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21. Superconductivity (physics) :: Thermal Properties Of Superconductors -- Britanni superconductivity (physics), Thermal properties of superconductors, Britannica Online Encyclopedia, superconductivity is a startling departure from the properties of normal (i.e http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/574212/superconductivity/258320/Therma | |
22. ISTEC Home-Page A nonprofit foundation to contribute to the advancement of superconductivity studies and the sound development of superconductivity-related industries. http://www.istec.or.jp/ | |
23. Superconductivity | Define Superconductivity At Dictionary.com 窶渡oun Physics . the phenomenon of almost perfect conductivity shown by certain substances at temperatures approaching absolute zero. The recent discovery of materials that http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/superconductivity |
24. Superconductivity | SuperPower Zero resistance to direct current Extremely high current carrying density Extremely low resistance at high frequencies Extremely low signal dispersion http://www.superpower-inc.com/content/superconductivity | |
25. ARS Associates Home Page ARS Associates is a manufacturer s representative in the fields of cryogenics, vacuum / semiconductor process equipment, and superconductivity, including superconducting magnets, instrumentation, and cryostats. In Allentown, PA. http://www.arsassociates.com/ | |
26. Superconductivity : PHYSICS OF CONDUCTORS AND INSULATORS Conductors lose all of their electrical resistance when cooled to superlow temperatures (near absolute zero, about -273 o Celsius). It must be understood that http://www.allaboutcircuits.com/vol_1/chpt_12/7.html | |
27. Home I have been working on superconductivity more than 15 years! During the time, I found some serious fundamental problems in our understanding of superconductivity and tried to http://www.superconductivity.us/ | |
28. Superconductivity superconductivity. superconductivity is a phenomenon which occurs in certain materials and is characterized by the absence of electrical resistivity. http://www.americanmagnetics.com/tutorial/supercon.html | |
29. TcSUH - The Texas Center For Superconductivity At The University Of Houston Fields studied include superconductivity and energy and nanoscale materials. Overview, directory, events, news, publications, outreach, facilities and information for visitors. http://www.tcsuh.uh.edu/ | |
30. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students By. Robert W. Dull Largo High School Largo, Florida. and. H. Richard Kerchner Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, Tennessee. September 1994 http://www.ornl.gov/reports/m/ornlm3063r1/contents.html | |
31. Superconductivity Links A large link list of superconductivity data bases, free journals, papers and news, and university and institute sites by a Korean PhD. candidate. Also available in Korean language. http://superconductor.com.ne.kr/index.html | |
32. WELCOME 345 South Patrick Street Alexandria, VA 22314 (703) 8363654 . Welcome! Over the years, an electronic newsletter entitled 窶徭uperconductivity News Update窶 has been http://www.superconductivitynewsupdate.com/ | |
33. Superconductivity News - Physics News, Quantum Physics PhysOrg.com provides the latest news on superconductivity superconductivity news 'Incoherent excitations' govern key phase of superconductor behavior http://www.physorg.com/physics-news/superconductivity/ | |
34. Cookies Required This semi-monthly virtual journal presents articles that have appeared in one of the participating source journals and that fall within the scope of applications of superconductivity to electronics and large-scale systems. http://www.vjsuper.org |
35. Superconductivity (physics) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia superconductivity (physics), complete disappearance of electrical resistance in various solids when they are cooled below a characteristic temperature. This temperature, called http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/574212/superconductivity | |
36. Superconductivity - Definition Of Superconductivity By The Free Online Dictionar su per con duc tiv i ty (s p rk n d k-t v-t) n. The flow of electric current without resistance in certain metals, alloys, and ceramics at temperatures near absolute http://www.thefreedictionary.com/superconductivity |
37. SpringerLink - Journal Of Superconductivity, Volume 18, Numbers 5-6 Covers all aspects of the science and technology of superconductivity, including new materials, new mechanisms, basic and technological properties, new phenomena, and small- and large-scale applications. http://www.springerlink.com/content/102589/ | |
38. Department Of Energy - HTS superconductivity is a phenomenon observed in certain metals and ceramic materials that, when cooled to very low temperatures, have no electrical resistance. http://www.oe.energy.gov/hts.htm | |
39. A Teacher's Guide To Superconductivity For High School Students Geared towards teachers so they can in turn teach others about superconductivity. Detailed, and a good read for anyone interested in the topic. Last updated 1996, but still quite useful. http://www.ornl.gov/info/reports/m/ornlm3063r1/contents.html | |
40. Superconductivity superconductivity is a phenomenon occurring in certain materials at low temperatures, characterised by the complete absence of electrical resistance and the damping of the interior http://www.centipedia.com/articles/Superconductivity | |
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