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         Algebraic Geometry:     more books (100)
  1. Algebraic Foundations of Non-Commutative Differential Geometry and Quantum Groups (Lecture Notes in Physics Monographs) by Ludwig Pittner, 1995-12-20
  2. Algebraic Geometry: A Volume in Memory of Paolo Francia ([De Gruyter Proceedings in Mathematics])
  3. Koszul Cohomology and Algebraic Geometry (University Lecture Series) by Marian Aprodu and Jan Nagel, 2009-12-14
  4. An Algebraic Introduction to Complex Projective Geometry: Commutative Algebra (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics) by Christian Peskine, 2009-04-09
  5. Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat's Last Theorem: Third Edition by Ian Stewart, David Tall, 2001-12-01
  6. Algebraic Geometry III: Complex Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Curves and Their Jacobians (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)
  7. Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry by Ernst Kunz, 1984-01-01
  8. Tropical Algebraic Geometry (Oberwolfach Seminars) by Ilia Itenberg, Grigory Mikhalkin, et all 2009-05-28
  9. Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (Progress in Mathematics) by T. Mora, C. Traverso, 1991-05-01
  10. Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Günter Ewald, 1996-10-03
  11. Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representations of Quantized Algebras (Mathematics and Its Applications) by A. Rosenberg, 2010-11-02
  12. The Novikov Conjecture: Geometry and Algebra (Oberwolfach Seminars) by Matthias Kreck, Wolfgang Lück, 2005-02-14
  13. Arithmetic Noncommutative Geometry (University Lecture Series) by Matilde Marcolli, 2005-08-09
  14. Algebraic Number Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (v. 322) by Jürgen Neukirch, 1999-06-22

101. Emil Volcheck Http:// (31 January 2001)
Algorithmic questions raised by the theory of algebraic curves. Publications, resources.
Emil Volcheck's Page
Hello! Welcome to my home page. If you are looking for information about my father, you can read about his funeral and my eulogy You can write to me at I am a mathematician working as a cryptographic vulnerability analyst for the (US) National Security Agency . I work in the Cryptographic Components Evaluation Division of NSA's Cryptographic Evaluations Center. I did my graduate work at the UCLA Mathematics Department and held a post-doctoral position at the Research Institute for Symbolic Computation You can read my CV PDF There was a special session on Computational Algebraic Geometry for Curves and Surfaces at the 2001 AMS/MAA Joint Meetings in New Orleans, Louisiana. of Florida State University and I jointly organized this event. We plan to do this again in Baltimore in January 2003. At the 1999 Joint Meetings in San Antonio, Texas, we held the first special session on this topic.
Research Interests
  • Algebraic Curves
  • Computer Algebra
My research centers on the algorithmic questions raised by the theory of algebraic curves. Some fundamental questions are
  • How do you parametrize a rational curve?

102. Algebraic Stack
In algebraic geometry , a branch of mathematics , an algebraic stack is a concept introduced to generalize algebraic varieties, schemes, and algebraic space
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Algebraic stack
In algebraic geometry , a branch of mathematics , an algebraic stack is a concept introduced to generalize algebraic varieties schemes , and algebraic space s. They were originally proposed in Deligne-Mumford (1969) by Pierre Deligne and David Mumford to define the (fine) moduli space of genus g curves; their definition is currently referred to as Deligne-Mumford stacks. When viewed in this light, algebraic stacks are an algebraic analogue of orbifold s. They were generalized by Michael Artin in Artin (1974) to what is now called an Artin stack, or sometimes, confusingly, an "algebraic stack". Motivation To be expanded:
* Quotients with non-trivial stabilisers of points
* Moduli spaces of objects with automorphisms Formal definitions A stack is a category X over the étale site satisfying the following three properties.
* We can define restrictions of objects over a scheme S to objects in open coverings of S: The category X is fibered in groupoids over the étale site
* We can patch isomorphisms : Isomorphisms are a sheaf for X.

103. Tom Marley's Homepage
University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Commutative Algebra and Quantum Information Theory. Publications.
Tom Marley's Homepage
    Professor, Department of Mathematics
Contact Information
    305 Avery Hall
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Nebraska-Lincoln
    Lincoln, NE 68588-0130
Teaching Information for Fall 2010

104. CiteULike: Using Algebraic Geometry
by DA Cox Cited by 997 - Related articles
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Using Algebraic Geometry
by: David A. Cox John Little Donal O'Shea RIS Export as RIS which can be imported into most citation managers BibTeX Export as BibTeX which can be imported into most citation/bibliography managers PDF Export formatted citations as PDF RTF Export formatted citations as RTF which can be imported into most word processors Delicious Export in format suitable for direct import into Setup a permanent sync to delicious) Formatted Text Export formatted citations as plain text To insert individual citation into a bibliography in a word-processor, select your preferred citation style below and drag-and-drop it into the document. (09 March 2005) [Show Formatted] Posts Export Citation Find Similar
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105. Eager-Catania
EAGER network node. List of researchers, topics and meetings.

106. Books Algebra Geometry Math Mathematics IsoHunt P2P And
Enc Math Sciences / Algebraic Geometry I._Algebraic_Curves1 Shafarevich Introduction to Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry - Kunz.djvu, 3.8 MB geometry math mathematic
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107. Algebraic Geometry | Mathematical Institute - University Of Oxford
Recommended Prerequisites B3b Algebraic Curves is a prerequisite. (B9a Polynomial Rings and Galois theory is useful but not essential.) Aims Objectives
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
View course material Number of lectures: 16 MT
Course Description
Recommended Prerequisites:
B3b Algebraic Curves is a prerequisite. (B9a Polynomial Rings and Galois theory is useful but not essential.)
Algebraic geometry is the study of algebraic varieties: an algebraic variety is, roughly speaking, a locus defined by polynomial equations. One of the advantages of algebraic geometry is that it is purely algebraically defined and applies to any field, including fields of finite characteristic. It is geometry based on algebra rather than on calculus, but over the real or complex numbers it provides a rich source of examples and inspiration to other areas of geometry.
Learning Outcomes:
  • A familiarity with what quasi-projective varieties are. Awareness of the interplay of algebra and geometry via Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. An appreciation of simple examples of birational equivalence, and of resolution of singularities.
  • Synopsis:
    Affine algebraic varieties, the Zariski topology, morphisms of affine varieties, coordinate rings, regular functions, irreducible varieties.
    Projective spaces, projective varieties. The projective closure of an affine variety. Morphisms of projective varieties. Weighted projective spaces.

    108. Magma Computational Algebra System Home Page
    A Computational Algebra system for algebra, number theory and geometry.
    MAGMA Computational Algebra System
    Home Download Help FAQ ... About Magma How to get Magma Download Online Demo Resources Online Help Discovering Mathematics with Magma Citations How to cite Magma ... Contact us Magma is a large, well-supported software package designed to solve computationally hard problems in algebra, number theory, geometry and combinatorics. It provides a mathematically rigorous environment for computing with algebraic, number-theoretic, combinatoric, and geometric objects. Latest version: (released October 6, 2010) is now available. See here for a summary of the new features in V2.16. Recent Notices: March 18, 2010: Magma V2.16-6 has been released for Windows. November 12, 2009: Magma V2.16-1 has been released for 64-bit Intel/AMD Linux platforms. November 8, 2009: The list of publications that cite Magma has been greatly expanded, now totalling around 2600 items. The updated list may be found here December 19, 2008: The 2008 edition of Magma (Version 2.15) was released in early December and is now available for most supported platforms. It contains many new capabilities as well as major upgrades of algorithms and code for several core areas. See LINK for a summary of the new features.

    109. Science - Math - Geometry - Algebraic Geometry - Directory
    Science Central Science Math - Geometry - Algebraic Geometry. Solutions to the exercises in chapter 1 of Hartshorne s . Illustrated webnotes by Donu

    110. Algebraic Geometry Summary |
    Algebraic Geometry. Algebraic Geometry summary with 3 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more.

    111. The Algcurves Package In Maple.
    Examples, test files, plots, documentation.
    The algcurves package in Maple.
    Help page for the algcurves package Source code of algcurves in Maple V Release 5. Older version (called IntBasis) of this software and some more examples and plots. Other sources of software: the algebraic geometry package CASA. If you have any questions or comments, please mail them to

    112. Differential Algebraic Geometry - A Scheme-theoretic Approach
    Slides in multimedia format from a lecture by Henri Gillet at MSRI.

    113. Algebraic
    Algebraic geometry is the study of subsets of affine nspace and, more generally projective space, defined by the vanishing of polynomial s. This theory has been an amazingly geometry
    Near Matches Ignore Exact
    algebraic geometry
    idea by Noether Wed Oct 11 2000 at 12:59:01 Algebraic geometry is the study of subsets of affine n -space and, more generally projective space , defined by the vanishing of polynomial s. This theory has been an amazingly successful area of mathematics in recent years. One reason for this is that the important geometric spaces, the ones that turn up in applications (such as theoretical physics ), are nearly always algebraic and so can be attacked by the methods of algebraic geometry. What's more the techniques used in algebraic geometry have become ubiquitous in other areas of mathematics. In the sixties Alexander Grothendieck generalised the whole thing massively when he introduced the idea of a scheme . Once one has this notion then all of algebraic number theory becomes part of algebraic geometry. This is not just empty formalism. For example, algebraic geometry is everywhere present in Andrew Wiles ' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (of course he was trying to prove a conjecture about elliptic curves ). Nowadays there is even

    114. Math 256A Fall 2010
    Solutions to the exercises in chapter 1 of Hartshorne s Algebraic Geometry

    115. Basic Algebraic Geometry - Download
    Listing Basic Algebraic Geometry to download for free.
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    using natural search
    Basic Algebraic Geometry Display 10 files 20 files 30 files 50 files 100 files Results of Filename Size Source Downloads Abstract Algebra - the Basic Graduate Year - R Ash.djvu 2,24 MB http://e-powe... Algebraic Geometry I From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes - K Ueno.djvu 1,41 MB http://e-powe... Hitchin Newstead Oxbury-Vector Bundles in Algebraic Geometry-9780521498784.djvu 1,51 MB Algebraic_Geometry_-_D._Bump.djvu 1,92 MB http://e-powe... Algebraic_Geometry_-_R._Hartshorne.djvu 8,46 MB http://e-powe... Algebraic_geometry_I-V_-_Shafarevich_I.R.djvu 16,20 MB http://e-powe... Combinatorial Convexity and Algebraic Geometry - G Ewald.djvu 4,96 MB http://e-powe... Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry - D Eisenbud.djvu 7,45 MB http://e-powe...

    116. KIT - Department Of Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
    Workgroup on Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry. Secretariat AllianzGeb ude (05.20) Room 4A21.1 Address Englerstr. 2 FRG - 76128 Karlsruhe
    @import url(/kitcd/kit.css); @import url(; Home deutsch Impressum KIT ... Staff Workgroup on Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry

    Allianz-Gebäude (05.20)

    Room 4A21.1 Address
    Englerstr. 2
    FRG - 76128 Karlsruhe Office hours:
    Mo - Fr, 9.00 - 11.45 Tel.: Fax.:
    algebraic geometry
    Algebraic Geometry
    After the invention of coordinates by Descartes it soon became clear, that important geometric objects (such as lines, conic sections or the lemniscate) could be described by polynomial equations. The sphere, for instance, is the solution-set of the equation The variables denote the coordinates in space, the parameter is the radius of the sphere under consideration.
    Algebraic geometry aims at systematically investigating the geometry of solution-sets of systems of polynomial equations. Of course this basic problem has been extended in several directions. To any commutative ring there can be associated a geometrical object (its spectrum), and the objects of modern algebraic geometry (schemes)
    are modelled using those spectra as basic building blocks. On the other hand, the geometry of complex spaces (with holomorphic mappings) is to a large extent very parallel to the algebraic world.

    117. Computations In Algebraic Geometry With Macaulay 2
    Edited by David Eisenbud, Daniel R. Grayson, Michael E. Stillman, and Bernd Sturmfels. Full text in DVI, PS and PDF.
    Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2
    Here is our book, Computations in algebraic geometry with Macaulay 2 , edited by David Eisenbud, Daniel R. Grayson, Michael E. Stillman, and Bernd Sturmfels. It was published by Springer-Verlag in September 25, 2001, as number 8 in the series "Algorithms and Computations in Mathematics", ISBN 3-540-42230-7, price DM 79,90 (net), or $44.95.
    • Errata The Macaulay 2 code used in the book is available in machine readable form using subversion at svn:// , with one subdirectory per chapter. Each file */chapter.m2 contains the original code from the chapter, whereas the file */test.m2 contains code slightly updated to run properly with the latest version of Macaulay 2 . The chapter code files are also available as part of the tar file containing the source code Buy the book at Amazon Buy the book at The entire book , except for the cover and the front matter: Available in the following formats: dvi (with needed figures: octahedron.eps

    118. Algebraic Geometry At Stanford
    There is a fair bit of algebraic geometry at Stanford, and as some of it is in somewhat unexpected places, this page is intended to point out where it is.
    Algebraic geometry at Stanford
    There is a fair bit of algebraic geometry at Stanford, and as some of it is in somewhat unexpected places, this page is intended to point out where it is. We have an algebraic geometry mailing list , where news will be sporadically sent. If you're interested, subscribe by going to and filling out the form. To mail to the list, e-mail
    We have an active algebraic geometry seminar at Stanford, which meets weekly. We have a student seminar . We have an algebraic geometry colloquium joint with Berkeley and Davis which meets four times per year. We are one of the founders of the Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium , a twice-yearly conference rotating around the western U.S. and Canada. We hosted the first regular WAGS in spring 2003, and expect to host the next one in spring 2011. We often have funding to send students to conferences There are often talks in the topology, number theory, and symplectic geometry seminars that are related.
    People in algebraic geometry
    Along with Jun Li and myself, we have a number of postdoctoral or younger faculty and associates in the area:

    119. Journal Of Algebraic Geometry
    Tables of contents, abstracts and references from vol.11 (2002). Full text to subscribers (TeX, DVI, PDF, PS).

    120. Mastermath
    A first characterization of Algebraic Geometry is the study of......Credits 8 credit points Instructors Looijenga, E.J.N. (Universiteit Utrecht) Email
    About Mastermath Links Locations Contact ... Spring 2011
    Algebraic Geometry
    Credits 8 credit points Instructors Looijenga, E.J.N. (Universiteit Utrecht) E-mail Description A first characterization of Algebraic Geometry is: the study of the common zero sets of a collection of polynomial equations in a given number of variables x ,...,x n complex projective n-space. This was followed by the observation that for much of the theory the only property of the complex numbers that intervened was that they make up an algebraically closed field. We thus arrive at what is called Projective Algebraic Geometry: the study of common zero sets of systems of homogeneous polynomials in n+1 variables x ,...,x n with coefficients in an algebraically closed field.
    However, if it so happens that the polynomials have their coefficients in a smaller field that is not algebraically closed such as the field of rational numbers, then it makes sense (and there may be good reason) to ask for solutions with coefficients in that field. This can be a subtle issue which usually involves Galois theory (this also explains why it was not a good idea to start working real coefficients). Things become even more complicated if the algebraically closed field is replaced by a ring like the integers. Such questions are by no means uninteresting, for many natural problems in number theory can be stated that way. In the 1950ies it was recognized that in order to accommodate this kind of generality, Algebraic Geometry had to be rebuilt from the ground up. This foundational work was carried out in a relatively short period (1958-1970) under the supervision of A. Grothendieck. The tools and language developed by him (with his notion of

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