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1. Computer Algebra System - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_algebra_system | |
2. Maple (software) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Maple is a generalpurpose commercial computer algebra system. It was first developed in 1980 by the Symbolic Computation Group at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_computer_algebra_system | |
3. Computer Algebra System Computer algebra system. A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software that facilitates symbolic mathematics. Typically, these systems include arbitrary precision arithmetic http://www.fact-index.com/c/co/computer_algebra_system.html | |
4. Computer Algebra Computer algebra system Wikipedia, the free A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS http://www.kosmix.com/topic/Computer_algebra |
5. Axiom (computer Algebra System) - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Axiom is a free general purpose computer algebra system. It consists of an interpreter environment, a compiler and a library, which defines a strongly typed, mathematically http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Axiom_computer_algebra_system | |
6. Computer Algebra System - Wikipedia Honey Orchid CALCITE bottle Gems in a Bottle jar Craft samples very nice 1 PIETERSITE JASPER bottle Gems in a Bottle jar Crafts tumbled samples 1 http://facetroughgemstones.com/wikipedia/co/Computer_algebra.html | |
7. Computer Algebra A computer algebra system (CAS) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics. The core functionality of a CAS is manipulation of mathematical http://medlibrary.org/medwiki/Computer_algebra | |
8. The Yacas Computer Algebra System Acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System, an opensource software package. Supports arbitrary precision arithmetic, matrices, and differential and integral calculus. http://yacas.sourceforge.net/ |
9. Other Open Source Computer Algebra Systems // Maxima CAS �Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for doing mathematics by computer and for research and development of mathematical http://maxima.sourceforge.net/compalg.html | |
10. Computer Algebra Systems 5. Computer Algebra Systems. 5.1 Introduction What is a Computer Algebra System? A Computer Algebra system is a type of software package that is used in manipulation of http://www.math.wpi.edu/IQP/BVCalcHist/calc5.html | |
11. B-it Cosec: Modern Computer Algebra Computer algebra systems are gaining more and more importance in all areas of science and engineering. This textbook gives a thorough introduction to the http://cosec.bit.uni-bonn.de/science/mca/ | |
12. SAL- Mathematics - Computer Algebra Systems The major purpose of a Computer Algebra System (CAS) is to manipulate a formula symbolically using the computer. For example, expanding, factorizing, http://www.sai.msu.su/sal/A/1/ | |
13. Stichting Computer Algebra Nederland Stichting Computer Algebra Nederland About CAN CAN, Computer Algebra Nederland, is a foundation established in 1988 stimulating and coordinating the use of computer algebra http://www.computeralgebra.nl/ | |
14. Axiom Computer Algebra System Axiom is a general purpose Computer Algebra system. It is useful for research and development of mathematical algorithms. It defines a strongly typed, http://www.axiom-developer.org/ | |
15. Recent UC Berkeley Computer Algebra Papers A paper written with John Chen on a Simple Graph Editor suitable for interfacing with a computer algebra system, August 2002 (code available on request). http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/algebra.html | |
16. Computer Algebra Group At SFU Research in Computational Algebra, Software Development in Maple. http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/CAG/ | |
17. Computer Algebra - What Does CA Stand For? Acronyms And Abbreviations By The Fre The papers are presented according to the topics of the conference workshops information systems and information technologies, highperformance computing and information http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Computer algebra |
18. Manfred Minimair: Homepage Seton Hall University. Computational algebra. Publications and presentations. http://minimair.org/ | |
19. COMPUTER ALGEBRA COMPUTER ALGEBRA, Algorithms, Systems and Applications Peculiarities of programming in computer algebra systems Applications of computer algebra http://kfe.fjfi.cvut.cz/~liska/ca/ | |
20. Special Interest Group On Symbolic And Algebraic Manipulation (SIGSAM) The ACM SIGSAM Bulletin. Some tables of contents and sample articles. http://www.apmaths.uwo.ca/~rcorless/sigsam/ | |
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