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         Leibniz Gottfried Wilhelm:     more books (100)
  1. Oeuvres De Leibniz: Publiées Pour La Première Fois D'après Les Manuscripts Originaux, Volume 4 (French Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Louis Alexandre Foucher De Careil, 2010-02-17
  2. Leibniz in Seinen Beziehungen Zu Russland Und Peter Dem Grossen: Eine Geschichtliche Darstellung Dieses Verhältnisses Nebst Den Darauf Bezüglichen Briefen Und Denkschriften (German Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Vladimir Ivanovich Gere, 2010-02-04
  3. La Monadologie: Nouvelle Éd. Avec Une Notice Sur Leibniz Des Éclaircissements Sur Les Principales Theories De La Monadologie (French Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-03-20
  4. Leibniz Als Denker: Auswahl Seiner Kleinern Aufsatze Zur Ubersichtlichen Darstellung Seiner Philosophie (1846) (German Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Gustav Schilling, 2010-09-10
  5. Pensées De Leibniz: Sur La Religion Et La Morale, Volume 1 (French Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Fontenelle, et all 2010-03-08
  6. Oeuvres De Leibniz: Publiées Pour La Première Fois D'après Les Manuscripts Originaux, Volume 3 (French Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-04-08
  7. Die Werke Von Leibniz Gemäss Seinem Handschriftlichen Nachlasse in Der Königlichen Bibliothek Su Hannover, Volume 3 (German Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-02-24
  8. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: The Art of Controversies (The New Synthese Historical Library) by Marcelo Dascal, 2008-01-24
  9. Discourse on Metaphysics by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1973-12-01
  10. Nouveaux essais sur l'entendement humáin by Gottfried Wilhelm Freiherr von Leibniz, 1873-01-01
  11. Theodicy by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-03-07
  12. A Collection of Papers, Which Passed Between the Late Learned Mr. Leibnitz and Dr. Clarke in the Years 1715 and 1716: Relating to the Principles of Natural ... Added, Letters to Dr. Clarke Concerning L by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Samuel Clarke, 2010-02-24
  13. Gottofredi Guilelmi Leibnizii Meditationes De Cognitione, Veritate Et Idels ... Commendat Georg. Christ. Stellwag ... (Latin Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-05-12
  14. Correspondance De Leibnitz Et De L'Abbé Nicaise (French Edition) by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 2010-01-10

81. Le Choix De Dieu Et Le Principe Du Meilleur
Article de Lorenze Pe a.

82. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Wikipédia
Biographie interactive du philosophe allemand dans l encyclop die libre.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. (Redirigé depuis Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz Aller à : Navigation rechercher Pour les articles homonymes , voir Leibniz (homonymie) Des informations de cet article ou section devraient être mieux reliées aux sources mentionnées dans la bibliographie. Améliorez sa vérifiabilité en les associant par des références Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Philosophe et scientifique allemand Époque moderne Naissance er Leipzig
Décès novembre Hanovre
École/tradition Rationalisme Principaux intérêts Métaphysique théologie épistémologie logique ... politique Idées remarquables Monade , harmonie préétablie, langage binaire, caractéristique, théodicée Œuvres principales Discours de métaphysique Nouveaux Essais sur l'entendement humain
Essais de Théodicée
Influencé par Platon Aristote Augustin d'Hippone Proclos ... philosophie chinoise A influencé Famille Bernoulli Wolff Maupertuis Vico ... modifier Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (prononcer [ ˈlaɪbnɪts ]; parfois

83. MEMO - Le Site De L'Histoire
Pr sentation historico-encyclop dique du philosophe allemand.

84. Leibniz.
Biographie du philosophe allemand assortie de citations, liens et r f rences bibliographiques.
Les gens
La vie de Leibniz Doctrine philosophique Gottfried Wilhelm, baron de Leibniz , fils d'un professeur de morale sciences (1668), et par quelques pamphlets Huygens de Londres politique , les , la philosophie Acta eruditorum histoire et l'Italie Codex juris gentium diplomaticus , 2 vol. in-4, 1698; Scriptores rerum Brunsvicensium , 3 vol. in-fol., 1707-11); malheureusement il ne put achever l'histoire du Brunswick. Bossuet catholique et . En 1710, il publia ses , dans le but de repousser les attaques de Bayle contre la Providence Pierre le Grand ; par l'empereur Charles VI Louis XIV
Leibniz Newton . En philosophie Platon et Aristote Descartes et Locke ; il imagina aussi un monades substances simples, capables d'action et de perception : l' est une monade qui a conscience corps lois il professe l' optimisme , enseignant qu'entre tous les mondes possibles Dieu psychologie , il combattit l' empirisme de Locke et admit des Nihil est in intellectu quod non prius fuerit in sensu , il ajouta cette restriction : nisi ipse intellectus . Il attribuait une grande influence aux langues Bayle Arnauld Foucher ... Clarke , etc.

85. Coin Philo Du Lycée De Sèvres - Galerie De Portraits
Article du philosophe Bernard S ve.
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LE COIN PHILO Qui sommes-nous ? Leibniz ou les principes de la raison Nous remercions les Leibniz Le contenu du chapitre : "Je ne méprise presque rien" La substance comme concept et vie Substance et expression Le meilleur des mondes possibles La raison et ses principes Jugements de Kant, un extrait de La critique de la raison pure de Heidegger , un extrait du Principe de raison Bibliographie. uriosa lisible petites perceptions, aperception qui est la perception vécue comme telle, la perception dont on a conscience. « La perception de la lumière ou de la couleur, par exemple, dont nous nous apercevons, est composée de quantités de petites perceptions, dont nous ne nous apercevons pas » (n" 3, p. 112). Pour entendre le bruit d'une vague, il faut bien qu'on entende les parties qui composent le bruit d'ensemble ; et pourtant on ne peut entendre le bruit trop menu d'une seule goutte d'eau : c'est dire qu'on perçoit le bruit de la goutte d'eau sans l'apercevoir, « puisque cent mille riens ne sauraient faire quelque chose » (n° 3.

86. LeParole Leibniz
Saggio Prospettivismo e metafora dello scpecchio nella concezione leibniziana della rappresentazione.

87. Livia Sguben - Leibniz
Leibniz e la moderna pratica musicale un saggio di Livia Sguben.

Livia Sguben

Leibniz e la moderna pratica musicale
Questo saggio è stato edito in "Pratica filosofica 7", numero monografico intitolato Prospettive nell'estetica del Settecento , CUEM, Milano 1995, pp. 83-88.
Le riflessioni di Leibniz sulla musica sono considerevoli e, per molti aspetti, originali, nonostante non siano raccolte in alcun testo specifico. Sono riflessioni intorno agli argomenti più all'avanguardia del tempo, ma che Leibniz affronta quasi marginalmente, per lo più in conversazioni epistolari con matematici e teorici.
Ancora giovanissimo, Leibniz si confronta con il teorico gesuita Kircher, discutendo con lui i fenomeni acustici sotto il profilo scientifico querelle sull'opera di Amburgo.
La competenza pratica, o comunque l'interesse che Leibniz mostra per le caratteristiche della moderna pratica musicale, si uniscono al sapere teorico. Si fondono così due piani che la tradizione speculativa intorno agli argomenti musicali aveva sempre mantenuto ben distinti. Ciò conduce Leibniz in una ricerca originale che investe non solo le questioni più dibattute del tempo (quelle a cui prima s'accennava), ma anche tematiche di maggiore spessore; quelle che più hanno impegnato il filosofo nell'uso esemplificativo della musica: dal concetto di Armonia universale, al tema dell'espressione (del quale il processo percettivo fornisce un eccellente modello), fino al male, spesso esemplificato con il termine "dissonanza".

88. Descartes, Leibniz Ja Universaalikielen Mahdollisuus
Markku Roinilan essee Leibnizin visiosta.
Markku Roinila
Descartes, Leibniz ja universaalikielen mahdollisuus
Teoksensa Metodin esitys "Jos taas olisi koneita, jotka olisivat meidän ruumiimme kaltaisia ja jäljittelisivät toimintaamme siinä määrin kuin henkisessä katsannossa olisi mahdollista, meillä olisi kuitenkin kaksi hyvin varmaa keinoa päästä selville siitä, etteivät ne silti olisi todellisia ihmisiä. Ensinnäkin se,
etteivät nämä koneet koskaan kykenisi käyttämään sanoja eivätkä muita merkkejä niitä muodostaen niin kuin me teemme ilmaistaksemme toisille ei voi milloinkaan järjestää sanojansa eri tavoin vastatakseen järkevästi kaikkeen, mitä sen läsnä ollessa lausutaan, niin kuin kaikkein tylsimmätkin ihmiset voivat tehdä." on-line
Puhuva ihmiskone
puhuva Hänen vastauksensa on se, että koneen on moraalisesti mahdotonta reagoida asiaankuuluvasti jokaiseen eteen tulevaan kontingenttiin tilanteeseen sen "elinaikana". Koneella ei ole tälläiseen riittävästi sellaisia elimiä, joiden Descartes ajatteli pystyvän vastaamaan eri tilanteiden vaatimuksiin. Moraalinen varmuus on puolestaan varmuutta, joka riittää säätelemään käyttäytymistä eli toisin sanoen se on uskoa siihen jatkuvuuteen ja varmuuteen, jonka Hume sittemmin tuhosi giljotiinillaan. Tämä kömpelö selitys riitti Descartesille sen verran, että hän ei uskonut koneen pystyvän samaan kielelliseen suoritukseen kuin ihminen, vaikkei hän voikaan absoluuttisesti kieltää tätä mahdollisuutta.

89. Leibniz
Lilli Alasen kirjoitus.
Lilli Alanen
Monadologiakin (perception) (cogitatio). perception perseptiota kaikille petites perceptions aperception ). Leibnizin mukaan tiedostamattomien ja tiedostettujen perseptioiden erottaminen pelastaa meidät kartesiolaisten tekemästä pahasta virheestä, joka johti dualismiin ja siihen liittyviin harhaluuloihin, kuten siihen että "ainoastaan henget (esprits) ovat monadeja ja että eläinsieluja ja muita enthelekheioita ei ole olemassa. Ja he ovat kansan tavoin sekoittaneet keskenään pitkäaikaisen tajuttomuuden ja kuoleman suppeassa mielessä, sortuen tässä kaiken lisäksi skolastikkojen ennakkoluuloon erillään olevista sieluista []" (art. 14). "Jos haluamme antaa nimityksen sielu kaikelle, jolla on perseptioita ja haluja (le sentiment) on muutakin kuin yksinkertainen perseptio, katson, että yleinen nimitys monadit tai entelekheiat on riittävä yksinkertaisille substansseille, joilla on vain tämä, ja että sieluksi nimitetään ainoastaan niitä, joiden perseptio on tarkempi ja täydennetty muistilla." (S. 19) ja perseptioiden moninaisuuteen: muistiin jääneet perseptiot herättävät odotuksia tiettyjen perseptiosarjojen toistuvuudesta näin eläimillä ja ihmisillä syntyvät tottumukset ja niihin perustuvat odotukset: "[] kun koirille näytetään keppiä, ne muistavat kivun, jonka se on aiemmin niille aiheuttanut, ulvovat ja juoksevat pakoon" (art. 26). Samoin ihmiset, jotka "käyttäytyvät petojen tavoin niin kauan kuin heidän perseptiot seuraavat toisiaan ainoastaan muistin periaatteen mukaan muistuttaen empiristisiä lääkäreitä joilla on pelkkä käytäntö ilman teoriaa". Emme olekaan "muuta kuin empiirikkoja" suurimmassa osassa toimintaamme, kuten odottaessamme päivänvaloa huomiseksikin, minkä yksin tiedemiehet (astronomit) pystyvät päättelemään järjen (teorian) avulla.

90. Leibniz Invention Of Calculus
Gives educational background, social circles and contribution to derivative formulas. Includes equation examples and graphs.

91. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Philosopher - Biography
Biography and bibliography of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the German Philosopher and Mathematician who invented the differential and integral calculus.
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      Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz - Biography
      Gottfried Willhelm Leibniz De Principio Individui On the Principle of the Individual ) in which he introduced his notion of "monad". He spent the following summer in Jena, where he met Erhard Weigel, a philosopher and mathematician who believed that the number was the fundamental concept of the universe. By October 1663 Leibniz was awarded his Master's Degree in philosophy for a dissertation that combined aspects of philosophy and law, studying relations in these subjects with mathematical ideas that he had learnt from Weigel. Shortly after Leibniz presented his dissertation, his mother died. Leibniz set out to write his habilitation in philosophy that was to be published in 1666 as Dissertatio de arte combinatoria Dissertation on the combinatorial art ). In this work Leibniz aimed to reduce all reasoning and discovery to a combination of basic elements such as numbers, letters, sounds and colors. Unfortunately the paper failed to procure his doctorate in law at Leipzig. He transferred to the University at Altdorf and succeeded to receive his doctorate in law the following year for his dissertation De Casibus Perplexis On Perplexing Cases One particular area of interest for Leibniz was motion, beginning with abstract notions of motion, although he also had in mind the problem of explaining the results of Wren and Huygens on elastic collisions. In 1671 he completed and published

92. The Pre-Kantian Modern Philosophy Witch Project - Gottfried Leibniz
Some basic notes on the structure of the Leibnizian system, presented by students at Covenant College.
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The Gottfried Leibniz Project
THE PROJECT: To show there is no logical difficulty with maintaining God's omnipotence and the presence of evil. This man put the "fried" in "Gottfried." Endeavoring to solve the Problem of Evil, Leibniz argues that this really is the best of all possible worlds. To make this work, Leibniz invents Monads. For class, we read from the Theodicy and the Monadology Theodicy: Leibniz wants to show that there's no contradicition between God being all good and all powerful, yet evil and suffering exist in the world. Admirably, he does not take the "Free Will Defense" (God chooses to not be in control of everything). Instead, he argues that it's really for the best that evil and suffering exist, even though it may not appear that way to us. Rather than set forth a thesis, Leibniz takes objections to a sovereign, good God and an evil world and answers them. The keystone of his argument is that this world, complete with evil and suffering, is the best world. There are a number of other, interesting side notes (like the fact that "good" animals may outweigh the evil of "evil" humans), but the best of all possible worlds argument is the Mac Daddy. The argument goes that evil and suffering in the world actually can produce greater good that we may not be able to perceive. A world with no evil and suffering would not be as adequate as this one. Central to the debate on this question is: Is Leibniz suggesting that God was forced to make the world this way in order for it to be "the best," or does the fact that God chose to make this world this way automatically make it "the best" regardless of how we might evaluate it with our limited understanding?

93. Leibniz's Pluralism
Essay about Leibniz view on natural law and its synthesis with ration.
1. Entirely rewritten and enlarged. References reinforced. About Downloading
2. I would appreciate you write your opinions/comments. Please mail them to here
3. Thanks to Prof. Candice Shelby, Mr. Luther S. Wilson and many others, minor corrections are made on 01/ 01/ 2000.
4. New "PDF" file is made available for download, too. (01/01/2000) Leibniz's Cultural Pluralism And Natural Law
by Hideaki HIRANO Professor Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo (March, 1997) CONTENTS: Summary
1. European Particularity of Natural Law
2. From Leibniz to Mandelbrot
3. Mathematica and Physica
4. Rationalism in Logic and Reality
5. Leibniz against Descartes and Hobbes
6. The Emergence of a Sovereign State 7. Leibniz on Ethica 8. Completely Rational Cultural Pluralism 9. Leibniz on John Locke's Empiricism 10. Modern Concept of Rationality: A Typical Distortion Conclusion Bibliography 1) Leibniz's Works Abbreviations 2) Other Works Summary: 1. NATURAL LAW as EUROPEAN PARTICULARITY: (1) As German Sociologist Ernst Troeltsch said, Natural Law is a moral ideal first arisen in Stoics, flowed into Christian theology, then found path into the early modern Europe. (2) This has marked the European particularity in the fact it saw the "rationality of the nature" and the "rationality of humanity" identical. (3) This has helped, after the waning of God, to make a bizarre concept which holds the rationality of the universe is based actually on human rationality. 2. MERIT of LEIBNIZ'S COSMOLOGY: (1) Starting his study from within the tradition of Natural Law, Leibniz for the first time put the end to this idea. (2) Being the most distinguished among any other contemporaries, he has maintained that the "rationality of the universe" is something to be trusted upon from the long history of human experience. This is exactly what is meant by his "harmony of reason and faith". (3) Although scholars, including Bertrand Russell, took this as merely a theological idea, it is definitely not in reality. This is the very foundation of his Cultural Pluralism.

94. Leibniz's Predicate-in-Notion Principle And Some Of Its Alleged Consequences
A 1949 paper by C.D. Broad. Explores this principle which the author educes from Leibniz s writings.
Leibniz's Predicate-in-Notion Principle and Some of its Alleged Consequences
C. D. Broad Published in Theoria , XV (1949): 54-70.
What I call the Predicate-in-Notion Principle was, as far as I know, first explicitly formulated and recognized by Leibniz as a basic principle in his philosophy in the Discourse on Metaphysics , which he wrote towards the end of 1685. It was further elucidated and defended in the Correspondence with Arnauld , which was occasioned by Leibniz submitting a synopsis of the Discourse for Arnauld's inspection and criticism. Both the Discourse and the Correspondence with Arnauld remained unpublished until the middle of the XIXth century. My account of the Predicate-in-Notion Principle will be derived from those two closely interrelated sources.
Leibniz formulates the Principle in several slightly different ways. I think it is difficult to be certain as to which is the Principle itself and which of them he would have regarded as immediate inferences from it or obvious applications of it. I think we may take the following as the Principle itself: In every true affirmative proposition, whether it be necessary or contingent, universal or singular, the notion of the predicate is contained either explicitly or implicitly in that of the object. If it is contained explicitly the proposition is analytic; if only implicitly, it is synthetic.

95. Marcelo Dascal: Leibniz And Epistemological Diversity
Essay by Marcelo Dascal, discussing the achievement of knowledge as a collective/cooperative enterprise.
Marcelo Dascal
Leibniz and Epistemological Diversity
It was a tie; the heavenly vote was split right down the middle two in favor; two against. At issue "Should man be created?" The ministering angels formed parties: Love said, "Yes, let him be created, because he will dispense acts of love"; while Truth argued, "No, let him not be created, for he is a complete fake". Righteousness countered, "Yes, let him be created, because he will do righteous deeds; and Peace demurred, "Let him not be created, for he is one mass of contention". The score was even. Love and Righteousness in favor, Truth and Peace against. What did the Lord do? He took Truth and hurled it to the ground, smashing it into thousands of jagged pieces. Thus he broke the tie. Now, two to one in favor, man was created. The ministering angels dared to ask the Master of the Universe, "Why do You break Your emblem, Truth?" for indeed Truth was His seal and emblem. He answered, "Let truth spring from the earth".
[...] quod nos nisi homines sumus ...

In Leibniz's case, though it is harder to ignore the steps since their traces can be found everywhere in his corpus, there are enough recurrent themes, principles, projects, declarations, plans, and architectonic sketches to permit this kind of approach to his thought. It was in fact taken by some of the greatest interpreters of Leibniz, and led to the well-known attempts to provide an overarching "formal" structure of his system, whose "core" each of these interpreters believed to lie in a different layer of Leibniz's work e.g., logic, epistemology, metaphysics, mathematics, mystical theology, semiotics, or jurisprudence.

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