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         Number Theory:     more books (100)
  1. Number Theory for Elementary School Teachers by Edward Wall, 2009-02-13
  2. The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Number Theory (Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics) by Stefan A. Burr, 1993-01
  3. Fundamentals of Number Theory by William J. LeVeque, 1996-02-07
  4. Number Theory: Algebraic Numbers and Functions (Graduate Studies in Mathematics) by Helmut Koch, 2000-06-06
  5. Analytic Number Theory for Undergraduates (Monographs in Number Theory) by Chan Heng Huat, 2009-04-21
  6. Elementary Number Theory by James K. Strayer, 2001-12-06
  7. Analytic Number Theory: An Introductory Course by Paul T. Bateman, Harold G. Diamond, 2004-09-30
  8. Number Theory: Structures, Examples, and Problems by Titu Andreescu, Dorin Andrica, 2009-03-11
  9. Number Theory with Computer Applications by Ramanujachary Kumanduri, Christina Romero, 1997-08-14
  10. Analytic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) by Donald J. Newman, 1997-12-19
  11. From Number Theory to Physics
  12. Topics in Number Theory (University Series in Mathematics) by J.S. Chahal, 1988-06-30
  13. Number Theory Through Inquiry (Maa Textbooks) (Mathematical Association of America Textbooks) by David C. Marshall, Edward Odell, et all 2007-12-06
  14. Sieves in Number Theory (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics) by George Greaves, 2010-11-02

121. Five College Number Theory Seminar
Meets regularly in Massachusetts. Programme, some abstracts.
Five College Number Theory Seminar
Where and When Five College Number Theory Seminar talks are generally held at Amherst College in the Seeley Mudd building , which houses Amherst College's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. Unless noted otherwise, all talks take place at 4:00 p.m. in room Seeley-Mudd 207 . Refreshments are served at 3:30 p.m. in Seeley-Mudd 208. Driving Direction to Amherst College Campus map of Amherst College UMass Hotel Parking Directions To find the parking lot in back of Seeley Mudd, drive east on College Street (Route 9) past the Amherst town common on your left. Two blocks after the common, turn right onto the College campus (just before you go under a railroad overpass). Take your second right and follow it until the road ends at the Seeley Mudd parking lot. From the parking lot, take the stairs in the Life Sciences building, just to the right of Seeley Mudd, up one flight, exit and turn left toward Seeley Mudd. Campus maps for Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, Smith, and UMass Meet our seminar members Amherst College Rob Benedetto Gregory Call Djordje Milicevic John Condon ... David Cox Mount Holyoke College Giuliana P. Davidoff

122. Joint-NTS.html
Columbia CUNY NYU. Thursday evenings, starting 18 September 2003.
(Rotating among the 3 Universities)
TEA 5:00 - 5:30 P.M.
ORGANIZERS: D. Goldfeld V. Kolyvagin Y. Tschinkel S. Zhang ... L. Szpiro.
RTG TALK FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS AT 4:00 P.M.: The seminar will have a special RTG talk and question and answer period at 4:00 P.M. every Thursday when the seminar meets. The RTG talk will be aimed at graduate students and regular faculty are requested not to attend. All RTG funded graduate students are required to go to the RTG talk. All other graduate students and post-docs are strongly encouraged to attend.
FALL 2010

FALL 2009
FALL 2008
The Joint seminar would like to thank the NSF for its support through the Research Training Group (RTG) in Number Theory awarded jointly to the three universities: COLUMBIA-CUNY-NYU.

123. Southwest Center For Arithmetic Geometry: Welcome
Annual week-long instructional meetings for graduate students in number theory.

124. AIM/Stanford Number Theory Seminar
Schedule of talks in Palo Alto, CA, USA.
American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) / Stanford University
Number Theory Seminar '04-'05
Time: Fridays, 11:20 a.m.
Location: AIM, 360 Portage Avenue, Palo Alto (unless otherwise noted)
The seminar is jointly organized by Ben Brubaker and Daniel Bump at Stanford University, Brian Conrey of AIM, and Sidney Graham of AIM and Central Michigan University. For more information contact us at , and respectively. Further information about both host institutions can be found at the following links:
  • AIM Home Page Stanford Math Department Home Page
  • Schedule of this year's talks:
    September 17 Dan Goldston
    (San Jose State) Approximating prime tuples October 8 Byoung-du Kim
    (Stanford) The parity theorem of elliptic curves and algebraic
    functional equations at primes with supersingular reduction October 15 Daniel Bump
    (Stanford) Automorphic Summation Formulae and Moments of Zeta October 22 (at Stanford, 381T) Tsz-Ho Chan
    (AIM) Lower Order Terms of the Second Moment of S(t) October 29 Matt Young
    (AIM) Central Zeros of Families of Elliptic Curve L-functions November 2 (at Stanford)
    NOTE SPECIAL DATE William Stein
    (Harvard) Visibility of Shafarevich-Tate Groups of Modular Abelian Varieties at Higher Level November 5 Ben Brubaker (Stanford) Applications of Eisenstein Series on the Metaplectic Group: Moments, Non-vanishing, etc.

    125. ALGANT
    Jan 31, 2010 ALGANT ALgebra, Geometry And Number Theory in pure mathematics, with a strong emphasis on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory.
    @import 'css/main.css';
    ALGANT ALgebra, Geometry and Number Theory
    Go to content Site map The 2011/12 academic year applications for the Erasmus Mundus master ALGANT are open!
    Starting from this year, the ALGANT applications are paper-free . The application deadline is January 14, 2011 . For the application information see our applying page Established in 2004, the ALGANT consortium now consists of eight universities on four continents, namely the universities of Bordeaux (France), Chennai (India), Leiden (Netherlands), Milano (Italy), Concordia (Montréal, Canada), Padova (Italy), Paris-Sud (France) and Stellenbosch (South Africa). In collaboration with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques , the Institut des Sciences Mathématiques in Montréal and the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cape Town, the consortium offers a two-year world-class integrated master course and a joint doctorate programme in pure mathematics, with a strong emphasis on Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory. Both programmes have received the Erasmus Mundus label. The ALGANT master has been launched in 2004 and the ALGANT-DOC joint doctorate will enroll its first doctoral candidates in 2010, see

    126. K.U.Leuven-UGent Seminar - Number Theory And Algebraic Geometry
    Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry meetings at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and University of Gent, Belgium.


    Practical info

    Old Page

    This year's seminars Workshop
    Definability in Number Theory
    UGent, Sterre, S25
    More information:
    see workshop website
    Lecture series Chromatic products in algebra and geometry Hans Schoutens (New York City College of Technology, USA) Place: K.U.Leuven Abstract and summaries: see abstract_schoutens_lect.pdf Supporting material: Lecture 1. Ultraproducts and uniform bounds. Monday June 21, 200B 02.18, 14:00-16:30 Lecture 2. Cataproducts and classification of singularities. Wednesday June 23, 200B 01.05, 14:00-16:30 Lecture 3. Protoproducts and homological conjectures. Friday July 2, 200B 00.18 Lecture 4. Ultra-Frobenius and rational singularities. Monday July 5, 200B 00.18 Ph.D. thesis defence Cohomological invariants of SK Tim Wouters (K.U.Leuven) Place: K.U.Leuven, Aula van de Tweede Hoofdwet, TI 01.02 Time: Tuesday May 25, 17:00 Abstract: to be found on the official K.U.Leuven page Seminar Galois cohomology and forms of algebras over Laurent polynomial rings Philippe Gille (E.N.S. Paris, France)

    127. An Unsolvable Problem In Elementary Number Theory - An Unsolvable
    File Format PDF/Adobe Acrobat Quick View

    128. Index
    University of San Diego, 1620 December 2000.
    Year 2000 Conference Information
    Sat. evening, Dec.16 - Wed. morning, Dec. 20
    Stan Gurak, USD
    Jane Friedman, USD
    David Cantor, CCR
    Ron Evans, UCSD Email contact:
    David Cantor (
    Last updated: October 5, 2000

    129. Number Theory -
    Aug 16, 2005 New index indicated the importance and impact of work by individual researchers.
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    130. Schloss Dagstuhl : Seminar Homepage
    Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany; 1621 May 2004.

    131. ANTS V
    5th Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium. Sydney, Australia
    General Schedule Participants Proceedings ... Registration
    Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium University of Sydney July 7 - July 12, 2002
    General Information
    Since their inception in Cornell in 1994, the biennial ANTS meetings have become the premier international forums for the presentation of new research in computational number theory. ANTS-V will be held at the School of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Sydney and will be organised by the MAGMA Computational Algebra Group ANTS IV was held in 2000 in Leiden, Netherlands.
    The refereed proceedings will be published in the Springer LNCS series ( volume #2369 ) and will be provided to participants at registration. For details see Proceedings
    In order to participate you will need to register . Together with your registration you can also book college accommodation. A list of persons preregistered so far is available. We will be able to offer a small amount of travel support to a limited number of PhD students, for details see here
    Financial support for the meeting is provided by the University of Sydney, College of Science and Technology; the Australian Defence Science Technology Organisation; and eSign.

    132. History Of Mathematics: History Of Arithmetic And Number Theory
    A bibliography by D. Joyce.
    History of Arithmetic and Number Theory See also the history of numbers and counting.
    On the Web
    • Cunnington, Susan. The story of arithmetic, a short history of its origin and development. Swan Sonnenschein, London, 1904.
    • Dickson, Leonard Eugene. History of the theory of numbers. Three volumes. Reprints: Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, 1932. Chelsea, New York, 1952, 1966.
    • Fine, Henry Burchard (1858-1928). The number system of algebra treated theoretically and historically.
    • Karpinski, Louis Charles (1878-1956). The history of arithmetic.
    • Number theory and its history. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1948.
    • Weil, Andre. Number theory: an approach through history. Birkhauser, Boston, 1984. Reviewed: Math. Rev.
    Regional mathematics Subjects Books and other resources Chronology ... Home

    133. Manuscripts
    MSs by Peter Roquette.
    Manuscripts by Peter Roquette
    (supported in part by the DFG and the M�llgaard-Stiftung
    for downloading as pdf-file or dvi-file (Last modified: October 23, 2010) to homepage Comments and corrections are welcomed. Contents:
    Oct 3, 2010 Biograpical material concerning Philipp Furtw�ngler. (Version of Oct 23, 2010.) Sep 12 2010 In Memoriam Ernst Steinitz Aug 16, 2010 O n the Arf invariant in historical perspective, Part 2. Mar 19, 2010 Betr. Fotos Emmy Noether. (+ English translation) Oct 21, 2009 Mathematik und Kultur. Sept 22, 2009 On the Arf invariant in historical perspective. June 10, 2008 Emil Artin - Helmut Hasse. Their correspondence 1923 - 1934. (Version of Nov 10, 2008) June 10, 2008 Numbers and models, standard and nonstandard. (Version of Apr 28, 2010) Mar 27, 2008 �ber Wolfgang Wichmann. (Neue Version 18. Apr. 2008.) Jan 22, 2008 Emmy Noether: Die Gutachten. May 15, 2007 Emmy Noether und Hermann Weyl. Mar 31, 2007 Leserbrief an den Herausgeber der "Mitteilungen der DMV". Sep 18, 2006 The Riemann hypothesis in characteristic p, its origin and development. Part 3.

    134. Math 259: Introduction To Analytic Number Theory (Spring 1998)
    Lecture Notes by Noam Elkies, Harvard, 1998.
    Lecture notes for Math 259: Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (Spring 1998) If you find a mistake, omission, etc., please let me know by e-mail. The orange ball marks our current location in the course. For an explanation of the background pattern, skip ahead to the end of the page. and : administrivia and philosophy/examples : Elementary methods I: variations on Euclid : Elementary methods II: The Euler product for s>1 and consequences : Dirichlet characters and L-series; Dirichlet's theorem modulo the non-vanishing of L-series at s=1 click here For Erdos' simplification of Cebysev's proof of the "Bertrand Postulate": there exists a prime between x and 2x for all x>1. Adapted from Hardy and Wright, pages 343-344. : Functions of finite order: Hadamard's product formula and its logarithmic derivative : Conclusion of the proof of the Prime Number Theorem with error bound; some consequences and equivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis. Here's a bibliography

    By Clark Kimberling. Offers prizes for solutions of some problems in number theory.
    Unsolved Problems and Rewards
    Stated below are a few challenging problems. If you are first to publish a solution, let me know, and collect your reward! Or, if you find a short solution and you are quite sure it is correct and complete, send it to If accepted, your proof will be published on this site - see, for example, Problem 8.
    1. The Kolakoski Sequence: 122112122122112112212112122...
    This sequence is is identical to its own runlength sequence. Reward: $200.00 for publishing a solution of any one of the five problems stated in Integer Sequences and Arrays. The sequence originates in William Kolakoski , "Self generating runs, Problem 5304," American Mathematical Monthly 72 (1965) 674. For a proof that the Kolakoski sequence is not periodic, see the same Monthly See also Kolakoski Sequence at MathWorld
    2. A Sequence
    Is every positive integer a term of this sequence: Reward: $300.00. To generate the sequence, visit Kimberling Sequence at MathWorld and Generator For a discussion and variant of the problem, see Richard K. Guy

    136. Suggested Readings In Algorithmic Number Theory
    Provided by the organizers of the MSRI Fall 2000 research program.

    137. Future Directions In Algorithmic Number Theory
    Some of the conjectures and open problems motivated by the PRIMES is in P papers, compiled at the AIM.
    Future directions in algorithmic number theory
    This web page highlights some of the conjectures and open problems concerning Future directions in algorithmic number theory. If you would like to print a hard copy of the whole outline, you can download a dvi postscript or pdf version.
  • Lecture Notes Agrawal: Primality Testing Agrawal: Finding Quadratic Nonresidues Bernstein: Proving Primality After Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena ... Remarks on Agrawal's Conjecture
  • 138. Basics Of Computational Number Theory
    Notes and Javascript illustrations by Robert Campbell.

    139. Computational Number Theory
    Lecture notes by Robert Campbell, December 1997.
    Computational Number Theory
    Robert Campbell
    This is a short collection of documents which provides an introduction to computational number theory. The first text provides a simple gloss of the subject, emphasizing results at the expense of theory, what instead of why. The second text will cover the same topic in greater depth and then will continue on to cover more topics.
  • Basic Introduction Intermediate Appendices
  • Programming Notes References Glossary
  • Robert Campbell Last modified: Dec 27, 1997

    140. Gregory A. Freiman's Home Page
    Tel Aviv University. Inverse additive number theory. Papres, preprints, resources.
    Gregory A. Freiman
    The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Faculty of Exact Sciences
    School of Mathematical Sciences
    Tel Aviv University
    Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 69978
    +972-3-6408034 (office phone)
    +972-3-6409357 (department fax)
    +972-77-6260901 (home phone from outside Israel) Email:
    Research Interests
    • Inverse Additive Number Theory
    Results and Problems
    Everyone interested to discuss topics in Inverse Additive Number Theory (other names for this direction: Structure Theory of Set Addition, Additive Combinatorics) or to take part in a joint work on the theme is invited to write: or to phone: (home).
    List of Publications
    Recent Papers

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