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         Ricoeur Paul:     more books (100)
  1. Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Freedom by Juan Galis-Menendez, 2004-01-26
  2. Fallible Man: Philosophy of the Will (Ricur, Paul. Philosophie De La Volonte.) by Paul Ricoeur, 1986-01-01
  3. The Course of Recognition (Institute for Human Sciences Vienna Lecture Series) by Paul Ricoeur, 2007-09-30
  4. Freedom and Nature: The Voluntary and the Involuntary (SPEP) by Paul Ricoeur, 2007-10-16
  5. Teoria de la interpretacion. Discurso y excedente de sentido (Spanish Edition) by Paul Ricoeur, 2001-01-01
  6. On Paul Ricoeur: Narrative and Interpretation (Warwick Studies in Philosophy and Literature)
  7. The Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur: An Anthology of His Work by Paul Ricoeur, 1978
  8. A Key to Husserl's Ideas I (Marquette Studies in Philosophy, Vol 10) by Paul Ricoeur, 1996-10
  9. de Otro Modo (Spanish Edition) by Paul Ricoeur, 1999-06
  10. Paul Ricoeur's Hermeneutics of the Imagination (American University Studies. Series VII. Theology and Religion) by Jeanne Evans, 1995-10
  11. Husserl: An Analysis of His Phenomenology (SPEP) by Paul Ricoeur, Edward G. Ballard, et all 2007-10-24
  12. From Text to Action: Essays in Hermeneutics, II (SPEP) by Paul Ricoeur, 2007-09-13
  13. The Religious Significance of Atheism (Bampton Lectures in America) by Alasdair Macintyre, Paul Ricoeur, 1986-10
  14. Paul Ricoeur: The Hermeneutics of Action (Philosophy and Social Criticism series) by Paul Ricoeur, 1996-04-25

41. Ricoeur, Paul | Definition Of Ricoeur, Paul | Online Dictionary
Find out what Ricoeur, Paul means The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy has the definition of Ricoeur, Paul. Research related newspaper, magazine, and journal articles at HighBeam

42. Domenico Jervolino: Paul Ricoeur Et La Pens�e De L'histoire / Labyrinth Vol. 3,
Article de Domenico Jervolino dans la revue Labyrinth (vol. 3, hiver 2001).
Domenico Jervolino Ricoeur et la pens�e de l�histoire: Entre temps et m�moire Avec sa c�l�bre m�taphore de la voie longue Paul Ricoeur a caract�ris� sa propre condition de philosophe itin�rant: son oeuvre - dont chacun peut mesurer l�amplitude et la profondeur - reste pourtant un work in progress. Il nous a bien donn� une sorte de r�capitulation de l�essentiel de son travail philosophique dans Soi-m�me comme un autre , mais il nous offre encore de nouveaux d�veloppements comme des dons amicaux qui nous permettent de synphilosophein , de penser ensemble, avec lui. C�est justement la pens�e de l�histoire qui constitue le th�me d�une m�ditation qui ne cesse de se pr�senter dans l�itin�raire de Ricoeur, en partant - si l�on veut choisir un point de rep�re embl�matique - de l�article de jeunesse Husserl et le sens de l�histoire paru en 1949 dans �La revue de m�taphysique et de morale�. �Husserl - �crit le jeune philosophe en concluant cette �tude - a-t-il cern� le contour du vrai probl�me : comment �chapper au solipsisme d�un Descartes revu par Hume, pour prendre au s�rieux le caract�re historique de la culture, son pouvoir v�ritable de former l�homme? Comment en m�me temps se garder du pi�ge h�g�lien d�une histoire absolue, lou�e � l��gal d�une divinit� �trang�re, pour rester fid�le � la bouleversante d�couverte des deux premi�res M�ditations de Descartes?�. C�est le paradoxe de fonder l�homme sur l�histoire et celle-ci sur ma conscience. D�autre part, on peut retrouver ce probl�me sans passer par Husserl, ajoute dans une note finale l�auteur, en renvoyant � sa contribution au Congr�s �Esprit� de l�ann�e pr�c�dente intitul�e

43. Ricoeur Paul Narrative Identity
Ricoeur, Paul, Narrative Identity, Philosophy Today, 351 (l991Spring) p.73. Narrative Identity. My purpose in this essay is to outline the notion of narrative identity, that is, the

44. L Id Ologie Et L Utopie
Pr sentation de Paul Ricoeur et de sa pens e.

45. Naming God Ricoeur Paul Figuring Sacred PP 217-235 Essay Ricoeur Paul Analysis G
Download essay on Running head RICOEUR ON NAMING GOD ``The Obsession Neurosis ' Analysis on Paul Ricoeur 's Perception in Naming God
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For example: Management Theory Taxonomy ... religion and theology Topic: Naming God(Ricoeur, Paul. Figuring the Sacred). PP.217-235.
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Type of paper: Book Review Subject area: Religion and Theology Academic level: College Style: APA Size: 40.0 kB Word count: 1129 words/5 pages Mark awarded: Author: Suanne Mullins Data submitted: Rating/Votes count:
god, ricoeur, Freud, Professor Course, naming, Paul Ricoeur, Ricoeur Paul, Obsession Neurosis, Augsburg Fortress Introduction Running head : RICOEUR ON NAMING GOD

46. Encyclop�die De L'Agora
Dossier sur le philosophe fran ais dans l encyclop die de l Agora.

47. Sur La Passade P�tainiste De Paul Ricoeur�: Un Bref �pisode�? Sens Public
Article de Robert L vy paru en mars 2008 dans la revue Sens Public.

48. Ricoeur, Paul : Dictionary Of Cultural And Critical Theory : Blackwell Reference
Blackwell Reference Online is the largest academic online reference library giving instant access to the most authoritative and upto-date scholarship across the humanities and

49. Ricoeur, Paul
Ricoeur, Paul (b. Feb. 27, 1913, Valence, Fr.), French phenomenologist philosopher and historian who described events and symbols of human will, freedom, and evil and studied
Britannica CD Index Articles Dictionary Help
Ricoeur, Paul
(b . Feb. 27, 1913, Valence, Fr.), French phenomenologist philosopher and historian who described events and symbols of human will, freedom, and evil and studied various linguistic and psychoanalytic theories of interpretation. 3 vol. (1950-60; Philosophy of the Will History and Truth Freud and Philosophy; An Essay on Interpretation (1975; "The Living Metaphor"); and l'action (1977; "The Semantics of Action"). Related Propaedia Topics: Phenomenology

50. 20th WCP: Sources And Implications In Paul Ricoeur's Ideology Concept
Paper by Marcelio Felix Tura from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy. Uses Ricoeur s example to show the potential of a hermeneutic approach to social philosophy.
Social Philosophy Sources and Implications in Paul Ricoeur's Ideology Concept Marcelo Felix Tura
ABSTRACT: This paper intends to shed light on the issue of ideology as found in the work of Ricoeur. According to Ricoeur, ideology is not only distortive of social reality; it is as well related to society's power and integration, which in fact changes our way of understanding the entire world. Ideology is an endless and unresolvable problem, since there is no non-ideological place from which to discuss ideology. The phenomenological hermeneutic is employed in an attempt to mediate ideological phenomena in a Ricoeur-like fashion. 1. Introduction Once the contemporary trend in Philosophy moves toward the praxis, our aim in this paper is to take this point into amount to trace the main features of Paul Ricoeur concept of ideology. As a minor purpose we provide a Theoretical framework to think deeply about political and social praxis. This is so as a matter of make them feasible answers to problems that have been appearing recently. It is important to highlight the contribution of Paul Ricoeur to Social Philosophy and Ethics. Ricoeur shows a bright and powerful way to make his points understandable, besides showing a good classical education on discussing issues that requires a philosophical tradition.

51. Paul Ricoeur -- Philosophy Books And Online Resources
Paul Ricoeur philosophy resources. Resources include essays, book reviews, annotated links, new and used books by and about Ricoeur and his hermeneutic theory.

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  • Online Resources Texts: Paul Ricoeur Used Books: Paul Ricoeur Know of a Resource? ... European Perspectives by Paul Ricoeur , Francois Azouvi (Contributor), Marc B. De Launay, Kathleen Blamey Click here to learn more about this book
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    Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: A Brief Overview and Critique
    Essay by by G. D. Robinson. Excerpt: Hermeneutics is both science and art. In many ways this beguilingly simple statement is responsible for the modern ferment in hermeneutics - a process begun with F. Schleiermacher (1768-1834) and his attempt to gain meaning through understanding the mind of the author; given significant impetus more recently in the seminal work of Hans-Georg Gadamer and his call for a dialectic between the horizons of the text and reader; and radicalized in the increasingly reader-response oriented hermeneutics of today. The French philosopher, Paul Ricoeur, while essentially operating from within the reader oriented end of the spectrum, is uncomfortable with the intrinsic subjectivity associated with such hermeneutics and seeks to walk the fine line between a call for objectivity (grounded in some way in the text), and yet at the same time seeking to remain "open" to what the text may have to say. Ricoeur's hermeneutic of suspicion represents his attempt to retain both science and art, whilst disallowing either an absolute status; "Hermeneutics seems to me to be animated by this double motivation: willingness to suspect, willingness to listen; vow of rigor, vow of obedience."[2] Distilling the essence of Ricouer's hermeneutics here stated, A. Thisleton notes that:

52. �� �� �� �� �л�����֮��
A 1995 paper by G.D. Robinson. A concise critique of Ricoeur s approach to hermeneutics.
et revelabitur quasi aqua iudicium et iustitia quasi torrens fortis PREMISE / Volume II, Number 8 / September 27, 1995 / Page 12 Paul Ricoeur and the Hermeneutics of Suspicion: A Brief Overview and Critique by G. D. Robinson Hermeneutics is both science and art. In many ways this beguilingly simple statement is responsible for the modern ferment in hermeneutics - a process begun with F. Schleiermacher (1768-1834) and his attempt to gain meaning through understanding the mind of the author; given significant impetus more recently in the seminal work of Hans-Georg Gadamer and his call for a dialectic between the horizons of the text and reader; and radicalized in the increasingly reader-response oriented hermeneutics of today.[1] The French philosopher, Paul Ricoeur, while essentially operating from within the reader oriented end of the spectrum, is uncomfortable with the intrinsic subjectivity associated with such hermeneutics and seeks to walk the fine line between a call for objectivity (grounded in some way in the text), and yet at the same time seeking to remain "open" to what the text may have to say. Ricoeur's hermeneutic of suspicion represents his attempt to retain both science and art, whilst disallowing either an absolute status; "Hermeneutics seems to me to be animated by this double motivation: willingness to suspect, willingness to listen; vow of rigor, vow of obedience."[2] Distilling the essence of Ricouer's hermeneutics here stated, A. Thisleton notes that:

53. Ricoeur, Paul - Narrative Identity
from history and fiction

54. Richard A. Cohen, James L. Marsh (eds.) - Ricoeur As Another: The Ethics Of Subj
James Risser reviews this book edited by Richard A. Cohen and James L. Marsh. From Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

55. Evil By | 0826494765 | 9780826494764
Rent and Save a ton on Evil by Ricoeur, Paul Bowden, John Ward, Graham Ricoeur.ISBN 0826494765 EAN 9780826494764
mboxCreate('TT_Global_Mbox','pageName='+window.s.pageName, 'retCust=no', 'profile.retCust=no'); Sign In Rental Cart ( CHEGG.COM FIND YOUR BOOKS FIND BOOKS SEARCH TIPS x Search Tip: The best way to find your books is by searching using ISBNs. Alternatively, you can also search using book title or author's name. But better results are returned when you put in book title and one of the authors' name together. Here are some examples of good searches:
  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
Home Philosophy
Ward, Graham
Bowden, John
Ricoeur, Paul
SUMMARY Evil: A challenge to Philosophy and Theology is written by Paul Ricoeur, a French philosopher of international repute and influence. He became interested in phenomenology and because of the problem of evil, became immersed in hermeneutics and symbolism. SUMMARY Evil: A challenge to Philosophy and Theology is written by Paul Ricoeur, a French philosopher of international repute and influence. He became interested in phenomenology and because of the problem of evil, became immersed in hermeneutics and symbolism. Customer Service Media Center Mobile Bookstores ... Gift Certificates

56. Fondazione Internazionale Premio Balzan
Biography and tribute provided by the International Balzan Foundation.

57. Yvanka B. Raynova - Die Zwei Wege Paul Ricoeurs / Labyrinth Vol. 2, Winter 2000
Ein Artikel von Yvanka B. Raynova in Labyrinth .
Yvanka B. Raynova Philosophie und Theologie: die zwei Wege Paul Ricoeurs "Dieser Zirkel kann grob so formuliert werden: aber man muss glauben, um zu verstehen>>". Paul Ricoeur Ich begegnete Ricoeur pers�nlich zum ersten Mal in Moskau w�hrend des XIX philosophischen Weltkongresses. Dort nahm ich auch dieses erste Interview mit ihm auf, das mir sogleich den komplizierten Zusammenhang zwischen Philosophie und Theologie, bzw. Religion, vor Augen gef�hrt hat und mich noch lange Zeit besch�ftigen sollte. Exodus : �Ich bin, der ich bin!� , oder �Mein Gott, mein Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen?� , oder �ber die Gebote am Sinai, wie �Du sollst nicht t�ten� , wobei ich die Frage stelle, in welchem Sinn es sich hier um ein Gebot des Himmels handelt, da es ja auch ein menschliches Gesetz ist. Aber ich unterscheide alle diese Probleme von meiner philosophischen Arbeit, denn die Texte, die ich lese sind verschieden�. �Soll das hei�en, dass Ihre Texte in Geschichte und Wahrheit nicht philosophisch sind? Denn es gibt ja dort viele Interpretationen von biblischen Geschichten und von Texten der Kirchenv�ter?�

58. Tolerance Between Intolerance And The Intolerable By | 1571811362 | 9
Rent and Save a ton on Tolerance Between Intolerance and the Intolerable by Ricoeur, Paul.ISBN 1571811362 EAN 9781571811363
mboxCreate('TT_Global_Mbox','pageName='+window.s.pageName, 'retCust=no', 'profile.retCust=no'); Sign In Rental Cart ( CHEGG.COM FIND YOUR BOOKS FIND BOOKS SEARCH TIPS x Search Tip: The best way to find your books is by searching using ISBNs. Alternatively, you can also search using book title or author's name. But better results are returned when you put in book title and one of the authors' name together. Here are some examples of good searches:
  • Managing Human Resources George George W. Bohlander
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Tolerance Between Intolerance and the Intolerable
Ricoeur, Paul
EDITION: BINDING: PUBLISHER: Berghahn Books (05/01/1997) PAGES: This product is not available.
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59. Respuesta Inicial Sobre El Sistema-mundo , La Pol Tica Y La Econom A
Ensayo de Enrique Dussel en respuesta las propuestas de Karl-Otto Apel y Paul Ricoeur desde una filosof a de la liberaci n. En Infoam rica.

60. Ricoeur En Reconnaissance D Humanit
Le philosophe interroge la condition de l homme moderne travers un parcours singulier dans l histoire. Entretien r alis par Lucien Degoy et Arnaud Spire dans le quotidien l Humanit .

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