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81. NJIT - Undergraduate Programs: Mathematical Biology 5 s1 * Joint appointment with Department of Biomedical Engineering s2 ** Joint appointment with the Department of Information Systems s3 *** Joint appointment with the Federated Department http://catalog.njit.edu/undergraduate/programs/mathbiology.php |
82. Bonnie Berger Home Page Professor of Applied Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and head of the Computation and Biology group http://people.csail.mit.edu/bab/ | |
83. UT Knoxville | College Of Arts & Sciences - Department Of Ecology & Evolutionary University of Tennessee. The use of mathematical models to help solve problems in ecotoxicology and ecology. http://eeb.bio.utk.edu/hallam.asp | |
84. UCLA Department Of Biomathematics Department of Biomathematics. People, research, meetings, news, resources. http://www.biomath.medsch.ucla.edu/ | |
85. Nonlinear Population Dynamics Nonlinear Population Dynamics. Research, publications, datasets, graphics. http://caldera.calstatela.edu/nonlin/ | |
86. Best Of The Web - What's New In Science For 12/20/2006 Dec 20, 2006 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Shows academic press journal, Journal of Mathematical Biology - Information about the society, http://botw.org/new/Science/12202006.cfm | |
87. Roughgarden Lab Home Roughgarden Research Group (Guerrilla Ecology, Ltd). Projects, people. http://www.stanford.edu/group/roughlab/ | |
88. Mathematical Biology The synopsis for this grant opportunity is detailed below, following this paragraph. This synopsis contains all of the updates to this document that have been posted as http://www07.grants.gov/search/search.do?&mode=VIEW&flag2006=false&o |
89. Biomathematics Graduate Program At North Carolina State University Biomathematics graduate program. Page describes the field of study, faculty, courses and seminars. http://www.ncsu.edu/biomath/ | |
90. Journal Of Mathematical Biology - Free Access Available Journal of Mathematical Biology The Journal of Mathematical Biology fosters the contribution of mathematical modeling and reasoning to the understanding of biological systems http://www.springer.com/mathematics/mathematical biology/journal/285 | |
91. CCBI: The Cambridge Computational Biology Institute - Home Cambridge Computational Biology Institute. Details of research and related teaching. http://www.ccbi.cam.ac.uk/ | |
92. CREEM: Centre For Research Into Ecological And Environmental Modelling Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Modelling. http://creem2.st-andrews.ac.uk | |
93. The International Journal Of Biostatistics Aims and scope, editorial board, policies, and author instructions. Online archive with abstracts; full text available to subscribers. http://www.bepress.com/ijb/ | |
94. Hend Wagdi Nashaat - The American University In Cairo by HW Nashaat Related articles http://www.aucegypt.edu/current/zewail/Pages/HendWagdyNashaat.aspx |
95. University Of Glasgow :: Mathematics :: Mathematical Biology Mathematical Biology. Mathematical Biology is the application of mathematical modelling to solve problems in biology and physiology. It is one of the fastest growing research http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/mathematics/research/biology/ | |
96. SpringerLink - Biological Cybernetics Published monthly, this journal includes original papers, articles and reviews. Archives available going back many years. http://www.springerlink.com/content/100465/ | |
97. Welcome To MathemaicalBiology.org! Newsletter. Join our newsletter and stay up to date on hot new Scientific Directory links! http://mathematicalbiology.org/ | |
98. Welcome To The CMB Website | Mathematical Institute - University Of Oxford Centre for Mathematical Biology. Research Interests Spatial and spatiotemporal pattern formation; Wound healing; Mathematical Modelling to Improve Cancer Therapy; Analysis of travelling waves and ecological applications; Enzyme kinetics; Individual to Collective Behaviour in Ecology; The dynamics of populations in ecological systems. Site has preprints, meetings, other links. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/groups/mathematical-biology | |
99. Resources: Bio/Math Initiative This course equips students to use, rather than prove, many applied mathematics techniques essential in mathematical biology. http://www7.miami.edu/ftp/ricenter/resbiomath.htm | |
100. Guilin Meeting (An ICM 2002 Satellite Conference.) Guilin, China; 1518 August 2002. http://math.la.asu.edu/~kuang/guilin.html | |
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