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101. Jonathan Goss The main point group symmetries of interest to defect physics by operation (reflection, rotations etc) and classification (trigonal, and cubic). Most point groups also have the associated character table on-line. http://newton.ex.ac.uk/research/qsystems/people/goss/symmetry/index.html | |
102. Group Theory, Geometry And Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008 An event organised jointly by the Isaac Newton Institute and DPMMS Cambridge. Group Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory Abel Prize 2008 http://www.newton.ac.uk/programmes/ALT/altw06.html | |
103. Groups Of Small Order. A list of isomorphism classes and further information on groups of order up to 30, by John Pedersen, University of South Florida. http://www.math.usf.edu/~eclark/algctlg/small_groups.html | |
104. Group Theory & Rubik's Cube This page is not being actively maintained. For more current information, see the Fall 2008 version of this course; the computer science at Marlboro College homepage and course http://akbar.marlboro.edu/~mahoney/courses/Spr00/rubik.html | |
105. Generators Of Small Groups Generators for small even ordered groups from 1 to 1000. Files use gzipped extensions and require downloading. http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~gordon/remote/cubcay/ | |
106. Group Theory | Arizona Mathematics Here is a quote from the famous physicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington We need a supermathematics in which the operations are as unknown as the quantities they operate on, and a http://math.arizona.edu/research/grouptheory.html | |
107. Ullrich Group - Theory - MPI Für Kernphysik You are here Ullrich group Theory. Theory of (laserassisted) ion-atom collisions. We are interested in several topics studied by atomic physics which http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/ullrich/page.php?id=40 |
108. Group Theory - Projects Current projects. BARTLEBY. A Rereading. An intimate chamber ritual that probes the psychosonic landscapes of Melville's classic novella Bartleby, the Scrivener, transforming the http://www.group-theory.org/projects | |
109. Galois Group Polynomials A table of polynomials for Galois groups over the rational numbers with degree up to 9. The table includes links to additional information for each equation. http://world.std.com/~jmccarro/math/GaloisGroups/GaloisGroupPolynomials.html | |
110. Group Theory: Information From Answers.com group theory the branch of mathematics dealing with groups http://www.answers.com/topic/group-theory-1 |
111. ATLAS Of Finite Group Representations Representations of many finite simple groups and related groups such as covering groups and automorphism groups of simple groups. Available by FTP in alternative formats Meataxe ASCII, Meataxe binary, and GAP. http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/atlas/ | |
112. Group Theoryvia Rubik'sCube Abstract A group is a mathematical object of great importance, but the usual study of group theory is highly abstract and therefore difficult for many students to understand. http://www.geometer.org/rubik/group.pdf |
113. Jon McCammond's Homepage UC Santa Barbara. Geometric Group Theory and Low-Dimensional Topology, as well as the neighboring fields of Combinatorics, Graph theory, Computational Geometry and certain types of Riemannian Geometry. Courses, seminars, publications, preprints; resources on Geometric Group Theory. http://www.math.ucsb.edu/~mccammon/ | |
114. The Transforming Nature Of Metaphors In Group Development - Group File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View http://www.taosinstitute.net/Websites/taos/Images/ResourcesManuscripts/Srivastva |
115. Mathematik.com Individual pages on different topics in Mathematics. Examples group theory, dynamical systems theory, geometry or number theory. http://www.mathematik.com/ | |
116. Group Theory In The Bedroom title bar. Home About the book About the author News and reviews Afterthoughts Buy! front of book jacket. http://grouptheoryinthebedroom.com/ | |
117. Group Theory - Article And Reference From OnPedia.com Group theory is that branch of mathematics concerned with the study of groups. Please refer to the G http://www.onpedia.com/encyclopedia/group-theory | |
118. Course 311 - Abstract Algebra Lecture notes by David Wilkins, Trinity College, Dublin. Topics in Number Theory; Group Theory; Galois Theory. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwilkins/Courses/311/ | |
119. Babai 60 Conference Mar 20, 2010 Cayley graphs and vertextransitive graphs have for a long time provided a link between combinatorics and group theory; they have also been http://www.babai60.org/ | |
120. Binghamton University, Mathematical Sciences, Research Interests They are a source of examples or potential examples in geometric group theory, cohomology of groups, string rewriting systems and abstract measure theory. http://www.math.binghamton.edu/dept/server/research.html | |
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