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121. The Theory Of Honest Signaling - Introduction On-line tutorial on signalling in economics and animal communication. http://octavia.zoology.washington.edu/handicap/ | |
122. SFB 504 Glossary: Game Theory Game theory Theory of rational behavior for interactive decision problems. In a game, several agents strive to maximize their (expected) utility index by chosing particular http://www.sfb504.uni-mannheim.de/glossary/game.htm | |
123. International Game Theory Review (IGTR) A newer journal on game theory provides abstracts of articles and full text for subscribers. http://www.worldscinet.com/igtr/igtr.shtml | |
124. International Journal Of Game Theory Journal devoted to game theory and its applications. It publishes original research making significant contributions from a methodological, conceptual or mathematical point of view. Contents and abstracts. http://www.springer.com/economics/economic theory/journal/182 | |
125. Game Theory – Free Listening, Videos, Concerts, Stats, & Pictures At Last.fm Top tracks from Game Theory Not Because You Can, Dripping With Looks more. Game Theory began in 1982 in Sacramento, California. The band, which could be classified as a http://www.last.fm/music/Game Theory | |
126. Uncertainty, Information And Games Online information by the History of Economic Thought page. http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/essays/uncert/uncertcont.htm | |
127. Sensei's Library Game Theory Sensei's Library, page Game theory, keywords Theory. SL is a large WikiWikiWeb about the game of Go (Baduk, Weiqi). It's a collaboration and community site. Everyone can add http://senseis.xmp.net/?path=CGTPath&page=GameTheory |
128. PoliticalSim Free open-source software for voting and election games and simulations, or lectures and research. http://accuratedemocracy.com/s_sim_ad.htm | |
129. GAME-THEORY.LOVE.COM | All Things Game Theory The Cape Fear Farmers Market is about to get a muchneeded makeover soon, according to Town Manager Eddie Madden. On Wednesday afternoon, the USDA gave its approval for the http://game-theory.love.com/ |
130. Gambit: Software Tools For Game Theory — Gambit V0.2010.09.01 Documentation Provides software library in C++ for performing various operations on n-person games in either extensive or normal form. http://gambit.sourceforge.net/ | |
131. Game Theory Selected topics in game theory, including basic concepts, a game theory framework, signaling, threats, and auctions. http://www.quickmba.com/econ/micro/gametheory/ | |
132. Competition Commission Of South Africa | Home, Home Text of regulatory acts, brief history of the Commission, and research publications. http://www.compcom.co.za/ |
133. Public Choice Society 2003 Meeting And Call For Papers Provides announcement and call for papers. Nashville, TN. http://www.pubchoicesoc.org/mtg2003.html | |
134. Behavioral Economics Roundtable Provides a summary of presented papers. http://www.russellsage.org/programs/proj_reviews/behavioral-papers-index.shtml |
135. Rustichini, Aldo Home page at the University of Minnesota contains cv. http://www.econ.umn.edu/faculty/arust/ |
136. Bezalel Peleg Page at the History of Economic Thought site lists major publications. http://cepa.newschool.edu/het/profiles/peleg.htm | |
137. The Eitan Berglas School Of Economics Faculty page at Tel Aviv University. http://econ.tau.ac.il/people/bio.asp?id=201 |
138. Larry Blume Home page at Cornell University contains links to his paper abstracts and course outlines. http://www.santafe.edu/~leb/ | |
139. Martin J. Osborne Home page at the University of Toronto contains updates to textbooks, full text of papers, and course outlines. http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~osborne/ | |
140. Robert Wilson: Faculty: Stanford GSB Home page at Stanford University contains course materials, full-text working papers, and vitae. http://faculty-gsb.stanford.edu/wilson/ | |
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