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         Socrates:     more books (100)
  1. Selected Writings (Collector's Library of Essential Thinkers) by Socrates, 2004-09-01
  2. The Trial and Execution of Socrates: Sources and Controversies
  3. Socrates and the Fat Rabbis by Daniel Boyarin, 2009-11-15
  4. The Works of Apuleius: Comprising the Metamorphoses, Or Golden Ass, the God of Socrates, the Florida, and His Defence, Or a Discourse On Magic by Apuleius, Hudson Gurney, et all 2010-03-01
  5. The Trial and Death of Socrates (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading): Four Dialogues (B&N Library of Essential Reading) by Plato, 2004-09-17
  6. Socrates for Kids by S. Sage Essman, 2000-12-01
  7. Socrates and the State by Richard Kraut, 1987-07-01
  8. Plato's Apology of Socrates: A Commentary (Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture) (English and Greek Edition) by Paul Allen Miller, Charles Platter, 2010-01-15
  9. The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond by Jacques Derrida, 1987-06-15
  10. The Great Philosophers: From Socrates to Foucault by Jeremy Stangroom, 2007
  11. Socrates' Education to Virtue: Learning the Love of the Noble by Mark J. Lutz, 1998-02-26
  12. Socrates (Great Pursuits) by Pierre Moessinger, 1993-09
  13. Socrates: A Play in Three Acts by Voltaire, 2009-10-28
  14. Apology: On the Death of Socrates by Plato, 2010-03-16

81. Socrate
Pr sentation de la vie de Socrate.
le philosophe
de Socrate

82. Socrate Et L'énigme Du Souci Pour Autrui
La philosophie socratique est anim e par une perspective thique. Cet article analyse les motivations du souci de l autre.
Retour à l'accueil Atelier philosophique Le don Sentences, aphorismes et brèves remarques ... Liens et contacts
Socrate et l’énigme du souci pour autrui Article paru dans la Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques , tome 88 n°1, janvier-mars 2004
Lors de son procès, sachant que certains de ses accusateurs ne veulent rien de moins que sa mort, Socrate exprime en plusieurs occasions son sentiment sur cet éventuel châtiment. Ses propos à cet égard, que l’on trouve épars dans l’ensemble du discours qu’il tient dans L’Apologie de Socrate . C’est alors que s’impose l’existence d’une énigme, dont on confirme la présence au cœur même de la pensée platonicienne, dans l’un des plus fameux passages de La République . Cette énigme est : pourquoi Socrate a-t-il souci d’autrui ?
Mise en évidence de l’énigme dans L’ Apologie de Socrate
En s’employant à convaincre ses juges de ne pas le mettre à mort, Socrate n’est pas mû par le désir de rester en vie . Il le souligne — et sa parole, en cette occasion, est aussi consolation adressée à ses amis inquiets — en professant qu’il ignore si la mort est un mal ou un bien , ou même en montrant que, de quelque nature qu’elle soit finalement (terme absolu de toute vie, ou passage vers une vie d’un autre genre), la mort doit plutôt être tenue pour un bien . Pourquoi cherche-t-il à l’éviter, si ce n’est point par crainte pour lui-même ?

83. Dialogus / Socrate
Collection de lettres imaginaires chang es avec le philosophe grec.
Aux archives Lettre d'acceptation
Dans mes bras!
Pourquoi Voix divine ...
Le christianisme

84. Encyclopédie De L'Agora | Socrate
Dossier sur le philosophe grec (469 av. J.-C. - 399) dans l encyclop die de l Agora.

85. Socrate Tait-il Fou ?
Article de D sir Magloire Bourneville (Journal de M decine Mentale, T. IV, Masson Fils, Paris, 1864).

86. Socrate
Pr sentation de cartes du basketteur am ricain Steve Francis, class es par ann e.

87. Ancient Greek Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
Brief article outlining the history of Greek philosophy. From the Timeline of Western Philosophy.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Ancient Greek Philosophy
The Ancient Greek philosophers have played a pivotal role in the shaping of the western philosophical tradition. This article surveys the seminal works and ideas of key figures in the Ancient Greek philosophical tradition from the Presocratics to the Neoplatonists. It highlights their main philosophical concerns and the evolution in their thought from the sixth century BCE to the sixth century CE. The Ancient Greek philosophical tradition broke away from a mythological approach to explaining the world, and it initiated an approach based on reason and evidence. Initially concerned with explaining the entire cosmos, the Presocratic philosophers strived to identify its single underlying principle. Their theories were diverse and none achieved a consensus, yet their legacy was the initiation of the quest to identify underlying principles.
Table of Contents
  • Presocratics Socrates and his Followers Plato Aristotle ... Neoplatonism
  • 1. Presocratics
    Aristotle Aristotle Physics and Metaphysics The Opinions of the Physicists The first group of Presocratic philosophers were from Ionia. The Ionian philosophers sought the material principle

    88. Comments On The Euthyphro
    An analysis of the arguments in the Euthyphro, written by Kelley Ross.
    Comments on the Euthyphro
    using the G.M.A. Grube translation ( Plato, Five Dialogues, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo , Hackett Publishing Company, 1981, pp. 6-22)
    The Euthyphro is one of the short dialogues by which Plato commemorated Socrates's technique and manner in questioning people. The structure of the dialogue, which is typical for Plato's Socratic dialogues, is reflected in the following table of contents. Note the difference between the three standard questions of Socrates and the many proposed answers, with occasional digressions, in response to the third one. The identifying numbers given for the text are not the page numbers of the Hackett edition but the numbers and letters in the margin, which are standard for all editions of Plato.
  • Conclusion (15c-16a)
  • Preliminary Small Talk (2a-3e)
    • As Euthyphro encounters Socrates outside the courthouse, the dialogue begins with ordinary conversational small talk.
    • 2a. Euthyphro, whom we do not know about otherwise (see Grube's footnote), greets Socrates with "What's new?" This is pretty much what it says in Greek
  • 89. Gallica - Boutroux, Émile (1845-1921). Socrate, Fondateur De La Science Morale.
    Etude d Emile Boutroux. PDF

    90. No Dogs Or Philosophers Allowed
    Socratic television, hosted by Ken Knisley.

    91. Intro Sur Le Site Web :, Système Intégré De Gestion De Bibliothèq
    Pr sente le logiciel de gestion de biblioth ques (sigb) pour Windows de la soci t Micro Craft, documentation t l charger, tarifs. Belgique.

    92. Chemins De Socrate Pessac
    Textes historiques, mixit , symbolisme, recherches philosophiques et d bats sur th mes de soci t .

    93. The Socratic Method
    An explanation of the Socratic method of teaching by guided questioning.
    The Socratic Method:
    Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling

    by Rick Garlikov The experiment was to see whether I could teach these students binary arithmetic (arithmetic using only two numbers, and 1) only by asking them questions . None of them had been introduced to binary arithmetic before. Though the ostensible subject matter was binary arithmetic, my primary interest was to give a demonstration to the teacher of the power and benefit of the Socratic method where it is applicable. That is my interest here as well. I chose binary arithmetic as the vehicle for that because it is something very difficult for children, or anyone, to understand when it is taught normally; and I believe that a demonstration of a method that can teach such a difficult subject easily to children and also capture their enthusiasm about that subject is a very convincing demonstration of the value of the method. (As you will see below, understanding binary arithmetic is also about understanding "place-value" in general. For those who seek a much more detailed explanation about place-value, visit the long paper on The Concept and Teaching of Place-Value I had one prior relationship with this class. About two weeks earlier I had shown three of the third grade classes together how to throw a boomerang and had let each student try it once. They had really enjoyed that. One girl and one boy from the 65 to 70 students had each actually caught their returning boomerang on their throws. That seemed to add to everyone's enjoyment. I had therefore already established a certain rapport with the students, rapport being something that I feel is important for getting them to comfortably and enthusiastically participate in an intellectually uninhibited manner in class and without being psychologically paralyzed by fear of "messing up".

    94. Diogène Laërce, Xénophon - Socrate Et Ses Disciples
    Vie et opinions de ce disciple de Socrate par Diog ne La rce.
    XÉNOPHON (Socrate et ses disciples)
    Traduction Robert Genaille, 1933
    Xénophon, fils de Gryllos, Athénien originaire du dème d’Erchia, était un homme plein de réserve et de grâce. On dit que Socrate, l’ayant rencontré dans un étroit couloir, tendit devant lui son bâton pour lui interdire le passage, et lui demanda où l’on se procurait les choses utiles à la vie. Xénophon le lui dit. Socrate, poursuivant ses questions, lui demanda où se faisaient les gens de bien, et, devant son embarras, lui dit : « Viens avec moi et tu le sauras. » Xénophon devint donc le disciple de Socrate. Il fut le premier à prendre des notes et à faire connaître les paroles de Socrate aux hommes en rédigeant ses Mémorables. Il fut encore le premier philosophe qui écrivit une histoire. Aristippe (Plaisirs des Anciens, liv. IV) dit qu’il était l’amant de Clinias et qu’il lui fit la déclaration suivante : « J’ai bien plus de plaisir à voir Clinias qu’à voir toutes les plus belles choses du monde, et je préférerais ne plus voir tout le reste des choses à ne plus voir le seul Clinias, je souffre la nuit et dans mon sommeil parce que je ne le vois pas et je bénis la lumière du soleil qui me fait revoir Clinias. » Voici d’autre part comment il obtint l’affection de Cyrus : il avait un camarade béotien, élève de Gorgias

    95. Socratic Seminars International/Dialogue Leadership - Dialogue In Schools And Be
    They provide professional development opportunities for educators in the form of Socratic Seminar Leadership Training Workshops.
    Socratic Seminar is the best of the Socratic Method. Socratic Seminars International is dedicated to providing high quality, sustainable professional development in Socratic Seminar Leadership Skills. Providing training, coaching, and consulting in Socratic Seminar Leadership skills that is on-going and in the context of the classroom yields the best results for improving teaching and learning for all students. Great Books Great Books Socratic Seminar, the Socratic Method, is a highly motivating form of intellectual and scholarly discourse conducted in K-12 classrooms with students of all ability levels. Socratic Seminars usually range from 30-50 minuteslonger if time allowsonce a week. Effectively using the Socratic Method in the form of Socratic Seminar creates dialogue as opposed to debate. Books Books socratic method socratic method Dialogue Leadership provides high quality, sustainable professional development in dialogue facilitation. Professional development that is on-going and embedded in the context of the organization is most effective. Dialogue facilitation and leadership are the essential skills for the leaders of today's schools, for leaders of professional learning communities. Socratic Method Socratic method Changing schools starts with changing the culture. Changing the culture happens when the quality of conversations between and among educators improves. Transforming conversations away from the win-lose of debate to the win-win of genuine dialogue is an essential element of creating trust, respect, and shared understanding.

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