Windom Earle in the 1990s television series Twin Peaks. Karl Jaspers - This does not cite its references or sources. You can help Wikipedia by introducing appropriate citations.

    36. Jaspers.htm
    Br ve biographie du philosophe allemand.
    Karl JASPERS
    (Vom Ursprung und Ziel der Geschichte, 1949) (Die Atombombe und die Zukunft des Menschen, 1958)
    (sources et remerciements:
    Amor mundi (FCE-CD), Joseph Peschon)

    37. Category:1969 Deaths - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    People who died c. 1969. See also 1969 births
    Category:1969 deaths
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search 1960s deaths People who died c. See also: 1969 births Contents: Top A B C ... Z Wikimedia Commons has media related to: 1969 deaths
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    Pages in category "1969 deaths"
    The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,215 total. This list may not reflect recent changes ( learn more
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    38. Karl Jaspers, Existentialism And Karl Jaspers, The Realm Of Existentialism At Di
    The Realm of Existentialism presents Karl Jaspers Life and times. With quotes, reviews, and message board.
    existentialism and Karl Jaspers at The Realm of Existentialism Karl Jaspers, 1883 - 1969. Jaspers was a German philosopher, one of the most important Existentialists in Germany, who approached the subject from man's direct concern with his own existence. In his later work, as a reaction to the disruptions of Nazi rule in Germany and World War II, Jaspers searched for a new unity of thinking that he called world philosophy.
    existentialism and Karl Jaspers
    born Feb. 23, 1883, Oldenburg, Gerermany
    died Feb. 26, 1969, Basel, Switzerland To fail to be human would mean to slip into nothingness. Karl Jaspers Widgets -:- Karl Jaspers Reading List by Katharena -:- Karl Jaspers: Main Page ... Katharena's Essential Karl Jaspers, for the Mind on Fire! Karl Jaspers, 1883-1969. Jaspers, a German philosopher, one of the originators of existentialism, whose work influenced modern theology and psychiatry as well as philosophy. Born in Oldenburg, Jaspers taught psychiatry and philosophy at Heidelberg University. During most of the Nazi period in the 1930s and 1940s, Jaspers was prevented from teaching. In 1948 he accepted a professorship in philosophy in Basel, Switzerland. Jaspers's major work, Philosophy (1932), gives his view of the history of philosophy and introduces his major themes. Karl Jaspers identified philosophy with philosophical thinking itself, not with any particular set of conclusions. His philosophy is an effort to explore and describe the margins and limits of experience.

    39. Jaspers, Karl Theodor - Hutchinson Encyclopedia Article About
    German philosopher, often described as an existentialist. His voluminous writings are filled with highly subjective paraphrases of the great philosophers, followed by appeals, Karl Theodor

    40. Chris Thornhill - Karl Jaspers: Politics And Metaphysics - Reviewed By Alan Olso
    Alan Olson reviews Chris Thornhill s book. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

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