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         Computational Physics:     more books (100)
  1. Computational Physics by David E. Potter, 1973-01-01
  2. Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation) by H. Lomax, Thomas H. Pulliam, et all 2010-11-02
  3. Green's Functions in Quantum Physics (Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences) by Eleftherios N. Economou, 2009-12-15
  4. Computational Plasma Physics: With Applications To Fusion And Astrophysics (Frontiers in Physics) by Toshi Tajima, 2004-02-13
  5. Computational Methods in Physics, Chemistry and Biology: An Introduction by Paul Harrison, 2001-12-05
  6. Computational Physics: An Introduction by Franz J. Vesely, 2001-06-01
  7. A First Course in Computational Physics by Paul L. DeVries, 1993-08
  8. Computational Methods in Solid State Physics by V V Nemoshkalenko, N.V. Antonov, 1999-02-19
  9. Lectures on Complex Networks (Oxford Master Series in Physics, Computational, and Theoretical Physics) by Sergey Dorogovtsev, 2010-04-19
  10. Frontiers of Fundamental Physics : Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium "Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics", Udine, Italy, 26-29 September 2004
  11. The Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics (Applied Mathematical Sciences) by O.A. Ladyzhenskaya, 2010-11-02
  12. Computational Fluid Dynamics for Sport Simulation (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering)
  13. Relativistic Methods for Chemists (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics)
  14. A Computational Method in Plasma Physics (Scientific Computation) by F. Bauer, O. Betancourt, et all 1978-09-22

41. Computational Physics
Department of Physics at Purdue University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees with research opportunities in applied physics, condensed matter, high energy, nanophysics
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42. Computational Physics - Cambridge University Press
Resources and solutions. This title has free online support material available. View material

43. Computational Physics Applets
Educational java applets which demonstrate physics phenomena.

44. Computational Physics
Computational Physics General Physics discussion Vote for Physics Forums in the Best Q A site category! (you have to register) Vote here

45. CCP 2010 - Home
Trondheim, Norway 23 - 26 June 2010
  • Home Registration Committees Program ... Contact Us
  • Welcome to Trondheim, Norway 23 - 26 June 2010.
    News and updates:
    Session A2 and Session C2 has been moved 15 minutes forward in time. New timeschedule is Wednesday 23 June 16:15-18:30 The venue of the conference is the Natural Science Building, "Realfagbygget" in Norwegian There are slight changes to the program. Please see the program pages. Vacant Professorship in Computational Physics at NTNU, Trondheim. Read more Poster format is set to width 594 mm × height 841 mm
    Computational physics is by now arguably a third branch of physics besides theoretical and experimental physics. The CCP Conference is a yearly conference dedicated to presenting an overview of computational physics as it evolves and expands. Every three years it is taking place in Europe: Granada in 1998, Aachen in 2001, Genoa in 2004 and Brussels in 2007 are among previous European locations. CCP2010 will take place in Trondheim, Norway from June 23rd till June 26th, 2010. The conference will cover computational physics through a series of plenary talks which together will form a broad and accessible overview of the field. There will also be a series of parallel sessions, which each is meant to present as fully as possible a sub branch of computational physics.

46. Computational Physics -- WFU Physics
Computational Physics Research at the Wake Forest University Department of Physics
Wake Forest Physics
Nationally recognized for teaching excellence;
internationally respected for research advances;
a focused emphasis on interdisciplinary study and close student-faculty collaboration.
Computational physics
The Physics Department at Wake Forest University has a strong program in computational and theoretical physics. The computational and theoretical efforts span from computational biophysics to theoretical gravitational physics and computational condensed matter research. The following faculty is involved in computational and/or theoretical physics research: Paul Anderson and his students apply quantum field theory to the study of black holes and cosmology. The presence of a strong gravitational field results in some interesting and unusual phenomena. These include the acquisition of a nonzero energy by the vacuum and the creation of particles. In the case of black holes, such effects can both distort the spacetime geometry near a black hole and cause it to slowly lose its mass. This group is computing the distortion of spacetime near black holes. The dynamical evolution of the early universe may have been strongly affected by the existence of nonzero vacuum energy and particle production. Anderson is currently interested in the details of how particle production reheats the universe after an inflationary phase. He is also interested in quantum effects that occur during periods such as inflation when the universe is accelerating.

47. Fortran 90 And HPF Programs
Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book An Introduction to Computational Physics , by Tao Pang, Cambridge University Press (1997).
Fortran 90 and HPF Programs Related to the Book
Book Title: An Introduction to Computational Physics
Author: Tao Pang
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication Place: New York
Publication Date: September, 1997
ISBN's: 0-521-48143-0 (hardback); 0-521-48592-4 (paperback)
List Prices: $110 (hardback); $42.95 (paperback)
Other Info: 393 Pages; 7 x 10; 30 Line Diagrams; 5 Tables; 94 Exercises; Bibliography and Index Please Note:
  • No warranties, express or implied, are made for any materials at this site. Chapter 1. Introduction
    • Program 1.1 : One-dimensional motion under a harmonic force.
    Chapter 2. Basic Numerical Methods
  • 48. Computational Physics By Jos Thijssen
    This is the frontispiece of my graduate textbook on computational physics. There is also a . PROGRAM DIRECTORY . Which contains errata and programs for the project
    Computational Physics by
    Jos Thijssen Teaching Research Computational Physics Sand pile simulation This is the frontispiece of my graduate textbook on computational physics. There is also a PROGRAM DIRECTORY Which contains errata and programs for the project discussed in my book. These programs work usually with g77 under linux In case you have problems or remarks concerning either the programs or the book, mail me at

    49. Computational Physics: A Web-Enhanced Book And Course
    COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS A WebEnhanced Book and Course (Invited Talk, SC'97) Rubin H Landau and Hans Kowallik Department of Physics and NACSE Oregon State University, Corvallis
    A Web-Enhanced Book and Course
    (Invited Talk, SC'97)
    Rubin H Landau and Hans Kowallik
    Department of Physics and
    Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331

    Manuel J Paez
    Department of Physics
    University of Antioquia
    Medellin, Colombia, SA
    A university level course in Computational Physics has been developed. A book, Computational Physics, Problem Solving with Computers
    Computational Physics, Computational Science, Education, High Performance Computing, World Wide Web, Web-Enhanced Text, JAVA, Simulations, Web Tutorials, Sonifications, Chaos
    Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to pound in the correct screw. -Anonymous
    Outline and Motivation
    In this paper I wish to describe and demonstrate the Web-enhanced Computational Physics book and course we have developed in the Physics Department of Oregon State University. By the end of the paper I hope you will agree that the integration of the course, textbook, and Web tutorials produces a new and effective approach for education and publishing. The course is intended for upper-level undergraduates or beginning graduate students, and the book, Computational Physics

    50. Computer Physics Communications Package - Elsevier
    Publishes research papers and computer program descriptions in computational physics and physical chemistry the focus is on computational methods and techniques rather than results.

    51. Homepage Computational Physics And Methods, CCS-2 LANL Inside
    The Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences Division and its groups solve problems through basic and applied research and collaboration in computer and computational

    52. The W.M. Keck Center For Interdisciplinary Bioscience Training, GCC Keck Menu, G
    Research and training at the interface between biological and biomedical sciences and the computational and physical sciences. Detailed page on publications and research.
    Site People About The Keck Center GCC Home For information about the individual Keck Center Training Programs, please go to GCC Home Our Mission The W. M. Keck Center for Interdisciplinary Bioscience Training has as its mission to provide a world-class environment for interdisciplinary research training at the interface between biological and biomedical sciences and the computational, physical, mathematical and engineering sciences. Our Statement FOUNDED: January, 1990 with a grant of $5 million from the W. M. Keck Foundation. PURPOSE: FACULTY: six participating institutions EXPECTATIONS OF FACULTY: Keck Training Faculty are members of the Keck Center and of specific training grant communities and may be asked to: Serve on the training grant steering committee
    • Review trainee applications Interview and select trainees Review applications and select additional training faculty not on original grant Plan trainee and/or faculty retreats
    Be mentors or co-mentors
    • Supervise and support trainee research Participate in progress reviews and interviews
    Participate in annual Keck Annual Research Conference
    • Attendance Assist with poster judging
    Participate in Keck Center Undergraduate Research Training Program (summer)
    • Host a lab tour
    Participate in training program curriculum development and teaching of specialized courses Support the grant renewal and new training grant application Support recruitment efforts AREAS OF INTEREST: CURRENT TRAINING PROGRAMS:

    53. Web Page No Longer Available
    Codes from course by David Tomanek.
    M Home Directory
    Undergraduate Program

    Graduate Program
    The web page you have requested: /phy480/index.html
    Maintained by PA Web Developers
    E-mail comments to
    - updated: 2005.11.01 (Tuesday) 11:19:26 EST -

    54. Austin Peay : Governors School For Computational Physics
    Contact Us Department of Physics Austin Peay State University Sundquist Science Bldg. P.O. Box 4608 Clarksville TN 37044 Phone (931) 2216116 Toll Free 1-877-861-APSU
    Contact Us
    Department of Physics
    Austin Peay State University
    Sundquist Science Bldg.
    P.O. Box 4608
    Clarksville TN 37044
    Phone: (931) 221-6116
    Toll Free: 1-877-861-APSU

    Governors School for Computational Physics
    Governors School for Computational Physics
    Dates: May 30 – July 2, 2010 If you’re a hard-working sophomore or junior with an interest in engineering, mathematics and/or science, the Governor’s School for Computational Physics is a great place to start your college studies.  The Governor’s School covers all basic expenses related to the program, including tuition, laptop computers, required books, room, food and transportation on field trips.  You also will earn seven hours of college credit! Please review the tabs to the left for detailed information.  If you have questions, please contact: Dr. Alex King

    55. Ji-hoon, Kim
    Computational physics. Nonlinear oscillator simulations, wavepacket simulations and pedestrian simulations java applets.

    56. Conbot
    A conference menu maintained by Y.S. Kim.

    57. Computational Physics, TUT
    In the group of Computational Physics, we solve quantum mechanical problems of solid matter and develop related computational methods. We produce new relevant knowledge of
    Computational Physics
    Institute of Physics
    Tampere University of Technology
    P.O. Box 692 , FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland
    In the group of Computational Physics, we solve quantum mechanical problems of solid matter and develop related computational methods. We produce new relevant knowledge of structures and dynamics of surfaces and of electronic and optical properties of bulk matter:
    • Explaining the physics behind an experimental result. Studying properties of materials that are for example hard to produce experimentally. Solving problems that are impossible to solve analytically.

    • Determination of surface structure and reconstruction of surfaces of e.g. catalytic materials. Knowledge of fundamentals behind the dynamics, absorption and adsorption of molecules on catalytic surfaces. Knowledge of electronic structures of e.g. high-T c superconductors via interpretation of experimental photoemission results using high precision supercell calculations. Concentration and stress dependence of the linear optical properties of semiconductor alloys.

    Methods Materials

    58. Home Page: Jose Fernando Mendes, Universidade De Aveiro
    Information about research, namely on random networks. Also presents classes online Statistical physics, computational physics, and mechanics and relativity.

    Biography Publications Projects ...

    home page

    Presently, I am Full Professor at University of Aveiro. I am a theoretical physicist working on Statistical Physics. My research, in the last years, focus mainly in the study of the structure and the evolution of communications networks, the World Wide Web, the Internet, biological networks, etc. Other interests are related with: granular media, self-organized criticality, non-equilibrium phase transitions, deposition models,etc. In fact, my last research on networks has inumerous applications and is a realization of a general principle: popularity is attractive
    Statistical physics

    Time Table

    Research (all)
    Research (Networks)

    Gazeta de Fisica (SPF)
    Mapa Campus UA FCT (Projects) CiteSeer Complexity Digest Useful Links USA maps Research Mendes Group My talks 2003 My talks 2004 Self-organized Criticality ... Last 5 papers Links... Theoretical and Computational Physics (Univ. Aveiro) TIPTOP Citations of JFFM Maps (Yahoo) ... Physics resources - directory of Physics related websites. "I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind" - A. Einstein

    59. Dr. IITAKA'S Home Page
    Research on computational physics, quantum physics, earth sciences and mineralogy as well as links to other physics sites.

    60. OSU Physics: Physics 780.20 Computational Physics Course Information
    Physics 780.20 Computational Physics Winter, 2010 General Information about 780.20 Computational Physics Course title Computational Physics
    Physics 780.20 "Computational Physics"
    Winter, 2010
    General Information about 780.20 Computational Physics
    Course title:
    Computational Physics
    There is no required text but there will be readings for each class session from handouts passed out in class and background notes posted online. Some useful references that we'll consult are:
    • The 2009 lecture notes [pdf] by Morten Hjorth-Jensen from the University of Oslo. Prof. Hjorth-Jensen's philosophy of teaching computational physics is similar to mine and he covers similar topics. (His course web pages: and .) Recommended readings from these notes will be listed on the course webpage as we proceed.
    • Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Computers by Rubin Landau and Manuel Paez is the text we've used in the past. It is not required but is a useful guide, including as a good source of projects. Many of the codes we'll explore originated from this book. [It is available as an "E-book" from the OSU library-you can view any part in your browser but you cannot print more than a page at a time.] An updated version called A Survey of Computational Physics is available as well.

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