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         Computer Algebra:     more books (100)
  1. Algorithms for Computer Algebra by Keith O. Geddes, Stephen R. Czapor, et all 1992-09-30
  2. Practical Use of Mathcad: Solving Mathematical Problems with a Computer Algebra System by Hans Benker, 1999-11-23
  3. Geometric Algebra for Computer Science (Revised Edition): An Object-Oriented Approach to Geometry (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics) by Leo Dorst, Daniel Fontijne, et all 2007-04-06
  4. Computer Algebra, Second Edition: Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computation by J. H. Davenport, Y. Siret, et all 1993-06-30
  5. Modern Computer Algebra by Joachim von zur Gathen, Jürgen Gerhard, 2003-09-01
  6. Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Mathematical Methods by Joel S. Cohen, 2003-01
  7. Numerical Linear Algebra on High-Performance Computers (Software, Environments and Tools) by Jack J. Dongarra, Iain S. Duff, et all 1987-01-01
  8. Elements of Computer Algebra With Applications by Alkiviadis G. Akritas, 1989-03-30
  9. Applied Algebra for the Computer Sciences (Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation) by Arthur Gill, 1976-02
  10. Handbook of Computer Vision Algorithms in Image Algebra by Joseph N. Wilson, Gerhard X. Ritter, 2000-09-21
  11. Computer Algebra and Symbolic Computation: Elementary Algorithms by Joel S. Cohen, 2002-07
  12. Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics by John A. Vince, 2008-04-14
  13. Mathematics for Computer Algebra by Maurice Mignotte, 1991-11-25
  14. Quantum Mechanics Using Computer Algebra: Includes Sample Programs in C++, Symbolicc++, Maxima, Maple, and Mathematica by Willi-Hans Steeb, Yorick Hardy, 2010-03-24

1. Computer Algebra System - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical
Computer algebra system
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search A computer algebra system CAS ) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics . The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical expressions in symbolic form.
edit Symbolic manipulations
The symbolic manipulations supported typically include:

2. Maple (software) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Maple is a generalpurpose commercial computer algebra system. It was first developed in 1980 by the Symbolic Computation Group at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo
Maple (software)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Maple computer algebra system Jump to: navigation search Maple
Maple interface Developer(s) Waterloo Maple Inc. (Maplesoft) Stable release 14.01 / October 28, 2010 ; 29 days ago 2010-October-28 Written in C Java , Maple language citation needed Type Computer algebra system License ... Maple is a general-purpose commercial computer algebra system . It was first developed in 1980 by the Symbolic Computation Group at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario Canada Since 1988, it has been developed and sold commercially by Waterloo Maple Inc. (also known as Maplesoft), a Canadian company also based in Waterloo, Ontario. The current major version is version 14 which was released in April 2010.
edit Overview
edit Core functionality
Users can enter mathematics in traditional mathematical notation. Custom user interfaces can also be created. There is extensive support for numeric computations, to arbitrary precision, as well as symbolic computation and visualization. Examples of symbolic computations are given below. Maple incorporates a dynamically typed imperative-style programming language which resembles Pascal . The language permits variables of lexical scope . There are also interfaces to other languages ( C Fortran Java MATLAB , and Visual Basic ). There is also an interface with

3. Computer Algebra System
Computer algebra system. A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software that facilitates symbolic mathematics. Typically, these systems include arbitrary precision arithmetic
Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
Computer algebra system
A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software that facilitates symbolic mathematics . Typically, these systems include
  • arbitrary precision ( bignum ) arithmetic, allowing for instance to evaluate pi to 10,000 digits. symbolic manipulation engine, to simplify algebraic expressions, differentiate and integrate functions and solve equations graphing facility, to produce graphs of functions, typically in two and three dimensions linear algebra subsystem, to allow matrix computations and solving of systems of linear equations high level programming language , allowing users to implement their own algorithms
The study of algorithms useful for computer algebra systems is known as computer algebra The run-time of numerical programs implemented in computer algebra systems is normally longer than that of equivalent programs implemented in systems such as MATLAB GNU Octave or directly in C , because the computer algebra languages are often interpreted and the bignum system may cause overhead. (Note that MATLAB and Octave are interpreted also.)
Computer algebra systems began to appear in the early , and evolved out of research into artificial intelligence (the fields are now regarded as largely separate). The first popular systems were Reduce, Derive and Macsyma which are still commercially available; a

4. Computer Algebra
Computer algebra system Wikipedia, the free A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS

5. Axiom (computer Algebra System) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Axiom is a free general purpose computer algebra system. It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically
Axiom (computer algebra system)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Axiom computer algebra system Jump to: navigation search Axiom Developer(s) independent group of people Stable release September 2010 Operating system cross-platform Type computer algebra system ... Axiom is a free general purpose computer algebra system . It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically (mostly) correct type hierarchy.
edit History
Axiom has been in development since 1971 , originally as Scratchpad by researchers at IBM under the direction of Richard Dimick Jenks . Other key early developers were Barry Trager, Stephen Watt, James Davenport, Robert Sutor, and Scott Morrison. In the 1990s it was sold to NAG and given its current name. In 2001 it was withdrawn from the market and released to Tim Daly, the project lead developer, under the Modified BSD License In , Axiom was forked into two different open source projects: OpenAxiom , and FriCAS
edit Documentation
Axiom is a literate program . The source code is becoming available in a set of volumes which are available on the

6. Computer Algebra System - Wikipedia
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Computer algebra system
Redirected from Computer algebra A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software package which facilitates symbolic mathematics . Typically, these systems include
  • arbitrary precision ( bignum ) arithmetic, allowing for instance to evaluate pi to 10,000 digits. symbolic manipulation engine, to simplify algebraic expressions, differentiate and integrate functions and solve equations graphing facility, to produce graphs of functions, typically in two and three dimensions linear algebra subsystem, to allow matrix computations and solving of systems of linear equations high level programming language , allowing the user to implement their own algorithms
The study of algorithms useful for computer algebra systems is known as computer algebra The run-time of numerical programs implemented in computer algebra systems is normally longer than that of equivalent programs implemented in systems such as MATLAB GNU octave[?]

7. Computer Algebra
A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical
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Computer algebra
A computer algebra system CAS ) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics . The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical expressions in symbolic form.
Symbolic manipulations
The symbolic manipulations supported typically include:

8. The Yacas Computer Algebra System
Acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System, an opensource software package. Supports arbitrary precision arithmetic, matrices, and differential and integral calculus.

9. Other Open Source Computer Algebra Systems // Maxima CAS
�Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for doing mathematics by computer and for research and development of mathematical
Maxima, a Computer Algebra System
Other Open Source Computer Algebra Systems
“Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for doing mathematics by computer and for research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a strongly typed, mathematically correct type hierarchy. It has a programming language and a built-in compiler.” There is also an interesting Rosetta Stone which offers translations of many basic operations for several computer algebra systems, including Maxima.
“GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra, with particular emphasis on Computational Group Theory.”
“Jasymca is a symbolic calculator written for mobile phones and PDAs. It solves and manipulates equations, handles basic calculus problems, and provides a few more typical functions of computer algebra systems. The syntax is loosely related to GNU-Maxima.”

10. Computer Algebra Systems
5. Computer Algebra Systems. 5.1 Introduction What is a Computer Algebra System? A Computer Algebra system is a type of software package that is used in manipulation of
Previous: Short Biographies Next Conclusions Home: Table of Contents 5. Computer Algebra Systems 5.1 Introduction - What is a Computer Algebra System? A Computer Algebra system is a type of software package that is used in manipulation of mathematical formulae. The primary goal of a Computer Algebra system is to automate tedious and sometimes difficult algebraic manipulation tasks. The principal difference between a Computer Algebra system and a traditional calculator is the ability to deal with equations symbolically rather than numerically. The specific uses and capabilities of these systems vary greatly from one system to another, yet the purpose remains the same: manipulation of symbolic equations. Computer Algebra systems often include facilities for graphing equations and provide a programming language for the user to define his/her own procedures. Computer Algebra systems have not only changed how mathematics is taught at many universities, but have provided a flexible tool for mathematicians worldwide. Examples of popular systems include Maple, Mathematica, and MathCAD. Computer Algebra systems can be used to simplify rational functions, factor polynomials, find the solutions to a system of equation, and various other manipulations. In Calculus, they can be used to find the limit of, symbolically integrate, and differentiate arbitrary equations. Attempting to expand the equation using the binomial theorem by hand would be a daunting task, nearly impossible to do without error. However, with the aid of Maple, this equation can be expanded in less than two seconds. Differentiating the result term-by-term can then be performed in milliseconds. The usefulness of such a system is obvious: not only does it act as a time saving device, but problems which simply were not reasonable to perform by hand can be performed in seconds.

11. B-it Cosec: Modern Computer Algebra
Computer algebra systems are gaining more and more importance in all areas of science and engineering. This textbook gives a thorough introduction to the
Bonn-Aachen International Center
for Information Technology Imprint cosec students science city life CoSec science Modern Computer Algebra Visuelle Kryptographie Account Password
Modern Computer Algebra
Joachim von zur Gathen and b-it cosec
University of Bonn
, Germany.
Team Lead Mathematical Software,
, Canada. Formerly both:
Research Group Algorithmic Mathematics

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Paderborn
, Germany. Textbook, 2nd edition, Cambridge University Press US site Computer algebra systems are gaining more and more importance in all areas of science and engineering. This textbook gives a thorough introduction to the algorithmic basis of the mathematical engine in computer algebra systems. It is designed to accompany one- or two-semester courses for advanced undergraduate or graduate students in computer science or mathematics. Its comprehensiveness and authority make it also an essential reference for professionals in the area. Special features include: detailed study of algorithms including time analysis; implementation reports on several topics; complete proofs of the mathematical underpinnings; a wide variety of applications (among others, in chemistry, coding theory, cryptography, computational logic, and the design of calendars and musical scales). Some of this material has never appeared before in book form. Finally, a great deal of historical information and illustration enlivens the text. Besides many corrections and updates, Chapters 3 (Euclidean Algorithm), 15 (Hensel lifting), and 22 (Symbolic integration) were revised and extended in the 2nd edition.

12. SAL- Mathematics - Computer Algebra Systems
The major purpose of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) is to manipulate a formula symbolically using the computer. For example, expanding, factorizing,
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The major purpose of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) is to manipulate a formula symbolically using the computer. For example, expanding, factorizing, root finding, or simplifying an algebraic polynomial are some of the common uses of CAS. However, many systems listed here have gone far beyond that and also offer other functionalities like numerical calculation, graphics, and simulations. They are included in this section because their very original, and still their most distinguishable capability is performing computer algebra. Search SAL: Computer Algebra Systems Commercial, Shareware, GPL Axiom a computer algebra system with powerful symbolic solver.
interactive program with interface to a computer algebra library.
Computer Algebra Kit
collection of small programs for computer algebra.
computer algebra software for constructive algebraic geometry in Maple.
a special-purpose system for doing Computations in Commutative Algebra.
online symbolic math and computer algebra system.

13. Stichting Computer Algebra Nederland
Stichting Computer Algebra Nederland About CAN CAN, Computer Algebra Nederland, is a foundation established in 1988 stimulating and coordinating the use of computer algebra
Stichting Computer Algebra Nederland
About CAN
CAN, Computer Algebra Nederland, is a foundation established in 1988 stimulating and coordinating the use of computer algebra (systems) in education and research. The number of computer algebra specialists and users in the Netherlands is limited and they are scattered over several disciplines, each having its own scientific and organizational traditions. An additional goal of CAN is to provide specialists and users with a common platform for discussing problems of mutual interest. A lot of historic material can be found by following the links to old CAN pages Access to the Dutch node of the CAINetwork is provided via the original home page below. The information has not been updated since 1998.
CAN diensten
Since 1995 the commercial activities of CAN are concentrated in an independent company, CAN-diensten, specializing in software for mathematics and statistiscs.
Prize Problem
The winner of the CAN 2001 Prize Problem has been announced (July 2002). See the to the CAN Prize Problem page.

14. Axiom Computer Algebra System
Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a strongly typed,
The Scientific Computation System Home
Information How to download Axiom How can I get help? Filing a bug report Books ... Outside Links
Site Navigation Screenshots Frequently Asked Questions Download Documentation ... Computer Algebra Test Suite (CATS)
What is Axiom?
Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a strongly typed, mathematically correct type hierarchy. It has a programming language and a built-in compiler. Axiom has been in development since 1971. At that time, it was called Scratchpad. Scratchpad was a large, general purpose computer algebra system that was originally developed by IBM under the direction of Richard Jenks. The project started in 1971 and evolved slowly. Barry Trager was key to the technical direction of the project. Scratchpad developed over a 20 year stretch and was basically considered as a research platform for developing new ideas in computational mathematics. In the 1990s, as IBM's fortunes slid, the Scratchpad project was renamed to Axiom, sold to the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) in England and became a commercial system. As part of the Scratchpad project at IBM in Yorktown Tim Daly worked on all aspects of the system and eventually helped transfer the product to NAG. For a variety of reasons it never became a financial success and NAG withdrew it from the market in October, 2001.

15. Recent UC Berkeley Computer Algebra Papers
A paper written with John Chen on a Simple Graph Editor suitable for interfacing with a computer algebra system, August 2002 (code available on request).
Here's an index to some recent and some older papers. A number of them have appeared in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC), an annual conference usually co-sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (SIGSAM), along with other cooperating organizations. More recently I've come to the conclusion that just posting papers here when I think they are "ripe" is useful: I can point to them, and search-engine web bots can find them. Formal publication has become less important scientifically, even though it continues to be required for certain kinds of academic recognition. If you wish to refer to material listed here that is not specifically marked as published, send me a note so I can tell you its current status; it could be that a more formal, archival version exists. Not all the papers are referenced from this page; you are free to browse the papers directory the most recent papers have the more recent dates! A paper that shows how one can save time computing with rational functions using poles and residues instead of numerators and denominators.

16. Computer Algebra Group At SFU
Research in Computational Algebra, Software Development in Maple.
Computer Algebra Group at Simon Fraser

17. Computer Algebra - What Does CA Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Fre
The papers are presented according to the topics of the conference workshops information systems and information technologies, highperformance computing and information algebra

18. Manfred Minimair: Homepage
Seton Hall University. Computational algebra. Publications and presentations.
Manfred Minimair
Project page
Resultant techniques for composed polynomials
Publicity chair of ISSAC 2008
ISSAC 2008
Poster committee member of ISSAC 2007
ISSAC 2007
Researcher of the Year
Award from Provost and College of Arts and Science, Seton Hall University (2004/05)

COMPUTER ALGEBRA, Algorithms, Systems and Applications Peculiarities of programming in computer algebra systems Applications of computer algebra
Next: Contents
COMPUTER ALGEBRA, Algorithms, Systems and Applications
Richard Liska , Ladislav Drska, Jiri Limpouch, Milan Sinor, Michael Wester Franz Winkler For printing, the whole document in Postscript is available here (graphics outputs are missing).

20. Special Interest Group On Symbolic And Algebraic Manipulation (SIGSAM)
The ACM SIGSAM Bulletin. Some tables of contents and sample articles.
Communications in Computer Algebra
Welcome to the home page of the SIGSAM Bulletin. This page includes the table of contents for some issues of the Bulletin. One sample paper from each issue can be downloaded from this site. You may order the Bulletin by becoming a member of SIGSAM. You may become a member of SIGSAM through ACM, which you may contact at this URL
Other Sites of Interest
BiBTeX archive (HTML form) for Sigsam Articles 19721996 , automatically produced by the program of Nelson H. F. Beebe SIGSAM ARCHIVE (maintained by Gene Cooperman-more current than the ACM page SIGSAM Fact Sheet (maintained by ACM) Other Computer Algebra Sites of Interest
Contents of Recent Bulletin Issues
These pages are all ugly-we're experimenting. Contents of Volume 30, No. 1, Issue 115, March 1996 Contents of Volume 30, No. 2, Issue 116, June. 1996 Contents of Volume 30, No. 3, Issue 117, Sept. 1996 Contents of Volume 30, No. 4, Issue 118, Dec. 1996 ... Contents of Volume 31, No. 2, Issue 120, June 1997 The 64 page issues begin here. Contents of Volume 31, No. 3, Issue 121, September 1997

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