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         Computational Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method (Fundamental Theories of Physics) by G. Adomian, 2010-11-02
  2. Black Hole Physics: Basic Concepts and New Developments (Fundamental Theories of Physics) by V. Frolov, I. Novikov, 1998-11-30
  3. Nuclear Computational Science: A Century in Review by Yousry Azmy, Enrico Sartori, 2010-05-14
  4. Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering) by Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri, 2010-11-02
  5. Introductory Computational Physics by Andi Klein, Alexander Godunov, 2010-06-10
  6. Numerical Simulation in Molecular Dynamics: Numerics, Algorithms, Parallelization, Applications (Texts in Computational Science and Engineering) by Michael Griebel, Stephan Knapek, et all 2010-11-02
  7. Analysis of Dirac Systems and Computational Algebra (Progress in Mathematical Physics) by Fabrizio Colombo, Irene Sabadini, et all 2004-09-23
  8. Mathematical Frontiers in Computational Chemical Physics (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications)
  9. Uniformly Accelerating Charged Particles: A Threat to the Equivalence Principle (Fundamental Theories of Physics) by Stephen Lyle, 2010-11-02
  10. Many Particle Physics (Physics of Solids and Liquids) by Gerald D. Mahan, 2010-11-02
  11. Lost Causes in and beyond Physics by R.F. Streater, 2010-11-30
  12. Computational Many-Particle Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics)
  13. Group Theory: Application to the Physics of Condensed Matter by Mildred S. Dresselhaus, Gene Dresselhaus, et all 2010-11-30
  14. Nonlinear Physics with Mathematica for Scientists and Engineers by Richard H. Enns, George C. McGuire, 2001-06-26

21. Computational Physics By Koonin And Meredith
The Book Computational Physics is designed to provide direct experience in the computer modeling of physical systems. Its scope includes the essential numerical techniques needed
Computational Physics
Fortran Edition
by Steven Koonin and Dawn Meredith
The Book Computational Physics is designed to provide direct experience in the computer modeling of physical systems. Its scope includes the essential numerical techniques needed to "do physics" on a computer. Each of these is developed heuristically in the text, with the aid of simple mathematical illustrations. However, the real value of the book is in the eight Examples and Projects, where the reader is guided in applying these techniques to substantial problems in classical, quantum, or statistical mechanics. These problems have been chosen to enrich the standard physics curriculum at the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate level. The book will also be useful to physicists, engineers, and chemists interested in computer modeling and numerical techniques. Although the user-friendly and fully documented programs are written in FORTRAN and BASIC, a casual familiarity with any other high-level language, such as PASCAL, or C, is sufficient. In late spring 2002, the book will be available in lightening print mode. To see details about the book, go to

22. Related Courses
Wolfgang Christian, Department of Physics, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28036, teaches Physics 200 and Physics 396, Computational Physics, an introduction to computer programming
Courses on Computer Simulation, Computational Physics,
and Complex Systems
Wolfgang Christian , Davidson College Paul Fishwick , University of Florida Fred Harris , University of Hawaii Stephan Haas , University of Southern California Jacques Le Bourlot , University of Paris 7 Shiwei Zhang , College of William and Mary Illinois State University Peter Sloot , University of Amsterdam Roger Rollins , Ohio University Mike Reid , University of Canterbury Andrei Malevsky , University of Montreal Daniel Rothman , MIT David Ceperley , University of Illinois Karin Rabe , Yale University Rubin Landau , Oregon State University Seth Lloyd , MIT Bernardo Barbiellini, Northeastern University, Physics 3606, Computational Physics Larry Scott , Oklahoma State University more
  • Wolfgang Christian , Department of Physics, Davidson College, Davidson, NC 28036, teaches Physics 200 and Physics 396, Computational Physics , an introduction to computer programming and simulations emphasizing problem solving in science, program writing, and the use of statistical, differential, integral, graphical and numerical methods in science. Also see the Department's home page for software downloads and interesting links to other sites.

23. PY 502, Computational Physics
This course provides an introduction to some of the most widely used methods of computational physics.
PY 502, Computational Physics (Fall 2010)
Department of Physics, Boston University
Instructor: Anders Sandvik
Lectures: Tuesday, Thursday 11 - 12:30, in CAS 327
Office hours: Monday 3-4 PM, Wednesday 11 AM - 12 noon, in SCI 316
This course provides an introduction to some of the most widely used methods of computational physics, including numerical integration (elementary algorithms and Monte Carlo techniques), numerical solutions of differential equations (classical equations of motion, time independent and time dependent Schrodinger equations), molecular dynamics simulations (liquids and gases), Monte Carlo simulations (classical models of magnetism), and exact diagonalization of quantum many-body Hamiltonians (models of quantum magnetism). In addition to giving the students a basic working knowledge of these particular techniques, the goal is to make them proficient in scientific computing and programming in general, so that they will be prepared to tackle also other computational problem that they may encounter in the future. The Fortran 90 programming language will be used. The full syllabus is available here
Course News
No class Oct. 26, 28, Nov. 11 (instructor traveling).

24. Computational Physics
Computational Physics Main Directory. General information. Overview of Ordinary Differential Equations. Some integration schemes for ODEs . BoundaryValue Problems
Computational Physics Main Directory
  • General information
  • Overview of Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Some integration schemes for ODEs
  • Boundary-Value Problems
  • Current courses
  • Past courses (PHYS-480: Special Topics)
    • Computational Physics Lab II
    • Computational Physics Lab IV
  • More on-line course information
    Pages prepared by Steve McMillan
  • 25. Institute For Computational Physics
    The institute of computational physics on high performance computers.

    26. Computational Physics By Morten Hjorth-Jensen - Download Here
    Computational Physics by Morten HjorthJensen - free book at E-Books Directory - download here

    27. Matthew S. Norton's Homepage
    FORTRAN source code for computational physics projects

    28. Computational Physics Jobs: Careers In Computational Physics [Physics Today Jobs
    Computational Physics job listings and career information from Physics Today, your Computational Physics resource for career opportunities.
    Computational Physics Jobs
    Careers in Computational Physics
    Mathematical computations are an essential component of modern research in particle physics condensed-matter physics astrophysics , fluid mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum chromodynamics, and plasma physics . Computational physics jobs involve calculations and formulas. To give another example, in solid-state physics functionals (functions of another function) are used to investigate many-body systems (atoms, molecules, and condensed phases). One can also think of computational physics jobs as work in solving differential equations, calculating integrals, performing Monte Carlo calculations on a computer, solving matrix eigenvalue problems, etc. Computational physics careers appear to be part of theoretical physics , but some consider it to be a separate discipline. Mathematical physics is different from computational physics because computational physics relies on a quantitative theory that already exits. The Journal of Mathematical Physics defines its subject matter as the "the application of mathematics to problems in physics and the development of mathematical methods suitable for such applications and for the formulation of physical theories."
    Click the link to view our Computational Physics Job Openings
    Featured Jobs
    Physics Today Career Network Jobs and resumes appear on all Network Career Centers Affiliate QUESTIONS?

    29. Computational Physics Group, A.U.Th.: HOME
    (c) Computational Physics Group A.U.Th.
    H ome
    Introduction The Group P. Argyrakis P.A. Calendar ... The University
    (c) Computational Physics Group A.U.Th.

    30. Center For Computational Physics - University Of Tsukuba
    An inter-university research facility to function as a base to develop research in computational physics and parallel computer science.

    31. Computational Physics-Dept Of Physics - Carnegie Mellon University
    Group Overview. Computational Physics is a rapidly growing and highly interdisciplinary research area. Carnegie Mellon features two main thrusts in Computational Physics
    Computational Physics-Dept of Physics - Carnegie Mellon University
    Carnegie Mellon University
    Search Only Dept of Physics Submit Carnegie Mellon University Search Skip navigation and jump directly to page content
    • Research
      • Astrophysics and Cosmology Biological Physics ... Research
        Computational Physics
        Faculty: Rupert Croft Markus Deserno Tiziana Di Matteo Michael Levine ... Michael Widom
        Group Overview
        Computational Physics is a rapidly growing and highly interdisciplinary research area. Carnegie Mellon features two main thrusts in Computational Physics: computer simulation and data mining/analysis. Researchers collaborate extensively with other departments at CMU such as Chemical Engineering, Computer Science, Materials Science, Mathematics and Statistics. It is possible to obtain a Masters Degree in one of these Departments while pursuing PhD studies in Physics. A close relationship with the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center provides access to a superb team of professional computational scientists as well as ready access to the latest supercomputing hardware.
        Member Research Thrusts
        Rupert Croft simulates the growth of structure in the Universe including gravitational, hydrodynamic and radiative effects. The physical processes are complex, non-linear and interlinked. Analyzing the data from these models can explain the growth of stars, galaxies and larger structures.

    32. CCP 2008 - Conference On Computational Physics
    The conference will be held from August 5-8, 2008 and covers several fields of computational physics.
    Sitemap Welcome Scientific Program Committees ... Events » Quick Reference : Overview Registration Important Dates Contact
    Welcome to the CCP2008 Homepage
    The 2008 Conference on Computational Physics (CCP2008) will be held from August 5-9, 2008, in Ouro Preto, Brazil. The conference covers several fields of computational physics.
    News: CCP2009 official site.
    Proceedings can be downloaded from here.

    Complete list of participants.

    Sponsors: Financial Support:
    Powered by Denis Pinheiro

    33. Rubin Landau, Oregon State University
    We already have placed Spanish language tutorials on the web and are in the process of translating our entire Computational Physics text into modern technical Spanish.

    34. Computational Physics
    The Vienna Anniversary Fund for the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Jubil umsfonds der Stadt Wien f r die sterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) decided for the financial
    People Research Publications Teaching News Crystallization of binary colloids The Vienna Anniversary Fund for the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) decided for the financial... [more] Welcome Professor Likos! We are very pleased to announce that on June 1 Prof. Christos Likos, fomerly at the University of Düsseldorf, started as a Professor of Multiscale Computational Physics at our... [more] Jürgen Köfinger wins Bank Austria Prize Jürgen Köfinger, who has recently completed his doctoral thesis in our group, has received the Bank Austria Prize worth 2.500 Euro for his research on the behavior of water in... [more] Vienna Computational Materials Laboratory (ViCoM) funded by the FWF The Austrian Science Foundation FWF has just granted a sum of 3.9 Million Euros for 4 years for a Special Research Area on Computational Materials Science. The Vienna... [more] Dielectric response of nanopore water Jürgen Köfinger and Christoph Dellago publish their new results on the dielectric response of nanopore water "Orientational Dynamics and dielectric Response of Nanopore Water" in... [more] Displaying results 1 to 5 out of Next > Contact Computational Physics Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Dellago

    35. Computational Physics And Modelling - Cambridge University Press
    Computational Physics and Modelling. Cambridge the ultimate force in Physics. Highlight Titles

    36. FreeScience - Books - Computational Physics
    Free books in Computational Physics.

    37. Introduction To Computational Physics
    Introduction to Computational Physics A complete set of lecture notes for an upperdivision undergraduate computational physics course. Topics covered include scientific

    38. Computational Physics (Physics 4390)
    Computational Physics. These are the lecture notes for Physics 4390 €“ Computational Physics, taught at Texas A M UniversityKingsville. Much of the material presented
    I'm sorry, but in order to see these notes you must have a graphical, frames-capable browser. I recommend using

    39. UC Irvine Computational Physics Home Page
    Computational Physics Instructor David Kirkby,, FRH 3182 Textbooks The required text for this course is Computational Physics Problem Solving with Computers

    40. Lattice Geometries
    Describes a method of defining lattice geometries for use in computational physics.
    Lattice Geometries by Peter Meyer Written during 1999 CE; last revised 2000-01-17 CE.
    Published here 2001-02-17 CE (previously unpublished). A lattice (in the sense used in computational physics) has a certain geometric structure, e.g. "square", "triangular", "diamond", "cubic", etc. Here we consider how to represent these lattice geometries in a way which facilitates implementation as data structures within computer memory. The method of representation of lattice geometries described in this article was used in the software developed by the author to simulate the behavior of magnetic material by means of Ising and Potts spin models, as described in detail in his M.Phil. thesis, Computational Studies of Pure and Dilute Spin Models . That these representations are correct is shown by the fact that the measured properties of the models studied accord with results in the literature. We begin with the hypothesis that any lattice geometry of interest in spin model studies can be represented as (a) the set of all points in n-dimensional Cartesian space with integral coordinates, i.e., the space of n-dimensional vectors (x i ) whose components are integers, together with (b) a set of lines joining these points. The points are the lattice "sites" and the lines are the lattice "bonds". A vector (x

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