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61. Phi, Fibonacci, Phyllotaxis... An hypothesis concerning the photomorphogenic origin of the exhibition of fibonacci numbers in plants. http://janusteam.org/ | |
62. Mathematical Biology Definition Of Mathematical Biology In The Free Online Encyc mathematical biology math ə mad ə kəl bī′ l ə jē (biology) A discipline that encompasses all applications of mathematics, computer technology, and http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Mathematical biology |
63. Mathematical Biology - Math.umn.edu Gilad Lerman lerman@math.umn.edu Assistant Professor , Ph.D. 2000 Yale University computational harmonic analysis, analysis of large data sets and statistical learning http://www.math.umn.edu/grad/areas/math_bio.html | |
64. Welcome To MathematicalBiology.com! Welcome to MathematicalBiology.com! MathematicalBiology.com is an web resource for Academics, Researchers, Publishers and Sponsors in Mathematical Biology. http://mathematicalbiology.com/ | |
65. Research - Applied Math - U.Washington For more information, please see the Mathematical Biology page. Atmospheric sciences and climate modeling Researchers Bretherton, Tung, Durran http://www.amath.washington.edu/research/ | |
66. Forensic Mathematics DNA identification, biostatistics, and recreational aspects of population genetics. Reports, software, links. http://dna-view.com/ |
67. SITUATED COMPLEXITY By Dorothy Wallace Anyone with a little exposure to the ideas of calculus can use this volume as a primer leading to the research literature in mathematical biology or as a standalone introduction http://mathematicalbiology.net/ | |
68. Mathematical Biology List of researchers in CAMS working on problems related to Mathematical Biology Booth, Bose, Bukiet, Dhar, Elmer, Georgieva, Goldman, Golowasch, Khan, Lott, Matveev, Miura http://m.njit.edu/CAMS/Research/Biomath/biomath.html | |
69. Algorithms In Molecular Biology - Ron Shamir - Course Archive Lecture notes in PostScript format by Ron Shamir, Tel-Aviv. http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~rshamir/algmb.html | |
70. UTK Mathematical Life Sciences Archives WWW Server - Home Page Life Science Pages organized by E. Dobos, L. Gross and C. Zimmermann at the University of Tennessee. http://archives.math.utk.edu/mathbio/ | |
71. Mathematical Biology Mathematical Biology It has been over a decade since the release of the now classic original edition of Murray's Mathematical Biology. Since then mathematical biology has grown http://www.springer.com/mathematics/mathematical biology/book/978-0-387-95223-9 | |
72. WAM - Web Antibody Modeling Constructs a model from the light and heavy chain sequences. http://antibody.bath.ac.uk/ | |
73. Mathematical And Theoretical Biology: Definition From Answers.com A discipline that encompasses all applications of mathematics, computer technology, and quantitative theorizing to biological systems, and the underlying processes within the http://www.answers.com/topic/mathematical-biology |
74. The Ordination Web Page Methods for analysis of community data in ecological studies, including correspondence analysis, direct gradient analysis, and indirect gradient analysis. http://ordination.okstate.edu | |
75. Welcome To The CMB Website | Mathematical Institute - University Of Oxford The Centre for Mathematical Biology (CMB) at the University of Oxford is part of the Mathematical Institute and was established in 1983 as the first centre of its kind in Britain. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/cmb | |
76. Dr Paul Watton's Homepage Cardiovasular biomechanics. Mathematical modelling of abdominal aortic aneurysms and heart valves. http://www.peaktutors.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/paulwatton/ | |
77. Jungck, John R. Beloit College, WI. Specializes in mathematical molecular evolution, history and philosophy of biology, and science education reform. http://beloit.edu/~jungck/ |
78. CiteULike: Mathematical Biology: I. An Introduction (Interdisciplinary Applied M by JD Murray Cited by 6554 - Related articles http://www.citeulike.org/user/MarcHafner/article/819739 | |
79. Alan Hastings UC Davis Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California Davis, CA, USA. Theoretical ecology and population biology. http://two.ucdavis.edu/~me/amh.html | |
80. Differential Equations: Differential Equations In Biology, Applications Of Diffe applications of differential equations, mathematical biology, biological problems One application is population dynamics, details can be found in the http://en.allexperts.com/q/Differential-Equations-2078/Differential-equations-Bi | |
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