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61. Computer Science Journals, Academic Books & Online Media | Springer Springer books and journals in computing for scientists and students in computer science, as well as for computer professionals and experts. http://www.springer.com/computer?SGWID=0-146-0-0-0 |
62. SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE, Carnegie Mellon Programs and research in Computer Science, Neural Cognition, Robotics, Language and Information Technologies, HumanComputer Interaction, Software Engineering and Computational http://www.cs.cmu.edu/ | |
63. George Mason University Department Of Computer Science Department of Computer Science, George Mason University Welcome to the Department of Computer Science. The department offers BS, MS, and PhD programs in Computer Science http://cs.gmu.edu/ | |
64. Theoretical Computer Science - Elsevier Covers the mathematical and theoretical basis of computer science. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/tcs |
65. RIT:: Computer Science » offers bachelors and masters degrees in computer science http://www.cs.rit.edu/ | |
66. UH Department Of Computer Science Contact Info. University of Houston Department of Computer Science 501 Philip G. Hoffman Hall Houston, Texas 772043010 713.743.3350 http://www.cs.uh.edu/ | |
67. Computational Complexity At the interface between mathematics and theoretical computer science. Abstracts available, subscription for full-text articles. http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/computer science/journal/37 | |
68. Stony Brook University - Department Of Computer Science The department has taken numerous steps to conserve energy. We have virtualized most servers to HyperV/Vmware reducing the total number of servers to 25% or less. http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/ | |
69. Department Of Computer Science, Cornell University Artificial Intelligence Knowledge representation, machine learning, NLP and IR, reasoning, robotics, search, vision more http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ | |
70. Computer Science - Weber State University, DEGREES/PROGRAMS Bachelor of Science or Arts (BS or BA) Computer Science Emphasis in Software Engineering Emphasis in Network Security and Administration http://cs.weber.edu/ | |
71. Computer Science - LANL Research Library A directory of computer science related sites from Los Alamos National Laboratory. http://library.lanl.gov/infores/compsci.htm | |
72. Computer Science | C++ Books | C - Books | PHP | ComputerScience.com Here at ComputerScience.com you will find all of the Computer Science Books you've been looking for. Choose from Visual Basic Books to PHP Progr http://www.computerscience.com/ |
73. Brown University Department Of Computer Science Offers graduate PhD and undergraduate study, seminars and research. http://www.cs.brown.edu/ | |
74. MIT Computer Science And Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | CSAIL of research, publications, and news....... Research in a variety of areas in computer science. http://www.csail.mit.edu/ |
75. Department Of Computer Science, Purdue University Computer Science at Purdue University offers undergraduate and graduate level degrees at the West Lafayette, Indiana campus. http://www.cs.purdue.edu/ |
76. Computer Science, HPU-Computer Science Hawaii Pacific University is the largest independent, accredited, coeducational, nonsectarian, careeroriented, postsecondary university in Honolulu, Hawaii offering http://www.hpu.edu/index.cfm?section=undergrad5 |
77. School Of Engineering And Computing Sciences - Durham University Department of Computer Science. http://www.dur.ac.uk/computer.science/ | |
78. Welcome To The Department Of Computer Science A recent Jobs Rated Almanac listed the top six jobs as (1) web site manager, (2) actuary, (3) computer systems analyst, (4) software engineer, (5) mathematician, and (6 http://computerscience.uu.edu/ | |
79. Computing - Macquarie University Computing Department. Research is centered around information systems, computational science and theoretical computer science. http://www.comp.mq.edu.au/ | |
80. Long Island, New York Online M.S. In Computer Science - Hofstra Hofstra University's online Master of Science in Computer Science degree gives you the necessary skills to take charge of your career. http://computerscience.hofstra.edu/ |
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