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         Superconductivity:     more books (100)
  1. Leading-Edge Superconductivity Research Developments
  2. Superconductivity Sourcebook by V. Daniel Hunt, 1989-01
  3. Room-Temperature Superconductivity by Andrei Mourachkine, 2004-01-01
  4. Handbook of Applied Superconductivity, 2 Volume Set
  5. High Temperature Superconductivity (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics / Maryland Subseries: Based on Lectures at the University of Maryland, College Park)
  6. Superconductivity by J. B. Ketterson, S. N. Song, 1999-01-12
  7. Connectivity and Superconductivity (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs)
  8. Microwave Superconductivity (NATO SCIENCE SERIES: E: Volume 375) Applied Sciences by Harold Weinstock, 2002-01-31
  9. Theory of Nonequilibrium Superconductivity (The International Series of Monographs on Physics) by Nikolai Kopnin, 2009-07-15
  10. How Did We Find Out About Superconductivity (Asimov, Isaac, How Did We Find Out-- Series.) by Isaac Asimov, 1988-03
  11. Superconductivity Volume I (Vol. 1) by R. D. Parks, 1969-04-01
  12. Introduction to Superconductivity, Second Edition (International Series in Solid State Physics; V. 6) by A C ROSE-INNES, 1978-01-15
  13. Magnetism and Superconductivity (Theoretical and Mathematical Physics) by Laurent-Patrick Levy, 2010-11-02
  14. Novel Superconductivity by Stuart A. Wolf, Vladimir Z. Kresin, 1987-10-01

21. Superconductivity (physics) :: Thermal Properties Of Superconductors -- Britanni
superconductivity (physics), Thermal properties of superconductors, Britannica Online Encyclopedia, superconductivity is a startling departure from the properties of normal (i.e
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Table of Contents: superconductivity Article Article Discovery Discovery Thermal properties of superconductors Thermal properties of superconductors - Transition temperatures Transition temperatures - Specific heat and thermal conductivit... Specific heat and thermal conductivity - Energy gaps Energy gaps Magnetic and electromagnetic properties ... Magnetic and electromagnetic properties of superconductors - Critical field Critical field - The Meissner effect The Meissner effect - High-frequency electromagnetic proper...

22. ISTEC Home-Page
A nonprofit foundation to contribute to the advancement of superconductivity studies and the sound development of superconductivity-related industries.
財団法人 国際超電導産業技術研究センター/超電導工学研究所

23. Superconductivity | Define Superconductivity At
窶渡oun Physics . the phenomenon of almost perfect conductivity shown by certain substances at temperatures approaching absolute zero. The recent discovery of materials that

24. Superconductivity | SuperPower
Zero resistance to direct current Extremely high current carrying density Extremely low resistance at high frequencies Extremely low signal dispersion
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  • About Us
    • History Management What Is Superconductivity ... About Us
      Unique Properties of Superconductors:
      Zero resistance to direct
      Extremely high current
      carrying density
      Extremely low resistance at
      high frequencies
      Extremely low signal
      High sensitivity to magnetic
      Exclusion of externally applied magnetic field Rapid single flux quantum transfer Close to speed of light signal transmission Normal State Superconducting state A diagram of the Meissner Effect with magnetic field lines, represented as arrows, excluded from a superconductor when it is cooled to below its critical temperature (the temperature at which it loses all resistance to the flow of electrical current).

25. ARS Associates Home Page
ARS Associates is a manufacturer s representative in the fields of cryogenics, vacuum / semiconductor process equipment, and superconductivity, including superconducting magnets, instrumentation, and cryostats. In Allentown, PA.
Info Request Supplier Links E-mail ARS Associates is a Manufacturer's Representative in the fields of Cryogenics, Vacuum / Semiconductor Process Equipment and Superconductivity. Our product line brings together a wide range of complementary components and subsystems from the leading manufacturers in these fields. Call on us for assistance in specifying individual components and for application assistance in configuring your system. You can benefit from our many years of experience in engineering and technical marketing positions. Product Offering
  • Temperature Indicators Temperature Controllers Temperature Sensors Cryogenic Containers Cryogenic Liquid Transfer Lines Cryogenic Liquid level Controllers
  • Superconducting Magnets Magnetic Separation System Cryostats Electronic Instrumentation Accessories
Vacuum Systems and Components
  • Chambers Custom and UHV Flanges, fittings and other components Surface Science Equipment Vacuum Gauges XYZ manipulators Sample Stages
  • Pulsed Laser Deposition Electron Beam Evaporation Custom Substrate heaters Direct metal Ion Deposition Sputtering Systems and Components
  • MBE/MOCVD System Control MBE/MOCVD Components MBE/MOCVD Software MBE Metals MBE Crucibles and PBN Parts MOCVD Systems RHEED Systems Thin Film Analysis
ARS Associates
3440 Lehigh Street, #250

Conductors lose all of their electrical resistance when cooled to superlow temperatures (near absolute zero, about -273 o Celsius). It must be understood that
Hilite.elementid = "main"; All About Circuits
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Conductors lose all of their electrical resistance when cooled to super-low temperatures (near absolute zero, about -273 o Celsius). It must be understood that superconductivity is not merely an extrapolation of most conductors' tendency to gradually lose resistance with decreasing temperature; rather, it is a sudden, quantum leap in resistivity from finite to nothing. A superconducting material has absolutely zero electrical resistance, not just some small amount Superconductivity was first discovered by H. Kamerlingh Onnes at the University of Leiden, Netherlands in 1911. Just three years earlier, in 1908, Onnes had developed a method of liquefying helium gas, which provided a medium with which to supercool experimental objects to just a few degrees above absolute zero. Deciding to investigate changes in electrical resistance of mercury when cooled to this low of a temperature, he discovered that its resistance dropped to nothing just below the boiling point of helium.

27. Home
I have been working on superconductivity more than 15 years! During the time, I found some serious fundamental problems in our understanding of superconductivity and tried to
Yong-Jihn Kim Theme Song (Composer: Michael Bonet)
2006 IOP Reception(IPod Nano winner!), Batimore, MD
I have been working on superconductivity more than 15 years! During the time, I found some serious fundamental problems in our understanding of superconductivity and tried to resolve those problems. This website summarizes the current status of this effort. I wish it could be helpful for many people.
Yong-Jihn Kim, Associate Professor of Physics UPR-Mayaguez
  • Recent work 1: Revised Theory of the Josephson Effects: Just published in Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 103, 103902, (2008) Highlighted in Virtual Journal of Applications of Superconductivity, Vol. 14, issue 11, June 1, 2008
    In 1962 B. Josephson predicted the Josephson effects. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1973
    for the contribution. Nevertheless, there are still some unsolved fundamental problems, such as the sign problem
    in the AC Josephson effect, the threshold behavior in the DC Josephson effect, and etc. This paper introduces a Cooper pair wavefunction approach to the Josephson effects. This method is more powerful and error-free, compared to the previous techniques. We have found that SIS junctions have a material-dependent threshold resistance, shown in the figure below,which explains why MgB2 SIS junctions don't show the supercurrent for the big gap! In addition we have found a more accurate formula for the temperature dependence of the supercurrent.

28. Superconductivity
superconductivity. superconductivity is a phenomenon which occurs in certain materials and is characterized by the absence of electrical resistivity.
Superconductivity is a phenomenon which occurs in certain materials and is characterized by the absence of electrical resistivity. Until recently, this phenomenon had been restricted to metals and alloys with transition temperatures of less than 23K. In 1986, superconductivity was discovered in a ceramic material. This precipitated an onrush of ceramic based superconductors with transition temperatures as high as 120K. The ceramic-based materials are commonly known as high temperature (HTc) superconductors while the metallic and alloy materials are called low temperature (LTc) superconductors. Currently, only low temperature superconductors are of interest to the magnet designer and manufacturer. Superconductors are divided into two types depending on their characteristic behavior in the presence of a magnetic field. Type I superconductors are comprised of pure metals, whereas Type II superconductors are comprised primarily of alloys or intermetallic compounds. Both, however, have one common feature: below a critical temperature , T c , their resistance vanishes.

29. TcSUH - The Texas Center For Superconductivity At The University Of Houston
Fields studied include superconductivity and energy and nanoscale materials. Overview, directory, events, news, publications, outreach, facilities and information for visitors.
@import "/tcsuh2009.css"; Houston Science Center
A Message from The Director
Welcome to the TcSUH website that describes our current organization, research programs collaborations with industry and activities in education and outreach . The website also provides links to our publications and recent news and events . TcSUH is a large multidisciplinary university-based superconductivity and advanced materials research center, with over 200 faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate and undergraduate students, housed in the Houston Science Center and several other buildings on the University of Houston campus. Read more
Our Faculty and Staff
Dr. Paul Chu Executive Director of TcSUH, Professor of Physics T.L.L. Temple Chair of Science, Ph.D. University of California, San Diego, 1968 He also serves as President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He and his colleagues achieved stable superconductivity at 93 K (-180) above the critical temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196), a major advancement in modern science... Read more about TcSUH members
Research Spotlight
The newest homologous series of superconducting As-pnictides, LiFeAs (Li111) and NaFeAs (Na111) crystallize with the layered tetragonal anti-PbFCl-type. Polycrystalline samples and single-crystals of Li111 and Na111 display superconducting transitions at approximately 18 K and 12-25 K, respectively. No magnetic order was found in either compound, although a weak magnetic background is clearly in evidence.

30. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students
By. Robert W. Dull Largo High School Largo, Florida. and. H. Richard Kerchner Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee. September 1994
A Teacher's Guide to Superconductivity for High School Students
Robert W. Dull
Largo High School
Largo, Florida
H. Richard Kerchner
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
September 1994


Historical Background
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31. Superconductivity Links
A large link list of superconductivity data bases, free journals, papers and news, and university and institute sites by a Korean PhD. candidate. Also available in Korean language.ソ。シュ チソヌマエツ ネィニ菎フチ ニチア タヤエマエル.(ケォキ盞オグタホ + 100 MB)

345 South Patrick Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 8363654 . Welcome! Over the years, an electronic newsletter entitled 窶徭uperconductivity News Update窶 has been
345 South Patrick Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Welcome! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

33. Superconductivity News - Physics News, Quantum Physics provides the latest news on superconductivity superconductivity news 'Incoherent excitations' govern key phase of superconductor behavior
Science and technology news
Superconductivity news
'Incoherent excitations' govern key phase of superconductor behavior
Physics Superconductivity New research by University of British Columbia physicists indicates that high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides is linked to what they term 'incoherent excitations'a discovery that sheds light on the electronic ...
One-dimensional window on superconductivity, magnetism: Atoms are proxies for electrons in ultracold optical emulator
Physics Superconductivity A Rice University-led team of physicists is reporting the first success in a three-year effort to build a precision simulator for superconductors using a grid of intersecting laser beams and ultracold atomic ...
Superconductors face the future
Physics Superconductivity Futuristic ideas for the use of superconductors, materials that allow electric current to flow without resistance, are myriad: long-distance, low-voltage electric grids with no transmission loss; fast, magnetically ...

34. Cookies Required
This semi-monthly virtual journal presents articles that have appeared in one of the participating source journals and that fall within the scope of applications of superconductivity to electronics and large-scale systems.

35. Superconductivity (physics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
superconductivity (physics), complete disappearance of electrical resistance in various solids when they are cooled below a characteristic temperature. This temperature, called
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Table of Contents: superconductivity Article Article Discovery Discovery Thermal properties of superconductors Thermal properties of superconductors - Transition temperatures Transition temperatures - Specific heat and thermal conductivit... Specific heat and thermal conductivity - Energy gaps Energy gaps Magnetic and electromagnetic properties ... Magnetic and electromagnetic properties of superconductors - Critical field Critical field - The Meissner effect The Meissner effect - High-frequency electromagnetic proper...

36. Superconductivity - Definition Of Superconductivity By The Free Online Dictionar
su per con duc tiv i ty (s p rk n d k-t v-t) n. The flow of electric current without resistance in certain metals, alloys, and ceramics at temperatures near absolute

37. SpringerLink - Journal Of Superconductivity, Volume 18, Numbers 5-6
Covers all aspects of the science and technology of superconductivity, including new materials, new mechanisms, basic and technological properties, new phenomena, and small- and large-scale applications.
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38. Department Of Energy - HTS
superconductivity is a phenomenon observed in certain metals and ceramic materials that, when cooled to very low temperatures, have no electrical resistance.
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High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS)
Superconductivity is a phenomenon observed in certain metals and ceramic materials that, when cooled to very low temperatures, have no electrical resistance. It has the potential for bringing a more fundamental change to electric power technologies than has occurred since electricity use became widespread nearly a century ago. The fiber optic "information superhighway" was constructed by replacing copper wires with a higher-capacity alternative. Superconductivity provides a comparable "energy superhighway" by replacing copper wires with a ceramic superconducting alternative that has higher capacity while eliminating resistive losses. High-temperature superconductivity (HTS) power equipment has the potential to become a key twenty-first century technology for improving the capacity, efficiency, and reliability of the electric system. For example, higher capacity HTS power lines could provide transmission and distribution systems with smaller footprints that allow additional capacity to be placed in service along existing rights-of-way. Fault current limiters (FCLs) are another emerging technology. FCLs have the potential to save utilities money and make the modern grid more efficient by protecting electric grid equipment from damages and by helping to avoid outages

39. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students
Geared towards teachers so they can in turn teach others about superconductivity. Detailed, and a good read for anyone interested in the topic. Last updated 1996, but still quite useful.
A Teacher's Guide to Superconductivity for High School Students
Robert W. Dull
Largo High School
Largo, Florida
H. Richard Kerchner
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
September 1994


Historical Background
... [ORNL HOME PAGE] The information owner and the server administrators are listed below if you have questions, comments, or suggestions. An e-mail form is provided with the appropriate links for your convenience. Please include title, URL, or other document descriptor in your message. Also provided are links to the Information Index and to the Harvest search database. H. Richard Kerchner, (information owner) (server administrators) Information Index Search Date posted 04/01/96 (ktb)

40. Superconductivity
superconductivity is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials at low temperatures, characterised by the complete absence of electrical resistance and the damping of the interior
Superconductivity is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials at low temperatures , characterised by the complete absence of electrical resistance and the damping of the interior magnetic field (the Meissner effect In conventional superconductors , superconductivity is caused by a force of attraction between certain conduction electrons arising from the exchange of phonons , which causes the conduction electrons to exhibit a superfluid phase composed of correlated pairs of electrons. There also exists a class of materials, known as unconventional superconductors , that exhibit superconductivity but whose physical properties contradict the theory of conventional superconductors. In particular, the so-called high-temperature superconductors superconduct at temperatures much higher than should be possible according to the conventional theory (though still far below room temperature .) There is currently no complete theory of high-temperature superconductivity. Superconductivity occurs in a wide variety of materials, including simple elements like tin and aluminium , various metallic alloys , some heavily-doped semiconductors , and certain ceramic compounds containing planes of copper and oxygen atoms . The latter class of compounds, known as the

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