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Complex System: more books (100) |
141. Complex Systems Modeling Team Information about Luis M. Rocha s group, with details of research areas, competencies, members, and applications. http://informatics.indiana.edu/rocha/complex/ |
142. PCID: Progress In Complexity, Information And Design An online journal which encourages the theoretical development, empirical application, and philosophical implications of information- and design-theoretic concepts for complex systems. http://www.iscid.org/pcid.php | |
143. Nonlinear Phenomena In Complex Systems - Online Journal An interdisciplinary journal covering computational, and theoretical aspects of phase transitions, critical phenomena, self-organization, bifurcations, chaos, fluctuation phenomena, pattern formation, fractals and complexity. http://www.j-npcs.org/ | |
144. MITACS | Making Research Count Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems. Canadian research network. http://www.mitacs.math.ca/ | |
145. Hellenic Complex Systems Laboratory An independent, nonprofit research laboratory involved in the transdisciplinary study of complex systems. Invented the GA-based design of statistical quality control. http://users.otenet.gr/~daidalos/hcsl/ | |
146. Duke Center For Nonlinear And Complex Systems Fosters research and teaching of nonlinear dynamics and the mechanisms governing emergent phenomena in complex systems. http://cncs.pratt.duke.edu/ | |
147. Volen Center For Complex Systems The center for complex systems at Brandeis is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of intelligence from the perspectives of neuroscience, cognitive science, and computer science. http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/volen/ | |
148. Complex Systems - Datamining - Valorisation Des Bases De Données Marketing Outils d analyse des visites sur les sites web, web mining et data mining. http://www.complex-systems.fr/ | |
149. Advances In Complex Systems (ACS) Quarterly that discusses multidisciplinary approaches to the study of complex systems. Online version of the current issue is available, along with ordering information for the print version. Includes full research articles as well as letters and reviews. From World Scientific. http://www.worldscinet.com/acs/acs.shtml | |
150. Principia Cybernetica Project A world-wide organization collaboratively developing a computer-supported evolutionary-systemic philosophy, in the context of the transdisciplinary academic fields of systems science and cybernetics. http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be | |
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