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  1. Existential-Phenomenological Perspectives in Psychology: Exploring the Breadth of Human Experience (Volume 0)
  2. The Revelation of the Breath: A Tribute to Its Wisdom, Power, and Beauty (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by Sharon G. Mijares, 2009-11-05
  3. The Ego and the Dynamic Ground: A Transpersonal Theory of Human Development by Michael Washburn, 1995-01
  4. Methodology for the Human Sciences: Systems of Inquiry (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by Donald Polkinghorne, 1983-08
  5. Fruits of the Moon Tree: The Medicine Wheel and Transpersonal Psychology by Alan Bleakley, 1984-12
  6. Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, and Transpersonal Implications
  7. Mediation: Positive Conflict Management (Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by John M. Haynes, Gretchen L. Haynes, et all 2004-07
  8. Transpersonal Psychologies
  9. Body of Knowledge: An Introduction to Body/Mind Psychology (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by Robert L. Marrone, 1991-02
  10. JOURNAL OF TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY, VOLUME 19, NUMBER 2 by Transpersonal Institute, 1987
  11. Stories of the moon: More adventures of the spririt questors (Filipino transpersonal psychology series) by Tony Perez, 2001
  12. The Concept of Personality in Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga Psychology and A. Maslow's Humanistic/Transpersonal Psychology by Joseph Vrinte, 1995-09
  13. Transpersonal in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling by Andrew Shorrock, 2008-01-15
  14. Self-Esteem and Meaning: A Life-Historical Investigation (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by Michael R. Jackson, 1984-11

41. Home - International Journal Of Transpersonal Studies
Journal dedicated to theory, research, practice and discourse providing an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human nature and the world around us. The journal is
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Name: *Email: *Required Cutting-edge articles from around the world on transpersonal topics.
Welcome to the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies web site! The Journal is published semi-annually both online as an open access journal (available on this website) and in print (produced on demand through Lulu Press: to purchase, go to and enter the term IJTS into the search window at the top). The submission of relevant scholarly articles, book reviews, comments, or letters of response to papers published in the journal are welcome. Please send all submissions and correspondence to the editor:
Glenn Hartelius, Editor

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transpersonal approach to enable the transition from a recovery program back into a successful life.

43. Transpersonal FAQ - Frequently Asked Question About Transpersonal Science
transpersonal FAQ Frequently asked questions and transpersonal science and spirituality
Explore Transpersonal Research, Theory
and Practice with Michael Daniels PhD Search Transpersonal Science
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Transpersonal FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions about the Transpersonal
Compiled and written by Michael Daniels PhD Updated: 20 January 2009] What is the purpose of this FAQ?
What kinds of experiences, processes and events are transpersonal?

Are psychic and paranormal experiences transpersonal?

Is the transpersonal the same as spirituality and religion?
Are there academic and professional training courses in transpersonal studies?

What is the purpose of this FAQ?
This FAQ aims to explain the meaning, nature and significance of transpersonal studies for a general educated audience. It answers commonly asked questions about spiritual belief and practice and offers guidance on academic and professional study of the transpersonal. What
The term ‘transpersonal’ literally means ‘beyond (or through) the personal’. It refers to experiences, processes and events in which our normal limiting sense of self is transcended and in which there is a feeling of connection to a larger, more meaningful reality.

44. The European Transpersonal Association - Welcome To EUROTAS
EUROTAS seeks to reconcile the viewpoints of different disciplines, sciences, spirituality, philosophy and art. Contains articles, news, events and links to member associations.
The Euro ... sociation

45. Akamai University - Center For Transpersonal And Consciousness Studies
Center for transpersonal and Consciousness Studies transpersonal PSYCHOLOGY. Introduction Program Audience Program
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Program Audience

Program Description

Postgraduate Certificate in Transpersonal and Consciousness Studies
Transpersonal Resources

Welcome to
the Transpersonal Psychology Program!
For hundreds of years the world has treated consciousness as a sort of by-product of chemical, mechanical, or mathematical processes. These processes might be understood by merely looking at the physical functioning of the brain and nervous system. This thinking has reduced reality itself to a system of algorithms designed to control risk in an orderly world. Today scientists, psychologists, managers, and other leaders in the system are discovering that the world exists with both order and disorder side by side. We are finding that our very observation affects the outcomes of our own examinations. These effects have caused us to stop and examine what consciousness actually is and how it functions. Philosophy has attempted on several occasions to answer these questions based on theoretical logic. The difference between a philosophical model and the model that we here at Akamai provide is simply this: we are concerned with how consciousness, transpersonal consciousness, and transpersonal psychology interact and integrate with everyday experience. In this way we hope to build programs that not only allow the scientific exploration, but how that exploration actually affects you life, the human condition, and the world at large.

46. The Synthesis Center, Psychosynthesis
Provides training and counseling services applying psychosynthesis, a holistic and transpersonal psychology.
O R L A T E S T N E W S Psychosynthesis is a comprehensive approach to psychological health and well being. Its inclusive framework of principles and techniques lies at the cutting edge of thought in the field of psychology. Psychosynthesis offers an integration of psychological and spiritual models, based on the realization of humanities positive and natural evolutionary movement. This holistic perspective on human development addresses the whole range of human experience, at prepersonal, personal and transpersonal levels. Psychosynthesis is widely applicable in the field of human services and is a powerful tool for psychological healing and personal transformation. Psychosynthesis was formulated by Roberto Assagioli , a gifted Italian psychiatrist, in the early part of the twentieth century. Click on the titles surrounding the picture of the building to see our services in detail. The Synthesis Center is a nonprofit educational institution, founded in 1976. We are an organization of people committed to supporting the conscious evolution of individuals and society as a whole, through our teaching and practice of psychosynthesis. We endeavor to provide services of the highest quality in an atmosphere that is intellectually exciting, supportive of personal needs, and spiritually inspiring. Services of the center include a professional training program in psychosynthesis, a community counseling center, educational and support groups, workshops and business consulting. The Center is located in

47. .
transpersonal papers by T. R. Soidla (some under pen name K. Raudsepp), in Russian and English.
NEW!! (.htm) Apology of dinosaursin Russian NEW!! (.doc) Apology of dinosaursin Russian NEW!! - (.pdf) Baba Yaga in Russian A chapter of the 'Apology' in English (.pdf) Dino's Dreams and Death ... Curriculum Vitae (.doc)
" ".
About the transpersonal
approach see also:

48. :: Center For Awareness ::
Words of encouragement and advice from a licensed transpersonal Psychotherapist of 27 years. Suggestions on tools to use and ways to achieve the state of enlightenment - or peace.

49. Transpersonal Cinema
The Cinema of Transformation and Transcendence Home about Contact Site Map THE transpersonal CINEMA PROJECT
Home about Contact Site Map
Exploring the Cinema of Transformation and Transcendence
The Transpersonal and The Cinema
RESEARCH Transpersonal is that which is beyond the boundaries of the personal, beyond our normal everyday limited sense of self. Transpersonal experiences include dreams, peak experiences, religious experiences, out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, ESP, psychic healing, and altered states of consciousness. Cinema , from the Greek word Kinema "movement" and kinein "to move," is the art of the moving image in all its forms, from the flickering projections of celluloid images on a movie screen to digital moving images on a cellular phone. Transpersonal Cinema is cinematic media that seeks to transcend the normally perceived boundaries of self and world, transporting creators and viewers to other realms both within and outside of themselves, and potentially inducing altered states of consciousness, healing, transformation, personal growth, and personal, social and cultural evolution. The Transpersonal Cinema Project is a groundbreaking research and production initiative seeking to investigate and advance these powerful transformational potentials of the cinema by integrating the latest theories, practices, and technologies of cinematic media, creativity, human perception, and consciousness.

50. Welcome To The Centre For Transpersonal Psychology
Accrediting Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) provides therapy referral service, articles and training.
The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology (CTP) is a registered charity and an Accrediting Member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). Founded in 1973 by Ian Gordon-Brown and Barbara Somers, it has been a driving force in the development of transpersonal psychology in the UK for over 30 years, and today is situated at the very heart of new, progressive transpersonal ideas, activities and innovation. The CTP manages a Therapy Referral Service for members of the public and for health professionals who wish to be put in contact with an accredited transpersonal psychotherapist.
Council of Management Chair - Peter Merriott
Company Secretary - Jeremy Brooks Email Members
Dorothy Allen
Grant Clifford
Bryan Emden
Karyn Fletcher
Gaby Hock
Mark Price
Miranda Whyte
17 West View Road, St. Albans, Herts AL3 5JX Tel: 01727 751420

51. Transpersonal Us - Spiritual Journeys
We aren't human beings leading spiritual lives, we are spiritual beings leading human lives. Teilhard de Chardin

52. PathwaysUK
Jenny Gribble offers a transpersonal approach to counselling, taking account of the whole person through body, mind and spirit.
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53. Transpersonal Psychology: Facts, Discussion Forum, And Encyclopedia Article
The term transpersonal is often used to refer to psychological categories that transcend the normal features of ordinary egofunctioning. That is, stages of psychological
Home Discussion Topics Dictionary ... Login Transpersonal psychology
Transpersonal psychology
Overview Transpersonal psychology is a form of psychology that studies the transpersonal Transpersonal The term transpersonal is often used to refer to psychological categories that transcend the normal features of ordinary ego-functioning. That is, stages of psychological growth, or stages of consciousness, that move beyond the rational andprecede the mystical...
, self- transcendent Transcendence (philosophy) In philosophy, the adjective transcendental and the noun transcendence convey three different but somehow related primary meanings, all of them derived from the word's literal meaning , of climbing or going beyond: one sense that originated in Ancient philosophy, one in Medieval philosophy, and one...
or spiritual Spirituality Spirituality can refer to an ultimate or immaterial reality; an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of their being; or the “deepest values and meanings by which people live.” Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an...
aspects of the human experience.

54. Love Is God Shares A Transpersonal, Non-proprietary , Meditation With Grace
This site shares a non-proprietary form of meditation with the transpersonal experience of Grace as its focus of attention.
Meditating with Grace
Being in the human condition can be difficult. We constantly find ourselves being captured by thoughts, emotions and situations that go against our desire for happiness. Yet, the human condition is extremely precious because what is unconscious and unrecognized in animals can be made conscious and recognized while in the human condition.
Meditation can be used to make the unconscious conscious. There are many different forms of meditation; this writing tries to communicate meditating with Grace. Readers will have to look within themselves to interpret the meaning according to their experience. This is not a proprietary method of meditation belonging to any individual or group. Grace is a universal experience substratum to the human condition.
Most of us have had a subtle experience of Grace. It might manifest as an ability to go through a difficult situation realizing that there was something not seemingly of you that helped you overcome. This ability to endure might have been psychological, physical, or relational. This experience is easily pushed to the unconscious and forgotten.
Not so easily forgotten are those who have had Near Death Experiences and have felt Grace while not being fully within the body. They report feeling an overwhelming sense of love and caring that goes beyond anything that is experienced while in the human condition. This is usually a life changing experience.

55. Rock Bank Transpersonal Psychology Ian Gordon-Brown
Rock Bank offers workshops, counselling, therapy and coaching, as well as supervision, books and meditation. Selfdiscovery the search for meaning.
Transpersonal Centre Home Page
Rock Bank



Transpersonal a



Course Dates
Transpersonal a Rock Bank TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY , like all psychologies, is a model of the human psyche. However, it is distinguished by being a perspective based on the reality of a spiritual centre or Self within each individual. This 'Centre' - Self, Soul, Atman, or whatever it may be called - is the chief motivating and coordinating energy within us. The task of the transpersonal psychologist is to facilitate the release of this energy, in individuals and in groups. TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY , as an umbrella term, covers a number of related approaches both Western and Eastern; its pioneers include Jung, Assagioli, Maslow and Frankl. The workshops at Rock Bank are based on the work of Ian Gordon-Brown and Barbara Somers To enter the world of the imagination is to take ourselves out of the stress of everyday life and make contact with the sources of our wholeness and creativity. WHAT IS TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY?

56. Counselling Courses & Online Counselling | Starbridge Centre
transpersonal psychology training courses and phone counselling, lots of free articles. Based in Australia.
Starbridge Centre
Search this site: This counselling course is run by Ulla and Erik Sandersen who each have over 30 years of experience as teachers and counsellors helping people overcome obstacles and develop themselves in areas such as overcoming trauma stress bereavement depression relationships marriage careers family and much more. Erik's experience is very practical with his uncommon success dealing with problem teenagers as a school teacher while Ulla's is more academic with a masters degree in psychology. While both have extensive training in all areas of therapy. This home-study counselling course is highly accessible and can be studied entirely in your own time and pace through Starbridge's industry leading eLearning system. [ Read more ] Do you want to learn more about the deeper transpersonal aspects of the psyche? Have you got a feeling that the conventional explanations are missing something deeper ? Then Starbridge's transpersonal counselling course might just be what you've been looking for! This transpersonal counselling course will help you better understand how many phenomena are interlinked with laws such as the law of resonance karma reincarnation and much more. A small sample of the topics covered include

The Association for Humanistic Psychology is an international community of people with diverse talents and interests who are dedicated to the exploration, healing and expansion
TRANSPERSONAL PSYCHOLOGY Transpersonal psychology started off within humanistic psychology, and then became more distinct, with its own separate journals and conferences. So here we have something which goes beyond the borders of humanistic psychology. Yet if we look at a map of the transpersonal, such as the one given to us by Ken Wilber (see Figure 1), we can see that it overlaps with the humanistic. So there is still a strong connection, such that for example Frances Vaughan, a star of the Association for Transpersonal Psychology, could be elected President of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. Transpersonal experiences involve an expansion or extension of consciousness beyond the usual ego boundaries and beyond the limitations of time and space. Maslow talked about peak experiences, and these form a good entrance point for understanding the transpersonal. It is very important, however, not to fall into the one-two-three-infinity theory of the transpersonal, where we say that one is the body, two is the emotions, three is the intellect, and everything beyond that is one great mish- mash called "the transpersonal". As the chart demonstrates, there is more than one realm within the transpersonal, and these distinctions are quite essential if we are not to misunderstand our own experience. Progression from one level to the next is not easy, because it is, as Wilber has emphasised, a dialectical process involving the negating of the previous phase. Many of us have had the experience of seeing the mental ego, with all its rules and roles, as quite ugly and wrong, when we first came into the stage of authenticity. And just in a similar way, we have to renounce the sense of a separate self with clear boundaries when we move on to the stage of the Subtle self or soul. This is a rich realm, full of symbols and myths, archetypes and visions, multiplicity and imagination. This is where we get in touch with the higher self, the deeper self, the transpersonal self, as Assagioli called it.

58. Psychosynthesis Online
Offers various Psychosynthesis and transpersonal Psychology resources including articles, quotes, forum, directory.

59. Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Training | Hypnosis School | Hypnotherapist Certifica
The transpersonal Hypnotherapy School offers Hypnotherapy Certification Training and Hypnosis seminars. Certified Hypnotherapist Rainya Marcia Cross teaches Hypnosis, SelfHypnosis
Home Hypnotherapy Training Rainya Individual Sessions ... Contact
Certification Training
with Rainya Marcia Cross
Learn powerful and practical tools for daily life
to allow for the flowering of Consciousness
200 hour Training Begins May 21, 2011
In Santa Cruz, California
For Information: (831) 425-7837 Email a friend Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Training
Hypnosis School
Hypnotherapist Certification
Formerly Known As The Dann Institute of Transpersonal Studies

60. Consciousness Unleashed
The site, inspired by Joseph Campbell, strives to empower and educate one to follow their own path incorporating transpersonal as well as practical methods.
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Consciousness Unleashed
Welcome to Consciousness Unleashed. Welcome to Living your PASSION, growing free and staying free to follow that passion. Welcome to the Adventure of being True to your own Heart.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
What You Give Attention Grows Powerful
In the Kybalion we are told there are seven laws of the universe. The first being the universe is mental in nature. But another is that of polarity or the law of opposites. The best explanation I have seen of this comes from Ken Wilber's No Boundary in which he writes about the tie between opposites. He asks us to observe a semicircle. One side is concave, the other convex. Concave and convex are opposites, yet one defines the other. Try to draw one without the other. You can keep this going. Draw black without white.
This dualistic view, this view of seperation, of inside verses outside, of perhaps my side and....the other side is actually a choice of where YOU draw boundaries and a potential trap to set you against something.
You WILL get more of what you resist.

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