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41. Elementary Cellular Automaton -- From Wolfram MathWorld The simplest class of onedimensional cellular automata. Elementary cellular automata have two possible values for each cell (0 or 1), and rules that depend only on nearest http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ElementaryCellularAutomaton.html | |
42. Artificial Life - Cellular Automata. Cellular Automata. New Conway's life in Flash. To go with this section I have created a mini version of conway's life. Click here to launch.. http://www.stewdean.com/alife/cellular.html |
43. Isle Ex: Transmusic: Cellular Automaton Music Music samples generated using some popular cellular automata rules; by John Elliott. http://jmge.net/camusic.htm | |
44. Cellular Automata Dec 19, 1995 Contents Resources Nonlinear dynamics Cellular automata Lindenmeyer systems (L systems) Finite state machines von Neumann machines Adapt http://www.aridolan.com/ad/adb/ca.html | |
45. Life-like Cellular Automaton - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Twodimensional cellular automata . Journal of Statistical Physics 38 901–946. doi 10.1007/BF01010423. Reprinted in Cellular Automata and Complexity, pp. 211–249. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Life-like_cellular_automaton | |
46. Xtoys A set of Cellular Automata simulators written for XWindows. By Mike Creutz. http://quark.phy.bnl.gov/www/xtoys/xtoys.html | |
47. Grant Robinson : Cellular Automata Launcher I was inspired to make these small apps after reading Emergence The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software by Steven Johnson (a great read http://grant.robinson.name/projects/cellularAutomata/ |
48. Cellular Automata Software, Including Multistate Game Of Life Windows software implementing five cellular automata q-state Life, Belouzov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation; by Hermetic Systems. http://www.hermetic.ch/pca/pca.htm | |
49. Homepage Alexander Schatten - Information / Tutorials A cellular automata tutorial that covers the structure, behaviour and some applications of CA and offers a philosophical background as well; by Alexander Schatten. http://www.schatten.info/info/ca/ca.html | |
50. Visions Of Chaos Home page of a versatile Windows software by Jason Rampe. The program covers Cellular Automata, Chaos, and Fractals. http://www.softology.com.au/voc.htm |
51. Mirek's Java Cellebration Mar 16, 2002 Mirek s Java Cellebration (MJCell) is a Java applet that allows playing 300+ Cellular Automata rules and 1400+ patterns. http://psoup.math.wisc.edu/mcell/mjcell/mjcell.html | |
52. FADarchitecture (Francis Bitonti) Last tested with Processing 1.0 Keywords Cellular Automata, Algorithm Last Update Jan/01/09 EXAMPLES (ZIP FILE) DOWNLOAD_SOURCE (GOOGLE CODE) http://cellularautomata.fadarch.com/ | |
53. Discrete Dynamics Lab Tools for researching discrete dynamical networks - from cellular automata to random boolean networks; by Andrew Wuensche. http://www.ddlab.com/ | |
54. Discrete, Amorphous Physical Models - Cellular Automata, Physics, Models Of Comp Minimal discrete models. Cellular automata-like animations without grids or synchronization; by Erik Rauch. http://swiss.csail.mit.edu/~rauch/dapm/ | |
55. Wonders Of Math - The Game Of Life There has been much recent interest in cellular automata, a field of mathematical research. Life is one of the simplest cellular automata to have been http://www.math.com/students/wonders/life/life.html |
56. Cellular Automata File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.dagstuhl.de/Reports/95/9510.pdf |
57. CELLULAR AUTOMATA by A Ilachinski Cited by 265 - Related articles http://www.worldscibooks.com/chaos/4702.html | |
58. Cellular Automata Miscellanea A repository with cellular automata related papers, lectures and software concentrating on Rule 110 by Harold V. McIntosh. http://delta.cs.cinvestav.mx/~mcintosh/ |
59. Cellular Automata « Random (Blog) May 19, 2010 Cellular automata are simulations on a linear, square, or cubic grid on which each cell can be in a single state, often just ON and OFF, http://nbickford.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/cellular-automata/ | |
60. Dr.Cell Cellular Automata Simulator A tool for simulating uniform or non-uniform cellular automata for a variety of neighborhood models, implemented in Scheme (a dialect of Lisp) using PLT s Dr.Scheme. http://student.vub.ac.be/~nkaraogl/drcell/drcell.htm | |
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