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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. The Boundary Element Method in Geophysics (Geophysical Monograph Series) by Shi-Zhe Xu, 2001-07
  2. General Circulation Model Development, Volume 70: Past, Present, and Future (International Geophysics) by David A. Randall, 2000-07-19
  3. Calculating the Weather, Volume 60: Meteorology in the 20th Century (International Geophysics) by Frederik Nebeker, 1995-05-22
  4. Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in Geology (Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics) by Ernest E. Angino, Gale K. Billings, 1972-11
  5. Principles of Induction Logging, Volume 38 (Methods in Geochemistry and Geophysics)
  6. Fluid Mechanics of the Atmosphere, Volume 47 (International Geophysics) by Robert A. Brown, 1991-02-19
  7. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics, Volume 25, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Robert G. Fleagle, Joost A. Businger, 1980-12-12
  8. Coastal Meteorology (International Geophysics Series) by Shih-Ang Hsu, 1988-06-11
  9. Contributions to the Tectonics and Geophysics of Mountain Chains (Memoir (Geological Society of America))
  10. Migration of Seismic Data (Geophysics reprint series)
  11. Applied Geophysics for Geologists and Engineers: The Elements of Geophysical Prospecting by Donald Harrison Griffiths, 1981-04
  12. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 59: An Introduction (International Geophysics) by Daniel S. Wilks, 1995-02-06
  13. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere, Volume 71, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Peter Warneck, 1999-10-29
  14. The Lithosphere: Geochemistry, Geology and Geophysics

121. FairfieldNodal Home Page
Fairfield is a geophysical company known for its development and use of advanced technology for acquisition and processing, and its licensing of seismic data.

122. Index
Airborne geophysical oil survey company specialising in remote fluorescence sensing and magnetic data recovery.



v.i Ooze out, percolate slowly
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Oilsearch plc
Advanced Exploration Technology
Oilsearch performs high resolution airborne seep and aeromagnetic surveys, identifying source, migration and the characteristics of offshore oil accumulations. Seepfinder technology reduces exploration risk, cost and uncertainty, bringing a new dimension to offshore petroleum exploration.

123. JGI /�i���j�n���Ȋw�����������@-�g�b�v�y�[�W-
Acquisition of seismic and other geophysical data, geothermal surveys and remote sensing. Japan based.
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Geophysical contractor providing gravity and magnetic services and products to the international oil and mining industry. Offices in Leeds and Houston.
Contact Us GETECH
is a leading petroleum and minerals consultancy best known for its unique global gravity and magnetic data holdings and services. Driven by an entrepreneurial vision our company now offers an expanded catalogue of data types and a growing suite of petroleum exploration studies created by our multidisciplinary teams of talented geoscientists.
Services; Multi-disciplinary teams of technical experts
Our in-house team of over 35 geophysicists, structural geologists, petroleum geologists, geochemists and sedimentologists will help you meet short and long term exploration objectives.
Data; Including the world's largest gravity and magnetic library
GETECH continues to grow the world’s most extensive commercial library of gravity and magnetic data. It covers almost every country in the world at a variety of scales and resolutions to aid both frontier and prospect scale exploration.
Studies; A global portfolio of focussed exploration reports

125. Geolog�a Regional Y Prospecci�n Ltda.
Geophysical consultants in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and survey, evaluation and analysis. In Spanish and English.

126. Michael Studinger's Homegape
Geophysical and glaciological research on the Antarctic continent with aerogeophysical methods.
Studying Subglacial Lakes, Ice Sheet Dynamics and Tectonics in Antarctica with Aerogeophysics The polar regions play a critical role in Earth's climatic and geodynamic systems. Although located far from the main centers of human civilization, the polar atmosphere and oceans have strong global connections and therefore directly affect climate, landscape evolution, the global biosphere and human society. Over geologic time scales, Antarctic geodynamic processes are a major influence on ice sheet dynamics and global environmental change, which affects current and long-term, large-scale sea-level change. My research at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University links solid Earth geophysics and glaciology, providing unique research opportunities. I use integrated sets of aerogeophysical data, including gravity, magnetics, ice-penetrating radar, and laser altimeter measurements, to study physical processes linking tectonics, ice sheet dynamics and life in extreme environments, such as subglacial lakes. NEWS Operation Ice Bridge 2009 Slide Show NEWS Antarctic Field Season 2008/09 Slide Show
Greenland Test Flights 2008 Slide Show
AGAP/GAMBIT IPY Project Web Site Research Subglacial Lakes Slide Show Workshop Reports Transantarctic Mountains ... FAQ: What's Soft Money Science?

127. Workshop For Airborne Geophysical Surveys
A collection of papers covering the practical aspects of performing airborne magnetic, radiometric, and electromagnetic surveys.

128. Vladimir Pinsky
Personal page of a senior researcher at the Seismological Division of the Geophysical Institute of Israel. Papers on seismic signals processing methods, development and application.
Vladimir Pinsky Development and application home Experience Achievements Interests ... CURRICULUM VITAE Geophysical Institute of Israel
Address: POB 862
Tel: 972-8-978-58849 Fax: 972-8-9255211
E-mail: Development and application Academic Status: Phd in Mathematics and Geophysics in Applied Mathematics in Electrical communications Senior Researcher in the Seismological Division of the Geophysical Institute of Israel. Experience and Qualification On-going and recent research: Automatic extracting hidden or spoiled information from an array of observations Using non-linear outlier resistant methods Applications - source location and discrimination for networks and arrays of seismic stations Previous research: Adaptive beamforming for array observations with application of multidimensional autoregressive-moving average schemes ... Statistical asymptotically optimal methods with Application to the linear dynamic systems parameter estimation Key Publications: Pinsky V.,

129. Geomind Portal
Proposed system to provide cross-border, multilingual information services, offering access to geophysical data holdings throughout Europe.

130. Cookies Required
The SEG Digital Library provides a single access point, search, and interface consistency for the Society of Exploration Geophysicists journals,

131. Geophysical Institute :: UiB
Research is focused on the main areas of meteorology, oceanography and climate.
Skip to content Search for content / employee Norsk A A A ... Faculty and staff
Our fields
Meteorology Oceanography
Our students
Life at the institute Studies on Spitsbergen
Our forefathers
history blows through the corridors of our institute.
The physics of air and ocean
Storms, ocean currents, raindrops, avalanches, heat waves and CO exchange, it all boils down to physics. At the Geophysical Institute we explore the driving forces of nature. Host institution of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research The weather influences energy resources and the cost of electricity. In BKK I take part in improving decision making tools for power production. Our aim is to optimize the use of resources, with regard to both economy and the benefit to society. - Fredrik Villanger Resource planner , BKK Cand. Scient. (MSc) in meteorology, 1999
Belongs to
More news University of Bergen Address Postboks 7803 NO-5020 BERGEN Office address Allegt. 70

Information about the annual meeting, membership and affiliated societies.
About CGU Membership Hydrology Section Geodesy Section ... Links
Join CGU Now Contact Us
Welcome to the CGU Home Page!
The CGU fosters communication through its annual scientific meeting , sponsorship of a Distinguished Lecturer and its bi-annual newsletter, Elements . The CGU recognizes outstanding contributions to the geophysical sciences by awarding the J. Tuzo Wilson medal annually. Student participation in the scientific meeting is especially encouraged through student travel assistance and prizes for best student paper in various categories. The CGU nominates Canadian representatives for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics and affiliated societies, and provides its members with reduced rates for journals published by the American Geophysical Union and European Geosciences Union.

133. DELPHI Seismic Research Consortium
Research to develop new geophysical acquisition, imaging, and characterization technology that results in a significantly improved geological description of the subsurface at different scales.
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134. Your Page Title
Includes membership and scholarship information, society news, conferences and publications.
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135. CREWES - Consortium For Research In Elastic Wave Exploration Seismology
An applied geophysical research group concentrating on the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of multicomponent seismic data.
About CREWES CREWES Faculty Contact Us Grad Opportunities Location ... Sponsor List Research Links Converted Waves Joint Inversion Research Reports Graduate Theses ... Errata For Our Sponsors Passwords Research Reports Conf. Abstracts Slide Shows ... NSERC Site Visit For Us Intranet Help
CREWES is an applied geophysical research group concentrating on the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of multicomponent seismic data. Working with industry partners, we conduct advanced research in resource exploration and development. Our goal is to obtain improved 3-D geological images of the subsurface.
Related Sites:
What's New...
Sponsors Meeting Dec 1-3 2010, Banff, Alberta SEG 2010 convention abstracts online New 2010 Graduate Theses online [Last updated: October 6, 2010]

136. ::: The-Eggs ::: NewsLetter & Information Service Of The E.G.U.
E-zine from the European Geophysical Society provides articles, news, journal watch and book reviews.
There is no new item posted Book Review of : The readers of Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics are well aware that the solutions to nonlinear deterministic-like equations governing weather evolution are most probably chaotic in space and time: a small scale truncation can in a finite time generate large-scale errors. 9 New Books
There is no new item posted Ideas for the earth science classroom The activities require few resources and are designed to encourage students aged 8-18 to investigate how Earth works Soil Science in a Changing world - ( Meeting ) 18/09/2011 - 22/09/2011 , Wageningen, the Netherlands Regional Geographic Conference UGI 2011 - ( Meeting ) 14/11/2011 - 18/11/2011 , Santiago, Chile Association of American Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting - ( Meeting ) 12/04/2011 - 16/04/2011 , Seattle, Washington Coherent Flow Structures in Geophysical Flows at Earth�s Surface - ( Meeting ) 03/08/2011 - 05/08/2011 , Burnaby, British Columbia more events Issue #32 30 September 2010 issue 32
Image description: Cirrus clouds with almost equally spaced features, due to a gravity wave train. Wind direction is vertical to the cloud lines (Image: Kostas Kourtidis, distributed by EGU via

137. GeoPen, Geophysical Instrument Designer And Producer
Series of geophysical exploration instruments used for environmental and engineering exploration.

138. Information Services - Oil Industry Directories Since 1946
Publisher of the Oil and Gas Directory and the Geophysical Directory. Includes a description of content, sample pages, and ordering information.
A worldwide reference to companies and key personnel, that provide geophysical equipment, supplies, and services, including gravity, magnetometer, and seismograph contractors, geological and geophysical modeling, and other forms of exploration geophysics. Also listed are petroleum and mining companies and government agencies utilizing geophysical techniques. Known and recognized worldwide as the leading source of information for the geophysical industry. Published annually in March since 1946. A comprehensive listing of companies and individuals directly connected with, or engaged in, oil exploration, drilling and production, including oil field equipment and services, drilling equipment and mud, well completion equipment and services, workover and well servicing, logging service, secondary recovery systems, environmental control, and oil industry health and safety. Regional and worldwide coverage are provided in a single volume, with a compact, easy to read format. Published annually in October since 1970. The Geophysical Directory The Geophysical Directory
contact Information Services

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