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121. Geometric Group Theory Workshop at MathFest. Providence, RI, USA; 12 August 2004. http://www.cs.lafayette.edu/~meierj/ggtmathfest.html | |
122. 392C Geometric Group Theory 392C Geometric Group Theory. Residual finiteness and wordhyperbolic groups. Home About Blogging LaTeX Roster Subscribe to feed http://392c.wordpress.com/ | |
123. Research Tourism Opportunities Forthcoming conferences and gatherings of possible interest are listed in chronological order. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masgcs/conf/confinfo.html | |
124. Faculty Groups At CUNY Oct 18, 2010 Anshel, Michael the design and analysis of cryptographic algorithms, complexity of algorithms, combinatorial group theory and its http://math.gc.cuny.edu/faculty/facultygroups.html | |
125. Folk In The Forum Members of a group theory mailing list. http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masgcs/folk/folk.html | |
126. Norton, Simon P. University of Cambridge. Group theory. Contact information. http://www.dpmms.cam.ac.uk/site2002/People/norton_sp.html |
127. [math/0609502] The Fourier Transform In Quantum Group Theory by A Van Daele 2006 - Cited by 4 - Related articles http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0609502 | |
128. Dr Ben Fairbairn · School Of Mathematics And Statistics · University Of Birmingh PhD student at the University of Birmingham, UK. CV, publications and research into various aspects of group theory. http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/B.Fairbairn/ | |
129. GROUP THEORY AND GENERAL RELATIVITY by M Carmeli Cited by 97 - Related articles http://www.icpress.co.uk/physics/p199.html | |
130. Professor Gareth Jones :: School Of Mathematics University of Southampton. Group theory, and its applications to geometry, topology, combinatorics and Galois theory. Recent preprints. http://www.soton.ac.uk/maths/people/profiles/pure/gaj2.html | |
131. GRAHAM A. NIBLO’S HOMEPAGE University of Southampton. Geometric group theory. http://www.personal.soton.ac.uk/gan/Welcome.html | |
132. Group Explorer Homepage It helps the user visualize group theory, builds students intuition, Online article introducing the classroom utility of group theory visualization http://groupexplorer.sourceforge.net/ | |
133. Brad Emmons Utica College, New York. Modular forms; Group theory visualisation. Software. http://www.utica.edu/faculty_staff/bemmons/ | |
134. Yves De Cornulier's Maths Page Roughly speaking, my field of research is infinite group theory (more pedantically, geometric group theory). I have especially focused on aspects of group http://www.normalesup.org/~cornulier/math.html | |
135. Zhi-Wei Sun's Homepage Nanjing University. Number and group theory, combinatorics and mathematical logic. Includes papers and lectures. http://math.nju.edu.cn/~zwsun/ | |
136. Invited Paper Sessions - MathFest 2010 “Repeating decimal representations of fractions and group theory” Geometric Group Theory is a vibrant and relatively young field that studies countable http://www.maa.org/mathfest/ips.cfm | |
137. SpringerLink - Geometriae Dedicata This journal concentrates on geometry and its relationship to topology, group theory, and the theory of dynamic systems. Tables of contents. Full text to subscribers. http://www.springerlink.com/content/100269/ | |
138. International Society For Mathematical And Computational Aesthetics Detail and analysis on the development of CAD and other influences in contemporary design. A division of the International Society for Group Theory in Cognitive Science. Contact information. http://www.rci.rutgers.edu/~mleyton/ISMA.htm | |
139. Gruppentheorie Eine kurze Einf hrung in die Gruppentheorie mit den wichtigsten Definitionen und Beispielen. http://theory.gsi.de/~vanhees/faq/gruppen/group-theory.html | |
140. Edmund Robertson's Personal Home Page University of St Andrews. Computational group theory, computational semigroup theory and algebra in general. Papers, seminars, teaching material and software. http://turnbull.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/~edmund/ | |
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