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121. De La Mancha entropy is a 3 osc subtractive synth with a set of pitch randomising options to generate melodies all on it s ownsome. features http://www.delamancha.co.uk/entropy.htm |
122. Jj's Music | JjSpace The music of just john, a pre-post-postmodern recording artist. http://just-john.com/cn/rfe.shtml | |
123. Entropy Oct 24, 2005 Summary This module presents a quantification of information by the use of entropy. entropy, or average selfinformation, measures the http://cnx.org/content/m10164/latest/ | |
124. Entropy: Hardcore/metal From Hampton, Virginia Metal band from Hampton, Virginia. Includes pictures and show dates. http://www.angelfire.com/ns/spineofentropy/ |
125. Robert Smithson On the whole I would say entropy contradicts the usual notion of a ALISON SKY Isn t entropy actually metamorphosis, or a continual process in which http://www.robertsmithson.com/essays/entropy.htm | |
126. The Shape Of The Universe - Philosophy For The New Millenium A collection of philosophical thought on a variety of subjects. http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/entropy/index.html | |
127. Baka-Updates Manga - Entropy Group Name, entropy. IRC, entropy@irc.irchighway.net. Website, Click Here. Forum URL, No Forum. Release Frequency, About every 24 day(s) http://www.mangaupdates.com/groups.html?id=489 |
128. Entropy entropy is a measure of chaos. The second law of thermodynamics suggests that our entire universe is slowing down, because its entropy, or its need for http://www.schuelers.com/ChaosPsyche/part_1_9.htm | |
129. Celtic Cruises - See The Natural Beauty Of Wales From The Sea Operated skippered from Burry Port by Celtic Cruises, this modern ketch accommodates 12 people in 6 twin cabins. Includes itineraries, pictures and contact information. http://www.celticcruises.co.uk | |
130. BSI Entropy - The Standard For Integrated Management System Software BSI provides webbased certifiable integrated management system software solutions for leading organizations around the world to manage their compliance and http://www.bsi-entropy.com/ | |
131. Entropy The entropy of any substance is a function of the condition of the substance. For an ideal gas it is a function of its temperature and volume, http://electron9.phys.utk.edu/phys136d/modules/m3/entropy.htm | |
132. Home - EntropySoft, The Content Integration Company Editeur de logiciels d int gration de contenu d entreprise (ECI), permettant de ma triser les flux de contenu au sein du syst me d information. Paris 19e. http://www.entropysoft.net |
133. YouTube - Entropy Oct 24, 2006 An animated romp through the science of increased disorder. This was one of my first attempts at stopmotion animation, completed in a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KIhDVLbMeY |
134. Home Providing risk management, engineering, and statistical services including risk assessment tool development, multivariate analysis, and failure modeling. http://www.entropylimited.com/ | |
135. EGD: The Entropy Gathering Daemon Jul 25, 2002 EGD is an entropy Gathering Daemon meant to be used on systems that can run GPG but which don t have this convenient source of random bits. http://egd.sourceforge.net/ | |
136. [gr-qc/9808035] Black Holes Review article by Gary T. Horowitz (UCSB) and Saul A. Teukolsky (Cornell); includes information on the observational evidence for black holes, some developments involving cosmic censorship, and the statistical origin of black hole entropy. http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9808035 | |
137. Prigogine, Stengers. La Science Des Limites A partir du chaos et de l entropie, une approche ph nom nologique de la science par Ilya Prigogine et Isabelle Stengers. http://jeanzin.fr/ecorevo/philo/pretapen/prigogin.htm | |
138. La Théorie De La Relativité Restreinte Rendue Intuitive Explication de la relativit restreinte bas e sur une intuition g om trique; principe de moindre action, physique statistique et entropie, paradoxe EPR. http://spoirier.lautre.net/relativite.html | |
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